Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 710 How can an immortal get an ordinary disease?

Compared to the Northern Territory, which fell into madness, the other four territories were calm. Although I had heard that the Northern Territory turned into a strange territory, I had never really seen it, so I just expressed my feelings verbally, and then nothing more happened.

Otherwise, what else can we do? We can't let them suffer along with it. On the contrary, they are all grateful that it did not spread.

There are also some who are arrogant and talkative, but overall the impact is not big.

The main reason is that there is no sign of expansion in the Strange Territory. As long as they don't get close to the Northern Territory, nothing will happen.

If you ask me, the Secret Realm is just... Cao Mian spoke loudly. As an inner disciple of the Fuchen Sect, he was rather dismissive of the Secret Realm.

Although the Fuchen Sect is not a big sect and even a person in Immortal Realm can become an inner disciple, in the Southern Territory, it is actually pretty good.

If the Northern Territory is a medium-sized area, then the Southern Territory is the most suitable place for the protagonist's Novice Village, with few resources and few strong people.

Among the major sects in the Northern Territory, if you want to become an inner sect disciple, you must be in the Immortal Lord Realm. Such a comparison can show the gap in resources.

In addition to qualifications, monks naturally have resources. The fewer resources they have, the slower their growth will be.

Okay, let's talk slowly, brothers. I have to go on a mission. Cao Mian saw that something was not right in the atmosphere and ran away immediately.

The main reason is that he can't control his mouth.

Oh, the sect is also in a state of decline. How come it even sends out such a mission?

Cao Mian took a look at his mandatory mission this year. It was not difficult to kill a monster of the same realm.

As an inner disciple, this task is indeed not difficult.

If there is a chain of contempt in the Qingming Immortal World, it must be sect\u003ecasual cultivator\u003emonster, and then the monster is the lowest level existence.

Rogue cultivators of the same realm can easily kill a monster of the same realm with the help of spells and magic weapons.

Moreover, the upper limit of monsters is actually relatively limited. Once they reach the Immortal King Realm, there won't be many of them. It is said that the most powerful monsters at present are only in the Immortal King Realm.

After being killed by an inner disciple of the Supreme Sword Sect, the leader of the righteous path, he was hung under the mountain gate of the Supreme Sword Sect as a stepping stone.

Therefore, the threat of monsters is actually not high. Unless they become a tide of monsters, then they may become a threat.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry too much at all.

But this is also because he is a disciple of the sect. If he were a casual cultivator, he would definitely have to be more careful, otherwise casualties would easily occur.

Boom! ! !

The frightening thunder in the distance interrupted his thoughts, and the power of heaven emanating from it made his immortal power somewhat stagnant.

What's going on? The power of this thunder must be at least in the Immortal Lord Realm. Cao Mian didn't have much knowledge, and the strongest person he saw was just a monk in the Immortal Lord Realm.

After all, the hierarchy is strict, so the circles formed by monks in various realms are also extremely strict. Even in the early stage of the Immortal Realm, don't even think about getting into the circle of the middle stage Immortal Realm, let alone the gap between the Immortal Realm and the Immortal King Realm. .

Is there... any treasure?

Such an idea came to Cao Mian's mind.

Otherwise, how could such a powerful thunder appear out of thin air.

Of course, it is also possible that the thunder disaster was caused by some people in the devil's path.

There are not only righteous sects nearby, but also several demonic sects, thus forming a situation of confrontation between good and evil.

However, most of the time, things are actually peaceful. There are definitely small-scale fights, but large-scale fights basically never happen, unless there is a major conflict of interest.

However, before he even got close, he felt a sense of malice.

This made him shudder, and he turned around to leave.

Something's wrong, we'd better leave as soon as possible. As he said that, he ran away, but he found that he couldn't move up or down anywhere.

Let's carry out the mandatory mission in two days. Anyway, there is still some time this year. Go back and hide for two days.

Lei Lei made a lot of noise, attracting more people to observe, but he felt uncomfortable, so he naturally had to go back first.

Damn it, it can't really be something from the devil's path.

On the way back, Cao Mian found that when he was using his magic power, there was a rare problem, as if it was blocked by something invisible.

