In the video, the game has reached the final moment, and Kiana and Raven are only one step away from the finish line.

"The final champion is——"


Just when the two were about to reach the finish line.

A rolling black shadow suddenly appeared and crossed the finish line in the blink of an eye at extremely fast speeds.

When the black shadow stopped.

What caught my eye was.

Ganesha and Tesla should have rushed off the cliff on the first track

"The final champion is——"

"Tesla player!" The embarrassed Tesla stood up and looked at everything around him with a confused look. Before she could figure out the situation, there were cheers from all around, and everyone was celebrating this first place. With

"Wow even!"

"This contestant from Anti-Entropy won the championship of the Great Honkai Impact Games in the most surprising way."

"she will get"

"A colorful crystal that can make any wish come true!"

On the train,

March 7, who was already ready to celebrate Kiana or Raven, was stunned.

He never expected that the plot would have such a twist?

"The champion is either Kiana or Raven, but Dr. Tesla who rolled all the way to the finish line?

Tesla had previously mocked Kiana.

One doesn't pay attention.

Ganesha was knocked away by the rolling Ganesha, and the two rushed out of the cliff together.


How on earth did she get back into the game?

And he also won the championship?


"It’s hard to imagine what route Dr. Tesla took all the way to the end.....But speaking of it"

"Is this also considered a champion?"

It stands to reason.

Dr. Tesla has been eliminated before because he ran off the track.

But now.

Not only is he not eliminated, but he also won a championship?


As long as it reaches the end, no matter what form it is, right?

Then why.

Why not take the bus to the finish line early in the morning and wait?

"Maybe, the only rule of this game is that you need to run from the starting point to the end point. It doesn't matter how you run or how you get there."

Walter looked a little helpless.

What did the organizer think? Does such a competition have anything to do with sports?

Did Tesla run one step throughout the whole process?

Rather than saying that this is a running competition, it is better to say that this is Unlimited speed competition

"Why.....Doctor, this can be considered a win."

"But Kiana and Raven are a bit miserable!"

At this moment on March 7th,

I even feel a little sorry for these two, especially Kiana.

St. Freya

"How is this possible?!"

Kiana's tone was very unwilling.

How difficult it was for her along the way, how much suffering she had experienced?

A group of cheating players were surpassed by her.

Only a raven was left.

In the end, this was the result?

"I want to protest"

"Severe protest!"

In terms of the normal plot.

After using the memory kill, doesn't it mean that you will win?


What's going on?

Even if your will loses to the island and the villa, you shouldn't lose to the situation and get out without even understanding the situation. Tesla at the end!

This is not fair!

"According to the normal plot, the champion is indeed between you and the raven."


"This plot is not normal!"

Theresa patted Kiana on the shoulder and spoke to comfort her.

The tone of this video has been defined as raw and abstract from the beginning. If it really develops normally, the memory killing will start the two of them fighting against each other's willpower. It doesn't seem so normal. Such a result. Reasonable! Counter-entropy

"I protest too!"

As the winner, Tesla also looked satisfied and protested and shouted at the video light curtain.

After all. How could the most genius inventor (self-proclaimed) of this century win in this way?

"Such a result"

"I can not accept!"

Even if you use missiles to blow up all the contestants on the field, that is still part of your ability.

But this....

Roll all the way over here?!

This is not about winning by lying down, it is about winning by rolling.

"Dr. Tesla, I don’t think you need to worry, because compared to you.....Kiana and Raven should be more distressed, right?"

Einstein shook his head helplessly. What kind of personality does a person of such an old age have?

Or is he no different from a child?

In the video

, after missing out on the championship, Kiana obviously couldn't accept the result.

She fell into Mei Yi's arms..Crying helplessly


"Mei, I really almost won."

If it hadn't been for what happened just now.

Champion, maybe it was really her.

Meiyi rubbed Kiana's head with her hands and comforted her softly.

"It's okay, Kiana, the game is over, let's go back."

At the same time (bhdc), the raven on the other side also confided to Kevin who was talking with a sad face.

