The video soon started playing - the first thing that caught the eye.

Su Shang, who was on the train, cheered very excitedly.


"I don’t have to get up early when I get on the train. Now I can finally sleep in!"

"Sleep until you wake up naturally."

When she thought that she could have a good sleep,

Su Chang couldn't help but be very happy. She immediately lay down, found a suitable position, and prepared to fall asleep.

But the next moment——




A strange sound came from my ears, followed by a restless sound


Su Shang opened her eyes.

She was a little confused.

She got out of bed and looked tentatively into the car.

However, what came into view was Xing, March 7, who were having a carnival, as well as Hook and others...


"Get up, it's rock 'n' roll time tonight!"

Beer, music, snacks, carnival.

Seeing this scene,

Su Chang couldn't help but feel helpless

"ah? Are the people on the train so energetic? Go to sleep later!"

Aboard the Immortal Boat. After seeing this, Su Chang couldn't help but feel very surprised.

How did she get on the train?!

I've never heard that trains, like Hyperion, will accept some people on board when they arrive at a place.

"Could it be....."

"Are you here as a guest?"

If it's a guest,

Su Chang is quite interested.

After all, after playing so many videos, she still has a good impression of people like March 7 and Ji Zi Walter.

If she can make friends with them.

It should be a very interesting thing.

But why does it seem like I went to the train to sleep in?

"How can I be so sleepy?"

But speaking of which, is it so lively on the train? It's in the middle of the night.

A party?

Don't you want to sleep?

On the train

, Pam was the first to make a protest sound.


As the conductor of the Star Dome Train, he must be responsible for the train. This kind of behavior that disturbs the rest of other passengers is absolutely not allowed.

The train is my home.

We must love him!

And the person who held this carnival party.... can see.

In this carnival party, there were only two familiar figures, March Qi and Xing.

Dan Heng.

Walter and Jizi obviously did not participate.

And the other two....

It seems to be someone from Beroberg.

There is also a minor who is actually drinking?!

"Here is a serious warning to you, no such noisy activities are allowed on the train!"

Looking at Pam's serious look,

March Qi and Xing looked at each other, looking very innocent.

They wanted to get everyone together and have a lively carnival party.

But the conditions didn't allow it!

Video Middle

Due to the carnival party next door, Su Shang could only wait until it was over before going to bed. After waiting, it was two hours!

The sound of music and the carnival gradually subsided.

For this,

Su Shang seemed very happy and satisfied. Stretched

"Now you can finally have a good sleep, right?"


However, as soon as Su Shang lay down, a familiar sound of background music came to her ears.

It was....

Imperial March!

Su Shang sat up and drove along the window of the train.

In the universe.

A huge battleship slowly appeared, and then Su Chang's door was kicked open, and Esta walked in excitedly.

"Su Shang, come and take a look!"

"The Star Destroyer I ordered has arrived!"

Su Shang showed a helpless expression.

What did you tell me when you ordered the Star Destroyer?

You didn't give it to me.


Are we familiar with each other?

On the train

After seeing this, March Qi and others were surprised.

Good guy.

Esta actually ordered a Star Destroyer, and even thoughtfully drove it to the side of the train. Is this a door-to-door delivery?

She is indeed a rich lady. work efficiency.

Just fast! but.

It’s just bitter for Su Shang.

I just went through an orgy of torture and finally managed to sleep. result.

The Star Destroyer opened directly in the face?

She's just a child, she just sleeps. What's wrong with her?

Is it comfortable to sleep?

Could she not know?

Why is this necessary?

What about constantly torturing her?


"It’s really a Star Destroyer!"

After seeing the train driving next to it in the picture, I couldn't help but get excited.

"Such a big Star Destroyer, how embarrassing would it be if it were launched out in the future?"

I have begun to look forward to the future.

No matter where I go, I will land in a Star Destroyer.

In this way, let's see who else is unlucky enough to dare to arrest them?

Give him a shot first!

"I can't wait anymore. Do you think I should search for the operating methods of the Star Destroyer first? That would make it easier to operate?"

Looking at the look of March 7th,

Walter seemed a little helpless.

