The video soon started playing, and the first thing that caught the eye was the seemingly desolate and lifeless fourth planet in the universe.

Luo Xing.

At the same time, there was a sound that was somewhat familiar to the audience.

"For example, under this starry sky"

"The world is dead long ago, and civilization is just a bubble."

"But even so, you still have to find your own future, right?"

"it's just a dream"

"but with it.....You can see the end of time and space, which is our Luo star, the world of death and the tomb of civilization."

On that planet, you can't see the sky or the ocean. All you can see is nothing but desolation!

It's as if the entire planet has been destroyed and experienced some kind of disaster.


"For you, the sky and the ocean are the most basic common sense in life"

"However, from a cosmic perspective, the last civilization of this world now called [Mars] by outsiders has also been floating in the quantum sea for too long."

"From Luna to Elysium, to Phoenix Island to Arcadia......."

"Hot Olympus is now cold and silent"

"The magnificent aurora has long since disappeared without a trace"

"all civilizations"

"all life"

"They disappeared in the universe hundreds of millions of years ago, leaving only star points of light curled up between dimensions."


"To you, that was just history a hundred years ago"

"Time bifurcates forever, heading towards countless futures"

"And after a long period of dislocation......"

"You finally appeared in this dream and woke me up."

Saint Freya


"This seems a little different from what I imagined!"

Kiana's expression was a little confused.

Because according to her opinion, the strange name Dream Seeker may come from the protagonist in a new story, just like the star of the Pioneer.

However, after reading this After a while, it seemed... that was not the case.

Because there seemed to be some familiar points in this video.

"Luo Xing?"

"I always feel like I have heard this title somewhere."

Kiana couldn't imagine exactly where this name had appeared for a while. Until Mei Yi beside her reminded her softly.

"The unfinished cocoon!"

Once upon a time.

Kiana once met a girl from Mars in a dream, and learned from her that her hometown Luo Xing had also experienced the baptism of collapse.

However, it was not like the earth.

Embrace Honkai.

End Honkai.

Rather, it is a complete failure! So much so that everything is destroyed in it. If you distinguish it carefully, you can actually hear it.

In the video, the voice that keeps talking seems to come from.

The original.The unknotted cocoon!

"I remembered, it was the woman who looked a bit like Alicia......Want to ask me for help."

After Mei's reminder,

Kiana suddenly remembered.

The woman who came from Mars but couldn't afford any compensation asked for help.

Help Mars rebuild the opportunity.

"In this case, the name Dream Seeker doesn't seem so unfamiliar."

Fu Hua spoke softly.

If everything in front of him can be traced back to the [Unknotted Cocoon].


She did mention Dream Seeker

【"The ultimate goal of dream seekers is to discover these people who share dreams with each other and understand them as thoroughly as possible"】 once Upon a time.

The audience also admires this group of dream seekers.

Think of it as someone like Stealing Dreams, but they do different things.

But now it seems.

The so-called dream seekers are actually similar to stars.

It takes place in a new story.


"The picture we see now is in a dream......It seems to be introducing the disappearance and death of Mars"

"It turns out~"

"Once upon a time, Mars also had the sky and the sea!"

Theresa's tone was quite emotional.

After all, from her description, we can know that once upon a time Mars was just like the earth.

But now, it is desolate, cold, and without any life. Is all this because of the collapse? ?

For a moment!

The audience couldn't help but feel lucky for the earth.

If it weren't for people like Kiana, Kevin, Alicia, and Mei who kept working hard and finally succeeded in creating miracles, what would be the fate of the earth in the end ?...... is also like this!

Everything will be destroyed in the disaster. at last.

All that is left is the past that people use to talk about.

In the video, a girl who seems to have just been talking to the voice appears in the camera.


"This is exactly what it is."

In front of her eyes was a colorful vortex emitting brilliant light, like some kind of door.

That voice.

At this moment, it sounded again.

"In the deepest part of the dream, we will establish a contract to save civilization"

"bring it on"

"I'm right in front of you."

The girl followed the voice and reached out her hand towards the gorgeous whirlpool.

The next moment, with the dazzling light, everything in front of her suddenly turned into a pure white world.

When everything returned to calm, the world around her had changed.

It was under the starry sky.

There were pieces of purple unknown debris floating above, and not far away.....A figure seemed to be waiting for the girl.

That's exactly it.

Kiana had seen it in a dream some time ago.

Unknotted cocoon

"Hello, dreaming human being."

The unknotted cocoon faced the girl and bowed slightly politely.

"Although our time is not synchronized"

"But, no matter what....I have indeed been waiting for you."

And the girl.

It seems she still hasn't figured out what's going on.

"wait for me? Why?"

"Who are you and what am I going through?"

The girl who didn't know why asked a series of questions to the unknotted cocoon.

However, the unknotted cocoon did not give an accurate answer.


"All truths need to be conveyed through [rituals] and [contracts]"


"Would you like to dance with me?"

She stretched out her hand to the girl.

Faced with this unknown situation, unknown person, and this inexplicable invitation, the girl hesitated briefly.

But in the end

, she still held the hand of the unknotted cocoon.

See This scene.

The unknotted cocoon chuckled.

"Well, you have to keep up."

Under the starry sky.

The girls began to dance gracefully.

Their dance was graceful, full of agility and vitality. Every movement and every dance step looked extremely beautiful against the starlight.

