Such a scene opened the eyes of all the viewers.

Never seen it!

Don’t say the audience hasn’t seen it.

I am afraid that he is the person with the longest life span in the world, the person who has witnessed the most stories, and is even in the memory bank of [Memory] and the database of [Intellect].

There is no such record

"With such a group of Star Gods gathering together, what kind of people are they trying to recruit?"

March 7 can't imagine it.

Being jointly recruited by so many Star Gods, who is this interviewer like?

Can he have such a big reputation?

In the video, after introducing the directly recruited Star Gods, Jimi's shot also gradually began to change


"Here are the female guests for this issue"


"Make your debut!"

As the exciting background music played, Xing's figure appeared in the camera.

At this moment, she was very involved in stroking the cat.

She didn't notice at all that the camera was on her body.

Jimi felt a little embarrassed for a moment



"Come and introduce yourself."

Hearing this,

Xing, who had curly hair for some reason and was extremely unconventional, finally turned his head and looked at the camera with an expressionless face.


Jimi was stunned.

What the hell? I asked you to introduce yourself, but I didn't ask you to say the word"self" again!

However, in order for the program to continue,

Jimi still had the patience to remind Xing Xing.

"A little longer."

Xing still had no expression on his face.

He replied again.

"A little longer."

On the train

, after seeing the curly-haired Xing, March couldn't help but smile.

Before that, he had already guessed many people's names.


The only one he didn't expect was Xing!

"This person who was jointly interviewed and recruited by ten star gods is actually you?"

"you are not...."

"Is there a destiny?"

March 7 was a little puzzled.

Xing is a pioneer, so what else is there to interview for?

Of course it's to join Akivelli's company........What a destiny!

Is it possible?

Star wants to change jobs? but.

So many star gods came to interview her when she wanted to change jobs.

How can you be so virtuous?!

Are you so proud?

Can it be robbed by so many star gods?

And look at the stars.

Do you still like to ignore answers?

Very aloof?

Sitting not far away is the Star God!

If it were the Duke of Hellfire, he would have rushed over to kneel down and lick Nanook, right?

Can star.

But so arrogant and unruly?!

"It seems that it is still as raw and abstract as ever......But why do you want to have curly hair?"

The star in the video is a little different from the star everyone knows.

The gray curly hair shows his arrogant and unruly non-mainstream personality.

No matter who you are, get off the star and get down from me!

Of course!"

One thing has not changed.

That is Xing Na, who has an amazing brain circuit.

When I ask you to introduce yourself, I don’t ask you to introduce the two words"self"!

I ask you to say it longer, and I don’t ask you to say the three words"longer" Words!

So, sometimes it really makes people doubtful.

What is in Xing’s mind?

Sometimes, we can indeed see the difference between her and ordinary people.

Could it be that Silver Wolf was revising the Are there any unrepaired BUGs left in Xing's memory?!

In the video

, after seeing Xing's indifferent performance, Jimi could only laugh dryly.

The show is awkward here.


The Star God has invited Here we are, the show has started.

It can’t end like this.


"The guests this time are quite talkative, ahem.....Next, the director will cut a VCR"

"Please look at the big screen."

Jimi is indeed a professional host. His ability to adapt to the situation is quite excellent.

And when his voice fell, the somewhat cute Blade in the background also pressed the remote control in his hand.

On the screen, he started to play a paragraph similar to advertising video

【"First impression of job search."】

【"Passionate about charity!"]

In the picture, Ye Xing emerged from the trash can. His body was covered with garbage, but he was still smiling. He held up two bags containing something and shouted at the camera.——

"Found it!"

【"Love life!"]

Xing was lying among the garbage, holding a wine bottle in one hand and a trash can in the other.

He was sleeping soundly and enjoying himself


【""Family Harmony"]

On the train, Blade was holding Danheng and beating him violently, Walter was cursing at Himeko, and Hoshi was hiding in the trash can and sleeping very comfortably.

【""Happy to help others"]

Bello Berg.

