In front of Youlandel, he just walked over whistling and wanted to walk away?

Captain, what are you thinking? can be made.

Such an incomprehensible and shocking behavior?

"Does he think Youlandel is a fool?-?"

Theresa's expression was extremely strange.

This is not a matter of being blind. after all.

Captain, you passed by whistling!

Just like an innocent passerby who has just finished buying groceries downstairs, his expression is full of calmness and indifference.

"Is it possible"

"He was betting that Hollander could really let him go like this?"

That's Otto!

The most recognizable man in the three universes.

I forgot what the Tree of Imaginary Numbers is.

It's impossible to forget that the Lord Bishop once climbed into the tree.

Sure enough!

The captain is still the same captain... brain The circuit is always different from ordinary people.

In the video

, it is obvious that the captain's behavior is similar to that of hiding one's ears and stealing the bell, and there is no possibility of success at all.

Hollander's eyes fell on his accurately. body

"Someone told me that in your next plan, you may destroy the present and choose the past again】"

"So what exactly...."

"What means?"

Hollandel did not seem to be affected by the captain's outrageous operation. It still developed as normal.

She asked about Otto's plan.

And the captain also realized from these words that now situation.

If I remember correctly, now is the prelude to the plot where Otto and Hollander fight.

Because he has clearly noticed the undisguised hostility of Hollander!

Then White flowers in black abyss......

Ready to move!

"Is this the end of the mission?"

Ai-chan's tone was a little helpless.

After all, judging from the current situation, Hollander will take action against Otto (the captain) soon.

And as a fake Otto, how can the captain be able to fight against the strongest destiny? Valkyrie?

Beaten up.

Mission failed.

Seems to be a foregone conclusion

"Don't give up so quickly! Think of a solution quickly."

The captain does not intend to give up.

After all, the mission is completed and is close at hand. It would be a pity to give up just now. But! In this situation, what good solution can Ai-chan have? The only way is to let the captain try his best. What to say, if you can fool Hollander, thank God. After some hesitation, the captain finally spoke.


"You might not believe it if you tell me"


"I'm not Otto Apocalis!"

Saint Freya.

At this moment, Theresa and others could not help but smile.

After all,.....

That's what the captain said.

It’s really too much, pale and weak!

Even an idiot like Kiana.

You can’t even fool him!

"Did he really regard Youlandel as a fool?"

Ji Zi is extremely confused.

Because she really can't see clearly, what on earth is the captain thinking? Even if the stupid goose is a little stupid, it can't be easily deceived by such rhetoric!

"Otto's face, Otto's voice, and they still appear in this town. You are not Otto Apokalis, who are you?"

As for the current situation.

It's not Otto.

Could it be that you are a Rakshasa?

Didn't you consider the feasibility of this sentence before saying this?

Such rhetoric.

It's better to say, you want to Go to the toilet.


Watch a flying saucer.

It's a pity......

The captain chose the most straightforward but also the weakest one. certainly!

Such a choice also means that the captain has to pay a price for it.

"If it looks like this....."

"The captain must receive this beating!"

Theresa even feels a little pity for the captain now.

What a good person?

That's it.

He was beaten severely by the most powerful Valkyrie in destiny!

There is no miracle.

The way the captain thinks about the problem now, it is simply impossible. Create any miracle.


Hollander is really stupid!

In the video

, after hearing the captain's extremely pale words, Hollander didn't even pay any attention to it.

She even......

I haven't even looked at the captain.

"bishop.....In the past few years, you have really treated me well, and because of this, I need to know your true purpose at this moment!"

In this regard, the captain was very speechless.


You guy, do you know how to respect others?

You didn't listen to the captain's words at all. You were just talking to yourself!

Playing the piano to a goose?

Love on the side Jiang seemed to realize something was wrong

"Is it because the process data here is also broken?"

In other words.

At this moment, Hollander is just following the normal development of the script. No matter what the captain says or does, it cannot affect the normal development of the story.

In other words.

That is.....

Captain, this is a beating today.

It’s settled!

The captain who realized this showed helplessness.

Since nothing can be changed.

Then it's better to ruin it......

"This is crazy!"

The captain obviously didn't say a word, but Duo Ge looked like he had heard some incredible information. He was extremely shocked.

He looked at the captain.

In this regard, the captain nodded helplessly.

"Who says it's not?"

What a tragedy!

The audience even sympathized with the captain at this moment.

It turned out that everything the captain had done before was just a meaningless self-performance, and Youlandel was just a procedure carried out according to the established facts.

So that's it. As soon as you come.....

From the moment the captain meets Hollander, the plot has been triggered

"That is to say"

"No matter what the captain does, he will be beaten."

Of course.

If the captain had the same abilities and methods as Otto in the correct plot, it would be a different story.

But obviously.

He doesn't!

"That's true"

"Quite unjust!"

Now the audience can't help but remember how excited and happy the captain was when he just turned into Otto.

Great, I became a bishop! How bright was the captain's smile at that time ? But now! Captain, you Do you dare to say this again in the face of that black-edged white flower that is about to fall on you? I have said it before. Becoming Otto is definitely not a good thing!

"But now, it’s too late to regret......"

Otto was guilty of many evil deeds.

But I never expected it.

One day.

A man named Captain would actually atone for his sins in this way?

Otto behavior.

The captain pays the bill!

Immortal Boat, Luofu

Rakshasa seemed to feel something in his heart and sighed softly at this moment.

"To be burdened with inexplicable sins is really....."

"How inexplicable!"

As a victim of this"bishop's behavior, others pay for it", Rakshasa feels the same as the captain at this moment.

