Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 728 Fake·Gate to All Heavens and Worlds

This thing fell from the sky and was born from the void. What on earth is it?

Tao Ran looked at this bronze door solemnly. As a disciple of the Tao family in Meiyan City, he got such a treasure by chance.

In fact, his cultivation level is not high, he belongs to the quasi-god ascended realm, and among his Tao family, there is a god-king realm. He belongs to a big family in Meiyan City, and there is a young patriarch in the clan who has become a member of the Gui Yi Sect. , became an inner disciple of Guiyi Sect.

The quasi-god realm is divided into two realms, the descending realm and the ascending realm, covering both mortal and immortal levels.

And he is already in the middle stage of Great Consummation, and he only needs to take one step further before he can enter the later stage.

But today, he unexpectedly obtained this bronze door. He doesn't know its use yet, but it just looks strange.

What's more important is that this thing is indestructible and he can't even destroy it.

It was this that made him consider it a treasure.

He knew he had seen the baby, but the question was, was there really nothing wrong with the baby?

In the Chaos God Realm, the human race is not the only one. There are also many races such as monsters, ghosts, and demons, which invade their human territory from time to time.

The fight between many races is life-and-death, and there is no sign of easing.

Therefore, from time to time, some so-called treasures are thrown in and passed on to control people of other races. In addition, the human race is not harmonious. There are many sects and aristocratic families. Under internal and external troubles, it is simply a storm. Piaomiao, this is actually the case for other races.

Tao Ran was still very clear about himself, how could such a treasure exist in a small place like his Meiyan City, where one could do whatever one wanted after breaking through to the divine realm.

And the origin is so weird that if you refine it casually, you might get yourself into a trap.

As for some powerful magic weapon accidentally falling here, this is possible, but the possibility is so small that it can be ignored.

There is no such good luck.

But if he just threw it away, he wouldn't be able to part with it. It looked like a treasure.

If he successfully refines it, he may be able to get out of this small Meiyan City. In this Meiyan City, the strongest person is only in the realm of the God King.

And he may even be trapped in the quasi-god realm for the rest of his life, unable to break through to the god-human realm.

It's not that he doesn't want to, nor is it a problem with his qualifications, but that he doesn't have enough resources to reach the mid-stage of the rise to the quasi-god realm, which is basically the pinnacle of his future.

Most of Tao's resources are provided to direct descendants, especially those who join the Guiyi Sect, in order to plan for greater achievements in the future.

So he has been like this all his life, and it is impossible to achieve higher achievements.

Even if you want to go out and work hard on your own, you can't do it because everything about you is restricted to the family. After all, from birth to cultivation, you use all the resources provided by the family. The family handles everything for you, allowing you to Being able to have the current status and achievements is naturally to repay the family.

Otherwise, after taking the resources, you pat your butt and leave, wouldn't it be a mess?

However, because the family is not as powerful as the sect, there are cases where it is used as a stepping stone after joining a large sect. Most families are mainly bound by emotions.

The same goes for Tao Ran. He won't leave even if he is asked to leave. He has parents and brothers and sisters at home.

Because they use emotions as a bond, they are not as cruel as in the sect, but are very united and use this to form a rope.

Of course, there must be corresponding differences in treatment. If a bowl of water is equal, the entire family will be brought down.

As a side branch, Tao Ran became the unfair party.

At the beginning, he really didn't have many additional ideas. After all, his qualifications were average and his background was not very good. If he could join the Gui Yi Sect, he would still be able to get corresponding family resources to support him. Unfortunately, he didn't have it at all. You can’t get in, so you can only be a devotee.

According to his thoughts, maybe he will be like this for the rest of his life.

Until today, he encountered something different, an opportunity, an opportunity that could lead to success, but it might also be an opportunity that would kill him.

It's all about gambling.

Why can't I! The messy thoughts began to appear in his mind, and Tao Ran's expression showed a hint of madness.

But soon, he broke away from this madness, and then he felt lingering fear.

