Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 708: Northern Territory, strange arrival

Everyone, have you noticed anything wrong? Ancestor Zhaoshen looked solemn.

He was keenly aware that something happened in the Northern Territory.

Ancestor Thousand Xiang also nodded: I was already in retreat today, but suddenly I felt an impulse and a feeling of panic.

The ancestors of other sects also had different expressions. It was precisely because of this incident that they all gathered together to discuss what was going on.

There is something different about this matter. Could it be that it involves a major event in our Northern Territory? Ancestor Zhaoshen suddenly said.

The people present are all monks in the Immortal Emperor Realm. If one person feels this way, it is very likely to be an illusion. But now that everyone is aware of it, it means that something big must have happened.

Could it be the matter of the ghost corpse before? Ancestor Huxiang immediately thought of the matter of the Illuminating God Sect, and then there was a hint of fear in his expression: If Wanming Sect spreads this poison to our northern region, I'm afraid yes……

If they hadn't acted quickly at that time, perhaps the poison would have grown to the point where it could pollute the Immortal Emperor Realm monks. You must know that even the Immortal Emperor Realm cannot effectively resist the poison of this poison.

After all, it was the work of the Immortal Sovereign Realm monks, and it was simply not something they, the Immortal Emperor Realm monks, could resist.

This matter... is possible. If so, we need to go to the Supreme Sword Sect again and invite a senior at the Immortal Realm to fight. When the ancestor of Zhaoshen said this, his flesh was visible to the naked eye. pain.

At first it was easy to invite gods but hard to send them away, but after staying there for more than a month, the sects like them were almost squeezed dry, and then it was a shame that they were sent away, otherwise they would all have to run away in poverty now.

If this proposal had been made before, everyone would have agreed without hesitation, but now, everyone is hesitant.

No matter how you say it, they are going to drain their wealth. The previous shortfall has not been made up yet. It is not impossible to invite them again. The problem is that they do not have enough resources to pay.

Although the Immortal Realm monk would not be too demanding, in the end he would only ask them to sign some treaties to sell or mortgage his sect's resources as a supplement.

It's not really good.

Why don't you move out of the Northern Territory? Ancestor Thousand Xiang said abruptly.

Huh? No one expected that the other party would make such a suggestion. This meant giving up the territory that they had managed for so long, and it might not be so easy to go to other domains.

You and I will unite our sects together to form one large sect, and then move to other areas. Not only can we avoid this disaster, but we can also rebuild our sects with mutual support. The original intention of the ancestor of Thousand Xiang is that everyone Alliance and run away.

However, it was opposed by everyone.

This is inappropriate. The sect is easy to move, but it is difficult to find the offerings in this lower realm.

In the Qingming Immortal Realm, there are certain numbers for worshiping the lower realms. If you and I take action, I'm afraid it will cause siege from other realms. Ancestor Zhaoshen also objected.

They can enter other domains as a group, which will inevitably arouse the vigilance of other domains. By then, how can their group of dragons crossing the river be the opponents of the local snakes? The opponent occupies the right location, people, and maybe the right time, even if they successfully take root. , life is not easy either.

It is better to choose to stay in the Northern Territory and take a gamble.

After you and I exchanged words, Ancestor Thousand Xiang’s idea of ​​​​escape was quickly rejected.

The ancestor of Huxiang did not continue to insist. If he did not bring the Huxiang Sect, left alone and did not plan to establish a sect, he could get away with it wherever he went. With his cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm, even if he joined the Central Realm There is no problem with the Supreme Sword Sect, the leader of the righteous path, but the treatment may be much worse.

We still don't have a clue about this matter. Why don't we just wait and see how things get better, then we can take a proactive approach and get down to business. The ancestor of Terugami said.

The words are nice to say, but the actual meaning is that no one knows what the situation is, and they don’t know what the so-called disaster is. They don’t even have any clues. No matter how much they say, it’s useless. It’s better to wait until they have the information. It’s not too late to respond.

As for responding at that time, it will be too late. We will talk about it later.

