Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 742: Monk System: Making the wrong medicine

Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, please stop saying a few words. Wang Linchi looked at a middle-aged monk who was spitting out fragrance. He was a monk in the ancient god realm, so he didn't give him any anesthetic. During the dissection process, the other party never stopped talking and greeted most of Wang Linchi's immediate family members.

However, Wang Linchi didn't care very much. Anyway, his household registration book only had one page, and his immediate family members, let alone their ashes, had been wiped out all over the world.

Therefore, Wang Linchi did not react at all to the other party's greetings.

You have dissected the other person, let the other person say a few greetings to vent his anger, and you can lose a piece of flesh. Why bother with a dead man about these things?

Fuck you... The other party seemed to realize that he was about to reach the end of his life, so he spat out a lot of blocking words like a barrage of cannons.

Wang Linchi was also an honest person. He waited until the other party finished speaking, and then stored them in categories.

Judging from the situation of the three tribes of humans, demons and ghosts, convergent evolution will occur after cultivation. Even if the structures of the three tribes are different originally, as the cultivation evolves, the final structures will begin to become more and more similar. In essence, this is the same kind of assimilation.”

From a fundamental logical point of view, there is absolutely no difference between the techniques they practice and they can be used universally.

Then this means that the same situation happened to all the tribes that were exterminated before.

This means that although all races may look different in form, appearance, customs, and consciousness, from a biological perspective, they are the same species.

Wang Linchi came to such a result, but all the tribes definitely disagreed with it. Not to mention all the tribes, even the three surviving tribes of humans, demons and ghosts did not agree with Wang Linchi's result.

Most living beings are visual creatures, and Wang Linchi is no exception. Sometimes judgments are made based on his own vision. Even though he has many kinds of vision, it does not affect his mainstream method of judgment.

This kind of evolution should be acquired, which is equivalent to them transforming their own species in the process of cultivation.

If there are three species of humans, demons, and ghosts that have not practiced cultivation, although they have certain similarities, they are still very different.

Until you start practicing, the transformation process should be carried out in the quasi-god realm. Once you become the god-human realm, a complete evolution will occur. This is what they call transformation.

This model has also been inherited by the Qingming Immortal Realm, which is the so-called difference between immortals and mortals. However, this difference is still relatively small compared to the Chaos God Realm. At least between the Immortal Realm and the Quasi-Immortal Realm, evolution is not So completely.

Wang Linchi knew why. It was naturally because of a different choice.

The monks in the Qingming Immortal Realm are used as security guards, while the monks in the Chaos God Realm were soldiers in the beginning, and now they are paper craftsmen. They have different professions, so how can they be the same.

Now I have a small question, where is the thing I want?

Wang Linchi looked at the packed laboratory and was a little dazed. He remembered that he came to find the secret of heaven, but now he had no clues at all.

He analyzed that the monk system of the Chaos God Realm is useless. A group of acquired rules masters are simply useless to him. He can now squeeze out as many as he wants.

From the realm of gods to the realm of ancient gods, the monk gradually merges the fragments of a rule into a complete rule. In his eyes, there is no other difference except that it tastes better after eating.

As for the Ancestral God Realm, it is indeed a little bit special, because it has the authority of heaven and earth, that is, the existence of world authority, so they are not a rule, but a compound rule. Not only does it taste delicious, but it is also chewy. However, it is limited to this, no matter how much it is, the value will be gone.

Since the alienation of the monk system is an act of self-rescue in the Chaos God Realm, it means that it is not only used to maintain operation, but also to treat one's own injuries.

Therefore, the Ancestral God Realm is actually a pill, which will be taken when the time is right.

The blessing of heaven and earth was a means of making pills, but something went wrong unexpectedly. In the end, not only were the pills not eaten, but there was also an internal fight, resulting in only five pills remaining in the original number.

In Wang Linchi's view, the effect of the pills used to treat injuries was not very good. Even if he took a large amount of pills, he could not save himself. The main reason was that the pills were not suitable for the disease.

