Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 740 The World’s Body Snatcher·The Secret of Heaven

You guys cut off the aorta in order to graft skin on the wound on the back of the head???

Wang Linchi had no way of understanding the opponent's brain circuit, so the Five Immortals of Heaven sent the Four Immortals in to seal the wound. As a result, these five people actually did such a thing with this thing, which shocked Wang Linchi.

I'm not sure whether I want the Chaos God Realm to die or you want the Chaos God Realm to die...

Now Wang Linchi seems to understand why the body may kill people when it kills viruses and germs through fever.

The five ancestor gods did the same thing. They just wanted to kill the intruders. As for the possibility of killing the Chaos God Realm, that was not something they could consider.

The final result was that Wang Linchi, the intruder, renewed the life of the Chaos God Realm.

These five people must not die. Let's see if we can extract this set of self-defeating abilities. Then we can throw them to the enemy and see if they trick themselves to death.

Wang Linchi said so, but it is probably impossible to extract it. The main reason is the lack of information. If those five people knew about his behavior and almost sent them away to the Chaos God Realm, they would probably be frightened. Not light.

But there must be something wrong with their ability to receive information. Why didn't they receive that their behavior was harmful?

Judging from the opponent's series of data, the Ancestral God Realm has a certain degree of synaesthesia with the world. However, this synaesthesia is incomplete, and only half of the received information is received.

Otherwise, you will immediately realize that their behavior of cutting off the aorta is not only harming the world, but also seeking death for themselves.

Perhaps it's because they're illegal?

Wang Linchi also learned that the Ancestral God's attack on the Dao of Heaven caused the chaotic world to become a vegetative state. Therefore, in essence, they were illegally usurping the throne. How could they obtain complete authority? Some of the authority would inevitably be damaged when the Dao of Heaven was broken up, and This proportion is not small.

The rules authority that the Ancestral God got must not be much. According to Wang Linchi's estimate, it was about one ten thousandth at most.

But this heavenly path is also a big hole. It's actually not one with the world.

The predecessor of Tiandao should be a certain monk, and he indeed dominated the Chaos God Realm. However, the other party is at the half-step stage. It has only replaced the software area of ​​the Chaos God Realm and has not yet obtained the hardware area, which is the world itself.

This caused the Chaos God Realm to become a vegetative state.

If it were Wang Linchi, this situation would not happen at all. He is the world, the way of heaven or Gaia, anyway, it is a pronoun.

The other party is seizing the body, and I am switching races. This is the difference between the other party and me.

There is always a price for seizing a body, not to mention that the opponent is seizing a world, which ultimately leads to his own tragedy. However, if the other party continues to develop and does not suffer the artery-cutting incident in the Qingming Immortal World, having enough time can indeed Complete the seizure.

Even though he is not as powerful as Wang Linchi, he has indirectly transformed his race into the world.

Time is always an enemy. Wang Linchi shook his head. With these two words, Wang Linchi didn't know how long it would take. Maybe when the opponent's consciousness dissipated, he might not be able to complete the entire process of seizing the body. In fact, if it failed, Even better, the province continues to struggle in the follow-up.

If the opponent is not dead now and meets Wang Linchi, he will only be pulled up and beaten by Wang Linchi.

If, like Wang Linchi, he directly transformed himself into a world race, then Wang Linchi wouldn't have much confidence. However, the opponent succeeded by seizing the body, and his overall strength is definitely weaker than him. Even if he can't win a crushing game, he can still win a smooth game. Come.

Moreover, he is actually very curious about the life forms that can seize one world and the corresponding methods. If he can get it, he can also try to separate another one to seize other worlds.

This method can be used as a subtle attack to invade the world.

For example, first let your clone become the savior, and then turn around and seize the world at the critical moment. Not to mention success, it can catch the world off guard.

We can only look for clues in the Chaos God Realm. Wang Linchi did not give up. After all, the Chaos God Realm is still there. As long as there is history, Wang Linchi can find some clues from it.

He doesn't ask for much, just find some fragments of words or ideas, and he can try to reproduce it himself, without actually finding a complete inheritance.