Xing held a baseball bat with an arrogant face and looked at Hook in front of him with threatening eyes.

"Tell me, how much will you pay for this mission?"


The extremely excited Xing was dancing and shouting at the same time

"Finally shipped!"

The screen returned to the show venue at this time, and Jimi was wiping sweat nervously.

Obviously, the development of the show did not seem to be under his control.

"I believe all Star Gods have already had a preliminary understanding of the excellent qualities of the Trail Blazers."

"Next is......."

Jimi's words haven't finished yet.

Aha has turned on the light for the Trail Blazers.

It seems.

He was very satisfied with the star.

I very much look forward to the other party joining me in my destiny.

"The Happy Star God is on fire?!"

"He firmly chose the pioneers!"


Aha continued to press the light. As it flickered on and off, the brightness of the show was comparable to that of some bars, but Aha's hand speed became faster and faster. He did not stop at all. mean


"That's not how lights are used."

Seeing that the scene was about to fall into chaos, fortunately, the blade appeared immediately. He locked Aha's button with a glass cover, preventing him from frantically photographing the lights.

Seeing that there was no light to shoot.

After looking around for a while, Aha did not hesitate. She clapped her hand towards Akivelli's lamp.

St. Freya

Such an outrageous scene made the expressions of Theresa and others become very wonderful.

What is this?...

The ultimate prank scene?!

Jimi, how much did you charge Xing?

That promotional video just released.

Is there one piece of positive publicity?

Trashcan digging, alcoholism, domestic violence, bullying of children, emotional instability.


Jimi actually called it that.

Passionate about public welfare.

Love life.

Family harmony.

Be helpful.


"Really, excellent quality!"

Ji Zi shook her head helplessly.

Jimi, how on earth did you say these four words without blushing and without a beating heart? Are you sure.

Isn't this some kind of planet that brings evil people?!

She is suitable to join the Annihilation Gang!

That's it. Guy, let alone applying for a big company, I’m afraid it’s impossible even to apply for a front desk job at a convenience store on the street, right?

However, such a guy actually became a pioneer of trains?

It’s very imaginable.

What is a train? What kind of group of people?

But then again, it’s not easy for one person to gather so many bad qualities.

Scum Holy Body?!


Even so.

Actually, there is a star god as a star blaster?

"Aha, what do you think?"

"Does she want such a person?"

It's hard for Theresa to understand.

Convenience stores don't like people, but Aha can.

I can only say.

As expected of Aha, this matter is indeed in line with His character, not only shining a light on the evil star , and it also exploded the lamp, and he looked like he would not stop until the lamp was smashed!

"You don't realize it." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is this a lot of fun?"

You know.

At the beginning, Aha gave a group of people who believed in sorrow and were hostile to joy the power of joy.

He could do this kind of thing.

Accept the star.

In fact, it is still acceptable!

After all.

This is An ultimate fun person, everything is for fun.

On the train,

March 7 and others were also shocked by Aha's behavior.

They never expected that Aha would be so excited about the star?

And still.

So crazy. Exploding lights?

I don’t know[]

Did you think you saw something like a piece of jade? and.

You just have to take pictures of yourself.

Why are you reaching for Akivelli's lamp?

This makes people suspicious.

Are you doing it for the starburst lights, or do you just think it’s fun to take photos of the lights?

"In fact, from a happy point of view, Xing is indeed a very good fun-loving person."

Walter couldn't help but think of those shocking speeches and incomprehensible actions of Xing at certain times. Such a person. Fortunately, he joined the pioneer. If he joins the joy ,

....... hard to imagine.

What evil would he do?

In the video, after calming down everything just now, the cold sweat on Jimi's forehead could not stop spreading.

He even put on that black top hat. but.

The program still needs to be downloaded


"Please tell me about the advantages of your company."

At the same time, the star behind him was like a normal person.

He was strolling here and looking there.

He even pulled out a few of Jimi's feathers out of curiosity and looked at them.

But Jimi didn't pay attention at all.


The first one introduced is the Void Star God.

