The video did not end, but continued to play.

On the seaside bridge

, the sea breeze was blowing, and the city opposite was lit up with sporadic lights. Kevin and Su looked side by side at the bright moon covered in the sky.

"These children are really interesting. It’s not in vain that we tried our best to summon them.


Su narrowed her eyes and smiled. The activity just now has proved its value. Kevin hesitated for a moment and spoke slowly.

"If, well, I mean if......"

"You observed it in Sumeru mustard seeds, she...."

"Find a way to show this video to her, she will definitely be very happy."

Su didn't refuse.

But quietly, the pink fairy lady's words seemed to be heard.

"Sue, Kevin, thank you....."

"I saw."

She was sincerely grateful for the gift given by her friend.

The video ended here and gradually!

Seeing this, the audience couldn't help but fell into silence.

They never expected it.

Is there a reversal?

Can it be sublimated?

"I originally thought it was just a second-hand prank video, but I didn’t expect it......Is this the ending?"

The mood of Theresa and others is a little complicated at the moment.

I thought that the tone of this video would be abstract.

But I never expected that behind the abstract, there is a knife hidden?

Those weird videos.

It turns out that it is not what it is. The advertisement is a gift from Kevin and Su to that old friend, which can make her smile.

Just like the amused audience before the video.

"So, is that so?"

Jizi took a deep breath and recalled in her mind the previous scene where Alicia gave her life.

The Herrscher of Man.

How great is she?

She is indeed worthy of such a gift!

The world has never forgotten everything she has given. , the beauty will last forever.

The Fire Chasing Moth

After seeing the final ending, the Yingjie all looked like they suddenly realized.

In this case, everything makes sense.

Why did Kevin plead with Kiana and others for help? To shoot such an extremely abstract and funny video, even at the expense of rubbing his and Su’s characters on the ground.

This is a gift.

A gift from an old friend.

"Thank you, Kevin, Sue.....Unexpectedly, you actually....."

Ellie covered her face with her hands in excitement.

It never occurred to her.

Kevin and Sue were actually able to do this.

This reminded her.

That sentence once upon a time.

Kevin's tears will also freeze! really.

Kevin, who seems cold and cold, also has a gentle and considerate side. for this video.

He even did not hesitate to plead with Yu Sanjia.

Destroy your own personality with your own hands.

He really made me cry to death!

"this is what we are supposed to do."

Kevin's reply was very bland.

The Herrscher of Man.

The Herrscher of the Origin.

How great is her dedication?

As old friends, Kevin and Su just did their best to make Ellie happy. one time!

"Originally, I was a little surprised as to why Sister Ellie only appeared once at the beginning of the video. I thought that Sister Ellie would be some kind of director or director."

"did not expect"

"Sister Ai Li is also an audience!"

Pado has been deeply moved by this scene.

From this point of view,

Ellie has received gifts from Kevin and Su.

The only pity is that she always feels like she almost missed something......

If only Kevin and Sue knew, Ellie could see the gift and be happy.

That's it.



Alicia, respond to them!

【Journey of a Thousand Stars: One Night of Eternal Fire Episode 33! 】

New video.

It soon caught the eyes of the audience.

After seeing this familiar title, the audience couldn't help but think of several previous videos in the"Journey to a Thousand Stars" series.

Collection of Star Gods.

The past of the Immortal Star Dragon. as well as.

Ruan Mei's journey to becoming a god.

Without exception.

Each one brought great shock to the audience.

And this video in front of me.....

"Night of eternal fire? Game 33?"

March 7 seems unavoidable. I can't guess anything related to it just from the title.

It's just a riddle.

The two words are played to the extreme.

"Since we can't tell much from the title, maybe we can speculate from other videos."

Walter pushed up the frame of his glasses.

Although, no useful information can be seen in the title.

But recently, most of the videos about the Star Dome are leaning towards one name.


Next on the Star Dome train Station.