"I am really sorry"

"Lost the game...."

"There’s no bonus or anything, so I’ll just go to work honestly!"

Hearing this,

Kevin swallowed a big mouthful of noodles and found a poached egg in the bowl with chopsticks.

He looked at the raven inexplicably.


"What's the matter with you?"

Raven was stunned for a moment, then realized what was going on and asked Kevin angrily.


"Didn't you see it at all?"

The video ended abruptly at this moment! After seeing the last scene,

Pado couldn't help laughing.


There is still a surprise?!

"No wonder.....Otto of Destiny is already here, so Kevin, the boss, shouldn’t be absent. So he’s here?"

Pado only felt that this incident was very joyful. Judging from the video, although

Kevin also came to the game site, he didn't watch any of the game process. The whole process was rude. After the game was over, there was still In Suo Noodles. How big is his obsession with instant noodles ? From now on, instead of being called Zhuhuo Yingjie who imprints salvation, let’s change his name to the noodle spokesperson who imprints"instant noodles"! Kevin’s three major joys in life. Mei, Defeat Honkai, Sui Noodles. Other than that. Nothing else!

"Kevin, although you may mind this statement, I think....You really should, eat more nutritious, normal foods."

Su's expression looked a little embarrassed.

Even if Kevin's body would not suffer from malnutrition and other problems.

However, the dignified leader of the Fire Moth eats instant noodles every day.

Isn't it unreasonable?

It's really....

Don't care about character?!


"Su....Don't say that, Kevin is actually very good. Didn't you see there is a poached egg in Kevin's bowl?"

Ai Li's voice sounded from the side.

Su felt helpless for a while.

Forget it.....

This kind of thing, if it collapses, it will collapse. at least.

Once it collapses, there is no way it can collapse again.

Just like Otto, it was already in ruins, so why did it collapse?

【Rakshasa said——】

The video of the video came into view when the audience saw this familiar name.

The expressions of the audience.

All appear.

It's getting weirder and weirder.

Are you coming?!

Is it finally here?!

In the end, Rakshasa couldn't hold back his instinctive impulse, Jianmu's temptation, did he choose Chongshu?

"Lord Bishop, are you finally back?"

March 7 looked at the video with excitement.

Once upon a time,

Otto's skyfire broke out into the trees, and the Apocalypse left behind was impressive.

Until now.

It is still vivid in his mind.

Every time he sees the giant tree, the bishop The figures of the adults are all vivid in my mind.


Is this familiar scene finally coming back? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lord Bishop, please take us to attack the tree again!"

Of course.

It's not necessarily Jianmu this time.

Maybe it's because he flushed Fengsheng away?!

Isn't that exactly what Rakshasa's goal is?

Hearing March's funny words,

Walter only felt... all over his body. It’s not a taste!

Why stay there, how uncomfortable it is.....


Cough twice.

Relieve the mood.

But after seeing the title again, my heart[]

It still couldn't help but get complicated.

Walter has already crossed the star gate and arrived in a brand new universe, why is it not over yet?!

Can you please respect the concept of parallel worlds?!

Stop chasing!

"Uncle Yang, do you still remember what Apokalis said before, when Bishop Otto confessed his feelings for Theresa and Hollander to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers?"

March 7 seemed to have thought of something. She looked at Walter excitedly.


Walter didn't understand why and what March 7 wanted to say.


"So Uncle Yang, do you think I will confess my feelings for you this time?"

"Just like——"

March 7 coughed twice and straightened her back.

Brewing feelings. at last. speak softly

"Walter, my last friend, I fucked your man, has planned your destiny, wants to cultivate you with true love, but also wants to use you as a chess piece to take whatever he wants."

"you know?"

"In my last ten years"

"Everything I show you is just so that you can take me back to my hometown after being extinguished like this."

"I don't need anyone to judge me"

"This is just what a man pays for his own wishful thinking."

After saying all this,

March 7 watched Walter's reaction expectantly.

But at this moment,

Walter shuddered all over and his eyes shrank sharply.