How can it be possible to save a vegetative person with painkillers?

It is estimated that it was because he died too quickly and did not have enough time for the Heavenly Dao to be further synthesized, which ultimately led to this result.

The truth is sad, but what I want is neither in the care of heaven and earth, nor in the monk system.

Then we can only choose to conduct an 'anatomy' experiment on the Chaos God Realm, which is not a good thing. Wang Linchi sighed, he didn't want to do it so roughly.

Because this means that his body needs to be developed, and he is just a game character now.

As for tampering with history through historical records, that is definitely not possible. First of all, the Chaos God Realm is bleeding profusely. If he really wants to do it, he may not be able to bear it and die suddenly on the spot. This is why Wang Linchi is unwilling to perform an anatomy. 'For the sake of experiment, after all, this experiment also has to use history as a means.

Secondly, it is too extensive, and it also relates to the world body-snatcher Tiandao outside the specifications, which can easily lead to unpredictable changes in the timeline.

For example, by accident, Tiandao in the past history could notice something and form a butterfly effect. When the time comes, Tiandao would be resurrected. What would Wang Linchi do? He could only roll up his sleeves and follow the butterfly effect. Tiandao, who is not dead, has a fight.

However, Wang Linchi estimated that the most likely reason was that irreconcilable conflicts occurred in history, which eventually led to the collapse of the timeline, and then the Chaos God Realm died suddenly on the spot.

The main reason is that the current Chaos God Realm simply cannot support the way of heaven.

Wang Linchi was calculating the gains and losses at this time, because the next 'anatomy' experiment would probably lead to the suspension of the practical experiment on the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Therefore, he is considering who is more valuable between the World Body Snatcher, Heavenly Way and the practical experiment of six paths of reincarnation, and whether there is the possibility of coexistence.

Logically speaking, there is not much possibility of coexistence, but there is a contingency in everything.

It's not impossible, but it requires a lot of effort and cost. After thinking about it for a while, Wang Linchi began to calculate the cost.

A large amount of data continuously collided into plans in his mind. Most of these plans were smashed because they were unusable.

Finally, a result was reached.

There is no problem if you want to coexist, it’s krypton gold.

As long as you spend money and pay enough resources as costs, you can have your cake and eat it too.

I just didn't want to make money so I found a solution, but the plan actually cost me money. Wang Linchi's face dropped. This was like Superman using his super intelligence to prepare to solve the problem, but the super intelligence told Superman that he could solve it with super power. No need to think too much.

Wang Linchi was now in a desperate situation where he had to spend money.

Oh, I'll do it, I'll do it. Wang Linchi finally compromised helplessly.

Fortunately, after so many years of development, although the open source aspect has been greatly improved, in the face of a large number of experimental projects, it still seems to be a drop in the bucket. However, because the progress of experimental projects varies, the cost is not a one-time investment, so this is not a waste of time. He is bankrupt.

If that's the case, then I have to take action against the Ancestral God.

For the time being, Wang Linchi could only choose one person in the Ancestral God Realm as the experimental subject, and he had to choose the most insignificant one, otherwise it would affect the practical plan of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

After I am captured, the Six Paths of Reincarnation will have to be restarted. It will be carried out on two fronts and increase investment.

That's right, the solution is very simple. Carrying out two lines has never been a problem. The problem is to increase investment. Wang Linchi has been reluctant to give up. Until now, he has been forced to have no choice. After all, there is only such a double-win method.

Who should I choose... Wang Linchi chose among the five Ancestral Gods just like choosing vegetables in the vegetable market.

Heicheng and Scrophulariaceae were eliminated first. If these two died, the ghosts and demons would die suddenly, which was not in line with the Six Paths of Reincarnation practice plan.

Therefore, you can only choose one person among the human race.

Su Shan is the leader, and Li Ying is damaged enough, so we can only choose Yin Lu. Anyway, with or without him, it won't have much impact. In the end, Wang Linchi picked the unlucky guy.

As for the other party's opinions, they were completely outside Wang Linchi's consideration.

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