St. Freya

Just the beginning made the audience sigh with emotion at the attack power of a mature woman from Rita.

Literally all the time.

All exuded.


"In this comparison, I suddenly feel that Stargazing and Moonlight are too weak."

Kiana is even a little worried about the captain. Can she really withstand the attack from Rita?

After all,

Rita is different from Guanxing and Yuexia.

Guanxing and Yuexia express their love for the captain. way, although sometimes very straightforward......However, it is by no means so strong. because.

This kind of teasing skill is definitely not possessed by Yuexia and Stargazing.

Even Himeko.

There is no such thing, a skill package!

"Captain, it's dangerous......."

Theresa knew it.

The captain's situation at the moment.

Very troublesome!

Neither Yuexia nor Stargazing is around, so maybe Rita will trigger some special skills.

And this way.

Captain, danger - in the video, faced with Rita's flirtatious teasing, the captain waved his hand helplessly.

"Just don't make fun of me."

While talking

, he was swinging the heavy ingredients.

"A box of ingredients!"

The captain was panting and helped Rita move all the ingredients.

And Rita was very considerate at this moment and handed the captain a glass of water.

"Thank you for your hard work, Captain.~"

"Come and have a glass of water!"

The captain took the water from Rita.

The morning sunlight passed through the window and fell on the various boxes.

He drank the water in the glass in one gulp.

The captain cast curious eyes on Rita.

"Rita, can you handle so many ingredients by yourself?"

In response,

Rita raised a smile

"If you just deal with the ingredients, there should be no problem. However, if the captain wants to help, the banquet happens to be short of a waiter."

And the captain, who has the same excellent qualities as Xing and is willing to help others, will naturally not refuse.

Rita's request

"Okay, I'm here now, so I'll just serve as a waiter."

After all.

Once upon a time, he was an excellent overtime cleaner, waiter, etc.

Of course he can do it easily.


The captain nodded and agreed without thinking.

"Well, Captain, in that case......"

Rita covered her mouth and walked into the spotlessly clean bar. She leaned over and pulled out an exquisite and elegant dress from the neatly folded napkins...

"Captain, are you satisfied with this outfit~"

She handed the dress to the captain and asked.

As she spoke, she shook off the dress, and the black ruffles and white apron unfolded with a"swish".

Captain I looked at it carefully.

No. Something is wrong!

This is not a dress. This style is clearly a dress.......

"Maid outfit?"

In this regard,

Rita's explanation is——

"I heard that this dress has the magic to make all the guests happy~" Seeing this scene on the train

, March 7 couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.


This is the same as the title.

It's a maid outfit! but.....

Didn't the title say that Rita wore this dress? But why should I wear this outfit now that I have become a captain?

"Isn't this right?"

March looked very puzzled.

I have to admit, as Rita said.

Clothes like maid outfits with their own buffs can indeed make the guests very happy.


Not only the guests like to see it.

Even the audience is very happy to see it.

After all,

Sese is the driving force!

The only problem is.......

"What everyone likes is beauty. Girls like Rita wear it, not captains, right?"

The captain is a big man.

Put on a maid uniform and work as a waiter?

Although it is indeed eye-catching, are you sure everyone can still eat?

Of course!

If the captain is also like Otto, can he be regarded as a man walking in China?""Rakshasa Beauty", there is indeed something to behold in a maid uniform.

But obviously.

Not the captain!


"Is this Rita teasing the captain?"

Grandel guessed a possibility.

After all, if it wasn't for bad taste, she really couldn't imagine why Rita would take out such a maid outfit and prepare to put it on the captain.


Rita's character This is indeed the case.

In daily interactions, she would use similar methods to tease Duo Ge.

Many times.

It would make Hollander blush.

She even felt at a loss.


"actually.....It would be quite interesting if the captain wore this outfit."

Rita seemed very interested.

Because, this is indeed something she can do.

From the perspective of bad taste, it is very interesting to let the captain put on a maid uniform and be a waiter for a day..


Captain, will you obey her?

In the video,

Rita is holding the maid uniform, and the captain steps forward.

"Since only when the waiter wears it can the customer be satisfied"


"It would be very rude to refuse at this time."


Seeing the captain retreating continuously, an inexplicable smile appeared on Rita's lips.

After all, service comes first!

The guests are God.

If the guests can be satisfied, the captain will give anything. OK


"Are you kidding me?"

"Why didn't I understand?"

The captain was a little panicked.

Those are obviously clothes that only girls would wear, right?

I am a grown man. A seven-foot tall man.

A hero who has created miracles. You want him to wear these clothes to serve guests? Where is his dignity

? ah?!

"Captain, it's wrong to lie."

"Tonight, please put on your uniform and serve as a waiter to entertain guests~"

Rita stared at the captain. Although her words were extremely soft, the captain couldn't bear to deny it. It was like there was magic. Holding the clothes that were enough to rub the captain's dignity as a man to the ground, he kept approaching the captain.

"Eh eh eh?"

Looking at Rita who is gradually advancing.

The captain has reached the point of no return.

Now before him, there are two choices.


To resist to the death and never surrender to Rita.

And the other.

It is to bear the humiliation.

Faced with these two choices, the captain's faith and dignity are constantly reminding him, as if there is a fire burning in his chest.

He must say those two words.


However - while watching Behind Rita's"gentle" smile, the captain's final choice was to close his eyes and look like he was just letting himself be dealt with. Bear the humiliation and bear the burden! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Captain, don't be nervous, I won't force you."