Although, he has not suffered any substantial harm.


In those videos of the second creation, he He has been harassed in various ways by the man named Walter.

He is just a passionate young man who wants to kill Fengsheng.

What is wrong with him?

This is just a situation where he has not formally met with Walter.

One day, the two will meet. See you.

What will happen by then? I dare not even think about it!


Rakshasa is very aware of one thing.

Although he does not know how other viewers will behave after seeing his video, there is no doubt that he His first impression is definitely that of a bad guy.

Just because of his face!

Reject colored glasses and start as a Rakshasa. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the video, the captain is struggling with the confusing situation in front of him. When I felt deeply helpless, another familiar figure came into view.

The Herrscher of Fire, Kiana!

Now she stood in front of the captain, staring at the evil person in front of me with burning eyes.

She also held the same hand. The weapon, the Xinyan Great Sword!

The same as that of Hollander.

At this moment, facing Otto (the captain) in front of him, he showed almost no concealed hostility, even stronger than the hostility of Hollander.

Captain His expression looked ugly to the naked eye!


"Also, that's....."

Kiana, in the form of Herrscher of Fire, slowly raised the sword in her hand.

It seems.

There was no thought of further dialogue with Otto (captain).

No doubt about it! next moment.

That big sword will cut down after all.

St. Freya

At this moment, Theresa and others even began to pray for the captain.

Captain him......

Will survive.


"Why did you forget Kiana?"

Originally I thought that what this wave of captains would face was just a severe beating from the most powerful Valkyrie Youlandel. However, the audience forgot that it was not just Youlan who attacked Otto in that plot. Dale is alone!


The Herrscher of Fire, Kiana!

"It’s hard to fight alone"

"This time"

"Became two people?!"

From a one-sided beating, it turned into a group fight between sisters.

The audience is very curious at this moment what is the captain's heart at this moment?

Believe him......

Do you already have the desire to die?

The captain has done a lot of good deeds in his life, and he has taken in many homeless girls to Hyperion.


Never imagined.

There is such a day? enjoy.

The treatment of a sinner? now!

The audience had only one word to say about the captain. awful!

"And Kiana's mood was even more exciting than that of Hollander."

Theresa shook her head helplessly.

She had already anticipated what was going to happen next.

Kiana is not Hollander.

The purpose of her coming here is not to find out Otto's plan, but It was simply to stop Otto, so there was no discussion at all.

Moreover, she would definitely be much more ruthless than Hollander.

After all,

Kiana's tragic experience over the years is inseparable from Otto..

Such an opportunity.

Of course, we must take revenge as much as possible.


Sorry, Captain!

So -

Captain, what are you waiting for?


In the video, facing the coming danger, the captain is aware of the impending danger even if his brain circuit is abnormal.

If you continue to do nothing. end.....

It will be very miserable!

"Kiana, if you have something to say, please tell me!"

He also hoped to dissuade the two of them.

However, the two of them were just established procedures, and there was no possibility of changing their behavior.

Youlandel snorted coldly.

"That's it, Bishop!"

Almost the moment he heard this, the captain didn't hesitate at all.

He turned around and ran away!

After all,......

It doesn't make sense, and it doesn't make sense.

What are you waiting for if you don't run?

Get beaten?

"Don't try to escape!"

When Kiana saw this scene, she immediately picked up her sword and chased the captain.

But seeing this situation, the captain almost wanted to cry without tears.

"As I said, I am not Otto!"

Let me ask.

Is there anyone more unjust and unlucky than him?

With the prayer for life in his heart, the captain unleashed his full potential and fled into the distance.



While running, I didn't forget to call for help.

However, in this place, what I can see are basically Otto's enemies. Even those who have destiny, almost all of them have rebelled.

How can anyone save him?

Quantum Sea

Seeing such a scene, Xiaoshi burst out laughing.


"Unexpectedly, you also have today?"


She knew very well that the person in the video was not Otto but the unlucky captain, but Xiaoshi was happy to see that man running away in such a mess!

After all,.....

Before that.

When have you ever seen the Bishop in such a state of embarrassment?

Even if Hun Gang's face was smashed by Xiao Shi, he could still remain calm and composed.

Will the black tiger amulet.

From destiny, he was fooled into becoming a world snake.

Helter-skelter, embarrassed.....

Such words have never appeared in the Bishop!


"Even if you scream until your throat is broken, no one will come to save you."

Xiao Shi was very excited.

He even wanted to rush into the video to join Kiana and Hollander, chasing Otto who had escaped hastily. After seeing such a"rare" scene on the train , even Val

Te couldn't help but smile.

It's a joy to see!

This kind of scene can't be seen even if you spend money.

"The dignified Archbishop Otto Apokalis had such an embarrassing day"

"being chased"

"Flee in panic!"

In this way, it can be seen that not everyone can imitate the Lord Bishop.

Whether it is Rakshasa or Void Manzo. If you want to imitate the Lord Bishop, first of all!

You must learn the kind of thing that will not change even if the mountain collapses in front of you. And he can also come up with plans and strategies very calmly, and even the ability to calculate several enemies.

The captain wants to be Otto.

There is still a long way to go!


"Although the captain is far inferior to Otto in some aspects"


"Don't tell me, he ran really fast!"

For such a long time.

To be able to get rid of the Tianyuan Man and the Herrscher Xinyan unexpectedly, one has to sigh that the captain's escape method is really amazing!

As far as the current situation is concerned,

Kiana and the two want to It still takes some effort to catch up with Otto (Captain).

Honkai Impact Runner!

Well deserved!.

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