Esta had already begun to study how to open it before she bought it.

However, if there really is a Star Destroyer, it is indeed worth looking forward to.

After all.

As Esta herself said, who can refuse a Star Destroyer?

Black Tower Space Station

Esta felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Because the video has mentioned it many times, she still owes Xing a Star Destroyer.

She is a person who keeps her word.

Since she promised Xing, she will definitely buy it.

But the problem is.

There is no stock!

This feeling of owing others and being reminded all the time is very unpleasant.

"It seems...."

"I'm going to double the price again!"

Esta decided to double the price on the original basis.

Over the years, she has never encountered a situation where she couldn't buy what she wanted.

She didn't believe it.

Faced with the temptation of sky-high prices, no one took action. ?


Alan on the side sighed softly.

It seems.

Esta has decided to spend this money.

I wanted to remind Esta that her personal signature was still"unavailable for purchase", but looking at Esta's aura.

Alan understands.

Even if I try to persuade you, I can’t help it.

In the video, after being forced to visit the Star Destroyer, Su Chang was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, so she threw herself on the pillow and prepared to fall asleep.


"dong dong dong——"

There was a rapid knock on the door. at the same time.

And the voice of the stars

"Su Shang, are you sleeping? Plain clothes!"

Hearing this voice.

Su Chang felt extremely desperate at the moment. She raised her already heavy eyelids and looked at the door, and replied with a weak voice.


"What's up?"

Xing pushed open the door and looked at Su Shang with a smile on his face.

"It's okay, I just came to see if you slept"


"At this moment, I really want to recite a poem."

Xing suddenly sighed with emotion.

"Su Shang also stayed up and stayed with the train."

Su Chang looked at Xing, full of confusion and doubt.

At this moment, she really wanted to see what the structure of this refined star core was.

"Ah, yes, yes...."

Saint Freya

Everyone was laughing now, and now everyone finally understood what the title meant.

Su Shang didn't go to bed either.

Su Shang didn't fall asleep either.

Are you sick if you don’t eat enough?

"It feels like Su Shang now wants to beat Xing up."

Theresa just thought.

This scene is really too interesting.

Just imagine.

You have made all the preparations in advance and want to have a good sleep today, but things happen one after another.

As a result, you... It was early in the morning, and I finally fell asleep.

But at this moment, someone kicked open your door and looked very satisfied when you woke up.

"ah! So, you didn’t sleep either?"

"We are such good friends!"(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shente Sushang didn't go to bed either, and stayed with her on the train.

She was already asleep!

She was woken up by you!

《"Night Train Ride", right?!

The stars are not afraid.

Su Shang hasn't gone to bed yet. Is she chasing the stars on the train with a sword?

"Aren't you bullying honest people?!"

As Kiana, who also likes to sleep in, she is extremely angry at Xing's behavior.

Just forget about waking her up.

You still come in and compose a poem?!

The unknown passenger on your train.

Is she a bully?!

"A bit pitiful indeed"

"Originally, Su Shang thought she could sleep peacefully on the train.....As a result, I stayed up all night for no apparent reason."

Maybe since this trip[]

Su Shang will never get on a train again in her life. on the train

"Slander, slander!"

Xing expressed her protest. This video is slandering her and the train.


"I also think it's a bit outrageous. How could Xing do such a thing? March

7th was also very dissatisfied with the content of this video.

He woke people up and then said in a high voice,"So you didn't sleep either?""

Even if the star becomes a spirit from the star core, it's impossible to do such a thing!

Star Dome Train.

But it is famous for its hospitality.

How could it be possible?

Treat guests like this?

If word of this spreads, who will dare to come here in the future? Being a guest on the train?

Akivelli’s belief has deteriorated!

"That's right"

"How could I possibly do such a thing? I can't compose poetry at all!"

Xing was confident.

The most she could do was knock on the door and ask if the other person had slept. How could she go in and say something like"I haven't slept yet"?

She is not such a person.

She can't compose poetry at all!

I heard At these words,

March 7 and others' eyes couldn't help but fall on Xing.

