Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 535 Extraterrestrial intervention, man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation

Who else!

Pei Jiang roared, and all the royal soldiers were frightened and took a step back.

After he led the soldiers in, he swept left and right with a giant warhammer. None of the royal soldiers could get close. In addition, he also had soldiers to help him, so he was not alone, so he forced a gap.

You are making trouble for the tiger!

After seeing the frightened royal soldiers present, Pei Jiang took the next step. The other party was frightened and their morale was reduced a lot, but it was not enough to accomplish anything.

You protect a monster and devour millions of our compatriots? Is this how you protect your home and country?

No, you are protecting the monster. Today, the monster can devour a million of our compatriots, and tomorrow he can eat another 10 million.

When there are one million people, your family members are not in it. What if we want another ten million? Can they not be in it? What are you protecting?

Protect the monster that devours your family?!!!

Pei Jiang used a loudspeaker-type talisman, which caused many soldiers of the imperial court to hear what he said, and many soldiers stopped.

This made the temple worshipers who participated in the ceremony feel bad, and some people in the court became angry.

Can you believe the words of rebellion? Aren't you afraid that they will enter the city and slaughter your family members? a general shouted.

Oh, we are here to save people. If we fail, your family members will have to become human sacrifices tomorrow, and even you will have to become human sacrifices. Pei Jiang said disdainfully.

He accurately grasped the psychology of everyone. They came to serve as soldiers and work hard for nothing else but to be exempted from the human sacrifice quota.

But if what Pei Jiang said is true, then if there are another 10 million people in the Central Plains, the number of people in the Central Plains will definitely be enough, but who knows if someone will bribe or deliberately cause trouble, and then he and his family will directly become Sacrifice.

Okay, even if it’s okay this time, it won’t be okay next time. What about the next time? There are so many demons and gods in the world, and a large number of human animals have to be sent out as offerings every year. If there are another two or three such big sacrifices, whether there are enough people will be another question. It's the same thing.

Will the demon gods restrain themselves this time when we go back? No, it will only get worse.

Shut up, how dare you disrespect God! Youmiaozhu scolded.

Normally, this is actually normal, but without looking where it is, it directly breaks the original balance.

Someone in front threw his weapon: I don't want to serve this god anymore!

With someone taking the lead, all kinds of sounds of throwing weapons started one after another.

Everyone is dissatisfied with the demon god. However, the demon god is so powerful that no one can resist. Now that someone is charging in with overwhelming force, and he cannot defeat it, it is best to surrender and follow him to fight the demon god.

Bold! You are rebelling. You are not afraid of respecting the gods...ah! There are those who are on the side of the human race, and naturally there are those who are on the side of the demon gods. When they saw this scene, the other party naturally opened his eyes and said, As a result, before he could finish his words, he was stabbed through the heart by his own bodyguard.

This scene is not a big deal. Anyway, if you dare to shout, someone will dare to take action.

The subsequent collection was much easier. Pei Jiang's forehead under the mask was also covered with sweat stains. Fortunately, it was covered by the mask, otherwise the secret would have been exposed.

He also makes dangerous moves, and if he is not careful, he will lose everything.

Fortunately, this time he succeeded. Not only did he lift Kyoto's defenses, but he also brought all the troops under his command. What he had to do next was much simpler.

Just kill it directly.

It just had to be tidied up and a speech needed to be given.

But he keenly noticed something was wrong.

Millions of people, why is there no movement at all? The whole of Kyoto cannot accommodate so many people, but here it is empty, with nothing.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be possible. At the very least, it has to be crowded with people.

No, everyone marches urgently to the sacrifice site to save people!

Everyone, including the Forbidden Army, the Royal Forest Army and other Beijing camps! Pei Jiang said immediately. He knew that something must have happened unexpectedly, otherwise it would not be like this.

Naturally, everyone did not realize why, but they did not protest. Naturally, they followed Pei Jiang's command and immediately stood up in an array and headed towards the sacrifice site.

Pei Jiang suspected that millions of people were probably dead, and had been killed on the way to Beijing, and then made into some kind of sacrifice for use in sacrifices. This sacrifice had some kind of gathering of millions of people, Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill a million people if they were to be killed on the spot.

