Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 716 The Western Region, the magic weapon gives birth to a spirit

Hahaha, it's done, I'm done!!!

Ding Chaomu laughed wildly. At this time, he had completely mastered the Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual.

The progress was very fast. From the beginning of enlightenment to the completion of cultivation, it only took three days to achieve success.

However, his body has become extremely weird, like gold and iron but with the feel of wood and cotton wool. This is the true body of the Lingbao he obtained after completing the Hundred Refining Lingbao Sutra.

That's it, that's it. I understand, I understand everything.

With success, scarlet brilliance appeared in his jade-like eyes. At this moment, he saw the whole world immersed in countless colorful lights. That was the truth of the world and the origin of everything. .

At the same time, a large amount of knowledge that cannot be described in words poured into his mind. This knowledge, combined with the Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual, formed a large number of magical powers, which caused his body to begin to undergo further changes. .

I... want... revenge!

Feeling the strangeness in his body and the madness in his thinking began to surge up, he took it word for word as an obsession and recorded it in his next actions.

Just now, through his own willpower, he briefly broke away from the twisted truth of the world and returned to the false reality, but he knew that his time was running out.

There was a problem with the Hundred Refining Spiritual Treasure Manual, but he didn't know where the problem was, and he couldn't solve it.

Therefore, I can only strengthen my Taoist heart and let myself fulfill my original obsession.

He cannot fight against the distorted truth of the world, but in the false reality, he still has a certain degree of control over himself.

After the four-word obsession was successfully imprinted on his special body composed of countless magic weapons, he was once again pulled into madness.

This time, he could no longer break free, because madness and distortion had completely taken over everything in him. So far, his original self had completely disappeared, and what had returned was a brand new self.

Evil cultivator? Hahahaha, interesting, interesting. Ding Chaomu couldn't help laughing wildly, and his huge body shattered the temporary cave that had been left behind.

A lot of chaos spread out.

A large amount of data appeared in front of my eyes.

Start anchoring the Huntian Sect, coordinate location...

Calibration completed, start space jump!

A dull mechanical sound came from the weird body, and then the space was shattered.

Named Ding Chaomu, he is actually a brand new life form obtained after the innate magic weapon swallowed human consciousness and began to carry out the original obsession.

Under normal circumstances, monks have no ability to break space at all. Even in the Ancestral Immortal Realm, the monk system is just a group of security guards in the Qingming Immortal Realm.

If a security guard owns shares in a company or holds the key to a safe, is he still a security guard?

Therefore, although the monks possess corresponding martial arts, they are very incomplete and can only be said to be large immortal cultivators.

Patriarch Huntian was counting the gains during this period with a smile, completely unaware that a disaster was coming.

After destroying the Hengtian Sect, the harvested resources were divided among them. As the leader, the Huntian Sect naturally took the lion's share. In addition, with the power granted by the Supreme Sword Sect, he also tried to squeeze out other sects. Door.

With the previous case of destroying Hengtian Sect, other sects could only pay money to save their lives due to intimidation.

This is just the beginning. After the first success, the follow-up will be easier, and you are not afraid that they will not provide resources.

Hahahaha, the Immortal Realm is just around the corner. I will be able to successfully break through at most a thousand years. Ancestor Huntian estimated that according to this squeezing method, the Immortal Realm is no longer a problem.

But before he could stay happy for a while, his laughter stopped abruptly, and an inexplicable pressure suddenly emerged, forcing his laughter into his throat again.

The Immortal Realm, no, could it be the Ancient Immortal Realm? He looked horrified, and then rushed out, ready to greet him.

In his imagination, the person coming must be a senior of the Supreme Sword Sect. Otherwise, how could there be a monk with this level of cultivation in his Western Region?

But when he came out, he was confused.

The sun was blocked, and there was a huge magic weapon in the sky. It was huge and huge, and it was squeezing out from the huge crack in the sky.

At this time, his thought was very simple: he was about to suffer.

Is the Western Region going to be reduced to the same situation as the North and South Regions? At this time, Patriarch Huntian was also dumbfounded.