There are already more than one video, preparing for this grand banquet, which can be said to be full of expectations.


According to this tone

"This video may have something to do with Pinoconi."

After listening to Walter's analysis, others suddenly felt that it made sense.

However, speculation is just speculation after all. If you want to know what it is, you still have to wait and see it with your own eyes!

The video soon started playing.

With the long and heavy music Gradually, something similar to a throne appeared on the screen.

Above the throne, there was a figure whose face could not be seen clearly.

Under the throne, there were four figures, facing the back of the throne!

At the same time, there was a voice in the ear. Ring——

"【Star of the event】Pinoconi, the cradle of fallen dreams, the resting place of the cowardly."

When the camera zoomed in, the person on the throne was a somewhat familiar face.

He was wearing a neat suit and glasses unique to gentlemen.

However, his head was a skull burning with blazing his fingertips. is a burning petal

"The family held a banquet and guests were invited"

"golden blood of destruction....."

"Will shed together!"

On the train

"Really, Pinoconi’s video?"

March 7 looked at Walter with some surprise. He is indeed a mature and steady senior, but he guessed it right at once?

But ?.....

If I read it correctly.

Just appeared.

Is he from the Annihilation Gang, the Archduke of Hellfire?!

"The power of destruction?"

Ji Zi nodded, and his eyes fell on the screen. The audience already has some understanding of the person in the picture. He previously kidnapped the Black Tower doll in the Black Tower Space Station and tried to disintegrate the Black Tower Space Station from the inside, but in the end he failed. The destructive force that Doctor Truth treats as a lesson. There is a description of him that is unforgettable.

【Destruction] The value seen in the so-called Annihilation Gang may be far more than a baby who deliberately broke a vase. so.

They are not so much a force of destruction.


They are madmen and bastards who vent their own selfish desires in their own universe in the name of destruction.

"What a bunch of annoying guys!"

Dan Heng couldn't help but show contempt.

After all, destruction is still a destiny.

You can't evaluate the right and wrong of a star god from an absolutely objective perspective.

It can be said that destruction is evil?

No, He is pure destruction!

But the Annihilation Gang is different. This is a group of bastards and evil people in the absolute sense from a subjective or objective point of view.

If we say, the Fenghuo People are the most disgusting existence in the universe. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then the Annihilation Gang.

They are ranked second!

Because destruction is destruction, but they..... torture. kidnapping.

Burning, killing and plundering.

They enjoy doing every evil thing imaginable!

Xianzhou, Luofu is now realizing.

The guy in the video is the Queen of Hellfire.

Fu Xuan looked extremely disdainful


"These annoying guys are going to join in the fun this time."

Judging from the words of the video[]

This group of guys call themselves believers in [Destruction].

Also heading to Pinoconi. although.

Pinoconi didn't send them an invitation, but as a bastard villain in the universe, how could he miss this opportunity to cause trouble?

How could they. miss.

This kind of opportunity brings [destruction] to such a grand event. after all.

What can the Annihilation Gang do?

Is it possible to sit down and drink tea and chat?

Of course, we should try our best to destroy everything we can, smash everything we can, and kill everything we can.

Turning such an event into hell on earth. they would love to see

"Oops, it looks like this event will be more exciting than we imagined."

Jingyuan crossed his arms.

He looked very interested.

Tonghe's territory gathered the Patrol Rangers, Liuguang Yiting, Star Train, Annihilation Gang, Interstellar Peace Company, Boshu Society.

And the Fools!

Almost half of the star gods in the universe have their destiny gathered here.

Even Jing Yuan dare not think about it.

What will happen when these people gather together?

Saint Freya

"I am already looking forward to it!"

Kiana and the others are now looking like they are just watching the excitement. After all, the banquet is not held in St. Freya.

