Regarding Theresa’s accusations, Kiana didn’t admit it at all......As long as the video hasn't proven her true, how can we be sure? is her.

What about asking Klein to help sell it?

In the video,

Helia looked at the dried fruits and flyers in her hands and couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.


Coralie seemed to notice something and keenly pulled out a piece of white paper from the flyer.

"This paper records all the goods for sale in the trolley, and the consignor column....."

"It's Kiana Kaslana."

Coralie said the name honestly. Helia couldn't help but feel a little funny when she heard the name.

"I really didn’t expect that our [God of Earth] would like to eat snacks so much, and she was afraid of being discovered by her comrades."

Saint Freya

"Uh, this.....Actually I think I can explain it!"

Kiana, who was ready to be tough just now, didn't expect that the real words would come so quickly? She was a little embarrassed for a moment. Klein was really like that too. He helped sell, and then he was busy selling. In the end... he even put his name What do you mean by filling it in? This is for fear that others will not know. Are those things your own?! Sure enough! The way the armed dolls do things is not tactful at all, and it hurts Kiana

"What else to explain?"


"certificate! according to! Indeed! chisel!"

Every time Theresa said a word, she would hit Kiana on the head as a punishment!

After all, what is Kiana's identity now?


The true God of the Earth, guarding this planet The existence of countless lives, the founder of mankind's present beauty.

But, you suddenly tell everyone now.

This God.

Loves to eat junk food and snacks?!

Let outsiders be inferior.

He will not laugh at the God of the Earth, and he will not grow up. A child?

And Kiana’s current identity is still the teacher of Coralie and Helia.

Now she is discovered by them. She is a role model!

"Kiana, even if your body is extraordinary, you can't always eat these non-nutritious things."

"moon base"

"It should be somewhere like a canteen, right?"

Himeko also couldn't stand it.

Judging from the number of items in the cart, Kiana probably ate instant noodles and snacks every day.

Now she hurriedly saw the arrival of Mei 963 and others. I want to sell it.

I am worried that Mei Yi and others will see it.

As a result, the matter is still exposed!

"Well....Didn't Klein say that? Those snacks are also very nutritious."

Kiana still wanted to defend herself.

But after seeing the expressions of Mei Yi and Theresa, she still shut her mouth.

There is nothing that can be done about it!

Mei Yi cannot be seen on the moon.

Her hobbies are also Just eat some delicious food or something.

As for the food on the moon base, if you think about it, it tastes terrible, but it is called food with extremely high nutritional value.

How can Chong Chong get used to it?

"Oops, I was wrong, Yayi...."

"I promise!"

"I will definitely draw a clear line with snacks from now on."

Kiana held Mei's arm and looked at Theresa aggrievedly.

Seeing this,

Theresa couldn't help but snorted.

She knew her eldest niece too well.

At this moment, she agreed to draw a clear line with snacks.

Wait. The first thing I did after finding the opportunity was to change the hidden snacks to avoid being discovered.


How is it possible?! As the scene in the video switched, the audience understood what had just happened.

It was all Bronny The situation in Ya's simulation.

When seeing this picture,

Kiana lowered her head with some guilt.

"You, don’t stare at me like this"

"That's the result of artificial intelligence deduction, don't take it too seriously.....I really had a good meal!"

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bronya


"This is a [real event] restored by the artificial intelligence system based on surveillance video.】"

"I just took advantage of the"error effect" in psychology and even greatly beautified what was actually in your little cart."

"[Healthy] food that has almost disappeared in the tide of the times."

In other words, what was in that little cart was junk food.

Junk food that was nutritious and even unhygienic.

However, after hearing this,

Kiana felt aggrieved.

"Klein doesn’t sell junk food anymore, so why not just buy it online secretly? You have no idea how hard I work to hide snacks!"

Her tone.

Even a little confident.

"Besides, when I buy snacks, I will try my best to finish them."

"How many games do you think you have in your game library that you have played for half an hour and refused to refund?"

Kiana suddenly put her hands on her hips.

She straightened her back and turned her spearhead towards Bronya.

"Kiana, you are changing your concept"

"In the gaming industry, [market research] is a very important part"

"If a game cannot attract players within half an hour, then it is not a qualified commercial work"

"As for not applying for a refund on the Boiling platform....."

"That is also for future secondary research."

Bronya explained her behavior.


Kiana refused to give up.

Because she understood that at this moment, she had to divert the topic away.

"In the future, leaving it in the game library and not playing it for three years will also be a part of the future!"

"Huh, I'm too lazy....."


However, before she finished speaking,

Kiana suddenly let out a scream.

Meiyi beside her grabbed her ears at some unknown moment.

"Meiyi, please don’t....Don't pull my ears."

Kiana kept begging for mercy. At this moment, everyone on the train couldn't help but smile.

"Kiana, isn’t it too miserable?"

March 7 even sympathized with Kiana.

What is Kiana's identity now?

The Herrscher of the End!

The God of the Earth!


Even so, Mei would still be scolded for hiding snacks, or even have her ears pulled in front of Bronya and Hollander?

Is this really what God should be like?


"This is really far from the God I imagined!"

Ji Zi also found it interesting.

She couldn't help but joke.

In everyone's impression, the star god is the one who has the most respect for God.



It is an existence that a mortal cannot touch and can only admire.

And today's God of the Earth In the end, Kiana's subjective status is definitely not much lower than that of the Star God.


Hiding snacks and having her ears pulled by Mei Yi?

You look like this.

Who dares to believe that not long ago, he killed the evil god Suo with a single shot? ?

"Now she is indeed the God of the Earth."

"but except god"

"She also has an identity"

"Kiana Kaslana!"

Walter couldn't help but have some feelings.

