Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 537 Xuanyin kills life, Xuanyang rectifies the law, and unites sword energy


The meat ball climbed up from the ground, and the wings between its ribs had been broken. Li Qinglian was better, but she was entangled with the Ten Luo Wandao Dog God.

In terms of flying, the two of them are indeed not as good as Tenra Wandao Inugami. They have already become very skilled, so naturally they cannot compare.

So after it flew, it was beaten severely, especially by the meat ball, and it also used its wings. It had not flown a few times.

If you use it less, you will naturally become unfamiliar, and there will be no way to win.

Pei Jiang also had a solemn look on his face. He recognized Li Qinglian as the leader of the Human Society. However, he was always at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Ten Luo Wandao Dog God. Every time, he had to dodge in a dangerous way, but even if In this case, there were some injuries on the body, the main attack was avoided, and some ranged secondary attacks were unable to be avoided.

How many more arrows are there? Pei Jiang asked.

There is not much left. If we shoot at this time, we may injure the martyrs. The personnel on the side said quickly.

The meaning of this sentence is that it is gone, and it also gives Pei Jiang a step down, lest there is not enough reason to comfort him.

Just asking, such a righteous man, of course he can't be harmed at all. Pei Jiang also understood, so he rounded off the sentence, and then said: Inform all the ministries to prepare to take action. As soon as the righteous man lures the evildoers down, we will surround and kill them together. !”

At this time, it is definitely time to take action, but the opponent is flying in the sky, so it is really difficult to attack, and they can't fly.

As for the talismans, there are some talismans that allow them to fly, but these talismans are difficult and costly, and require a long period of training before they can be used. Otherwise, how can a person walking on the ground adapt to flying in the sky.

Fly wherever you want? I'm afraid this is a bit too absurd. No matter how silly or bold you are, you still have to be afraid of flying high.

So Pei Jiang didn't have much on hand.

But it doesn't matter, Meatball took action. Like a cat, it quietly approached the Tenramandao Dog God, and suddenly attacked him, trying to pull the opponent down from the sky.

Everyone held their breath.

Sneak attack? Just rely on your ability. Tianluo Wandao Inugami easily grasped the meat ball, clamped it under his arm, and tore off the meat ball's head with a snap.

Seeing this scene, Li Qinglian, who was also attacking, was also frightened. Why did she die all of a sudden?

But he also understood one thing, that is, he was determined not to let the other party catch any flaws, otherwise he would die on the spot.

I know, you want me to go down. Tianluo Wandao Dog God said disdainfully: But why should I give up my own advantages.

He had naturally taken precautions. In the sky, he only had a chance of survival. If he really came to the ground, not to mention that Li Qinglian and Meatball would be able to exert their full strength, but they would also have to face the siege of the army. It would be no different from death.

Tear ~

But before he finished speaking, a sharp pain came from the soft part of his stomach.

The meat ball whose neck was broken by him did not die. Instead, he attacked him while he was distracted. A big hole opened in his gorgeous clothes, and a huge flesh and blood cavity appeared in his abdomen. You could clearly see the movement inside. of internal organs.

The disappearing flesh and blood was stuffed into the mouth by the meat ball in the blink of an eye, and the twisted appearance of the opponent's neck did not even recover.

The meat ball swallowed the flesh and blood in an instant, and then smiled: Have you ever heard of a bird called an owl?

Naturally, I have never heard of Ten Luo Wandao Dog God, but he did not delay his attack.

However, the meatball was as slippery as a loach and escaped directly. Not only did it avoid the attack of the Ten Luo Wandao Dog God, but it also allowed Li Qinglian to come up and take over.

Li Qinglian's long sword penetrated the throat of Tianluo Wandao Dog God, and successfully attracted his hatred.

This forced Li Qinglian to retreat.

Because of this incident, Li Qinglian was forced to land. His flying ability was not a serious flying ability in the first place. It was just a temporary stay in the air formed by the divine pattern ability of the God-Eating Body.

Unlike the meat ball, the opponent's wings can give it the corresponding flying ability, but this flying ability is very stretched, and there is really no way to develop the same extraordinary extraordinary flight as the Tenramandao Inugami.

You're fine, fine. Tianluo Wandao Dog God held the golden divine blood that was constantly flowing out of his throat, and the wounds on his abdomen were healing little by little.

