Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 712 The beginning of the five declines, wonderful clothes, pearls and green crowns

Five declines of heaven and man...

The first thing that fades away is that the fine clothes of the gods are always bright and clean, but when the blessings are over and the life is over, they will naturally become filthy.

The second decline is that the crown of heaven's treasures and pearls are bright and colorful. When the blessings are over and the life is over, the crown on the head will naturally wither.

When Wang Linchi noticed that the Zombie Crown, the zombie virus in the Southern Territory, was beginning to spread, he couldn't help but smile.

And the strange changes in the Northern Territory are the clothes of wonderful clothes.

It's just that compared to the Strange Territory, the efficiency of living corpses is still relatively slow. Even if it can spread through the air and ignores the monks' many magical powers, propagation is always a shortcoming. It cannot cover the entire Southern Territory immediately, but it doesn't matter. , the snowball started rolling.

One is the most powerful cunning cultivator, and one is the most powerful evil cultivator. There are still two short of the five degenerates of heaven and man.

It's true that five minus two equals three, but Wang Linchi still has a merit giant, so just add two more.

This Heavenly Man Five Decline was created by Wang Linchi to target the Chaos God Realm. For the time being, it will be used by the Qingming Immortal Realm as a test of the waters.

The Qingming Immortal Realm was already unable to resist when the Northern Territory turned into a strange realm. If it had been able to resist, the entire Northern Territory would not have become like this.

Therefore, the so-called end of blessings and end of life refers to the Qingming Immortal Realm, not the so-called Ancestral Immortal Realm monks.

Once the Five Decays are formed, it will have an impact on the entire world, directly corroding and damaging the extraordinary system of the Qingming Immortal Realm. In serious cases, it may explode directly.

If something goes wrong in the monk system, trouble will naturally follow among the monks in the Ancestral Immortal Realm, especially the stronger ones, the greater the impact will be.

The reason why this happens is naturally because the stronger the monk is, the deeper the entanglement with the monk system is. It cannot be said that a monk in the Ancestral Immortal Realm has no connection with the monk system at all. If there is a problem with the monk system, as the one with the deepest entanglement Individuals will naturally have problems.

This will directly defeat the strongest player in the system.

The overall strategy is very simple, capture the thief first and capture the king first.

Without effective resistance, the rest is not a big problem.

As for the world itself, it is indeed the biggest threat, but for Wang Linchi, this threat has been resolved.

There are still two protagonists that need to be dealt with.

The protagonist of the Demonic Path is in the middle domain. Don't worry about this. The other party is about to reach its end. If I push him, he will die within a month or two.

The protagonist of the Righteous Path is a bit difficult to deal with. The opponent is on the rise in his career. At this juncture, it is even more difficult to deal with him. Killing him directly seems to be easy to cause trouble.

It's a pity that the merit flag and merit protector have been sacrificed. Otherwise, they would have to fight again.

When the merit protector used merit flags to release the biological crisis in the southern region, he was struck to death by lightning from the Qingming Immortal Realm just after the release was completed.

Although these two were dead, the magical power of biohazard was successfully released. Qingming Immortal Realm did not have the corresponding experience in dealing with biohazards, so there was no way to suppress the spread of the living corpse virus at the first time. In the end, it spread all the way. The Tuan destroyed the Fuchen Sect and brought it to the Zhenshan Sect.

Now, due to the spread of Zhan Shanghe's air, it has spread to one percent of the Southern Territory, and this range is expanding. In three days at most, the entire Southern Territory will become a bad territory.

The righteous protagonist that Wang Linchi wanted to deal with was currently in the Western Region, so he could just kill him.

But for Wang Linchi, it would be a pity to waste such a good protagonist.

I remember that the Western Region is an evil region where magic weapons are awakened?

Wang Linchi looked through the plan and felt that he had to act as a treasure-delivery boy for the protagonist again.

Although opportunities are good, some opportunities are not good things.

For example, the things Wang Linchi sent out can basically be equated with disasters.

As the protagonist, you have to help him, otherwise you won't be able to keep up with the trend. Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, as long as the demonic protagonist in the Central Region can survive for another ten years, Wang Linchi will come to him and give him treasures, so that he can join Wang Linchi's protagonist's family.

It's a pity that the other party's life is really bad, and he is about to come to an end.

