Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 726 Signal source, smash it!

Six months after the disastrous defeat in the Southern Territory, although half a year had passed, it still seemed like yesterday. Fortunately, the Four Territories did not take advantage of the weakness of the Central Territory to invade.

Mysterious Divine Pearl, break it for me!!! Sikong Ding roared angrily. With the help of the innate magic weapon, he successfully broke through from the quasi-immortal realm to the immortal realm.

In six months, he went from an unknown cowherd to a monk in the Immortal Realm. During this period, he relied entirely on his own efforts and a little help from an innate magic weapon called the Xuan Shen Bead, such as ignoring bottlenecks. Ability.

However, his feeling is actually correct. Cultivation requires resources and inheritance. These things cannot be provided by the Xuan Shen Bead. It all relies on his fighting skills, counterattacks, etc. to improve along the way.

In Sikong Ding's eyes, six months to reach the Immortal Realm is not really that fast, especially with the help of innate magic weapons.

Successful. Sikong Ding said in a low voice.

The destiny protagonists in Qingming Fairy World and the Lower World are not like the protagonists in the protagonist world, the predecessor of the zombie world, where there will be harems, ambiguities and other situations. The protagonists here are basically career-oriented, and each of them has very different goals. Simple, it means becoming an immortal, an ancestor, and a master.

It is rare to lose your mind for the opposite sex.

In other worlds, the opposite sex will be used as a bondage or plot advancement, but not here, because of the involution, if you don't involve others, others will involve you to death.

And this death is not a metaphor, but a death in a literal sense. If the cultivation is not strong enough, people will really die.

Therefore, most monks are determined to cut off love and will choose to inherit their own bloodline unless there is really no possibility of a breakthrough.

For monks, love and love will make it easier for them to have their hearts broken and become possessed by demons. However, it is too difficult for a demon to fall in love with someone.

What's more important is that some necessary Zhougong etiquette will also lead to the leakage of one's own cultivation, not to mention that childbirth will affect the foundation and a series of other things.

Sikong Ding is also this kind of person. He was born as a casual cultivator, so he is more aware of the difficulties at the bottom and will not be involved in love and so on.

The Immortal Realm is just the beginning. It can only be said to be an innate magic weapon. Now others are unable to practice and make breakthroughs.

And I only need to practice step by step and improve my proficiency in the exercises, and I can simultaneously improve my cultivation level. It is simply unbelievable. Sikong Ding was still very satisfied with himself.

If he didn't need resources for cultivation, he even thought that he could directly reach the Ancestral Immortal Realm through proficiency.

Unfortunately, each realm requires more and more resources.

It's fine when you're in the quasi-immortal realm, after all, you only need immortal spirit stones, but in the immortal realm, if you don't monopolize resources with sects or markets, then casual cultivators want to get some corresponding cultivation resources, that is It's extremely difficult.

But Sikong Ding had a better solution.


That's right, go directly to grab the resources of Zongmen and Fangshi.

Today is different from the past. Due to the disastrous defeat in the Southern Territory, these forces have also weakened to varying degrees.

As long as he finds the right target, grabs a wave and runs away, he doesn't need to confront them at all. Of course, being able to steal is the best.

As for morality, Sikong Ding had some before he became a monk. However, after becoming a monk, the cruelty and involution in just six months were enough for him to let go of his morality.

Otherwise he wouldn't be alive now.

After the sect weakened, the order in various places naturally deteriorated. The force that could intimidate was no longer in the Southern Territory, and the lower levels would definitely have other thoughts.

Fortunately, there is still an ancestor who is in charge, so that the entire Central Territory will not be in chaos.

There are also many people who defect to the evil realm and become evil cultivators controlled by magic weapons. Although they become slaves, at least their lives can be saved.

As for the other three domains, no one would seek refuge there, mainly because there was no way to survive.

This caused the scope of the evil domain to begin to expand.

The nearest market... Sikong Ding had not thought about joining the Four Realms, but planned to improve himself. He was not in the habit of being a slave.