However, while the anger in his heart could not be suppressed, a ray of fear also arose.

Can these two people really cause harm to themselves? Don't be kidding, this is definitely someone behind the scenes. Otherwise, why would I be hurt by these two people?

As the fear amplified, he also understood more and more why the other party said before leaving that he should die quickly, because the process was really unpleasant.

While Rouqiu and Li Qinglian were out of range, Pei Jiang made a silent gesture, and then ordered the flag officer to directly use the flag language to order the attack.

All the soldiers under his command were ordered to activate the Xuanyin Sword Shadow Life-Killing Talisman immediately. The talisman dispersed, and only the gray-white sword shadows emerged, and they immediately headed towards the Tianluo Wandao Dog God who had been chattering in the sky. .

A Xuanyin Sword Shadow Life-Killing Talisman may not be anything, after all, it is only a medium-sized talisman, but if thousands of them are used together, it will be different. It is as powerful as an arrow.

It's a pity that the arrows have been used up, otherwise the power of these arrows and the Xuanyin Sword Shadow Life Killing Talisman would be three points more powerful.

Seeing this scene of the sword shadow barrier, the dog god of heaven and earth shrank in his eyes. He did not expect Pei Jiang to be so ungrateful in martial arts and sneak attack while he opened his mouth, and it was such a big battle.

Damn it, you guys too...

The shadow of the sword fell, directly drowning out the shouts of Tenra Wandao Dog God.

Pei Jiang's heart also tightened, but he did not stop, but made another gesture.

The flag officer followed and issued the order in flag language, and the second round of attacks immediately followed.

This time it was not the Xuanyin Sword Shadow Life-Killing Talisman, but the matching Xuanyang Sword Light Dharma Talisman. The sword light released was very dazzling, and once again bombarded the original position of the Tianluo Wandao Dog God.

As soon as these two sword talismans of Xuanyin and Xuanyang are used, even if the dog gods of heaven and earth are not dead, they will be seriously injured.

In fact, he equipped his soldiers with a total of these two kinds of talismans, one of each kind, and they would be gone after use.

The main reason is that these two talismans are indeed the most cost-effective among the talismans that he can configure in a short time. Not only can they be completed in sets, but the cost is also relatively low.

But no matter how low it is, it’s not low even with so many photos.

Are you dead? Pei Jiang asked nervously. The Ten Luo Wandao Dog God is the undisputed number one demon god in the world. If he says he is not nervous, then he must be lying.

Li Qinglian also looked around, and he saw that this was the way of talismans. It was very similar to the talismans he used in the early days of his last Heroic Spirit Tianfu Taoist, which was the orthodox talisman system. The one he had on his body was his own improved talisman. .

At most, they will be seriously injured, but they will not die. Li Qinglian knew that these demon gods were not pure creatures, and the talismans could only be seriously injured at most, and they could not be killed at all.

There are only three ways to destroy a demon god. One is to use the god-eating abilities possessed by him and Meat Ball. The other is to clear all the divine power from them in a short time and then kill them again. The third is to kill them again. It is to cut off the belief in the demon god. Otherwise, as long as you have faith, it can be transformed into divine power. If the divine power continues, the demon god will not die, and at most he will return to the divine realm.

The first two methods are too difficult for ordinary people, and only the last one is the most stable method.

Meatball looked into the distance, his eyes flickering. Compared to Li Qinglian who only relied on his own judgment, Meatball could see some clues, and his divine reaction was still there, indicating that the opponent was recovering rapidly.

As for killing him now, forget it. The sword shadows and sword lights of the two talismans of Xuanyin and Xuanyang intertwined and turned into a sword energy net. They still exist and have not disappeared yet. If you go now, I am afraid that you will dislike the fact that you have too much flesh and go and cut two of them. block down.

At least we have to wait until it disappears.

However, it also agreed with what Li Qinglian said. The seriously injured dog god of Tianluo Wandao was destined to be killed, and no one could keep it.

As long as he swallows this dog god, then Wang Linchi will definitely not be its opponent, and he will be able to take revenge when the time comes.

However, it was not happy for long before it saw a dazzling golden light emerging from the sword energy.

You seem to be happy a little too early. A voice with suppressed anger tore apart the sword energy net along with the golden light.

Ten Luo Wandao Dog God walked out of it, and the horrific injuries on his body were recovering bit by bit.

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