As for saving the other party, what is there to save? The protagonist of the dark style mainly focuses on the white-eyed wolf and repaying kindness with revenge. People who really think that they can become big bosses by practicing magic will be forced or misunderstood. ? There are not so many coincidences.

If he really wanted to save him, he might stab Wang Linchi in the back.

It would be better to wait for the other party to die and change to a protagonist to support him. Controlling the other party directly from the time when he is weak is far better than choosing a shady old silver coin.

The protagonist of the righteous path has some weaknesses, but the protagonist of the evil path has no weaknesses.

Wang Linchi estimated the time again and compared the data. At this time, Qianchuan Realm was still about a year and a half away from Qingming Immortal Realm.

For him, there is still plenty of time.

It's just that this year and a half cannot be shorter for all the monks in Qingming Immortal World.

For them, the changes in the northern and southern regions were as fast as a blitzkrieg. They didn't even realize it, and they had already changed into this in a snap.

They even realized it later and haven't noticed the problem until now.

For example, in the Southern Guild Territory, the Supreme Sword Sect indeed sent people to investigate, and he was still an Immortal Realm. This was actually taken very seriously.

But they ignore a very serious issue, that is time.

Yu Ke has become a powerful cultivator in the Secret Realm. The Supreme Sword Sect thought he was investigating, and they were completely unaware that something had happened to the other party.

The reason is naturally because it has only been a few days. How can there be such quick results? Without one or two years, there will be no results at all.

The entire group of monks, except for fighting skills, has a very slow sense of time. They can stay in seclusion for thousands of years to cultivate a magical power, or they can stay still for ten thousand years to understand the skills. For them, the timeline is very long.

This is due to their own life span.

I don't know what the monks' sense of time is like. Even the immortal species should be anxious at this time.

It can't be that because we are still fighting among ourselves, we don't feel the problem?

The Supreme Sword Sect has been entangled with the three demonic sects in the central domain. The balance between good and evil has caused most people to be involved.

In addition, the Central Territory has always been based on the idea that people are superior to others. Even if the four regions of the East, West, South, and North are all dead, it actually cannot affect the Central Territory too much. The main reason is that the Central Territory is too big and has too abundant resources.

The other four domains were more like the little bits and bobs that came as a gift when buying the Central Domain. Wang Linchi was also a little confused as to why the Qingming Immortal Realm was divided in this way.

But it is precisely because of this that Qingming Immortal Realm cannot resist, but it does not damage the roots. It belongs to the ranks of people who can still live after their hands and feet are cut off.

Ding Chaomu couldn't help but shuddered, and then an unknown premonition appeared in his heart.

Could it be that the Huntian Sect has some plans? His first thought was that his old enemy, the Huntian Sect, was causing trouble again.

It seems that Hengtian Sect has been rising since its infancy, and under his management, it has already ranked among the top ten in the Western Region.

We have to break through to the Immortal Realm as soon as possible. The Western Region is still too small. If we want to go further, we can only go to the Central Region. Ding Chaomu took a look and found that he has many enemies now. In addition to the demonic path, he has many enemies within the righteous path. There are also many people who are holding back in order to limit his development.

For example, his old enemy, the Huntian Sect, repeatedly betrayed his information to the Demonic Sect, thereby disrupting many of his plans.

However, since the other party was from the righteous sect, he couldn't kill them directly, so he could only use some means to disgust each other several times.

No, we can't stay in the Western Region any longer.

For some reason, after the Northern Territory turned into a strange territory, Ding Chaomu felt that some strange changes had occurred in the Qingming Immortal World, which gave him a feeling of palpitations.

He couldn't tell what this feeling was. He had always regarded it as an illusion, but today it became clear.

It gave him the urge to head towards the Central Territory.

The resources needed to break through to the Immortal Realm must be gathered as soon as possible. Ding Chaomu thought about it and decided to speed up, even if it meant breaking up with the Huntian Sect.

But by as soon as possible, he meant within ten years, not ten days.

He would like to take ten days, or even ten hours, but this is not realistic. If the breakthrough to the Immortal Realm was really that easy, there wouldn't be so many people stuck at this step.

It can't be that these people don't want to break through to the Immortal Lord Realm and just want to stay in the Immortal Emperor Realm. That's so confusing.

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