Otherwise, where did such a large magic weapon come from? According to his idea, with the power of the entire Qingming Immortal Realm, no one could refine such a huge magic weapon that could cover the sky and the sun.

It seems that we have no choice but to give up the foundation of the Western Region. Ancestor Huntian sighed, and then prepared to flee. If he stayed here, he might even lose his life.

However, the next moment, he felt a force, and it was the force emerging from his body that was stopping him.

He was also frightened and thought he had been tricked.

After all, this is true for both the strange realm and the evil realm. However, when I looked at it again, it was actually my own flying sword that had changed. As a righteous person, I naturally used one sword to break all laws.

Therefore, the magic weapon being refined is a flying sword, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Huntian Sword, why are you...

Before he could finish his words, the Huntian Sword broke free from his control and burst out of his body.

The Huntian Sword actually emitted streaks of colorful light, and under the eyes of Patriarch Huntian, it began to expand into a human-like shape, its body resembling that of gold and iron.

Alive, this is impossible!!! Patriarch Hun Tian immediately noticed that his Hun Tian Sword had become a living entity.

But this is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that the opponent is still his own flying sword, and it has an extremely close connection with him, but he has no way to continue to control the opponent.

The network is connected successfully, the evil cultivator code is generated... A dull mechanical voice came from the body of the strange being transformed by the Huntian Sword.

This made Patriarch Huntian feel something bad in his heart, and he didn't care too much at this time. He fled while forcibly severing the connection between him and the Huntian Sword, even if doing so would cause him to be seriously injured or even close to death.

It can't be cut off, it's impossible... Ancestor Huntian suddenly discovered that at some point, his relationship with Huntian Sword had been reversed.

Now, he is more like the refined flying sword of his destiny, and the Huntian Sword is the main body of the monk.

The evil cultivator is out of range, please stop your behavior immediately.

The sound of the Huntian Sword came from behind. Before Patriarch Huntian could turn around to investigate, a pair of cold and sharp hands grabbed Patriarch Huntian's head and forced him to the ground.

It has been detected that the evil cultivator of this destiny has the intention to rebel, and forced control measures have been initiated...

The sound of the Huntian Sword made Patriarch Huntian feel cold all over. A monk in the realm of Immortal Emperor himself was actually controlled by his own flying sword with one hand.

Wait, I refined you, I am your master, you can't be like this...ah...what did you do... Ancestor Huntian couldn't help but wailed, and he felt that the immortal power in his body began to He was lost, and his whole body was torn apart by the sword energy of the Huntian Sword, causing a large number of injuries.

Please rest assured, the evil cultivator of this destiny, I am doing this for your own good. Hun Tianjian replied.

Ancestor Huntian's consciousness has become a little blurry. The sword energy not only acts on his body, but also penetrates deep into his soul.

It can only be said that the Huntian Sword is much better than the Huntian Ancestor in using him. Even the Huntian Ancestor cannot achieve this kind of fine control.

The sword energy entering the soul only caused pain and restriction, but no corresponding damage, which was simply unbelievable.

The original evil cultivator has taken control and began to implant the evil cultivator code... After confirming that the ancestor of the Huntian Sword could not resist, the Huntian Sword began further actions.

At the same time, all the magic weapons in the entire Western Region began to activate into independent life forms. Through the huge magic weapon network formed with Ding Chaomu, who became the evil king, the entire Western Region was monitored and defended in an all-round way.

The activated magic weapon began to search for the evil cultivator corresponding to itself, and began the process of status reversal.

Righteous monks are a little better. They emphasize that one sword can defeat all kinds of magic, so most of them use natal flying swords, usually one-on-one.

But the magic monks are different. The magic weapons they refine are not many at all, or even a lot. They take the approach of replenishing quality by quantity.

Then after the magic weapons on their bodies are activated, multiple magic weapons will correspond to one evil cultivator. There will not be a fight between the magic weapons. It will only further squeeze the evil cultivators, and the worst will be for the demonic cultivator himself.

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