Under the gaze of all Yingjie, the video quickly started playing.

In the video - after Kevin's all-out Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment and Hua's all-burning Taixu Sword God, the Herrscher of Corrosion can no longer maintain Alicia's appearance.

"What have you done?!"

Obviously - in this world, it is the omniscient and omnipotent god.

But... it miscalculated again and again.

It failed again and again.

It made the Herrscher of Corrosion extremely angry.

"Just to eliminate the possibility of ourselves being the obstacle."

Hua's tone was very calm.

She knew very well what the Herrscher of Corrosion's plan was.

"In order to seize control of Kevin's weapon model 666, you make yourself Alicia, and the only way to do this without eroding Alicia's data is by eroding other heroes."

"Eroding Ying Jie’s data"

"one serving...."

"Another piece of knitting Alicia!"

This is the plan of the Herrscher of Corrosion.

And the reason why the heroes keep sacrificing their lives.

In addition to buying time for Mei Yi, the most important reason is to completely burn their own lives to prevent the Herrscher of Corrosion from getting what they want.

To truly become"Alicia" is the same - this is what Mei is doing

"If I can't be her, and I can't even resurrect Alicia, then why can the Herrscher of Thunder do it?!"

The Erotic Herrscher asked Hua.


Hua's answer was very simple.——

"I wasn't the one who made the plans, so I'm not sure, but I'm willing to trust her."

When these words fell,

Hua Qing sighed and closed her eyes.

She wanted to end her life with her own hands!

Before the Herrscher corroded her data.

Just as she said, eliminate herself. The possibility of being an obstacle.

Just for a moment -

Chasing Fire Yingjie, engraved the inscription of [Floating Life].

That's it!

"In the past, we were indeed"losers"】"

"But for the future...."

"Herrscher of Corrosion, the duel that allowed us to become [Pathfinders] has just begun!" This is the last message left by

Hua. Such a scene made the audience in front of the video sigh. Before this, everyone was actually mentally prepared. After all, before Hua, there had been Many Yingjie paid their lives for this. But at this moment - when seeing Hua disappear, it still makes people feel sad. Xianzhou, Luofu

"Ying Jie, hero!"

Jing Yuan sighed with emotion.

As a fairy boat general who protects many things like the Ying Jie, Jing Yuan was deeply moved by the sacrifices of the Ying Jie. Chasing the

Fire Moth....

Just like the Cloud Cavalry Army.

In some ways, belief and will are the same.

Guard the fairy boat and cloud barrier!


"Well deserved!"

Yanqing has heard many similar heroic deeds since he was a child, and has also seen many heroic behaviors.

Moreover, his goal has always been the same.

To sacrifice his life for the thing he protects, and to give up his life for the thing he protects.

It is obvious..

These two beliefs.

The latter is more difficult to achieve.

But each of the Yingjies holds such will and belief, which perfectly explains their names.

Moth chasing fire!

At this moment - in Yan Qing's heart The admiration reached its peak.

In awe!

St. Freya

When he saw the ending of his own choice to disappear, Fu Hua was not surprised. Because that was the destined ending of being a Yingjie! However,....

The only thing that feels pity and regret is that the memories left by the heroes and warriors in the world have basically disappeared. leftover.

It’s the legends and stories about the heroes and warriors

"This is the spirit that corrodes the Herrscher and can never be understood"

"in human history"

"Like a fire that never goes out, it is passed on continuously."

Ji Zi stared at Hua in the picture and spoke softly.

In her opinion, the Yingjie did not become legends and stories of the past.

Their spirit and will will continue to be passed on.

Just like a lamp in the darkness.

Let’s light up the future for future generations!

It is precisely because of this continuous inheritance that mankind can create a miracle in the future. The

Moth Chasing the Fire,

Paduo’s heart is full of mixed emotions at the moment

"Although I know the ending, I still feel sad to see everyone turn into stars......Sister Yayi, please don’t let us down"

"What happens next depends entirely on you!"

In this way.

The memory of Thirteen Yingjie now only leaves Eden with the inscription of [Gold].