The cane in his hand seemed to be shaking a little.

Suddenly there was a feeling that he should do it now. Rakshasa's urge to kill.

The video soon started playing.

In the picture -

Rakshasa's hand was still hanging with a chain, and tied to the chain was a model similar to some kind of big sword.

He stretched out his hand and touched it gently. Looking at the giant coffin in front of me

"Years are like the wind, disappearing in an instant."

Slowly raised his hand.

The chain in his hand was hung in the air, and Rakshasa's eyes fell on it.

It seemed helpless.

It seemed like.... struggle?

"The warning before the journey is still in my ears."

The Rakshasa walked towards the distance, as if he wanted to leave this sea of ​​flowers.

But in his original position, the giant coffin was lying there quietly!

He picked up a white flower with his hand and put it It was placed on the chest.

The long golden hair was scattered.

The breeze blew by.

It picked up a few strands and floated lightly.

He closed his eyes and murmured to himself——

"Keep your ways and never forget your oaths."

When the voice fell, he was already among the bustling crowd, still holding the picked flowers in his hand.

When he opened his eyes again, he looked towards the starry sky.

In the distance, there was a group of floating magical machines.

"Looking across the stars, undercurrents surge beneath the calm."

In the blink of an eye, the crowds on the road began to flee.

Only Rakshasa stood on the spot, facing the threat so close at hand without any fluctuation in his expression.

"Although I am a passing businessman, I also have rules to follow."

Rakshasa was not in a hurry.

He came out with his sword!

It's so similar!

Not only is Rakshasa similar to the Bishop in appearance, but his unhurried elegance is even more impressive.

He also has this habit. He likes monologues! Oo!

Tuo's monologue under the Tree of Imaginary Numbers is extremely similar in tone to Rakshasa's monologue at this moment.

Moreover, there are enemies and dangers in front of them.

This kind of replica makes people have to doubt.

If Rakshasa is really Void Wan If he hid it, had he been imitating the bishop in front of the mirror every day when he had nothing to do these years?

This is so profound!

St. Freya——


"What’s next?"

Theresa has a hunch.


Rakshasa is likely to kill these monsters and then say something similar to a monologue like"It is neither fair nor reasonable. It persecutes heroes and nourishes evil types."

Please recite the entire article, Apocalypse said!


After seeing this scene, Youlandel felt more and more familiar the more she looked at it.

Especially the weapon of Rakshasa.

It can breast and fight!

"There seems to be some similarities with Black Abyss White Flower."

Very doubtful.

This is the comeback of Black Abyss White Flower, the Western sword version.

But in other words.

What does Rakshasa mean by what he just said?

A warning before leaving, don't forget your oath.

Who did he promise? What oath did he make?

In the video,

Rakshasa waved his long sword, and the enemies in front of him were eliminated in just an instant.

Elegant and indifferent!

But the number of possessed ingenuity was constantly increasing.

The next moment, in the darkness.

Thousands of flowers bloomed, and Rakshasa stood there. Among the thousands of flowers, he slowly turned around.

The images of coffins and hidden swords flashed past like a slide.

Then the image changed.

He stood alone in the center of the square, petals falling from the air.

At the same time.

The enchanted ingenuity has surrounded him

"Whatever is lost will return, and whatever is taken will be repaid!"

As soon as he finished speaking.

He held the sword in his hand and inserted it into the ground.

The light green halo circulated and wiped out all the magic tricks.

However, there was still one magic trick that escaped the blow.

It flew towards the distance.

She seemed to want to escape.

She ran into the corridor of the house.

There, a child of the fox fairy clan saw the possessed Ji Qiao rushing towards her, and ran in a panic without looking back.

The shadow behind her continued to enlarge.

She She turned around and looked. She was already in front of her.

She opened her eyes wide, and her eyes were full of fear.

Seeing that Shen Ji was about to catch up with the little girl, a green light flashed.

She was caught by a flash of magic. Divided into two.

Rakshasa came to the little girl and touched her head tenderly.

"Don't be afraid"

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