【The most"nonsense" God Key?! The Herrscher of Knowledge will tell you what it means to have great power and fly bricks!!! 】

The story of Yingjie Survival Club has come to an end for now.

New video.

Soon, it caught the eyes of the audience.

Judging from the title, it is not difficult to guess who the protagonist of this video is.

The most ridiculous god of health!

No brains!

"It seems that this Herrscher of Knowledge is really a completely funny person....."

"Such a lawyer"

"How was it born?"

Theresa thought of the previous video

《What has the Lawyer of Consciousness taught us? 》

I can’t help but find it interesting.

How could there be such a Herrscher in the world? have to say.

The herrist of this civilization.

It's really diverse.

Among them is the multi-core Herrscher who calls himself a god and is extremely arrogant.

There are also comedians who are of lower quality and curse others whenever they disagree.

As for the others, most of them are young people!

It makes people wonder, did Honkai create these Herrschers to destroy mankind, or did they think they were here to help mankind?


"The most ridiculous god of health in history"


"indeed so."

Meiyi found it funny and complained softly.

Although there are not many videos about Xiaoshi, the existing ones prove the extent of Xiaoshi's"nonsense".

This is just a child!

Who can a serious lawyer use his power to do this? Are you defrauding the children of Doll Academy?

However, the audience also has many doubts about Xiaoshi. One is how the Herrscher of Knowledge was born? What is the relationship between her and Fu Hua? The other is


A good lawyer.

Why did it become.

The health of God?

I had only heard of it from Kevin before, but I didn’t know exactly how he became the God of Health.

Quantum Sea

"Bah bah bah!"

The great Herrscher of Knowledge was dissatisfied with this title.

"What the hell?"

"This is obviously nonsense."

What she cares about is not a nonsense word.

It's -

God's health!

You are God's health, and your whole family is God's health!"

"I just gave my body back to her because I felt sorry for the old lady. How could I be called a god of health? I am the Lawyer, the Lawyer of Consciousness!"

Zhibao issued a stern protest against the title of the video.

But obviously, this has no effect.

Xi'er on the side crossed her arms and looked very interested.

"Do you think Fu Hua is pitiful?"

"I think you were beaten down, right? And the key of God is the health of God, what is there to say?"

Hearing this,

Xiaoshi looked Xi'er up and down.

She put away her anger and showed her previous iconic smile.


"No matter what, I haven't always been the key to God, and what about you?.....Lady Stigmata?"

Xie'er was stunned for a moment.

The language is convenient.

I have to say.

Being clueless is far better than being unhappy!

The video soon started playing.

In the picture,

Xiaoshi was fighting with a Honkai beast.

However ,.The next second - after Xiao Shi let out a burst of hearty laughter, the world around him suddenly turned into a crystal ball in Xiao Shi's hand.

"I will turn everything around!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless iron chains suddenly burst out around him, tightly entangling the crystal ball! As Xiao Shi exerted force in his hand, the crystal ball shattered. The Grip of Taixu


"You're welcome"

"Etiquette is less important than affection!"

But the battle did not end with this. The Honkai Beast was already gasping for breath and launched an attack on Xiaoshi.


See this scene.

Xiaoshi snorted coldly

"have you had enough?"

The next moment!

A brick suddenly appeared out of thin air in her hand.

After repeatedly weighing and feeling the weight,

Xiaoshi crawled it towards the Honkai Beast, and her expression became extremely arrogant.

"Lie down, you!"

This brick is extremely powerful!

Just one brick knocked down the Honkai Beast in front of me.

Looking at the fallen enemy in front of me,

Xiaoshi was very satisfied.

"Take a look, isn't this much easier to use than that Duchen thing?"

"Bricks fall to the ground, calm down!"

Immortal boat, Luofu

" Jing Yuan is well-informed and is dumbfounded at this moment.

What kind of weapon is that?


As General Luofu who has been in office for many years, Jing Yuan has seen all kinds of battles and all kinds of strange weapons.

Eighteen kinds of weapons.

There are far more than them.

And among them, they are basically swords, which are suitable for immortals. There are mostly traditional weapons in Zhou.


Never seen anyone before.

Use bricks as weapons!

