Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 736 Crisis is coming·Invasion of extraterrestrial demons

The three tribes were forced to stop fighting because of the direct attack on the back row by the human race's ancestral gods. The demon and ghost tribes had no choice but to merge due to the overwhelming power of the human race and temporarily merged into one clan. Even the ancestor gods of the two races began to live together.

It's not that they look at each other, but they are afraid of being attacked one by one by the human race. With a tacit understanding of two against one, they can kill them quickly, but three against two is not that easy, which leads to the formation of a group. Keep warm.

It is precisely because of the decisive actions of these two races that all subsequent offensive strategies of the human race were changed to conservative strategies, and they entered the process of recuperating and repairing the world's injuries.

Therefore, the entire Chaos God Realm has rarely entered a period of peace.

But the peace didn't last long before the world changed again.

This is... Su Shan's expression changed slightly as he looked at the giant golden pagoda that was blocked from the sky.

He could sense that the existence of the entire Chaos God Realm was rippled by these giant towers, and that they were also experiencing many problems.

Coupled with the fact that the world's injuries have not yet been fully repaired, this is simply adding insult to injury.

Invasion, invasion from another world! Li Ying's eyes narrowed and he said in a very serious voice: Now it seems that the impact outside that day was probably not an accident, but a method used before the invasion of the extraterrestrial demons.

It's not that they haven't experienced it, but it's just not so rough. When the law of heaven was still there, they also served as the vanguard to invade other worlds.

First, Tiandao will open the passage to the other world, and then they can kill it. After killing all the forces that can resist, Tiandao will enslave the world they invaded and use it as their own lower realm.

The next step is transformation and assimilation. This process lasts from a thousand to ten thousand years. After reopening, the reshaping will be completed.

However, they did not expect that their world would become the target of invasion.

Fortunately, it is not that there is no good news. These invaders have been blocked from the world and have not yet entered their world.

But the problem is that the other party can have an impact on their world from outside at this time. Once they enter it, the consequences will be disastrous.

The fight among all races may also have the handiwork of this extraterrestrial demon, otherwise it would not have been such a coincidence. Yin Lu also had a gloomy look on his face.

At this time, the vitality of the human race is severely damaged, and the demon and ghost races are even more disabled. It is simply the weakest time in the history of the Chaos God Realm since the destruction of Heaven.

As long as they are allowed to recover for tens of millions of years, with the blessings of heaven and earth on them now, there will be five more Ancestral Gods in the human race.

It's not that the various races are unwilling to add new Ancestral God realms as combat power, it's just that they can't.

The number of Ancestral God realms does not depend on breakthroughs, but on the blessings of the race. In the past, the human race's heaven and earth favors could only support three Ancestral God realms. There was no possibility of breaking through to the Ancient God realm.

Qualifications and resources are not a problem, what is missing is just a position.

If the younger generation wants to become the Ancestral God, they must either increase the favor of heaven and earth like the current situation, or kill an Ancestral God and replace it.

However, no matter which one it is, it is not easy to obtain, so other races only have so much high-end combat power.


The world shook violently. The three people had different expressions, but they were all looking up at the sky.

How do these extraterrestrial demons resist the erosion of the void? Su Shan whispered. They gave up exploring the outside world because they couldn't explore. But judging from this group of extraterrestrial demons, they have mastered the secret method that can resist the void. So, If the human race obtains it, wouldn't it mean that they would no longer be limited to the Chaos God Realm?

This idea flashed through Su Shan's mind, and eventually disappeared into nothingness.

First of all, it is basically impossible for them to obtain this secret technique, and they are also likely to be unable to resist this extraterrestrial demon.

Let's contact the demon and ghost clans.

If we don't want the extraterrestrial demons to occupy the Chaos God Realm, we can only cooperate sincerely at this time. Li Ying sighed and did not answer Su Shan's question. How did he know what this group of strange extraterrestrial demons relied on to resist the void.

Will they...surrender? Yin Lu said abruptly.

There aren't many problems with contact, but it's impossible to resolve conflicts, especially racial hatred.

The three-party war has not passed for long. Not long ago, the three parties were fighting to the death.