It turns out that the reason why you feel you are being slandered is that you can't compose poetry?

So, can you really do such a thing?

Knock on the door and ask if the other person is sleeping. Sleeping?

You woke me up even though you weren’t sleeping!

This guy....

Is there something wrong with the brain circuit?!

In the video, after hearing Xing's poem, Su Chang suddenly had the urge to draw his sword and kill Xing.

But then I thought about it.

You are on the other side's territory. so....

I can only resignedly accept my fate.

Regardless of whether I slept before or not, I haven’t slept now anyway.

"Why are you looking for me when you can't sleep? It's so late and I have to catch up on my sleep tomorrow morning." Su Shang complained as she rubbed her sleepy eyes. However, Xing crossed her arms and spoke with some confusion.

"Oops, I don’t know where my pillow is. I can’t sleep without one!"

Su Shang didn't know why.

"Then why are you looking for me?

Xing asked back:"What's your nickname?""

Here we are.

Su Shang hasn't realized what's wrong yet.

"Li Dashi, my mother calls me to practice martial arts every day before dawn. I can only catch up on my sleep in class, so my husband calls me...."

Speaking of which.

Su Shang finally realized something, and she suddenly turned her gaze to the stars.

"Wait a moment"

"What do you mean, what do you want to do?"


Xing showed a perverted smile and walked towards Su Chang with a little red cheek.

The next moment,

Su Chang's screams came from the train.

The video ended abruptly at this moment!

Xianzhou After seeing this, Su Chang showed a horrified expression. What did this guy do to him?!

"She needs a pillow, I....."

Could it be that this guy wants to use himself as a pillow or something?

His only nickname is Li Dazhen. no.

It’s really a pillow!

Judging from his last scream.

Very likely.

It is impossible to resist.

Then something very terrible happened.

It also. 230 is too scary, right?!

First, he prevented people from sleeping, and then suddenly broke into his room and did something terrible to himself.

You are the trailblazers after all.

Or a gangster and bully?

"Sure enough, my mother was right, there are really a lot of bad people out there!"

Su Shang has already thought about it.

From today on

, she will keep a certain distance from the people on the train for the rest of her life. After looking at each other for a while on the train , everyone's eyes fell on Xing. That expression. It was like Talking. Are you a pervert?!

"What did you do to Su Shang?"

March 7 subconsciously took a step back. I never expected that the pervert was next to me?

That expression.

She even licked her tongue?

You do this.

Who will dare to get on the train in the future?


People on the train, There is danger too!

It seems.

From today on, you must lock the door every night when you go to bed to prevent some star-core spirit from breaking into the room and doing terrible things!

"This kind of thing is not allowed on the train!"

As the train conductor, Pam has the responsibility to protect the members of the train.


Starting today, night patrols must be stepped up to prevent some star-core spirit from breaking into the room and doing something terrible!


Pam suddenly remembered the previous video of Kafka and Himeko fighting for custody. in that video.

Himeko once mentioned tying Mu into the room.

Could it be that.....

You're not safe yourself, you

're a pervert!


Xing sighed helplessly.

Not saying yes.

Does the video behavior have nothing to do with me?

Why did he become a pervert on the train in just one video?

【Ferryman - Promise to everyone, 70,000 reflections! 】

The new video title quickly caught the attention of the audience. for this name.

The audience still looks very familiar.

That is....

The original captain, the one who abandoned his original intention, the one who regarded his own death as a condition for creating hope, the one who reached this point in despair again and again! at last.

Light reaches into the future because of him, and despicability is carried into the grave by him.

Just for that ending.

Bet everything on yourself!

He is indeed a person who makes people feel that it is difficult to calm down.

And about him.

To this day, it is still unforgettable for audiences.

Because in a way.

He, Kevin and Otto are the same existence. even!

Look at it from a certain perspective.

He is even more pathetic than Kevin and Otto

"This video....."

"Is it him?"

Theresa's tone was a little low at the moment.

Judging from the title, this video seems to be about the story of the ferryman.

It wants to tell the audience.

In the past, what kind of failure and despair did the ferryman experience? , to get to this point...

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