"Oh, poor Yuexia...."

Ji Zi sighed softly, feeling sorry for Yue Xia.

The captain is good at everything.

It’s peach blossoms.

There are just too many!

There are almost so many that Hyperion can hardly contain them, and the captain is not a partial person. His main thing is to get even rain and dew.

So... how can you have time to spend with Yue Xia?


It is inevitable

"Stupid captain, are you still thinking about whether vampires will get sick at this time?" Kiana couldn't help but feel helpless about the captain's performance at this moment. Are you a straight man?! The point is, will the vampire get sick? The point is, there is no one to accompany the vampire! At this time, the captain should rush forward He hugged Yuexia, and then began the moment of affectionate confession, but it was a pity that the captain was just stupid. In the video, facing the captain who did not express a clear attitude, Yuexia couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He clasped his hands together and continued to unfold. own offensive


"So......Which one do you like more, the moon or the stars? Look me in the eyes and answer~"

"moon and...."

The captain was mid-sentence.

He suddenly froze in place.

His eyes looked extremely complicated at the moment.

He understood the meaning of these words.

What about the moon and stars? It’s obviously about moonlight and stargazing!

Can this question be answered?

Really not, what's the problem?


The captain suddenly felt that something was not right about this conversation.

It doesn’t just smell like vinegar. besides....

The smell of gunpowder!

On the train,

Jizi and others didn't know whether to be happy for the captain or sad for him.


Of course, it's because after Yue Xia is rescued, she can live happily with the girls on this boat.

And the sad thing is.

Living a"603" life does not seem to be a happy and happy life....

At least, sometimes


"I’m jealous all the time!"

Now that I think about it, the title of the video.

Jealousy King!

Yuexia deserves the title.

"Yes, although this kind of words are often heard on TV, Yuexia said it herself.....What a proud vampire."

If the captain answers now that he likes Xingxing, or that he likes them all,

Yuexia will not beat him, but he will definitely be disappointed and sad, and his jealousy will be completely overturned, right?

By then, what will happen

? Who knows?

However, at this moment, March 7 remembered something interesting.

Yuexia:"Which one do humans prefer, the moon or the stars?"

Jizi:"I think you still don't understand that human beings have never concealed their desire to control the starry sky!""

St. Freya

Kiana seemed to suddenly think of something.

She stretched out her index finger.

"In fact, the captain can weigh it up....For example, tell Yuexia that you like the moon, or tell Stargazing that you like the stars."

"In this case"

"There will be no problems on either side."

Kiana thinks this is a good idea.

After all, doing this can greatly alleviate the smell of gunpowder between stargazing and moonlighting, and it's not a lie, because the captain likes both sides.

"Idiot eldest niece, you are the only one who can come up with such a bad idea."

Theresa gave Kiana a fierce look.

But I have to say that

Kiana's move did have the meaning of a scumbag.

Before, she was still confused.

How did Siegfried treat Destiny's dream lover? What did Cecilia take?

Now it seems....

Except for a few qualities that Cecilia liked.

And there is.

Does the Kaslana family have a talent for chasing girls?

"You Kaslana family are all the same!"

Theresa complained harshly.

Kiana is chasing Mei.

Siegfried is chasing Cecilia.

Kallen and Yae Sakura.

Kevin and Mei

, don't say that......Don't tell me!

They must have some strange talent in their bones, just like Kevin back then. Although his dialogue was a bit silly, he was indeed very popular with Mei!

Kaslana Family -

In addition to not being able to cook, the second talent was exposed.

And the captain in the video also knows this truth.

This is a gift proposition.

No matter how you answer.

It's all fatal!

And the captain is not someone who is good at dealing with girls. He mainly relies on sincerity, so it is impossible to do what Kiana said.

So - at this moment, the only way is silence!

See this situation.

Yuexia seemed to have expected it.

After a gentle smile. took the captain's hand

"Promise me that every time you see the moon rise, you will think of me."

Yue Xia's serious words rang in the captain's ears.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

The captain nodded heavily.


After receiving the captain's reply, a smile suddenly appeared on Yuexia's face.

Holding the captain's hand.

A little tighter.

The two walked hand in hand under the moonlight.

Moonlight shines through the clouds.