However, when he used his own spiritual consciousness to explore, he found nothing, even looking inside, and in the end he could only suppress it temporarily.

After returning to Fuchen Sect at an extremely fast speed, he rushed to the medical hall for treatment as soon as possible.

After a careful inspection, the disciples from the medical hall said, There is nothing wrong with senior brother, it's normal.

But my magic power... He repeated his situation, and the other party was also confused.

I'm not poisoned, and I'm not under any magic spell. This... really doesn't seem to have any problem. The disciple of the Medicine Hall shook his head. He couldn't see it. No matter how much you said, it was useless. In the end, he could only say: Why don't you get some elixirs first?

No, since you can't tell, you can just take the elixir for whatever purpose. Cao Mian refused without hesitation.

Seeing a doctor does not cost contribution points, but you have to use sect contribution points to buy medicine or receive treatment. If the other party sees what is happening to you, then there is no problem in taking medicine. However, if he does not see it, doesn't it mean that he is being taken advantage of? .

Seeing this, the disciple of the Medical Hall also smiled bitterly: Since senior brother has his own ideas, it might be better if he can go back and rest for a while.

Just as Cao Mian was about to speak, he found something running down his nose. He reached out and wiped it quickly, only to find that it was snot.

This made him look horrified.

How could he have a runny nose with his immortal body?

When the disciple of the Medical Hall saw this scene, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Senior brother, wait a minute, I'll go ask the hall master. The other party also discovered the seriousness of the problem at this time. It is impossible for a dignified monk in the Immortal Realm to have a runny nose.

Cao Mian wanted to say thank you, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he sneezed loudly, and tears flew from his nose.

Okay, please, junior brother. When he spoke, he felt weak and his throat was a little itchy, as if he wanted to cough.

The leader of the inner medicine hall was quickly invited over. He looked unhappy. After all, his practice was interrupted. Who would be willing?

Then when he came over and took a look, just like the disciple, nothing was found, but Cao Mian's symptoms seemed very familiar to the other party.

If you look carefully, isn't this just a mortal catching cold?

My nephew, you seem to be infected with the cold. When he said this, the leader of the medical hall was also a little unsure.

After practicing Qi, most mortal diseases have no effect on them. Not to mention that Cao Mian is still in the immortal realm, how could he be infected with such ordinary diseases as wind and cold.

No matter how vicious the devil is, the other party will not be so unconfident.

Ah? Cough cough cough... Master, don't be joking. Wind-cold is a common disease for ordinary people. How could I get such a common disease? Cao Mian coughed, sneezed and wiped his nose again. Yes, looking extremely embarrassed.

Actually, it's really like this. As the leader of the Medical Hall spoke, he reached out and touched Cao Mian's forehead, and it was indeed extremely hot.

Cao Mian also had some doubts about life. What was going on? He was in the realm of an immortal. If word got out, people would probably laugh to death.

Then...how to treat it? Cao Mian asked.

When the leader of the Medicine Hall heard this, he replied helplessly: I don't know. I'm afraid that even the Supreme Sword Sect will not be able to encounter your situation, my nephew.

How should a monk treat a cold? This matter is unprecedented not only in his Fuchen Sect, but also in the entire Qingming Immortal World.

So he just kept talking, all in all it means, you can carry it yourself.

It's just that the leader of the medical hall found something strange. Why did Cao Mian become silent after asking this question? It couldn't be that the fever had passed.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so, so he stretched out his hand to test Cao Mian, who had his head lowered.

However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, Cao Mian grabbed it fiercely and bit it down, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Ah... what are you doing!!! Under the severe pain, the leader of the Medicine Hall also wailed. He never thought that his Immortal Lord Realm monk would be bitten like this by a Immortal Realm disciple.

Cao Mian did not answer, but with white eyes and salivation at the corner of his mouth, he rushed towards the opponent again. This time, Cao Mian's target was not his hand, but the opponent's neck.


The speed was so fast that it completely exceeded the strength of the Immortal Realm. It only broke the opponent's neck in an instant.

In an instant, the entire medical hall fell into chaos.

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