Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 738 Entrusting the world to ascend to fill the gap in the sky

It seems that there has been a big change in the world again? Su Shan spoke first. The five of them had just cut off the lower realm called the Xuan Kong Realm. The whole process went very smoothly. What they have to do now is very simple. The sky realm serves as a barrier and is embedded in the location where the demons from outside the territory invade.

But after cutting off, I suddenly felt a palpitation in my heart, which was even greater than when the extraterrestrial impact and extraterrestrial demons invaded, as if death was about to arrive.

The other four people naturally felt it, but they couldn't figure it out for the time being and didn't know what was going to happen.

No, maybe it's because the demon from outside the territory is about to take action. Heicheng suddenly spoke, and then pointed at the sky.

I saw four huge phantoms gradually covering the golden tower in the sky. At this time, they were lying on the barrier of the Chaos God Realm, penetrating into the interior bit by bit.

No, the extraterrestrial demons have noticed the intentions of you and me, and are preparing to attack! Scrophulariaceae spoke immediately, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why they suddenly felt palpitating.

The reason for the palpitations is naturally that the Chaos God Realm is in danger.

Quick, do it!!! Su Shan shouted without hesitation.

The five people forcibly lifted the Xuan Kong Realm and then flew towards the sky. The huge Xuan Kong Realm enveloped a small half of the Chaos God Realm, causing many areas to fall into darkness due to the loss of sunlight.

No, it's too late... Veins popped up on Li Ying's body, and it was obvious that he had used all his strength.

The same is true for the other four people, but there is still no way to increase the speed of the Xuan Kong Realm's ascension. Their limit is only this, how can they succeed?

Looking again, a large ball of flesh and blood was hanging down from the sky. Among the flesh and blood, a large number of eyeballs, arms, and bones appeared on the surface.

When they saw this scene, the five ancestor gods couldn't help but stand on end.

Such filthy things... Heicheng muttered in a low voice. Fortunately, this large mass of flesh and blood did not attack them. Instead, it dripped directly to the ground like fluid. This scene was also extremely terrifying.

Then, countless existences formed by the resonance of magic weapons fell down like a long river. The sight of a large number of mechanical magic weapons made the scalps of the five ancestor gods numb.

They can see that in the long river of magic weapons, it is not the monks who are controlling the magic weapons, but the magic weapons are controlling the monks.

Quick, fight quickly!!! Su Shan shouted again.

The two extraterrestrial demons did not attack them, which was very wrong. It showed that the extraterritorial demons must have a more important plan, and now they could not escape and could only watch their actions. This was simply a kind of torture.

The next moment Su Shan finished his roar, a huge giant beast emerged from it. This giant beast had characteristics similar to those of the demon clan and the beast clan. However, as a demon clan, Scrophulariaceae could tell at a glance that the opponent was definitely not normal. This The giant beast looks very ferocious and looks half-human, but if you look closely, you can see that it has many weird limbs and structures.

The giant beast fell, and its different eyes blinked at the five of them, and even stretched out one of its scaly claws to touch them. There was more than one hand on the giant beast. .

Fortunately, the two sides missed each other, otherwise they would have had no choice but to use the Xuan Kong Realm to hit the giant beast.

Protecting oneself has always been the top priority of their five ancestor gods.

There is also an extraterrestrial demon. Li Ying also said the same thing.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a large black curtain falling vertically. This was the fourth figure.

Compared with the first three extraterrestrial demons, this fourth extraterritorial demon looks a bit ordinary and not too scary. However, compared with the first three, the five ancestral gods can feel from this black curtain. The atmosphere made them even more suffocated.

Rules...that's the alienation of rules... Yin Lu muttered quietly.

Facing the first three statues, they still have a certain chance of winning if they launch a siege. However, the fourth statue is the rule of the world, and it has been distorted and made into chaos. If one is not careful, it is very likely that the opponent will instantly defeat him. Kill, even die without knowing how you died.