Like tulle, spread on the two people's bodies

"Although I won’t be burned by the sun anymore, but sure enough....I still prefer the evening~" This has been a habit of Yuexia for so many years. Even after staying in the narrow cracks of the world for thousands of years, this habit has not changed. Maybe


Compared to the hustle and bustle of the day.

She preferred to be alone with the captain in the quiet evenings.

The two kept chatting about recent topics.

Talking about what the captain has experienced recently.

We talked about it, about someone

"That woman who always smiles, I don’t know why....I'm a little afraid of her."

Of course the captain knows.

Who is Yue Xia talking about?

After all, there is only one person who can keep smiling all day long! When Tianming heard this, Youlandel couldn't help but turn his eyes to It’s easy to guess that person. It refers to Rosemary Rita! And in terms of always smiling, there is almost no difference between the destined Rita and Rosemary Rita. There is always a smile on her face. with a soft smile

"Afraid of Rita?"


Youlandel is a little confused.

In her impression,

Rita is still a very good person, except for occasionally saying some strange things to her.

As for taking care of her

, she is almost meticulous!


"This is indeed the case."

Rita thought about it for a moment.

It seems that it's not just Rita. In her previous relationship with Theresa,....Theresa seemed to have some vague fear of herself. certainly!

Rita really liked Theresa.

As for smiling.

This was Rita's habit. so....

Why is Theresa afraid of Rita?

Even to other worlds.

Are all Theresa people habitually afraid of Rita? saint freya


At the mention of this name, Theresa couldn't help but look a little wary. indeed!

Not just under the moon.

She also had some vague fears about Rita.

I always feel like this maid.

Seems a bit dangerous!

Describe it in detail.....It should be like a hunter and prey feeling. This does not mean that Rita will hurt Theresa.

But there is an illusion -

Rita will do something to Theresa

《On Rita’s sense of oppression towards Teresa! 》

In the video

, as the screen switches, Yuexia and the captain are looking for stargazing at this time.

It didn't take long.

The two of them came to the stargazer

"Captain, you....Are you here?"

When I saw the captain while watching the stars. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novels!) There was excitement and joy in his eyes that was hard to conceal, but when he glanced at Yuexia next to him,....His eyes became strange.

Yuexia nodded.

"Humanity has been looking for you."

The captain nodded and told Guanxing very proudly that he had learned the basics of managing the ranch.

Next, just follow the instructions left by the village chief.

You will definitely be able to complete your goal.

"Well, I also believe in the captain, but naturally the more resources we can use, the better."

Before stargazing, she was on the west side of the ranch. She saw a large abandoned courtyard.

She planned to use it and build something.

As for what exactly it was......[]

"or....We build a church? It’s specially used to pray to exorcise evil spirits, what do you think?"Assassin, Mr. Guest,"

Guanxing deliberately lengthened the end of this sentence.

And, as if there was something there, he glanced at the moonlight beside him.

It's begun!

It's begun!

The harem has once again become Shura field!

This is no longer filled with the smell of gunpowder and dislike each other, but has reached a point of tit-for-tat confrontation. The fire-chasing moth -

Padu took out a bag of popcorn from somewhere.

Sitting on a chair Come on.

Eat and watch the excitement. Don’t mind the big deal.

"Has it started so soon?"

I originally thought that

Yuexia and Guanxing would find some reason to start the battle before.

But I didn't expect it to be so direct?

Build a church to use evil - who is this [evil]? Yue is naturally a vampire. Next.

There are vampires under the moon.

Stargazing and building a church to ward off evil spirits.

This is no less than.

Sticking to the face and opening up!

"Stargazing even called out Mr. Assassin. Is this a declaration of sovereignty?"

In the past, most of the names that Guanxing used to address captains were"Captain" intuitively, and the title"Mr. Assassin" was generally not shouted out.

Now it was shouted out.

Among them, there was definitely an oath of sovereignty.

As well as provoking Yue Xia. mean

"It seems that Stargazing is still upset about the failure of the last duel!"

It's not difficult to see.

If Stargazing doesn't win a Yuexia.

Don't defeat a Yuexia.

I'm afraid....

It doesn’t even taste good to eat!