Besides, such a plot is really exciting!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is probably the case. , the most explosive episode of the Star Dome series of videos

"These people won't tear down Pinoconi, right?" The most trouble-making and craziest people in the universe are basically all here. It is absolutely impossible for these people to drink tea and chat with each other peacefully, and then go back to their respective homes. So.


The level of excitement this time was absolutely unprecedented.

Poor Star!

Maybe he will be manipulated wildly in the palm of his hand again.

In the video, the voice of Duke Minghuo is still ringing.

"Make great sacrifices to Him!"

"children of fire.....This is your rite of passage."

In the picture, a huge eyeball floats in the air.

It is burning.

"Akash, my most emotional child, I ignite your eyes and teach you to make music by picking strings."

"You must play the banquet music on a four-stringed instrument"

"Silence the harmonious hymns."

When the voice of Lord Hellfire fell, the man called Akash responded.

"That's what I meant, Dad."

The next moment!

The burning eyeball disappeared and was replaced by only.

Half of that apple is rotten. its interior.

It's an eerie purple light


"my smartest child"

"I will set your body on fire and give you swords, axes and axes. You will use sulfur to quench the iron sickles and give you joy and pain."

"Let the actor's blood and tears flow into the River Styx."

A little girl. gave the response

"As you command, my father."

When the apple disappeared, endless superimposed gears came into view.

"Katrina, my bravest child"

"I ignite your heart and fill you with boiling blood"

"With your wrath you shall open up the treasuries of the Custodians, melt their gold, and make an image of our benefactor."

The person who responded this time was an enthusiastic, even crazy woman.

"No need to say more, old man!"

And in the vault and the gears faded.

At last.

Was a purple flower.



"Finally, Constance....."

"My most ambitious child, my most excellent child, I have nothing left to teach you, just remember to wither and wither the midnight of Pinocchio"

"Take away everything you love"

"only left....."

"The tomb of memory!"


Freya, Theresa and others looked at each other, feeling surprised, surprised, incomprehensible and many other emotions from each other's expressions.


Annihilation, help them, crazy!

"If everyone else at this banquet has their own thoughts,"

"And the Annihilation Gang"

"Their goal is so simple."

It is not difficult to see from this passage.

The Annihilation Gang has only one goal for this trip!

That is...... destroy!

Turn Pinoconi, the star of the event, into a hell of destruction and bring death to all the guests who come here.

Without exception.

This is a declaration of war.

A naked declaration of war!

"It's really hard to imagine, what kind of lunatics are these guys?"

Theresa's expression was a bit unbelievable.

A guy with such a simple motive is indeed rare to see in this world.

Just to destroy!

Use your own actions to give a gift to Nanook.

Start a war against Pinoconi.Start war with every star god here!

Memory, preservation, joy, harmony.

Without exception!

If Nanook really saw this scene, wouldn't he say——

【Fan behavior, please do not escalate it to yourself!】

"If Destruction is a group of organized and disciplined villains, then the Annihilation Gang is a group of terrorists composed of lunatics, perverts and bastards."

Ji Zi's expression also looked extremely surprised.

Are you crazy?

That is Tongxie's territory!

Do you want to kill so many forces including Tongxie in Tongxie's territory?

Are you really powerful? Or are you

?..... crazy?!

"Since Grand Duke Minghuo can say these words, he shouldn't be overestimating his abilities in a hot head."

They were just destroyed and looked down upon.

It doesn't mean that they have no strength!

After all, those who have been domineering in the universe for so long without being eliminated should have strength.


No matter how powerful you are, is it still difficult to kill so many Star God forces?

He is powerful.

Could it be.....

The Fool, the Patrolman, the Company, Liuguang Yiting, these people.

Will it be weak?!

"Suddenly I remembered the previous preview video about Pinoconi."

The previous scene of Jimi interviewing Sunday couldn't help but appear in the minds of the audience.

I really like Sunday's words.——

"Pinoconi will ensure the safety of every guest!"

You guy.

Better yet, talk about it!.

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