Rita looked at the captain and chuckled.

Hearing this, the captain couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be a joke, I thought it was going to be real......."

Only then did the captain realize that Rita was just teasing him.


After seeing the captain's performance.

Rita seemed to realize something

"Hey, could it be said......"

"Captain, were you really looking forward to it just now? Then let Rita help you put it on......."

Rita leaned closer with a smile.

This time.

The captain's defenses completely collapsed and he was no longer able to resist.

Quickly escape into the kitchen filled with ingredients[]

"I'll put the drinks and cups on the table first, Li......Rita, I can help you find whatever you need!"

Looking at the captain's hurried look,

Rita couldn't help but raise a satisfied smile.

St. Freya

"Did the captain really plan to change into a maid outfit just now?"

Theresa looked a little surprised.

After all, women's clothing, for a straight man, is an extremely terrible punishment, no less than a kind of torture.

I originally thought that the captain would reject it without hesitation, but since then Judging from his expression, it seems that wearing it is not a problem?

"After all, it was the captain who wanted to wear the maid uniform."

"Or, was Rita taking advantage of her?"

Sure enough.

The captain is still the same captain, and Beng San is the most difficult person to guess his thoughts.


Such a scene had to make the audience feel a little emotional.

As expected of Rita!

The captain couldn't resist the attack from the mature woman for even a moment.

No wonder.

Under the moon, I will be very afraid of Rita.

The only person who can make people surrender and feel a huge sense of threat even with the gentlest smile is Rita. on the train

"Sure enough, the one who really controls the captain is Rita."

At this moment,

March 7th finally saw how powerful this woman was.

You know, when facing the offensives of Stargazer and Yuexia, the captain had already dealt with them and even fought back and flirted with them.

But when he came to Rita.


It doesn’t exist!

"In just a few words, the captain's defenses were completely shattered, and he could only flee hastily."

Such a comparison.

Stargazing and under the moon, in front of Li is just a child playing.

And she is the one who sits firmly in the center and can always control the captain at any time.

However ,....

There is one thing that still makes the audience feel a little pity

"What if the captain really puts on a maid uniform and works as a waiter for a day, and then performs aerial splits to show off his talents to the guests?"

"that picture"


On March 7, this picture couldn't help but come to mind.

It's so beautiful!

It’s hard to look straight at it!

In the video

, the captain and Rita are busy weaving in and out among the laughter and laughter of the guests.

When the sun sets in the west.

Guests say goodbye.

Finally, the day is over

"Ah, I can finally take a break!"

The captain's legs were weak and he collapsed on the soft couch to rest.

"Captain, you must be exhausted."

However, there was no sign of fatigue on Rita's body.

This made the captain a little embarrassed.

"Uh, me...."

The captain was trying to pretend to be calm and collected, but his stomach growled at an inappropriate time.

"I......I was fine, not tired at all."

The captain is pretending to be brave.


Rita can completely understand such a poor performance with just one glance.

"Captain, after a busy day, why not stay a while and have something to eat together?"

"Wait a minute~"

Before the captain could refuse, Rita walked into the kitchen.

Not long after, she was holding a plate of cake and standing in front of me in an unexpected dress.


The captain stared at Rita in front of him, looking extremely surprised.

Because of this moment.

Rita is no longer wearing the usual long dress.


It was before.

I found the maid outfit at the bar.

At this moment, it was already worn by Rita.

The tight-fitting clothing outlines Rita's perfect curves, and this special clothing also adds a magical buff.

See the captain.

Somewhat stunned

"What's the matter, Captain?"

Rita pretended to be confused.

She smiled and asked the captain.


"It seems like I haven't seen you wearing this outfit for a long time."

The captain looked at Rita in surprise.

Hearing this,

Rita's smile became even more meaningful.

"long time......"

"Captain, you really have a good memory."

"In order to thank the captain for his help, this is a special~service~ that is only available today~"

Rita can emphasize.

The four words"special service".

The captain, at this moment, is still in a state of surprise. In the state.

Because he can clearly feel it.

From Rita - obvious, offensive!


"This expression......"

"Could it be that the captain is not satisfied?"

At this moment.

Rita made a disappointed expression.

"Hey, what [Happy Magic】,But they are all lies."

While speaking,

Rita leaned slightly, almost leaning against the captain.

St. Freya

Kiana could hardly move her glasses at this moment!

Sure enough, the title was not deceiving. It really was. Bonus?

Rita wears a maid outfit. Is there any better time to match it than this?



"Special service? Please elaborate on this!"

Just from these four words.

Viewers can wonder, can they really continue to watch the next video?

Is it not suitable for children?

"Rita, it’s almost sticking to the captain’s body!"

Theresa's face was full of surprise.

Although, she still knew something about Rita.

But even so, she didn't expect that Rita's teasing would be so straightforward and straightforward......turbulent?

Every expression.

Every word.

Every movement.

Even every strand of hair.

They all carry Rita's unique aura that seems to be there but not there.

This is not teasing.

What's this?!

"Such a comparison......"


"There's no comparison!"

Don't talk about stargazing, even if she is given another ten thousand years under the moon, she will never reach the natural level of Rita.

As the audience said at the beginning, the captain's situation at the moment is very dangerous..Captain

, Renwan must stay!

We must not miss it!

"I always feel that this wave of captain is very dangerous.......Because, Rita's offensive has just begun!".

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