Even if he wanted to find a complete inheritance, it probably didn't exist. How could anyone leave such a thing behind?

The other party has become the way of heaven, so what is the point of inheriting this thing? It is left for the next person to succeed in cultivation, and then the other party also becomes the way of heaven and kicks him out.

Unless there is an entity with a unique system like Wang Linchi, even if Wang Linchi gives away the history books to others, others will not be able to practice it. Even if they succeed, if they fail to practice the opponent to death, it will be regarded as the opponent's backstage. I can't even bear my life.

For him to reach this point, luck, chance, and knowledge are all indispensable, and it is simply impossible to replicate it.

A slight difference can make a difference of a thousand miles.

However, if you imitate Wang Linchi, it is possible to succeed, but copying will definitely lead to death.

We're finally here. Wang Linchi looked at the large number of golden towers standing on the surface of the Chaos God Realm in the distance.

He sped up and hurried over instead of continuing slowly.

Mainly because he was frightened by these five wise men.

I'm afraid that these five smart people will continue to do some tricks.

He knew that the opponent's plan was to patch four layers, but it had only been patched to two layers now, which meant that the five of them had to cut the main arteries of the Chaos God Realm twice more.

Fortunately, it is a four-layer patch. If one more layer comes out, the King of the Four Realms will not be enough.

After arriving, Wang Linchi directly entered a gold crystal tower of merit.

Long time no see, Uncle Wang. Huda saw Wang Linchi coming in and said hello as usual.

It's okay, it's really not comfortable to float. Wang Linchi found a place to sit down. It was a bit difficult to stand in the void. If he hadn't been able to watch the live broadcast, he might have been bored out of his mind.

I don't understand. Why don't you just blast away these two layers of protection? Huda's huge body is controlling a large number of equipment to maintain the operation of the entire Merit Golden Crystal Tower Group and the Five Declines of Heaven and Man.

Don't worry, my Six Paths of Reincarnation haven't been installed yet. If you are blown up, the Chaos God Realm will die now. Wang Linchi said slowly.

On the first day when Hu Da led the merit giants to arrive, he was actually able to break in directly, but was stopped by Wang Linchi.

It is true that the Chaos God Realm has not been smashed by the world's stones, but its own barriers have been seriously damaged and become very fragile, and they cannot stop them at all. Even if the five ancestor gods apply two layers of lower realm patches, it is not a big deal. question.

On the first floor, they also opened a hole to let the King of the Four Realms in to stop the bleeding. As a result, the patch almost couldn't hold it.

This is a bit tedious. If I have to wait for Uncle Wang to come over every time I colonize the world, I will miss a lot of good opportunities. Huda shook his head and expressed dissatisfaction with this.

This time it's an experiment, it's different. Next time I'll lie down between the world's barriers and make sure I can take action as soon as possible. Wang Linchi didn't care about Huda's dissatisfaction. He said this because of his own family members. Take care of yourself.

There is no need to be too harsh.

After being trained by Wang Linchi, Hu Da has always been positioned as the commander-in-chief of the five degenerates of heaven and man, so he has to look at the overall situation and control the small situations, so he must have objections to Wang Linchi's procrastinating behavior.

This is indeed Wang Linchi's fault. It is not easy to get rid of the blame this time, so he can only bear it himself.

As for dumping it on the family members, what's the difference between dumping it on yourself.

Then what should we do next? Keep waiting? Huda asked.

Wait, I have to throw the game character in and find something for me. Wang Linchi's purpose is the secret of heaven.

He definitely wouldn't have gone in personally. What if it was a trap? After all, he is now bigger. If he can send game characters in, he can send game characters there. Don't take risks personally unless necessary.

There is no need to worry about his indescribable pollution problem. Those present are his family members. Not only will they not be affected, but they will be strengthened by it.

In fact, the Six Paths of Samsara can also be used as human skin, but if the quality is too poor, it will easily increase the wear and tear of the Six Paths of Samsara. It is not worth it for a small appearance issue.

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