Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 730 Chaos God Realm is suspected of possessing self

The Chaos God Realm is even more chaotic.

Wang Linchi looked at Tao Ran's memory. He was just a small person in a remote area, but it was precisely because he was a small person that he was fooled so easily.

The so-called gate to all heavens and worlds was originally a trap. The other party's previous guess was correct. In fact, he was deceived. The so-called body instinct was simply fake and was specially designed to deceive him.

The other party feels that he has nothing that can be plotted. In fact, this is not the case. The other party's value is very great, at least in Wang Linchi's hands.

He successfully located the coordinates of the Chaos God Realm, and through the data on Tao Ran, he was able to reversely deduce most of the rules of the Chaos God Realm in an instant.

In addition, it is the other party's memory and understanding of the general trend of the entire Chaos God Realm.

Human race, demon race, ghost race... so many races are gathered together in one world, and their brains are beaten out every day.

But even if there is only one human race, Qingming Immortal Realm and Qianchuan Realm seem to be fighting every day.

Speaking of which, the Qingming Immortal Realm is shameless. It actually directly copied the extraordinary hierarchy and names of extraordinary persons from the Chaos God Realm.

Wang Linchi complained that the hierarchy of the Chaos God Realm was the same as that of the Qing Ming Immortal Realm, which was divided into realms of Zhun, Ren, Jun, Wang, Huang, Emperor, Zun, Gu, and Ancestor.

But Wang Linchi could see from Tao Ran that this time it was not a continuation of matryoshka dolls, but a complete new system. Except for the quasi-divine realm, which was a mixture of immortal and mortal realms, starting from the divine-human realm, At the beginning, there were extremely high requirements for understanding, first the artistic conception, then the laws and rules, and then weaving them into fields.

It looks like a smaller world, but it's not like Wang Linchi's direct transformation of the race. Their race is still their own race, which is equivalent to transforming the body into some kind of node or base station.

In this process, world authority was obtained to increase enough power.

It is equivalent to what they practice are rules, which are similar to the soul world where the rules were refined at the beginning. However, the awakeners in the soul world are innate, and if it develops later, this is likely to be the case.

Of course, it is precisely for this reason that the threshold for monks in the Chaos God Realm is very high. In Qianchuan Realm and Qingming Immortal Realm, if you have enough resources, you can definitely pile a monk to the highest level, even if it is the other party. Even if the qualifications are not enough, resources can make up for it.

However, in the Chaos God Realm, you not only have to have enough resources, but also have enough qualifications.

Fortunately, in addition to being nurtured in the mother's womb, talents can also emerge from the bottom, so there are not too many monopolies in the Chaos God Realm.

It's a pity that there is no way to see the process of world colonization, and it is controlled by the top management. Wang Linchi felt regretful.

There were many races in the Chaos God Realm. He suspected that when the Chaos God Realm colonized other worlds, it might have absorbed these dominant races as a way to improve itself.

And it is true that these races did not become security guards guarding warehouses like those in Qingming Fairyland.

From Tao Ran's body structure and genetic sequence, it can be seen that the other party has been using the civilization in the body to expand externally, and has achieved excellent results in terms of adaptability and universality.

Even if Tao Ran is thrown from the Chaos God Realm to the Qianchuan Realm, although he will feel uncomfortable due to the change in the environment, it will not be like the immortals from the Qingming Immortal Realm who descend to the earth and die suddenly after being left for a long time. The other person's discomfort is due to energy. A sudden change in the environment is similar to catching a cold accidentally when the weather turns colder. It will be better in two days.

In addition, it has been revised many times and combined the advantages of multiple races.

Wang Linchi could tell that his bloodline had been compiled multiple times. Don't ask him how he could tell. He extracted something similar to a system log from the bloodline.

This should be the transformation of various races in the Chaos God Realm.

The transformation will definitely not only target the human race in the Chaos God Realm, but other races will definitely follow suit.

So, those monks in the Ancestral God Realm are greatly improved.

Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter. His idea was very simple, just eat.