Fortunately, these four extraterrestrial demons did not attack them.

That's not right. How did such a huge existence enter the Chaos God Realm? Could it be that there is a problem with the God Realm barrier? Heicheng suddenly thought of this matter at this time.

How did such a huge existence, far larger than those golden towers, enter the Chaos God Realm?

Without waiting for an answer, the Xuan Kong Realm they were holding had already reached the barrier of the Chaos God Realm, making them unable to go any further.

At least it's not too late now. Su Shan said: Let's work together to successfully embed the Xuan Kong Realm on the barrier in the shortest possible time to ensure that the demons from outside the territory cannot enter!

The five ancestral gods worked together, and through their own authority over the world, they immediately transformed the entire Xuankong World into a patch into the barrier.

This makes a weird patch appear on the world barrier, which looks particularly awkward. Fortunately, this patch is very strong, so there is no need to worry about it falling off.

Successful. Scrophulariaceae also breathed a sigh of relief. They were actually under great pressure, especially after four huge extraterrestrial demons entered the Chaos God Realm. If they failed, they doubted that the remaining extraterrestrial demons would definitely not survive. They will be asked to make the second patch of sky.


A huge cracking sound sounded, which made the five ancestor gods who had just breathed a sigh of relief not have time to be happy for a long time, and their faces became stiff.

A crack appeared in the Xuan Kong Realm embedded in the sky by them. This crack was still expanding, which made their faces very ugly.

Let's use another realm as a patch. Su Shan gritted his teeth. At this time, he could only continue to demolish the east wall to repair the west wall. Fortunately, there was still enough remaining lower realm, otherwise, he might not be able to stop it.

Naturally, the others had no objection. In their eyes, this must be the demon from outside the territory who saw them blocking the entrance and started to attack in anger.

This must be a strong attack. As long as they can survive it, they can continue to stick to the stalemate plan and get rid of the enemy.

As for the four extraterrestrial demons who have entered the Chaos God Realm, it will not be too late to solve them after they inlay the second patch of the lower realm.

These four extraterrestrial demons should be just the vanguard. If the main force of the opponent really enters the Chaos God Realm, it will be too late.

They also understand the priorities of things.

It can only be said that the temporary suffering of others is a sacrifice for the overall situation. Either the creatures under the ancestor gods will suffer heavy losses, or everyone will die together. For this reason, the ancestor gods must choose the former.

If we don't die, we will be able to recover the population one day sooner or later.

Choose the Yinkun Realm. It's the closest. We just need to clean up all its creatures. Su Shan had his target in mind right away.

The first step is to clear out the creatures.

That is to say, all life in the lower realm, including animals and plants, must be killed. Otherwise, they can't keep the creatures inside and use the lower realm as a patchwork.

Yes, it can save time, but the shortcomings are also very big. Once the lower realm escapes the control of the Chaos God Realm, it will inevitably escape significantly, and those who escape will struggle. Then how can they control a lower realm? The best way Just kill all the creatures in it, and then the lower realm will not have the energy to escape even if it wants to.

The same is true for the Xuan Kong Realm. Although this lower realm is still alive, it has become a dead silence, and there is not much strength to struggle. In the end, it can only be forced to become a patch in the Chaos God Realm.

The five Ancestral Gods did not have any discussion process, but went straight to Yinkun Realm and started killing immediately.

For a time, Yinkun Realm turned into a purgatory.

Three hours, we still have three hours. Su Shan looked at the sky again. After three hours, if the Xuankong patch is not reinforced by new patches, it will directly shatter.

This is indeed a challenge for them. It took them four hours to clean up the Xuan Kong Realm and then lift it up as a patch, but now they have one hour less, which means they must do their best to do it. OK.

Of course, during the four hours, they did not go all out, but performed at a normal speed, so it was not as fast as this time. They still had a chance, and they were not bound to lose.

If there really was no chance, they would either surrender or find another way instead of fighting to the death.

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