Fire Chasing Moth

As Ellie's closest friend, Eden knows the character of this fairy lady very well, as well as her acting style and tone of voice.

There is a hint of teasing.

It’s one of Ellie’s special features!

And Mei Yi in the video.

It was obvious that he had inherited Ellie's tone and habits. especially.

Tone and eyes

"It seems that Meiyi has changed a lot during this trip to the paradise......Does this count as being led astray by our Miss Alicia?"

What a good child Mei is?




But after a trip to the paradise, she has already learned bad things!

Alicia must be responsible for this.


"How could Eden say that?"

"I will be very sad~"

Hearing this,

Ai Li looked very aggrieved.

How can it be said that Mei Yi was led astray by her?

This is clearly the case.

Mei Yi was infected by her charm and inadvertently influenced her, Her words and deeds are biased towards Alicia.

So, if there really is a door to love in this world, then Mei must be a believer


A girl like flying flowers!

In the video, facing Mei Yi's"teasing", Bronya also understood that if she continued to remain silent like this, Mei Yi would probably continue.

So - you must fight back!

"Aren’t you the same?"

"I remember a long time ago, everyone had the impression that you were the most normal person in St. Freya."

Bronya was not to be outdone. She used the same method to fight back against Mei!

However, her words were indeed true.

Once upon a time,

Sister Mei was indeed a caring and warm-hearted elder sister who was very kind to her and Kiana. care.


"You changed. When did it start?"

"let me think"

"should be...."


Bronya touched her chin and fell into deep thought.

Saint Freya

's counterattack against Bronya.

The audience was not really surprised. after all.

When she was in St. Freya, she quarreled with Kiana every day.

No more quarrels in the future.

It’s not that you don’t know how to do it, it’s that you have grown up and matured. only.

She countered Mei Yi's point

"When did it start to change?"11

Kiana has probably guessed the answer.

There is no doubt about it!

It was the time when she went to the Paradise of the Past.

Because except for the time when she went to the Paradise of the Past, Mei was basically with Kiana, not at all. There may be such staged changes.

Unless-- after the end of the Honkai Impact, Kiana goes to the moon.

What kind of bad woman like Alicia has Mei met?

"Fireproof and anti-theft"

"Beware of Ellie!"

Mei Yi's time in the paradise was not particularly long.

But even so, she was still led bad by Ellie.

If she stayed here for a while longer, Kiana couldn't imagine how much Mei Yi would change.

After all.

Recently. Zhu Zhechi!

But this also proves that Aili’s charm is indeed great

"Is this kind of thing to blame Alicia?"

"It's obviously your fault!"

Theresa accused Kiana

"If you hadn't been a hero, would Mei have gone to the world and entered the paradise? If you don't enter the paradise, will you meet Ellie?"

The Kaslana family.

It seems to be destined.

People with this bloodline seem to do heroic deeds.

From ancient times to the present, without exception!

"Uh, this....."

Hear this.

Kiana looked a little embarrassed.

I was speechless for a moment. but...

Although Mei's entry into the Paradise does have an inseparable relationship with Kiana.

But more.

In fact, it is fate!

In the video, when Bronya was about to continue speaking, Mei suddenly laughed and interrupted her.

"Haha, okay, okay"

"I apologize"

"We haven't seen each other for a while, I just couldn't help but tease you, please forgive me?"

Hearing Mei's apology,

Bronya also relaxed a little.

"Okay, Bronya, forgive me....Ahem, I mean, I forgive you."

Obviously Bronya has grown up and decided not to call herself Bronya anymore.

However, can't you help but get used to calling yourself Bronya?

What a shame!

"Thank you, but I didn't expect that you would return to the front line so soon?"

"E.T.What about Studio work?"

Mei changed the topic.

Mei looked at Bronya and asked.

Upon hearing this,

Bronya showed a helpless look.

After the collapse,

Bronya, who had lost most of her Herrscher power, hugged her. With his love for video games, he resigned from Tianming's position.

He joined E, which was once controlled by Anti-Entropy..T.There are studio animation companies. and become.