Think about the world of a group of trumpets. The quality may be poor, but the quantity is definitely good.

Does this inexplicable sense of déjà vu mean that the predecessors of the Chaos God Realm are some kind of intelligent creatures like me? Wang Linchi did not think that he was the only one.

If he can do it, why can't others do it?

This kind of thing is not so absolute.

Otherwise, these operations in the Chaos God Realm cannot be explained.

Wang Linchi didn't know what the specific situation was for the time being, but he understood one thing, that is, the Chaos God Realm was definitely not as easy to deal with as the Qingming Immortal Realm.

It is precisely because the predecessor is an intelligent creature that it can optimize the entire world structure to its own advantage.

But there are a lot of doubts here.

The most basic point is why not convert each tribe into its own dependent tribe, but have to let them fight and fight among themselves.

For example, among the many family members in Wang Linchi's body, there is no internal fighting at all. There will definitely be friction. After all, each family member is a real life form with its own self and personality. Everyone is just loyal to Wang Linchi and is not a puppet.

Experiments, research, development, etc. are all inevitably in contact with each other. The process of contact will inevitably cause benefits and losses. If there is no friction, it is definitely false, but these small frictions are not a problem.

There is real internal fighting in the Chaos God Realm, and there is deep hatred between various races, and they are eager to kill all races except their own race.

This made Wang Linchi very puzzled. As a world promoted by intelligent life, how could such a stupid move happen?

Wait... Unless this intelligent creature died suddenly and the world survived? Wang Linchi suddenly thought of something. If the rules practiced by the monks of the Chaos God Realm were not given by the Chaos God Realm, , but they themselves plundered it through practicing this program.

Then this can be explained. The death of the other party's subjective consciousness led to the birth of internal problems.

No, if the main consciousness dies, who is compiling the bloodline of the human race? Wang Linchi found another contradiction.

The Chaos God Realm is indeed very complicated.

Since it's not a larger matryoshka doll, and there seems to be something wrong with it...

Wang Linchi also hesitated. According to his previous idea, that was to open the door directly, and then let the merit giant be the vanguard and lead the king of the four domains in.

Destroy the opponent's training system, and then use brute force to crush all the enemies, and he will accept everything.

This was his original invasion plan, which focused on a crushing game.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that the plan is not going well. After opening the door, if the situation in the Chaos God Realm is really the same as his promotion of intelligent life, then the five degenerates of heaven and man will probably not be able to defeat the opponent's cultivation system and crush the situation. It will be ineffective, and maybe the other party will blow him up in turn.

Therefore, the most important thing is to determine whether the consciousness of the Chaos God Realm is dead or alive.

If it's dead, it doesn't matter, just go in and kill. If it's alive, then Wang Linchi will let Qingming Immortal Realm bring a large number of lower realms to form a meteorite belt and crash directly into it, killing the opponent before taking action.

At this time, a parasitic world like Wang Linchi has the advantage of not having to worry about being killed by other worlds.

But how to test it?

Wang Linchi was thinking about this matter in his mind. He would definitely not go through it. He knew there was a problem, so why did he lurk in there?

It's not a small place like Qingming Fairyland where you can mess around casually.

Then a little damage? Wang Linchi glanced at the numerous lower realms in the Qingming Immortal Realm.

Throw a lower realm like a stone and hit it directly on the Chaos God Realm. If the other party reacts, it will be alive.

If there is no response, then he is dead.

Throwing one away is nothing, he can throw out a hundred or so more. The lower realm is indeed not very valuable here in the Qingming Immortal Realm.

Just right, it can be used as one of the procedures in the six paths of reincarnation.

Wang Linchi has always felt that he lacks offensive means. Things like Xin Yuanyima and Taishan Xi can be used against the world, but they are a bit weak.

Instead, he picked up a world and smashed it over, and the effect was very significant.

However, Wang Linchi must first develop a catapult or slingshot that can smash the world out. Otherwise, he can just pick it up, swing it, and smash it out. It's just a bit laborious. He wants to make one It was effortless and at the same time, it was a technique that was more powerful than him hitting it out by himself.

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