He had just made a breakthrough, and he didn't have enough time to celebrate. Instead, he devoted himself to the next step of improvement. He was simply an anomaly among monks.

Among a group of introverted dogs with procrastination, an introverted dog that doesn't procrastinate is simply weird.

Although the words procrastination and involution do not go well together.

Soon, a brand new plan to steal first and then rob appeared in Sikong Ding's mind.

From execution to evacuation, the whole process was perfect.

But just when he was about to take action, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

boom! ! !

The whole world shook violently. When he looked up, he saw a large number of cracks appearing in the sky.

This turn of events caught him off guard, and his expression showed shock.

What...what's going on? Could it be that this is a mutation in the Central Territory? Sikong Ding's expression became extremely ugly.

Although cracks appeared in the sky, they were not broken and were still healing little by little, which made him feel relieved.

If the Central Territory really suffered a disaster, then he would definitely die.

Even the ancestral fairyland can't resist. He just possesses an innate magic weapon. How can he dare to arrogantly say that he can solve it? Under the disaster, he is not even an ant. How many immortal emperors and immortals have died without death? In the place of burial, how could he survive in a mere fairyland?

But before he could relax for long, small golden light spots appeared in the cracks in the sky.

This made him look a little confused as to what it was.

When he looked again the next moment, he found that these small golden light spots were enlarging little by little.

Did something fall from the sky? He looked confused. Because there were many golden light spots scattered across the area, he was not worried about them hitting his head.

Could it be a rare treasure from the sky? He couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He didn't care why the sky in Qingming Immortal Realm became like this, nor did he care about what would happen to the Central Realm, because these were not things he could solve.

But if he could obtain an extraterrestrial treasure, it would greatly improve him.

Not long after his thoughts emerged, he noticed that the golden dots seemed to be gathering, and became larger in the process of gathering. At this moment, in his eyes, they had changed from golden dots to golden light.

Only then did he realize that these extraterrestrial treasures were probably very large.

No, why do you seem to be here for my position!

Taking a closer look, a hint of crisis appeared in his instinct, and he keenly discovered that the gathering golden light was actually falling towards his position.

He couldn't help but his expression changed, and he turned around and fled without hesitation.

It was true that he wanted the exotic treasure, but he wanted to get it alive instead of being smashed into pieces by so many exotic treasures.

Sikong Ding also looked helpless. He never expected that his luck would be so bad, and he would happen to be at the landing place of these extraterrestrial treasures.

As he evacuated, he discovered a strange thing, that is, not only did he not escape the landing position of the alien treasure, but he was getting closer and closer.

Damn, what's happening?

As the golden light approached, he could already see what these things were. They were actually huge towers of golden light.

And no matter how he ran away, he couldn't escape the scope of these golden light towers, as if they were chasing him.

I will definitely die if I continue like this. Sikong Ding could detect the aura emitted by these golden light towers. From the beginning, he was still in the Immortal King Realm, but now he has reached the Immortal King Realm. If nothing unexpected happens, when these golden light towers When the giant tower lands, it is very likely that it will be promoted to the Immortal Realm or even the Ancient Immortal Realm.

By then, let alone him resisting, his whole body will become a piece of meat.

Thoughts flowed through his mind, and when he looked up again, the golden light tower had arrived, and the terrifying pressure flowed out, making him unable to move at all.

Impossible, this is impossible, how could it happen so fast!!! Sikong Ding shouted with splitting eyes. He couldn't reconcile why it was him.

The next moment, the golden light tower fell like raindrops and hit the ground. Sikong Ding, who had no time to escape, was undoubtedly crushed into a pulp.

The innate magic weapon Xuan Shen Bead on his body separated from the other party's body, and when he was about to fly away, a big golden glass-like hand stretched out from the golden light tower, pinched the jet black bead, and immediately Knead it into powder.

It's been two years, and we finally arrived at the Qingming Immortal Realm. A voice like Sanskrit chanting came out.

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