There's something wrong with this baby. It's probably a demonic thing that can confuse people's hearts. After he broke free, he subconsciously threw the small bronze door to the ground.

The sound when he landed seemed to knock on his heart.

Two paths came to mind. One was an uncertain future, but it was possible to get myself to a higher position.

The other is to work like a cow, being confined to the small Meiyan City for the rest of his life, dedicating his remaining energy to the direct lineage of the Tao family, and then dying in a certain mission or due to a failed breakthrough.

End of life? This is a bit whimsical. As long as one embarks on the path of cultivation, no one among millions of people will survive to the end of his life.

The vast majority of people died due to various fighting methods, treasure hunting, etc.

No, this thing... Tao Ran felt a little suffocated. The treasure's ability to confuse people was more powerful than he imagined.

‘Bewitched? Are you sure it's not your own unwillingness? ’

Suddenly, a voice appeared in my mind.

You...are you intelligent? This time, Tao Ran was really frightened.

'Naturally, I am the Supreme Treasure of Chaos. I am a divine object from the time when the world first opened. It is called the Gate of All Heavens and All Realms. I can lead the host to travel through the heavens and achieve the highest position. ’

The treasure that claims to be the gate to all heavens and realms begins to introduce itself.

‘This is... Chaos God Realm, a somewhat interesting world. Apart from being a little weak, there are no other problems. ’

‘Do you want to be my new host? ’

The Gate of All Heavens and Worlds asked.

This shocked Tao Ran: What happened to your former host?

He became alert.

‘I died, fighting against the law of heaven, but in the end I was killed by the law of heaven. ’

‘Stop nagging, do you want it? If not, I will leave. You can find someone else. ’ The Gate of All Heavens and Worlds said impatiently.

Wait, since you are so powerful, why do you want to bewitch me? Tao Ran asked quickly. Although he was a little frightened by the word Tiandao, he asked calmly.

‘I didn’t deceive you at all, it’s just that your body instinctively coveted me, this treasure of chaos, which essentially conflicted with your subjective consciousness. ’

‘Your subjective consciousness doesn’t know how much I cherish you, but the instinct in your body inherited from your ancestors when the heaven and earth first opened has created a need for me. ’

‘This is just like hunger and fatigue. It is a part of your body. You will also be like this when you meet other Chaos Treasures. It’s just that not everyone can meet Chaos Treasures, so this instinct is buried. ’

‘Just like children from wealthy families, they may never know what hunger is all their lives. ’

The answer from the Gate of All Heavens and Worlds was beyond Tao Ran's expectation, but when the other party thought about it, it seemed that it was really like this.

‘Okay, since you don’t want to, I’ll leave first. I hope you can find a suitable Chaos Treasure next time. I hope it won’t take too long, and it’s best before your world is destroyed. ’ After saying that, the Gate of All Heavens and Worlds flew up in a swaying motion, as if planning to escape.

Wait a minute, I do! In desperation, Tao Ran shouted subconsciously.

This was not what he wanted to shout, but his body shouted out instinctively, which made Tao Ran more and more sure that this was indeed what his body was thinking.

'ah? You are such a tough person. ’

'Forget it, being able to meet you means that you and I are destined. If we meet the conditions of cause and effect, fate, etc., I will choose you. Otherwise, I have to change the world and continue to choose a lucky person. ’ The Gate of All Heavens and Worlds seems a little dissatisfied.

However, he did not leave directly, but still chose Tao Ran.

This made Tao Ran feel relieved inexplicably. He was not surprised now, because he knew that this was his body's instinct.

Then what should I do next? Tao Ran asked nervously. This is the treasure of chaos. Just these four words together can be heard as extraordinary.

And he was just a small quasi-god realm monk, so he would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.

'You refine me first, and I'll pass it on to you... Forget it, I won't pass it on to you, so that you don't have to think too much. You can directly use your own refining method. The efficiency may be a little slower, but I'll make do with it. ’ The Gate of All Heavens and All Realms also deliberately sneered.

This left Tao Ran speechless. This treasure really held a grudge.

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