And Eden is not a combatant.

The reason why she stayed until the end.

Its function is not difficult to guess!

As a good friend of Alicia, I will add the last piece of the puzzle to the process of weaving Alicia.

Reappear Alicia.

Reappear - the Herrscher of the Origin!

"As Hua said, since we chose the Herrscher of Thunder"


"I believe she can do it!"

Su said.

He looked at Kevin.

In this plan, Kevin also chose to believe in Mei and the latecomers from modern civilization.

"Place hope on them"

"Won't let us down."

Hearing this,

Kevin said nothing more and looked at the video screen.

He seemed to want to see with his own eyes how the descendants of modern civilization created miracles!

In the video - as As the audience guessed, Eden is the only remaining hero.

The meaning of her existence is to complete, Alicia!


"Miss Mei, please witness that ending for us. Ellie will be waiting for you behind that door, and your journey will bloom at the end of all memories."

"Then please let me perform another song as a gift for you, Miss Mei."

Eden held the wine glass high.

At the end of his life, he sang Alicia's favorite song.

May you and I never leave. May time last forever at this moment.

Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire.

Inscription of Gold Yi Dian.

Since then, she has exited!

And when Mei opened the last door, she witnessed the life of Alicia, the Herrscher of the Origin.

Witnessed how she faced her own existence.

Witnessed how she gave her life

"Since I am the Lawyer of Men"


"I also want to do something that only people can do!"

"If the absence of the Herrscher means eternal farewell, if every Herrscher has the possibility of regaining his humanity, mankind will no longer face such difficult choices."


"There will be a chance to find hope"

"If humanity is my power"

"Then, let me plant flowers on the dry earth and bloom pure and flawless crystal flowers!"

Saint Freya

Although I have seen this scene once before, seeing it again still left the audience with deep feelings.

"Herrscher of the Origin"

"Lawyer of men"


It was she who sacrificed her life in exchange for the possibility of the Herrscher giving birth to humanity.

It was she who shone the most dazzling light on this road full of darkness.

"If it hadn't been for Alicia, I'm afraid it might have been a different ending!"

Theresa couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that everyone present owes Alicia a huge favor. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Quickly say, thank you Sister


Mid-act -

When Alicia's memories have ended, Mei has completed her mission.

The Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tale book slowly opens her eyes.

But what she sees is darkness. There is light in the distance. A blur of light.

But only one.

Not enough to illuminate the darkness

"Today, I will only sing your favorite song."

It was warm.

A light that felt familiar.

"It was you who changed your destiny."

Another gleam of light was ignited[]

"Don't look so surprised"

"Because we always believe in you."

Familiar voices appeared one after another.

The light separated the chaos and illuminated the darkness, dispersing the original nothingness.

It seemed to be calling someone. It seemed to be commemorating someone.

It seemed to be telling someone's name.

It seemed to be singing someone's story.


Alicia had just woken up, and her heart was filled with confusion and confusion.

"Herrscher of the Origin, what a fitting name for you, the origin of yesterday and the origin of tomorrow."

"You really created it, didn't you?"

"The paradise named after you, Alicia's paradise"


"She's here!"

"An eternal and flawless paradise."

The twelve o'clock burning light dispels the darkness of nothingness and shines out the light of humanity, the glory that belongs to Alicia.

AIn the age of man.

If there is anything that can crown man, it is only man himself

"So, come back......"

"Just like before, answer my call again, Alicia."

Leiden Meiyi stretched out his palm.

The shining light began to spread from the shadow behind him, illuminating the space in front and revealing the garden opposite.


There was a girl dressed in fine clothes and wearing a cross.

Pray silently for her

"Oops, you finally found me.

"Whenever we meet again, I’d better say hello to you."

Alicia turned her head.

Her pure white dress fluttered in the wind, like a flower wedding woven in spring for midsummer, or like a snow suit woven by warm winter for cool autumn.

Thirteen heroes passed away, and now their love has returned. Lysia.

Everything is just like the first time.

Just like the first time we met.

"Hi, did you miss me?"

