St. Freya

At this moment, the audience already knows that the video is the parallel world where Janna appeared.

After all...

His Highness Fu Hua is the title.

It really makes people feel a little strange

"Your Highness?"

Kiana looked very confused.

"Could it be that the world monitor is a prince, or a king or something like that?"

I have to say.

This is somewhat different from the Fu Hua that the audience is familiar with.

After all, the word"

His Highness" should not appear on the Shenzhou Immortal no matter what!

But compared to this, the contrast between Kallen seems to be bigger

"Different from the Kallen we know, this Kallen seems to be in some kind of confusion."

Fu Hua looked at Kallen in the video.

Although he didn't know what the other person had gone through.


Faced with such a choice, Kallen seemed extremely entangled.

Normally, this kind of sacrificing people to find the saint The woman's approach was definitely wrong, but Karen, who didn't know what she had gone through, couldn't make a correct judgment.

Denying myself.

You will get stuck in a maze of thoughts.

It takes Fu Hua's shout to wake him up.

"It seems...."

"In that world, a completely different story happened."

In the video

, Kallen came back to her senses and realized there was something wrong with her thoughts. She was a bit self-deprecating.

"It seems that my heart is really weak."

Hearing this,

Fu Hua shook his head and explained to Kallen.

"No, it has nothing to do with the weakness of the heart. The priests I met before had very strange powers. They were secretive and specialized in the weak places in people's hearts."

Having said that,

Kallen knew that her confusion was not entirely because of that weird power.

It was more because of the entanglement and confusion in her heart.

"My cowardice, my confusion, my confusion....."

"I don’t know how to do it. I have lost my direction since I was told my destiny. I just follow the trend and rely on simple [goodwill] to execute it."

"But is it good or bad, right or wrong?"

"Hindsight always leads to a more negative outcome."

Karen's tone was full of self-blame and guilt.

Fu Hua could bring her out of the whirlpool in her heart, but he could not completely untie the shackles in her heart.

She raised her head and looked at Otto with sad eyes.

"Otto, I can't see the direction anymore."

"I didn't know I was blindfolded so I could chase that little bit of light and mistake it for the sun"

"But now"

"Someone told me it was a firefly"

"Its light is cold and cannot shine on the world"

"The darkness behind me is actually the home of light. I just need to walk a rugged and deep road before I can see the sunshine."

"So, Otto......"

"How should I go?"


Otto fell into a deep silence at this moment.

She has known Kallen for a long time, and she has never seen Kallen in such a confused, entangled, and difficult time.

Because as a saint, she has always understood , how should she go on.

She has always believed that what she did was right.

And the fact is, it is indeed the case!

It is precisely because of this.

Otto is often chasing that beam of light.

However, in this The world.

Kallen is extremely bleak and extremely confused about the way forward. She even gives hope to herself.

"Are you experiencing this in this world?"

The good intentions I hold in my heart are indeed good, but the things I do and the consequences are contrary to my intentions and counterproductive.

As a result, I have doubts about my beliefs.

I feel confused about my future.

This is a lot. Things that everyone will encounter.

It is inevitable.


After experiencing life, these problems will be solved through growth again and again.

"A person will experience growth three times in his life"

"For the first time, you will understand the right and wrong of some things"

"The second time is to understand that some things have more than right and wrong"

"The third time, after understanding that there is no right or wrong in some things, I still firmly do what I believe in and take responsibility for it!"

Otto spoke softly.

He hoped that these words could pass through the screen and reach Kallen's side.

But obviously, the video screen did not have this ability. Only Hollander and others could hear these words. But when they heard these words, they were also extremely surprised. Because in these two words of Otto, they seemed to see a light that suddenly lit up on a rugged road where no light could be seen. Lord Bishop


Can you still say something so reasonable?!

On the train

, Walter felt a little emotional after seeing Karen's confusion.

Trolley problem.

It has appeared more than once.

Kevin is choosing, the ferryman is choosing, many people are choosing.

But they.

Without exception.

They are all extremely determined!

As Otto said, they all have understood that there is more to things than right and wrong, and they are determined to pay the price for their choices.

"The road to find the light is rugged, dark and difficult."

"What Karen needs right now....."

"It is a light that can light the way forward for her."

If a light can appear in front of Kallen, then her path will no longer be difficult.

This reminds Walter of Jizi, the most dazzling light on the way forward for Kiana and others!

Guide them.

Move forward! Faced with Kallen's question in the video , Otto said he couldn't answer it. But he knew a common sense. If you can't see the road ahead clearly and can't tell the direction, then just follow the people around you. That way Even if we go down the wrong path, at least we can rely on each other

"If you still feel confused, please rely on me at any time. I will be your guidepost and let you see the direction on my side."

After listening to Otto's words, Ka's face showed a smile.


"Thank you"

"You've always been like this......Why are you doing this to me?....."

Karen's cheeks were a little red, and her tone was nervous but full of expectation. deep in the heart.

Something seemed to be throbbing.

She is expecting.

Looking forward to Otto's reply. that.

A heartfelt reply!

However, Otto's words were like a basin of cold water.

The expectation in her heart.

Douse it directly!

"Because Karen, you are my most important friend."

Otto said this solemnly.

Kallen was stunned for a moment.


I thought Kallen didn't hear clearly.

Otto also emphasized

"And it goes beyond a friend in the ordinary sense. Your perseverance and integrity make me believe that I can trust you with my life."