The two clans of demons and ghosts merged together, and they had seen what the situation was like. There were constant conflicts between the middle and lower levels, and there were many contradictions at the upper levels.

The hands of both parties have not been stained with the blood of the other's relatives, so they have irreconcilable hatred. Fortunately, they have two ancestor gods to suppress them, otherwise it would have exploded long ago.

Of course, in this situation, the human race is indispensable for the fire. If the other party has no problems, no matter how hard the human race is, it will not have much effect.

It can only be said that if flies don’t bite seamless eggs, there is always something wrong with them.

Yin Lu's words made Su Shan and Li Ying hesitate. If it were before, the two of them would not believe that Heicheng and Scrophulariaceae would surrender to the enemy, but that is no longer the case now. Everyone has just finished the race war. If you have a hot brain, what will happen if you fill it in?

Or in order to take revenge on the human race, they just ignored everything. This possibility is also possible.

I and I are not as despicable as you say. Scrophulariaceae's voice came over.

Hmph, it's true that the human heart is the most poisonous. We and other ghosts are not as good as that. Heicheng also echoed the words, and the two of them sang in harmony, and they had a tacit understanding.

It makes sense for the three ancestral gods of the human race to think so, but Scrophulariaceae and Heicheng are not mentally ill. Why would they seek refuge with the invaders?

After all, they had experienced the invasion of Tiandao slaves, and they still knew very well how to deal with surrenderers.

There are only two choices: cannon fodder and slave. However, no matter which choice you choose, the end will not be good.

If you use yourself to save others, you will naturally choose to resist.

At this time, the five Ancestral God Realm faced this situation and naturally regretted it. If they had been more careful and realized that the real conspiracy of the Tianwai Impact was to pave the way for the Tianwai Invasion, they would not have caused infighting among all races in the Chaos God Realm. extinction situation.

The five of them, to be honest, don't have much confidence that they can resist the extraterrestrial demons.

Since we have no intention of surrendering, we and other three tribes should think about how to face this extraterrestrial demon. Yin Lu was not embarrassed at all after being caught. After all, he has become an old monster. What's the point of face? He doesn't really take it seriously, the benefits are the benefits in his eyes.

How to face it? I'm afraid it's a big deal. Scrophulariaceae said bluntly, and this is true. If all races are complete, they feel that they have a high chance of winning. At that time, there will be thousands of monks in the Ancestral God Realm.

This weakening is no longer on the back heel, but only the back heel is cut off.

It's not that there is no chance. Li Ying retorted: At this time, the extraterrestrial demon has not entered the Chaos God Realm. We only need to block it from the world. If the other party can't get in, how can they do anything to us? ?”

It's a good idea to fight a protracted war. As long as the two sides reach a stalemate, the other side will definitely be unable to hold on first. Heicheng agreed with Li Ying's idea. Even though the two sides had irreconcilable conflicts before, however, under the external troubles, the internal troubles It was nothing, and they reconciled quickly.

This is not a feudal dynasty. Even if the enemy invades, they will still fight among themselves.

They all hold high positions, and they have also fought in the north and south, invaded other worlds and enslaved them to the lower realms.

So it is natural to know what will happen to these five senior leaders once the enemy invades and breaks in. No matter how serious the conflict is, can their own lives be at risk?

What should we use to block it? We can't use the five of you and me. That won't be able to block it at all. Scrophulariaceae sneered, but she agreed with Li Ying's plan.

Use the lower realm to block. I remember there are still a few lower realms that have not been dealt with. Li Ying directly stated his plan.

The four Ancestral God Realms were also shocked. They really did not expect that Li Ying would play such a big role and actually use the lower realm to act as a barrier for the Chaos God Realm. However, thinking about it again, apart from being more difficult, this is indeed in their interests. .

You can give it a try! Su Shan took the lead in supporting. Li Ying was in the same camp as him, and this plan also had certain feasibility.

I also agree with this plan. Yin Lu naturally followed suit.

At this time, the attitude of Scrophulariaceae and Heicheng was not important. After all, there were few people, so they had no choice but to acquiesce in the execution of this plan.

Unless they had a better plan, there was no way it could be stopped, and they weren't going to.

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