We are all monks in the Immortal Emperor Realm. As long as we are willing to give up our foundation, there is no place in the world that we cannot go.

Hearing this, everyone could only helplessly echo the words of Patriarch Teru God.

Otherwise, what else can you do? If you have other suggestions or ideas, you can tell them, but I have said them many times before, and none of them are reliable.

In that case, let's disperse first and wait until... Ancestor Zhaoshen stopped before he could finish his words, with a hint of panic in his expression.

Disaster is coming...

All of them were monks in the Immortal Emperor Realm. Naturally, they didn't need to be reminded by the ancestor of Zhaoshen. They all escaped in an instant and came outside.

In the sky, a depressing world like a reflection was shrouded in the sky, and everyone was waiting to see it.

Uncanny Realm... Ancestor Zhaoshen said softly.

When he saw this strange reflection, these two words suddenly appeared in his mind.

Go quickly, don't get addicted! The ancestor of Throwing Elephant shouted loudly, and then turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the nearest east region.

As soon as he made such a move, everyone seemed to wake up from a dream and immediately fled.

No sect, no foundation, is as important as one's own wealth and life.

The existence that can cause such a strange phenomenon to a region is either the Ancestral Immortal Realm or the Ancient Immortal Realm. No matter which realm the monks are in, they are not able to resist, so the best way is to escape.

Moreover, such a strange and gloomy reflection must be a person from the devil's path. If it were a person from the righteous path, how could there be such a scene.

However, Patriarch Zhaoshen did not move. He glanced at his left hand, and a ferocious outline could be seen in the faint tattoo.

It's too late, no one can escape.

When he focused on the tattoo, a countdown came to his mind.

'A quarter of an hour. ’

In just a quarter of an hour, this strange realm will completely cover the Northern Territory, turning it into an unknowable area from now on.

As for escaping, it is even more whimsical. Even if they successfully leave the Northern Territory now, when the time comes, the tattoos on their hands will pull them back to the Strange Territory again, and it will be even more dangerous.

So it is better not to run away, but to observe quietly and deal with it as soon as possible.

Others didn't notice it because they were too nervous to escape, so they didn't notice it at all.

Ancestor Zhaoshen noticed that it could only be said to be a coincidence.

This strange realm may be caused by the existence above the ancestors and immortals. I hope the Supreme Sword Sect can have enough means to break it. Ancestor Zhaoshen watched the reflection in the sky land on the ground.

The Northern Territory and the Strange Territory began to overlap, and various absurd, twisted, and chaotic scenes made him feel a little unnatural through the interweaving of reality and illusion.

During this process, the tattoo on his left hand began to be clearly visible. It was a white skull with a sinister smile.

I don't feel anything, and I can't find any traces. It is indeed a powerful move. Although the ancestor of Zhaoshen was panicking, he was still calm.

After all, he is an ancestor of the school, and his character is relatively stable. Of course, if he followed him, he would not be so stable.

Let's have a bowl of wontons. The skin is thin and the fillings are big. They're fresh and warm.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in my ears.

The ancestor of Teru God launched the attack without hesitation.


There was a mess at the source of the sound, which seemed to be because his magic had disturbed the overlap between the Strange Territory and the Northern Territory, but the mess was healed in an instant.

In another moment, he saw an old man carrying a burden walking out of it, with a stiff and numb face, without any trace of life.

Ancestor Zhaoshen wanted to take action again without hesitation, but suddenly a palpitation appeared in his heart.

Because of this, he was forced to stop. He noticed something unusual. If he tried again, he would probably die.

Not to mention taking action, he couldn't even open his mouth. Instead, he turned around and fled.

When he left, a salty and delicious smell appeared in his nostrils, and his body began to thirst for it, making him feel a hunger that he hadn't experienced in an unknown amount of time.

This did not make him stop, but instead accelerated him away.

The more this happened, the more horrified he became, thinking about how he, a dignified Immortal Emperor monk and an ancestor-level figure in the Northern Territory, could be lured out by a mortal.

It can only be said that Weiyu has indeed lived up to the word guilty. He now wishes to stay as far away from the old man selling wontons as possible.

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