At this moment, the audience fell into silence, really shocked by the scenes in the video.

Although I am mentally prepared.


When I saw Silver Wolf wearing Heita's clothes with his own eyes, his face was full of shyness.

Still can't help but be shocked

"Don't say....."

"It’s quite pretty!"

Theresa gave an evaluation.

As mentioned before, Silver Wolf's figure is similar to Heita's, and there is no sense of violation when wearing Heita's clothes.

It's just this behavior.

Plus that coquettishness The expression is really a bit strange!

If you are pursuing excitement, then you will follow through to the end?

Isn’t it a bit perverted?!

Is this cosplaying the Dark Tower?

"But no matter what, Silver Wolf has done what he said."

This story tells everyone a truth.

When forming a team, you must find out in advance what level your teammates are. Don't just pull someone to form a team!

Otherwise, you may end up with the Silver Wolf in the video. One end.

Of course!

Other than that, don’t set flags randomly!

"But then again, what ad did Kafka watch just now?"

Kiana suddenly remembered the advertisement that Kafka was watching before seeing the Silver Wolf. She vaguely remembered it.

It seemed to be a sales advertisement for a Star Destroyer.

"They sell Star Destroyers."

Thinking of this,

Theresa couldn't help but laugh, because that advertisement was a bit outrageous.

No money?

If you don't have money, borrow money to buy it!

How will you pay it back later?

What a joke.

You already own a Star Destroyer Ship, are you still thinking about how to repay the money? Don't say it.

It really makes some sense!???????

Why should I pay back the money I borrowed based on my ability?!

Before borrowing money:"Yes"

After borrowing money:"I won't say a word until my Star Destroyer comes over."

Such an affordable thing——

"Up the link!"

Kiana was very excited. If she really had a Star Destroyer, wouldn't it be?

She could also be the captain.

After opening the......


【Zhibao reminds you 01, beware of scams! 】

The new video quickly caught the attention of the audience, and everyone was already very familiar with the name Zhibao.

The grown-up Herrscher.

Quantum Sea——

"Beware of scams?"

When she saw this title, Xi'er glanced at Xiao Shi with disdain.

That expression seemed to say.

You still remind everyone to beware of scams?


Aren't you the biggest scammer yourself?

Xi'er knows it. I remember.

In the previous video of the Doll Academy, the cute dolls were traveling and Xiaoshi used his power to defraud all the money in his pocket.

He is the Lawyer who has the power to defraud humanity instead of destroying it. Woolen cloth!


"What do you know?"

"Those are all prank videos, and I have never done anything deceptive."

Xiao Shi crossed her arms. She was quite confident with this sentence. After all, from birth to today, although she has the power to deceive everyone, she has never deceived anyone. On the contrary! She I have been deceived and tricked. So


After all, she is indeed qualified to remind everyone to guard against fraud.

Some immortals.

He looks peaceful and very kind.


Tell lies without blinking an eye!

That sincere look was more real than what Xiaoshi could simulate with his power.

The video soon started playing.

The first thing that catches your eye.

It's a familiar face.

Bronya and Fu Hua were fighting fiercely with the Thousand Herrschers, but because the Thousand Herrschers had kidnapped hostages, they were unable to make a serious move.

This goes on.

The situation, for Fu Hua and the others.

All extremely disadvantageous!

Can't sit still and wait for death

"Bronya, I will cut off their connection with the host."

Fu Hua made a prompt decision and proposed a solution.

"Cut off contact, what to do?"

"I had cut off Siren's connection with the Honkai Will in the second Honkai Impact, and the principle was similar."

Fu Hua pushed up her glasses, not knowing how sure she was.

"However, you no longer have Yu Duchen."

Bronya was a little worried.

After all, during the second Honkai Impact,

Fu Hua relied on burning Yudu Chen to cut off the connection between Sirin and Honkai Will.

But now,

Fu Hua has lost Yu. Duchen

"That's right, I can no longer do it with my own strength, so I must use the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness"

"The Lawyer of Knowledge?"