St. Freya

At this moment, Kiana and others were also surprised. They did not expect that the war would come so quickly. 0......... but.

The captain is also responsible for this. after all.

You all know stargazing and moonlighting are incompatible right now.

How dare you let the two of them meet?

"If I were the captain, I would definitely keep the two of them as far apart as possible!"

If it's Kiana, she will definitely let the two of them not meet if they can't meet.


Quarrel every day.

The captain was caught in the middle and was the most embarrassed.

That situation makes me feel dizzy just thinking about it.

"Do you think the captain is you?"

"I think"

"The captain's original intention is to hope that the two of them can get along harmoniously.....After all, you can't see it when you look up."

It would be best for the two of them to live in harmony.

However, judging from the few times they have met, it is almost impossible!

Water and fire are compatible!

And both of them have extremely strong personalities. The captain has a certain degree of possessiveness.

Now stargazing is the first to start the war.

So the counterattack from under the moon should come soon!

In the video, the captain also heard the unexpected meaning of this sentence, and was embarrassed for a moment I don't know what to do in the same place

"Uh, this...."

Yuexia on the side snorted softly.

On dealing with stargazing.

She has her own means

"The residents here don't seem to believe in gods. I think it is better to build a children's paradise to give the children who have not grown up a happy childhood."

Yuexia smiled.

At the same time, she straightened her back.

She admitted.

Stargazing is very smart.

Therefore, if you want to fight back, you must start from the pain points of stargazing.

St. Freya

"Children who have not grown up...."

The meaning of this sentence is very clear, just like the last confrontation, attacking Xingxing's height. metaphor.

Stargazing is a child!

Same as last time. same!

But I have to say that this move is extremely powerful.

Tried and tested.

Even Theresa, who was outside the video, couldn't help but feel a little offended. after all.

Stargazing now is more like Theresa than under the moon

"It seems that as long as one day of stargazing does not grow bigger, Yue Xia will not let this spot go......Hey, I really suffer from height!"

Ji Zi couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

This is just like Fu Hua.

She doesn't care about anything that attacks her.

Only the Shenzhou Tablet got a critical hit on her!

"From this point of view, the ten thousand years under the moon....What a waste of time!"

Faced with such a straightforward attack from Yuexia.

Stargazing is a bit overwhelming

"But if some adults who have only grown up on the surface want to get in, it will be very difficult!"

Guanxing has changed from the initial metaphorical attack to a direct attack.

His tone seems a little angry.


I have to say.

Yuexia's move has an extraordinary effect.

It breaks the defense!

And the captain who had been silent all the time saw The situation was already a bit serious.

He quickly spoke up to end the topic.

"Stargazing under the moon"

"Although what you said about 2.7 is unreasonable, I am afraid that these are not suitable for the basic industries that develop here."

"I think there should be better options."

If we don't stop it, who knows.

How will this battle turn out?

Seeing the captain speaking, he stopped watching the stars and nodded with a smile.

"The captain is right, Yuexia and I were just chatting casually"

"Yes, we were just joking."

Yuexia also expressed his position immediately.

Seeing this, the captain couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, the fight finally stopped.

"In fact, Himeko and I have already planned that after the clutter is cleared away, it will be suitable for decorating it into a house for animals to live in."

Stargazing brought the topic back on track.

But at the same time, it also explained that her initial sentence was not an opinion.

The meaning of saying it was to attack Yuexia!

"I see."

The captain nodded.

Now that the target has been determined, the only thing left is the problem of materials, and this problem is naturally solved by the captain.

Stargazing gave the captain the drawings he had prepared.

And after reading After drawing, the captain seemed very satisfied.

"Very ingenious, thank you for your hard work on stargazing"

"It's not hard work. It takes a lot of ore to turn the drawings into actual buildings, which is troublesome. It's even harder for the captain to take care of the [dangerous people] around him."

Guanxing once again looked at Yuexia.

That's right!

She is definitely not someone who just gives up after being angry.

What's more,

Yuexia's attack was her height.


The war breaks out again!

And this time - the two of them no longer had any metaphors, but the most direct attack!

Stargazer has issued an invitation to battle.

And gave Yuexia the first blow with [Dangerous Person].

Then - it’s time for Yuexia’s counterattack!.

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