Hit the enemy on the head with a brick.

What kind of play is this?

Street gangster?

"Nowadays, when conflicts occur among Xianzhou civilians, they no longer use bricks and tiles, but use swords and sticks.....Why are there still people using bricks to fight?"

Yanqing was shocked!

I have to say.

Just the piece of brick Xiaoshi just made.

It completely overturned everything he had learned in so many years.


What skill?!

Xiaoshi just took out a piece of brick. Brick then hit the opponent on the head with all his strength.

Is this okay?

At this moment, he understood a truth.

One force can reduce ten skills!

How can there be so many fancy tactics and sword skills?

As long as the force is strong.

A Brick Put it down!


"This is also related to the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge himself."

Jing Yuan was afraid that Yan Qing would sense something strange, so he quickly spoke to correct him.


This is entirely a matter of the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

With her strength, she can kill this monster with bare hands.

But she just couldn't. Pick out a brick and hit the enemy on the head.

This is considered....

Bad taste?! saint freya

"So, is this what the title means?"

Theresa couldn't help but sigh.

Now that I think about the word nonsense, it is indeed reasonable!

Who in the right person would make a brick to fight the enemy?

What if we engage in long-range combat? Throw it out?


Two armies confront each other!

The things flying in the sky are not arrows, bullets or cannonballs, but bricks all over the sky.....Is it a little too abstract?

"If it weren't for this battle scene"

"I will definitely think"

"This is a spoof video."

This kind of thing.

It is indeed something that the most ridiculous Shen Zhijian in history can do. It really echoes Xiaoshi's character. No matter how high the skill is, it can be knocked down by a brick!

If Xiaoshi's strength is strong enough, this thing can be used as a cannonball. to use

"If you let Kiana, who becomes the final one, throw it away"

"It's unimaginable."

Ji Zi tried to imagine the scene.

In the end, Yanqi stood on the moon.

A brick. The scene of

[娑] fell out in seconds. Isn't it a bit too tricky?

【Suo] Never dreamed of it.

He will be crushed by a brick.

The brief battle is over.

But video.

It didn't end there - the next thing that came into view was the introduction about the tile.


It even has an introduction

【some day——】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The Herrscher of Consciousness had a sudden thought:"The Health of God is that the weapon contains the power of the Herrscher, so the weapon I made with the power of the Herrscher, isn't it the Health of God?""】

【——So there is this healthy】


It's a picture of that tile.

Xiaoshi’s exclusive LOG is engraved on the red and black rectangular tiles (Xiaoshi’s headshot with a thumbs down and an arrogant face)

——【If you don’t know the current affairs, you will be destroyed.】

【"To be ignorant of current affairs means not to follow the crowd, not to look at the eyes, and to act freely and only by one's own will."】

【"This is also the embodiment of his master’s immortal spirit and chivalrous character.——"】

Fire Chaser

Velvet and Dr. Mei were stunned in place.

They have studied the health of gods for half their lives.

Never dreamed of it.

Surprisingly, Shenzhijian still has this production method?

"Although a bit strange...."[]

"However, it does make sense."

Vilwei's expression looked very strange.

As we all know,

Shen Zhijian is a weapon made from the core of the Herrscher and contains the power of the Herrscher. Xiaoshi is the Herrscher, a weapon she created herself.


It can also be regarded as the health of God.

But the problem is.

Whose god is Zhijian a brick?


"He is indeed an unruly herrist!"

Mei thought for a long time before she finally came up with a suitable word to describe Xiaoshi.


She is so unruly!

The arrogant expression on her face seemed to say——【"Take a good look at Mei, Weiwei, this is how God's Health is made"】

Bricks are weapons, right?!

Saint Freya

Fu Hua frowned slightly, and it was obvious that everything in front of her had far exceeded her expectations.

She even.

He also gave Ban Brick a name.

Is it called [ignorance of current affairs]?!

Because I don’t understand current affairs, I just take pictures of them, right?


What does the following introduction mean?

This thing.

Are there any immortals there?

Whose immortal?

The magic weapon is a brick?

Whose immortal fights with bricks?

"Monitor, do you still have this kind of characteristic in China?"