Hearing this,

Bronya realized something

"But this is dangerous....."

"I know, but I have to try."

Fu Hua closed her eyes and fell into the depths of consciousness.

There she could contact the people who had used her body, and she could also feel the heavy shackles. The

Herrscher of Knowledge!

As always.

The chains were not deep enough. The other end of the bottomless darkness leads to an unknown corner, and the person standing there still refuses to move even a little bit. After seeing this,

St. Freya

, Theresa and others seemed a little confused.

"what's the situation?"

"Where did this herrist come from?"

Kiana was confused.

Thousand Herrscher?

A very strange name!

When did this happen?

Fu Hua, on the other hand, had already recognized enemies who appeared in the future and in the past.

"Thousands of Herrschers, also known as Dominant Herrschers...."

"A very troublesome enemy."

In previous civilizations, the heroes had faced this Herrscher.

Due to its large number, organized and planned nature, this gave the heroes who were used to being in a single Herrscher quite a headache.

But fortunately.

In the end, he was eliminated by Kevin and Dr. Mei.

The core of the Herrscher was also made into the Key of God.

And the emergence of modern civilization is not that surprising!

"I see, what you say is indeed a troublesome lawyer."

"So much so that the monitor asked Xiao Shi for help."

Kiana nodded.

But soon, she felt a little puzzled again.

Why is the Herrscher of Knowledge in Fu Hua's consciousness, and it seems to be imprisoned here.

What is going on?

"It seems that many unimaginable things happened between Fu Hua and the Herrscher of Knowledge!"

To this day, the audience cannot know.

What is the real relationship between Xiaoshi and Fu Hua.

But judging from various signs and clues, it is mother and daughter! When the Quantum Sea saw this scene, Xiaoshi's Her expression became visibly unhappy.

Because she recognized the place in front of her.

What story happened?

"Damn old antique!"


Thinking of remembering something bad, Xiaoshi suddenly burst into foul language.

Xi'er who was watching on the side was very interested. She was also very impressed with this battle. However, it was about how Fu Hua obtained power. , but it is unknown. Now it seems that it is not a conventional method.

......(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the video

"Listen to me, if you can hear me."

Fu Hua whispered deep into the chain. She didn't know where the sound would go.

But a response came.

"Is this going to kill two birds with one stone, or kill two birds with one stone?"

In the face of these sarcastic and sarcastic remarks,

Fu Hua has no mood swings


The Lawyer of Knowledge sees this.

Keep talking、

"I understand, you must have become one of the wooden people, right? I think so, your failed life can easily be crushed by them."

Her words were very sharp.

Almost every sentence was directed at the fragile place deep in Fu Hua's heart.[]


The psychological quality of immortals is different from ordinary people.

Even if you are experiencing past failures, you can bear it.

What's more, a few insults to her?

"I didn't become one of them"

"They are now threatening the lives of innocent people, and I need your help."

Hearing this, the Herrscher of Knowledge immediately shouted to Fu Hua

"You said you haven’t changed yet?"

"You haven't changed yet and you lied to me and gave up my power to others?"

Xiao Shi is very clear about the characteristics of the enemies outside.

Fu Hua uses his own power.


He gives it to others!

However, Fu Hua doesn't think so.

"No, this is not a surrender. As long as we can defeat them, our power will not be taken away."

Fu Hua thought for a while and emphasized again.

"We will prevail." Xiao Shi also agreed with this.

"Yeah, okay, I applaud you for your future victories!"

But the conversation changed.


"What does this have to do with me?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge's attitude is obviously that he doesn't want to lend his power to Fu Hua.

"Kiana needs you."

This sentence touched the Herrscher of Knowledge, but everything in the past still made her ask

"Doesn't she want the squad leader?"

"I need you too."

Hearing these words, the Herrscher of Knowledge's resistance was obviously reduced by a large part.

Fu Hua could even sense it.

The chain in his consciousness was relieved a little.

St. Freya

Kiana looked at it in disbelief. Looking at Fu Hua, it was hard for her to imagine that these words actually came from the mouth of the squad leader?