Hearing Otto's firm and sincere words,

Kallen always felt that something was wrong!

Although these words are true and very heartwarming. They can also be regarded as a true expression of true feelings.

They can also be regarded as a kind of confession.


This is not it, Kallen thought. The kind you want.

St. Freya

The more she looked at Kallen's tone and expression, the more Kiana felt that something was wrong.

What's going on?

"If I guess correctly...."

"This Kallen likes Otto very much, right?"

Although he is not a master of emotions, the girl's obvious emotions can still be discerned. What she is waiting for is not Otto's trust in her. What she wants to be.

Nor is it Otto's. My best friend.

This Kallen likes Otto!

"It's surprising. Is this the contrast?"

Himeko's expression was a bit unbelievable.

After all, in the well-known story,

Otto has always been in love with Kallen, but in this world, his identity has changed, and Kallen likes Otto?


It’s really interesting!

"Is this Otto an idiot?"

"at this time...."

"Why are you talking such nonsense?"

Kiana is worried about this Otto. Why are you talking nonsense about this kind of thing? What is beyond friends in the ordinary sense?

Your words can easily be misunderstood by girls!

The anger is heightened here.

Directly express your feelings.

Then hug Karen.

Isn’t it perfect?

"Kiana, I think we may have some preconceptions......Who said that Otto in this world must like Karen?"

Mei Yi suddenly realized something.

When she heard this. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kiana was stunned......


Otto doesn't like Karen?

How is this possible?

Lord Bishop, isn't the most important persona the God of War who loves Karen purely?

"you mean...."


Theresa also thought of this possibility.

Don't forget!

The title is, Kallen was issued a good person card.

There are only three people in this room.

It's not Otto.

Could it be Fu Hua?

"Don't worry, there might be some reversal!"

Kiana still refused to believe it.[]

Otto rejects Kallen and gives Kallen a good guy card? impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

In the video,

Kallen was silent for a moment.

I raised my head again, and the fire of hope in my heart ignited again.


She still wanted to struggle a little bit. perhaps.

Did Otto not understand what he meant?


After Otto chuckled, he was the first to speak to Karen.

"I can say such things, but it is obvious that I have been hesitant."

"You can't go on like this, Karen."

As soon as these words came out,

Kallen's cheeks turned completely red, she clenched her fists excitedly, and looked at Otto nervously.


"Me, I'm listening."

Are you here?!

Sure enough!

She knew that Otto would definitely say those words to her.

She was already prepared.

After Otto expressed his feelings to her, how would she reply to him?

Should she? That's right.

Hug Otto!

Fu Hua looked away tacitly and left as much space as possible for the two of them. That's all she could do. After all, the room is so big, it can't be let go Should the immortal go and stand in the corner? Otto seemed to have made some kind of decision at this moment, looking at Kallen with sincere eyes.


"I decided to go to Ironmaid's house to further cooperate with her."

Karen was stunned for a moment.

She didn't seem to react.

She froze in place. Her brain stopped instantly!

Because she couldn't understand at all, where did this sentence come from?

What does it mean?

This has nothing to do with herself. What she imagined.

It's completely different!

At this moment!

Kallen fell into a dead end of thoughts.

In fact, she still had 147 hope that Otto didn't know how to speak and would eventually bring the topic to this. However! It's not at all!


Otto didn't even mention it.

The next conversation was entirely about analyzing the current situation and how to act next.

Finally, after telling Kallen to pay attention to safety, he left the room.

And the video.

At this moment. Stop suddenly!

St. Freya


"The grandpa of this world doesn’t like Kallen at all."

Theresa's expression was unbelievable.

After all,

Otto, whom everyone is familiar with, and Kallen have reached the point of obsession. They even risked everything they could for Kallen, gave up their lives, and played with the rules.

In the end, they were forced to Create an impossible miracle!

It’s no exaggeration.

If Karen would have said these words to Otto in the video.


Where is the next thing?

"Fortune plays tricks on people!"

"Otto rejected Kallen?!"

This is absolutely.

The biggest contrast so far.

Although Otto did not explicitly reject Kallen in the video, the atmosphere was heightened to this point. How could Otto not be a fool? How could he not see Kallen's intentions?


He didn’t even mention it, and simply changed the topic.

Isn’t this rejection?

Really ?.....

Fortune plays tricks on people!

In Bengsan's world, Otto was the one who couldn't love him, but in this world, his identity had changed.

Kallen has become someone who cannot be loved?

Those who can’t get it are always in turmoil, and those who are favored are confident!

Now the audience finally knows what the title means.

It’s really just that-

Otto sent a good man to Kallen!

That's what people often say.

Is fate dramatic?


After seeing such a scene, Otto's mood was complicated.

Not really.

In that world, I felt sorry for rejecting Karen, or complained about unfair fate.

But Otto refused.

Will Karen be disappointed by doing this?

Will doing this hurt Karen's heart?

The Otto of that world.

That's too much!

"Ahem, what an unexpected story......"

Rita's heart was extremely wonderful at this moment. after all. anyway.

I never imagined that the story could develop like this?

Polar reversal?

In this case.

Could it be that in the later period, the bishop of this world died in battle because of something, and then in order to resurrect Otto Kallen, he had to reverse time and create a world with the bishop?

Kallen Chongshu?

Karen said that?

Still the same sentence - fate is full of drama!.

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