His tone was very tired and exhausted, and everything in front of him could not arouse the slightest interest in Him.

"Turn off the lights"

"It's time to get off work."

As he said that, he put out his own lamp.

Turned around and left.

Prepare to find a place without people and sleep for hundreds of millions of years.


"Marshal Hei chose to turn off the lights, please ask the director team to pay him an appearance fee."

Fire Chasing Moth

Pado nodded in agreement. This is quite in line with the definition of the void star god.

Nothing is meaningless.

Nothing is valuable.

Find a place without people in the universe and stay there for billions of years. time until the complete destruction and demise of the universe


"A bit envious of nothingness."

Before, the life path that Pado liked was happiness. After all, the creed of living for happiness suits her.

But now,

I suddenly feel that nothingness is not bad.

Of course!

What Pado likes is the kind that has nothing to do with herself. Cozy

"Is the void leaving now?"


"Appearance fee?!"

Weil Wei was somewhat surprised.

This show is sponsored by Interstellar Peace Company. Although he knows that they are very rich and are the largest economy in the universe.

However, no matter how rich they are, they can't invite the Star God, right?

Star God's appearance fee......

How much?!

In the video

, after the void turned off the lights, the camera directly skipped the joy and focused on the next star god.

Pioneering, Akivelli!

Compared to nothingness.

Akivelli’s introduction is more like that of normal people.

"Renew my contract"

"Give you a new car."


Aha on the side suddenly came over and made trouble loudly.


"Accident refurbished car."

But Akivelli ignored him at all and continued to introduce his treatment and advantages.

"Also equipped with the new PAM"

"Enthusiastic at the same time"

"Coffee buffet"

"never work"

"High performance bonuses and flexible work system."


At this time, Aha once again opened his mouth to make trouble.


"We are dispatched around the clock, and our wages are all covered by work-related injury insurance."

After being dismantled in this way,

Akivelli immediately turned red and made a whistle that represented anger.

The star not far away nodded in agreement.


On the train

"Pioneer Star God Akivili......Is that so?"

Ji Zi was a bit dumbfounded at this moment.

Although, everyone has always known that Akivili is the only one among all the Star Gods who can coexist with mortals.

But that's not the case. Is he so down-to-earth?

Is this the Star God's direct recruitment?


No matter how you look at it, it looks like it’s someone from a certain company (Hello, King Zhao)?!

But the Star God.

There are countless people who want to join your destiny.


But you put so many conditions on others to join your destiny?

"Suddenly, I felt that the majesty of the Star God was gone."

March 7 shook his head helplessly.

The dignified pioneering star god.

He personally went out, proposed the treatment, and recruited the pioneers.

It is really disappointing.

It is a bit hard to accept!


It’s time to say it or not.

Akivili's treatment seems good on the surface. certainly.

Only on the surface.

You can ignore this for refurbished cars for the time being. mainly.

We are dispatched around the clock, and our wages are all covered by work-related injury insurance.

This is really unbearable. and

"I think Aha, it makes sense?"

Xing said thoughtfully.

After all, the journey of pioneering is indeed like this, it is undoubtedly a high-risk job.

When you get off the bus, you have to get off the bus to perform the task, and after getting off the bus, you have to face being beaten, beaten, and chased. There are many dangers such as being killed, being wanted, being arrested, etc.

If Kaifeng really has wages, then.

Among them, work-related injury insurance does account for a large part.

"It doesn't matter"

"At least there's free self-service coffee, right?"

March 7 looked at Xing meaningfully.

However, when he heard the words"self-service coffee", Xing shook his head without hesitation and refused.

Because the so-called self-service coffee is completely brewed by Ji Zi herself. It

's not an exaggeration.

Xing couldn't accept the taste at all.

Even a mature and steady senior like Walter didn't dare to take a sip easily.

The last time he saw such a terrible drink......

Teresa's bitter melon juice.

And Himeko’s coffee is simply as good as Theresa’s bitter melon juice!

Such benefits.

It’s okay not to!

This kind of company, this kind of destiny.

It’s okay if you don’t come!.

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