This is the most precious thing about Kiana, no matter when and what her identity is, and what she has experienced.

Her original intention has never changed!

How it was in the beginning, how it is now.

Kiana. Kaslana - it is precisely because of this that she is able to get to where she is today.


"People who are teachers at this age are still like children.....It is indeed somewhat unjustifiable."

Walter shook his head helplessly.


This is the genetic gene of the Kaslana family.

Always maintain a"childish" heart! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the only way.

Only when no one believes it can we create miracles and hope.

Fire Chasing Moth

After seeing this, all the heroes turned their attention to Kevin.

Good guys!

You Kaslana Are all members of the family cut from the same mold? Are they so obsessed with snacks and instant noodles ?

"It really looks like it...."

Mei only found this scene very interesting. because.

Kevin's love for instant noodles is obvious to everyone.

And she has warned Kevin more than once to eat nutritious food, just like Mei in the video. (bffa)

The only difference is.

May didn't pull Kevin's ears.

After all, no matter what Kevin said, he was still the boss of Fire Chaser.

Pull your ears or something?.....

Ancestors don’t want to lose face?!


"I went to boss Kevin's room before.....When I visited, I saw a bunch of instant noodles with different flavors."

"Although Boss Kevin deliberately hid it"

"But I still found it!"

Speaking of this,

Pado seemed a little proud.

However, when she subconsciously looked at Kevin, a pair of cold eyes made her immediately shut her mouth.

She seemed to have exposed something terrible.

With At the same time,

Siegfried coughed twice in embarrassment and looked at Cecilia with a guilty conscience.


"I don’t like snacks or anything like that, and after all, I am a man who wants to be a father."

It's true that he doesn't like snacks very much.

That's because.

Although Cecilia has a good temper, once she gets angry, it will definitely be more serious than Mei.

In terms of Siegfried's ability.....

Can't beat it!

It can't be beaten at all!


"From today on, you must get rid of all bad habits and you must not lead our daughter to bad"

"Get rid of all those bottles of wine stashed in your room."

Hearing this, a flash of despair flashed in Siegfried's eyes.

But in an instant, it turned into compromise and helplessness.

There is no way.

The people of the Kaslana family are like this......

In the video,

Kiana's begging for mercy obviously had no effect, because this is not the first time that Mei found Kiana eating some junk food.

Still not letting go.

He also raised a very kind smile

"Kiana, after today's test is over, I plan to go to your room to help clean up. You don't mind, right?"

In desperation,

Kiana could only look at Hollandel aside.

In this situation, if no one intervened, she would be miserable!

"elder sister....."Save me"

Kiana quickly asked for help from Youlandel.

However, in response,

Youlandel shook her head helplessly.


"Is this considered a medical emergency?" The video ended abruptly at this moment! St. Freya Theresa couldn't help but shake her head. How could Kiana in the video have any intention of repenting? She still asked for help from Hollander? Don't talk about sister! Even if it's Qi today, Even if Ge Fei comes, he can't save you. The majestic God of the Earth. Just eat snacks and hide them? Eat every meal?! But


Speaking of which.

Where do Kiana’s snacks come from?

"Klein is no longer for sale, but Kiana said she finally bought it online."

"on the moon...."

"Can I still shop online?" The Internet must be available on the moon.


For online shopping, who will deliver the courier to the moon?

Which courier company?

The delivery distance will be so far?

This is not across provinces!

It is across planets!

"At that time, Tianming should be fully responsible for the scientific research projects on the moon.....If we talk about express delivery, Tianming Express?"

Thinking of this situation,

Ji Zi felt that it was a bit outrageous.

Tianming's business coverage is too broad, right?

Forget about express delivery!

Can it also deliver goods to the moon?

Is it a line specially opened for the earth?


"Meiyi did a good job this time!"

"For someone like Kiana who is incorrigible despite repeated admonishment,....You should teach her a lesson and throw away her snacks in one pot."

Theresa can't wait now.

She wants to join forces with Mei.

Go to Kiana's room and sweep around.

If nothing else happens, she will definitely be able to seize a lot of snacks!


"Actually, I have my own reasons!"

Kiana hugged Mei Yi's arm, looking aggrieved.

"You know me, I don’t have any requirements for eating. The food on the moon must be too monotonous and not delicious."


"That’s why I choose instant noodles"

"Of course, if Mei was around, this kind of thing would definitely not happen."

These words made Mei fall into silence.

She felt that what Kiana said seemed to make sense.

"In this case....."

Seeing Mei's hesitation, Kiana seemed to see the dawn of victory.

Your own snacks.

Gotta keep it!


"Then let me help you give up snacks from today, don’t worry....If you go to the moon in the future, I will often cook some nutritious and delicious food and send it to you."

Mei raised a gentle smile to Kiana.

After hearing this,

Kiana felt a little hopeless.

But seeing this scene, the others couldn't help but laugh!

【While shopping for groceries, ordering a Star Destroyer?! The rich woman of the Black Tower Space Station - Esta]

A new title appeared in front of the audience.

After seeing the name of this video.

Kiana and others immediately thought of the stationmaster from the Black Tower Space Station.

And about her understanding.

Not much.

Because she only appeared in a few videos, that mediocre video was attacked by"anti-fans".

The upper floors of the space station. but.

Judging from the current title. she seems....

Are you rich? after all.

In everyone's mind, Star Destroyers are generally the main battleships in interstellar wars, and their prices can even be called astronomical.


With the current financial resources and abilities of Tianming, he wants to build a Star Destroyer.

I am afraid.

It's not an easy thing either.

And this Esta....

Buying groceries and ordering a Star Destroyer?

Isn't that a bit.

Too rich?

"Could it be......"

"Is it more profitable to follow the Black Tower?"

Qiana and the others were a little curious...

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