And during this period.The so-called ritual and contract seem to have been reached.

Fire Chasing Moth

"Wow, it doesn’t matter if it’s a dance or a person.....They are all so beautiful!"

After seeing the scene in the video, Padu gave a very high evaluation.

I have to say that the dance in front of her simply jumped into her heart.

However, for some reason, she always felt that this person with red A woman with orange hair.

She seems similar to Ellie.


A certain look in her eyes at that moment.

Just like the first time we met!

Is this because they are also related to Siwon?


"Moreover, the consciousness of signing a contract in this way is really romantic!"

Ellie couldn't help but feel yearning.

Sure enough. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even the way the beautiful girl signed the contract was so unique and so beautiful.

She couldn't help but think.

If in the future.

You need to reach the original ending by yourself and use your own life to create an opportunity for future generations.


Ellie wants to dance under the stars.

In the most beautiful way.

Say goodbye to her own life.

Just thinking about it, It's very romantic!

However, there is one thing that makes the heroes a little curious.

That is, what is the contract signed in such a special and beautiful way?

"Is it possible....."

"Is it some kind of bond like always being together?"[]

Ellie's eyes sparkled with the light that belonged only to the lesbian leader.

Like seeing something.

Something serious!

In the video, when the song ends, the woman known as the Unknotted Cocoon walks up to the girl with a smile.


"In this way, most of the work is completed." But the girl is still confused about this. She has no idea what happened. How did she appear here? Who is the woman in front of her? What is the contract just now? There are too many things in her heart Too many questions need to be answered

"So, what is the contract?....." she wondered.

He asked the first question towards the unknotted cocoon in front of him.

The unknotted cocoon smiled softly. stretched out finger

"Of course, to save the world!"

"acrossEach other’s inherent time, your dream has entered my dream. Before you, no one has ever arrived here, and after you, no one can meet me anymore."

"Your reverberation from the world"

"Coming from the other side where time is frozen, it is a destined encounter in my life"

"The only echo on this planet"

"You are a resident of the world bubble"

"Beyond your only home, lingering in a corner of the quantum sea, is the ever-changing [Sea of ​​Data].】"

"This makes everything you are extremely familiar with only exist as the reflection of the planet."

Speaking of this,

Unknotted Cocoon's expression was a little downcast.

It seemed that she was feeling sad.

But soon, the smile filled her face again.

"But don't worry"

"`I will give you everything, my dreams, my future.....and hope"

"At the end of this contract, you will save the world"

"And thus, save every soul."

After hearing these words, the girl couldn't help but fell silent.

Because for her who couldn't understand the situation at all, the amount of information was indeed a bit large.

Soon, she turned her eyes to the unknotted cocoon. on the body

"But, I don't know your name yet"


"My name is [Xinadia], which means [Light of Faith]."

Xinadia's body began to emit little white lights.

Saint Freya

"Xinadia? It turns out that her name is this."

Kiana secretly wrote down the name.

Originally, she thought that this woman was called Unknotted Cocoon.

After all

, that was how she introduced her to herself at the beginning.

But why didn't she tell herself this name?

Could it be that these two are not the same person?

Or is it because the Herrscher and the Herrscher have to call each other by nicknames?

Xinadia calls herself Zhan Yan.

And he calls her The unfinished cocoon

"It's reasonable, after all, just like Kiana in the future, strangers may call her the Herrscher of the End, or the God of the Earth or something."

"But those of us who are close to her call her"

"It's Kiana."

Mei Yi's eyes fell on Xinadia. She didn't know why.

She had never felt that this woman was very unusual. She had previously communicated with the God of Earth through dreams, and the purpose seemed to be to allow the Earth to assist Mars.

Now. She also signed a contract with this dream seeker in her dream.

So, what kind of role does she play in this story?



But whether it is a guide or a guardian, both are for the seeker. As for the dreamer, as she said, when the contract is reached, she will hand everything over to her.

Dreams, hopes, and the future are destined encounters in life ?

"How does this sound like a confession?"

Theresa looked thoughtful.

Judging from the conversation between the two, it should be the first time they met.


A meeting.

Just signed some contract, and then handed over everything to deal with him.

Is there some? too weird?

Could it be that Xinadia has seen that Dream Seeker is the destined one?

Is it possible that in the Star Core Hunter script, Xing is the only candidate to reach a happy ending?

It seems. between the two.

What is there, connectivity.

On the train,

March 7 and others were also curious about Xinadia's words and actions. but.

Compared to Xinadia.

The identity of this dream seeker seems to be more worthy of curiosity.

"From a corner of the quantum sea, the sea of ​​data?"

March 7 was a little confused.

The Quantum Sea knew what it was, but the Data Sea......

But it was the first time I heard it.

Is it somewhere in the quantum sea?


Echoes from the world, what does this mean?

"I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all! March

7th shook his head.

Although Xinadia has just appeared, she can already be defined as the Riddler in this story.

After all, in her words, the only information that can be learned is ——The

Dream Seeker comes from the Quantum Sea, and is destined to save the world, which is the Luo Star that was destroyed by Honkai.

Quantum Sea.... save the world.....

"Why does it sound like you miss the captain so much?"

In the hearts of several people, the wise deck cleaner who can do the air splits appeared unexpectedly.

Captain, stop pretending.

Is that you?!.

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