The chief producer of its video game development team. and successfully developed the first electronic game——

《Alahato" is nothing more than that.

Unfortunately it is——

"《The sales of"Arahato" are not good, and I haven't thought of a new direction yet."

"Everyone in the studio also needs a holiday to relax and unwind"

"Originally, I wanted to contact Mr. Walter to get his opinion, but I happened to hear the news of his disappearance."

Hearing this, Yayi suddenly realized

"I see."

Bronya smiled bitterly and continued to speak.

"And I also promised Mr. Walter to fulfill our responsibilities, even now after Honkai disappears."

On the train.

When he heard this sentence, Walter couldn't help showing an expression of relief.

I have to say that Bronya is indeed a very qualified successor, both for the Herrscher of Reason and the animation company.

They all won the heart of Lao Yang!

"I don’t know how Bronya and the others are doing now."

At this moment,

Walter can't help but miss these old friends.

After all, since crossing the Star Gate, Walter has never seen those old friends again, except for those who look similar but have no connection.


"Listening to Bronya, Uncle Yang, have you been missing for a while?"

March 7 looked at Walter with some curiosity.

In response,

Walter nodded slightly.

"indeed so."

Judging from Bronya's words, the time point of the video should be the eve of Walter crossing the Star Gate.

And the disappearance of Walter in Bronya's mouth should refer to the attack on him and Xiao Qiao at the station. What happened after that.

After that, is the story of the people in the sky crossing the star gate!

In the picture, after hearing Bronya’s responsible words, Mei smiled happily.

"After all these years, your serious personality has not changed at all."

YaYa used to be like this.

YaYa is the same now.

As serious as ever.

But the next moment,

Bronya suddenly changed the subject, crossed her arms and stared at Mei Yi.

"Rather than praise, let’s talk about something practical."

"Mei, have you contributed to the sales of"Arahato"?"

Hearing this,

Yayi was stunned for a moment in surprise.

What does it mean?....

Contribute to Alahato's sales?

She is not a production staff member either, so what contribution can she make?


Seeing Mei Yi confused,

Bronya continued to ask

"I sent electronic coupons to all my relatives and friends, and I can purchase the main body and season pass of"Arahato" at half the price."

"You must have received it too, right?"


Mei Yi finally understood what Bronya meant by not contributing to Alahato.

This was questioning whether she had bought her game.

And the fact - of course Mei Yi didn't buy it

"Um....Maybe, I didn't pay much attention."

She is a destined instructor.

Why buy a game?

However, as a relative and friend of Bronya, I don't care about her affairs so much. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Mei Yi felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Bronya, you also know that I am very interested in games...We're not that familiar. When we were in school at St. Freya, weren't you and her always playing together?"


"I'm usually the one reminding you to pay attention to the time."

St. Freya. The corners of everyone's mouths could not help but start to rise at this moment.

After all, the scene of Mei Yi being so panicked is rare!

This is because she is worried that Bronya will be disappointed and angry because she did not pay attention to her affairs. Yes?

Yayi, please repent!

"Mei Yi’s explanation is so forced and panicked."

"This is the plan"[]

"Awaken the friendship in Bronya's heart?"

By mentioning St. Freya's past, it can awaken the friendship in Bronya's heart, and at the same time explain why she has not contributed to Alahato.

It's just that....

Judging from the expression on Ducky's face in the video.

Friendship does not awaken.

The explanation is a bit vague

"Mei Yi, you really should pay attention to Bronya’s affairs even if you are busy!"

Theresa teased Mei Yi.

Although I don't know how she is at this time.

But it is very likely.

She is still serving as the bishop of destiny.

The daily work must be the kind that is too busy for her.

And Bronya is very likely. I will also send her a friend and family ticket. I don’t know if my future self will support Alahato’s sales.

If not,

I won’t be questioned by Bronya, right?


"As you know, I am not interested in games..."

Mei used the same rhetoric as in the video. indeed so.

She has never been interested in games.


She prepares meals.

Asking Kiana and Bronya to stop playing the game and start eating, and sometimes even try to calm down the two people who got into a fight over the game.