The Fire-Chasing

Moth. When Paduo saw this scene, he almost shed tears of excitement.....


"I want it so much!"

Mei did it.

The sacrifices of the heroes eventually brought about the best result, and they welcomed back the girl named [Herrscher of the Origin].


Just like the first time we met!"

"Alicia like this is really touching~"

Eden smiled softly.

He was enjoying the video.

Alicia, who looked like a princess playing in the garden, was still extremely charming no matter how many times she watched it.


"`Hey, it’s really cool to hear Eden’s straightforward words.....So lucky!"

Alicia is very satisfied with her dress in the video.

Just as Eden said.

She also feels that she is very charming like this!

Dressed like this, she must have put a lot of effort into it, right?

After all!

Then But it was the most important banquet in my life.

Of course I had to face it with the most beautiful side!

On the train,

March 7 was almost stunned.


Isn't it too beautiful?

Now she finally understood why so many people in the previous video"Zhuhuo Yingjie was laid off and re-employed" became Aili's followers.

At this moment, she wanted to shout loudly——

"Love the door!"

Saint Freya

"So next, is the ending, right?"

There are too many knives in the Promised Land.

But at this moment

, the ending has finally come, and the most beautiful ending is finally about to be drawn.

Destroy the Herrscher of Corrosion!

"Now that Ai Li was successfully welcomed back by Mei Yi, next....It is to destroy the Herrscher of Corrosion."

Theresa clenched her fists.

Her eyes were very expectant.

After all, it is too hateful to corrode the Herrscher.

If it weren't for it, the heroes wouldn't have sacrificed their lives one after another, but fortunately....The sacrifices of the heroes and warriors were not in vain

"Activate Kevin's weapons and destroy the Herrscher of Corrosion!"


As long as Ellie activates her weapon against Kevin, she can delete the Herrscher and everything in the paradise.

"But speaking of it"

"Do we really need to activate the weapons against Kevin and delete them directly?"

"Is there no other way?"

"for example...."

"Ellie defeats the Herrscher of Corrosion?"

Kiana seems to have seen the scene where Ellie beat up the Herrscher of Corrosion.


"After all, the Herrscher is the all-knowing and all-powerful God in the Paradise."

Don't say that Ellie is second to the Fire Chaser Moth.

Even Kevin, who is number one, cannot defeat the Herrscher of Corrosion through pure combat power.

This is a pity.

After all, the Promised Land is where heroes and warriors still have to fight. There is only a handful of evidence of the existence of this world.

If it disappears, then from now on, except for Kevin and other existing Yingjie, the other Yingjie will only remain.

Legends and stories.

And this - this This is the best ending that the heroes and heroines can achieve.

In the video - seeing the girl dressed up, Meiyi had too many things in her heart that she wanted to say.

But for a moment, she didn't know where to start.

"Don't you want to say something? Ellie broke the silence

"Silence is not your style"

"I'm back."

Yayi nodded gently.

"Welcome back. Alicia said with a smile.

"This is a super foul statement. During my absence, you have become more proactive, Mei."

Such joking words made Mei Yi no longer silent.

"After all, someone disappeared talking to himself."

Ya Yi smiled.

She was joking with this returning friend as before.

"So, am I exactly the same as her in your memory?"


That storybook called Alicia.

It tells the life of a certain girl, from traveling around the world with dreams to ending with dreams.

Her life is so bright and magnificent.

It seems that every day A period of time.

It is like a carefully crafted fairy tale

"But this time, I don’t want to be a bystander, reading about distant memories without being able to touch them at all. I don’t want to end in this way."

"So this time...."

"I want to step onto the stage in the book and, as a witness, witness the ending of a human named Alicia."


"Everything about her and Thirteen Yingjie"

"Mei Yi has said so, and there is no way she can refuse, so let me turn the last page for Mei Yi."

The petals flew and then fell.

The pages of the book turned and returned to the original chapter.

Alicia stretched out her hand and put it on Mei's body and tongue.

"So, this beautiful girl, I wonder if you are willing to come to this grand banquet?".

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