Kiana obviously can't understand.

What's the purpose of making God's Health into bricks?


Fu Hua didn't know what to say for a while.

Anyway. this thing.

In China, it is indeed a commonly used weapon in street fights. common.

And it is more powerful.

No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you can knock him down with just one brick!

But that's for mortals. How can you, a majestic herrist, do such a thing?

Fu Hua needs one urgently.

Words that are more serious than the collapse of rituals and music. really!

The ability of the Herrscher of Knowledge is the freest ability, and the most ridiculous Herrscher in history is worthy of the name.

Quantum Sea

Xi'er looked at Xiaoshi with an extremely strange look.

She was puzzled.

The brain of this guy in front of me.

What exactly is it made of? that is.

How could a normal person do such a thing?

A three-year-old naughty boy, right?!


"What's your expression? Don't you think this weapon is very good?" Xiao Shi is very satisfied with this brick. The only pity is that it was

When asked, I had not come up with such a great idea, otherwise this brick would slap Otto in the face. must.....

More perfect!!!

"No, I've never seen you use this thing."

Xier and Xiaoshi have fought several times.

Among them, most of the weapons used by Xiaoshi are relatively normal sword-like weapons. I have never seen anything like bricks.

"Of course it is——"

"You are not worthy of me using [ignorance of current affairs]."

Xiaoshi was very proud.

In fact, the weapons she commonly used also have names.

Sword:"If you speak too much, you will kill"

Spear:"If you have anything to say, speak directly"

Chain blade:"Yin and Yang Weird"

The Herrcher of Knowledge's main focus throughout his life is to be uninhibited and love freedom.

Don't follow the crowd.

You will never guess.

The Herrscher of Knowledge will take something out of his pocket and hit you in the face.!

In the video

, when the battle was over, Xiaoshi laughed heartily with great satisfaction.


"I didn't expect that this brick fight would be quite handy!"


"Isn’t it pleasing to the eyes to appreciate the great Herrscher of Knowledge’s unparalleled [Seventy-two Transformations] up close?"

Xiao Shi's face was filled with happiness.

And the Cang Xuan Book floating in the air looked a little puzzled.

"Seventy-two changes?"

Looking at Cang Xuanzhi's bookish look,

Xiaoshi shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, this number is just a casual comment. The weapons in the hands of the Herrscher of Tangtang Knowledge are naturally ever-changing and can be driven at any time."

"Nearby, he can mediate the creation of eighteen kinds of weapons, and far away, he can change his shape into seventy-two transformations."

"Only you can't think of it"

"You can't change without me."

Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge has the freest ability in the world.

She carried out (Wang Zhao's) original sentence.

I can do anything! She seemed very proud of this.

"As long as I am willing, it is not a problem to turn the old antique into a folding chair when I get tired during the journey....."

"No, no, no"

"The things that come out here are considered part of me after all."

"Wouldn't that...." saint freya

"Wouldn't that mean that the squad leader sat on you?"

Kiana couldn't help but find it funny. How come this Herrscher of Consciousness feels more childish than her character?

But there is one thing.

Herrscher of Consciousness is far superior to Kiana.

That is, this guy.....It’s really too arrogant!

Fu Hua's attention on the side was not on Xiao Shi, but all on the puppet floating in mid-air.

"That is..."

"Cang Xuan?!"

Hearing this name,

Kiana and others looked a little confused.

"Cang Xuan?"

"Who is that?"

Fu Hua seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, with rare regret and sadness in his eyes.

"one of mine...."

"Old friend!"

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were two members of the Fire Chasing Moth. They had a good relationship with Fu Hua.

But they were not fusion warriors.

Therefore, their life span was limited after all.

When they parted, they created Cang Xuan The doll came to take care of Fu Hua's daily life.

It stayed with Fu Hua for a full thousand years.

Until a hundred years after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, it shut down due to energy exhaustion.

Fu Hua clearly remembered.

It was New Year!

She held her in her arms In this world, my last friend was walking on the bustling street.

Thousands of lights.

From that day on, not a single one lit up for Fu Hua.

"future.....Is she back?"

Seeing the old friend reappear,

Fu Hua felt indescribably excited.

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