Xiaoshi called Fu Hua"Old Antique".

Cang Xuan called Fu Hua"Elmhead".

Although Qiana always called the squad leader.


She recognized these two titles very much, because they perfectly explained Fu Hua's character and way of doing things.

But - this elm-headed, this old antique

"Monitor, these two sentences are quite emotional!"

Qiana gave Fu Hua a thumbs up.

It's actually not ugly.

Xiaoshi doesn't hate Fu Hua at all. If she really hates her, she will ignore Fu Hua at all.

Or... it's hysterical!

Instead of the current situation of ridicule and sarcasm.

This is not a sign of disgust.

It is.... angry!

"Is this Herrscher of Consciousness still a tsundere?"

Theresa was a little surprised.

The authorities were confused, and the bystanders knew clearly. As the audience, they could clearly see that every time Fu Hua coaxes Xiao Shi, her tone becomes a little weaker.

A child is a child.

How can a daughter and her mother be different? What kind of overnight feud?

However, this is also related to Xiaoshi’s character.

He seems to be strong, but in fact, he is extremely simple!

"In fact, Fu Hua is still almost interested. If it were Cecilia,......"

Theresa couldn't help but think of what happened during the second collapse.

If you take the current Fu Hua.

Replaced with Cecilia.

No exaggeration.

Just that motherly light is enough to take down this arrogant Herrscher who is just like Sirin!

But an old antique is an old antique after all.

I can coax you with a few words.

Already good. only.

There is one thing that makes Kiana a little confused. She just coaxes the child.


Are you still using yourself as an excuse?

Could it be.

I also discovered something happened with Xiaoshi?

The effect of Fu Hua's two sentences in the video is very significant.

Keep talking

"I understand that Kiana once denied you, but after getting along with her for that period of time, you also understand that she is not a bad person.

"She denies that you are Fu Hua, not because she hates you"

"On the contrary, we all think that you are an independent person, a unique soul. You have your own thinking, your own persistence, and the persistence to carry out this persistence."

"You don’t have to worry about who you are because you decide what you want to be"

"I've always wanted to say this to you"

"Kiana, and I, all hope you can come back."

Fu Hua's words are sincere and sincere.

They are often a surefire move.

What is said above is basically a special medicine for Xiao Shi's heart knot.

After a period of silence,

Fu Hua can clearly feel that Xiao Shi's My mood has improved a lot. I am no longer so resistant to myself. But I still didn’t agree to the slippers.

"Huh, you seem to be a little better at chatting than other stupid people."

"However, in the final analysis, this is a trap created by yourselves. Whoever caused the trouble will be the one to solve it. If you have the ability, you can defeat them yourself."

Although the attitude of the Herrscher of Knowledge was a little relaxed, he did not give Fu Hua an accurate answer.

After all, this is tsundere!

Besides, what Kiana and Fu Hua did to Xiao Shi before was indeed a bit... It's too much.

She is still a child!

She was so angry that she almost shed tears.

But after hearing this,

Fu Hua fell into silence.

She had said everything she could.

But the reality did not allow her to hesitate any longer.

There can be no further delay.

The battle outside is at a tense stage.


Fu Hua gritted his teeth and made up his mind.


Seeing the moment when the Herrscher of Knowledge relaxed,

Fu Hua stretched out her hand and pulled the iron chain with great strength.

The power poured out instantly.

Although she was a little sorry, due to the urgency of the situation, she also No time to care

"Old antique!"


Before the Herrscher of Knowledge started to scream, Fu Hua had already disappeared with power.

Even communications have disappeared.

Powerful power poured into Fu Hua's body.

When she faced those dolls again, she no longer had any fear in her heart.

And video.

At this moment, it came to an abrupt end!

Saint Freya

At this moment, everyone was looking at Fu Hua with an extremely strange expression.

What a waste!

Is there anyone more disdainful than you?

Can't you tell that her tone has weakened?

Why did you take action?!


Isn't that a scam?

How did you change it to Ming robbed it?!

"Monitor, I didn’t expect you to be such a person?".

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