Even pulling out a million straws is not that easy, let alone the number of executioners required.

However, what puzzles Pei Jiang the most is why no news of this has spread.

But soon, he pushed this doubt to the demon god. The Inu God of Ten Luo Wandao is the strongest demon god, so there is no need to doubt if he can do such a thing.

The army has entered the city, a bunch of trash. The expression of the Great Ape God changed dramatically. He is indeed not afraid of the army, but if his faith is cut off, it will be another matter.

The army has entered Kyoto. How can he not know what is going on? It is nothing more than a change of dynasty.

Taking advantage of this distraction, the long sword in Li Qinglian's hand penetrated the head of the powerful ape god, and the other party did not react at all.

However, with the structure of the powerful ape god, he did not die. He came back to his senses and forcibly locked the long sword in his head, and planned to kill him with one blow with his big hand.

If Li Qinglian dared to take action, he would naturally have his backup. When the opponent attacked, the long sword stirred, and a green lotus bloomed at the tip of the sword, making close contact with the brain structure of the powerful ape god.

The divine power of the Great Ape God froze instantly.

The Spirit Devouring Body naturally has the ability to target the divine power of the gods, but Li Qinglian has never used it before, just to take it by surprise as a decisive move.

If it was exposed from the beginning and the Great Ape God was on guard, how could this move possibly defeat the opponent?

Do you still have a trump card? The eyes of the Great Ape God gradually dimmed. He did not expect that Li Qinglian would rather burn his life to cover up this trump card.

Let's go, I won't send you away. Li Qinglian drew out her long sword and activated her spirit-devouring body to swallow up all the power of the powerful ape god.

The corpse also turned into a withered human corpse and fell to the ground. As a container, this believer had already died when the demon god came, and it was originally a disposable consumable.

At this time, Li Qinglian didn't care about the transformation of her God-Eating Body. She wrapped her long sword and rushed towards the sacrifice site. His initial target was never the Great Ape God, but the Heavenly Luo Wandao. dog God.

It was also thanks to the transformation of the Devouring Spirit's body that he regained his originally burned lifespan.

Gah bang~

A large piece of Meat Ball's fangs was broken off. This scene seemed a bit funny in the eyes of Emperor Xuan'ao Chongguang: Hahaha, you go, otherwise the sacrifice will be completed later, and I will... …Wait a minute, the army has entered the city, what’s going on? Didn’t you repeatedly guarantee that nothing would go wrong?”

Emperor Xuan'ao Chongguang thought that everything was safe. Although the meat ball showed that he wanted to eat him, his turtle shell ensured his safety.

You look very confident.

The meat ball suddenly stopped attacking. This situation did not make Emperor Xuan Ao Chongguang feel any sense of security, but gave rise to an unpleasant feeling.

Taking a closer look, I don’t know when a large number of tentacles appeared on Meat Ball’s body.

Tentacles covered the fleshy ball's body, making him look like a sprouted potato.

This scene made Emperor Xuan'ao Chongguang feel fear.

Wait, what are you going to do? Emperor Xuan'ao Chongguang planned to escape this time. After the army entered the city, they would have no advantage, so it was best to leave.

Of course it's the most primitive way of eating. Meatball's tone became even more malicious, making the black aura thicker.

Before Emperor Xuan'ao Chongguang could speak, a large number of tentacles fell on the turtle shell. Logically speaking, it should be impenetrable. However, under the malicious blessing, the turtle shell was penetrated by the tentacles and melted like tofu. A big hole allows the meat ball to directly reach the flesh and blood.

Even the regeneration ability cannot take effect.

The flesh and blood began to be sucked, and in less than a minute, Emperor Xuan'ao Chongguang was completely devoured by the flesh ball while wailing. Even the mummy that was the descending container did not escape the flesh ball's devouring.

After eating, Meatball looked into the distance with a gloomy expression.

There are so many people grabbing food, we have to leave as soon as possible, otherwise we won't get anything. Meatball also set off eagerly.

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