"It’s okay, sister Mei"

"Bronya won't care about this kind of thing"

"future bronya"

"It should be in...."

"Teasing sister Mei."

Although the future Yaya is very different from the current Yaya.


No matter how the figure changes, the personality will not change.

Yaya knows herself, and she will definitely not be angry with Mei Yi because of this matter.

The future She. She should be in....

Teasing Mei!

After listening to Mei Yi's slightly pale and hurried explanation.

Bronya's expression was a little frozen.

It seems.


Seeing this, Mei Yi could only sigh.

Speak apologetically——

"Oh, okay, I admit it, I didn’t buy it"

"I'll make up for two copies when we get back from the mission."

Mei Yi's tone was even a little helpless and coquettish.

But after hearing this,

Bronya smiled again.


But it was this smile.

Mei immediately noticed something was wrong.

Bronya's expression was very strange. It was not so much a smile that was happy because of her words.

Rather, it was more like a smile that was proud of having played a trick on itself.


Mei Yi spoke tentatively.

And it turned out to be true.

Bronya raised a smile.

"I haven't seen Mei Yi for a long time, I just couldn't help but want to tease you."

Ya Yi shook her head helplessly.


The video ends abruptly at this moment -

St. Freya


"Are you really kidding Mei?"

Kiana was a little surprised.

Because the way Yaya was seriously angry and dissatisfied just now did not seem to be fake. However

, it was all pretending.

Was it just to tease Mei Yi?

"This is called learning now and applying it now, right?"

557 It seems like this.

Everyone will change a lot in the future.

Not only Mei has learned to tease others, but Bronya has also learned it?!

But no matter how big the change is, when we get together, we will still tease each other as before. Jokes.

Making fun of each other.

Such daily life makes people feel good.

This makes the audience who have just watched the ending of Yun Shang Wu Xiao feel very gratified!

After all, they are also friends who have fought side by side, and the ending of Yu Sanjia is better than that of Yun Shang. It's so much better to go to Wuxiao.

The only pity is that......

"After all, there is still one person missing."

There used to be three people joking together, but now there are only two people left.

That one...

Can't get up and down from the moon!

Qibao, your home is in danger, come back quickly!

"So, when can I get off the moon and be with Mei?"

Kiana seems very helpless at the moment.

The collapse is over.

The world is peaceful.

But she can't live happily with Mei Yi. Instead, she has to stay on the moon, study and research all day, and fire a gun from time to time.

This is very important to Si Ya. For the eager Kiana.


"Don't worry, everything will finally end one day"


"Can’t everyone go to the moon to see you?"

Himeko comforted Kiana softly.

Judging from the previous video, it is very easy for Mei and others to go to the moon to visit Kiana. As long as there is no mission, they can go on a date with Kiana.

I’m really too busy.

You can also make text messages, video calls, etc.

Look at it this way.

In fact, in heaven, it’s not particularly unacceptable.

【Cross the star gate! Walter’s journey is a sea of ​​stars——】

When you see a new title appear.

The audience couldn't help but be stunned.

Crossing the Stargate?

Is this the story of Walter traveling through time and space to the Star Dome Railway? if it is like this.

This video.

A bombshell indeed!

"I have been curious about this for a long time, how did this guy Walter get there?"

Theresa rubbed her hands excitedly.

Walter, as the Collapse World, is the only one who in the true sense, went to the Star World and became the protagonist.

As for how he passed, the audience has been curious for more than a day or two.

And this video is likely to reveal the details of how Walter arrived in the Star World. In this case, two worlds that were originally different have also appeared.

The possibility of connectivity!

If we can know the specific identity of Walter How did they get there?

Then maybe.

They can get there too!

Himeko meets Himeko, Yaya meets the Great Guardian and Silver Wolf. That scene is simply unimaginable. An epic meeting!


Let’s talk!

Is Walter really a man until he dies a boy?

They are all in their seventies or eighties.

His journey, or the stars and the sea?

Is this the reason why he ran to the starry world?.

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