Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 524: Those who break their promises will be struck to death by five thunderbolts

Pei Jiang looked a little confused. He didn't understand why everything turned out like this.

The imperial court collected human sacrifices. Three years ago it was his father, two years ago it was his mother, last year it was his brother, and this year it was his turn.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be him. There is a stipulation in the Daheng Law that if human sacrifices are collected, the seeds will be preserved and they will not be driven to extinction.

But now, he was arrested. It was not only him who was arrested, but also everyone in the village, from old to young, they were all here, no one was left behind.

Village...Village Chief? Why are you here! Pei Jiang only saw the head of their village at this time. It is said that the village head is exempt from tax, but he was also arrested. This is simply unbelievable.

When the village chief saw Pei Jiang, he turned around with a numb face: If the nobles in Kyoto want to sacrifice to the gods, they need millions of sacrifices.

Hearing these words, Pei Jiang's face stiffened. He never expected that the reason why their entire village was sacrificed was just a word from a certain nobleman in Kyoto.

Because of this sentence, millions of people became sacrifices to the demon god.

At this moment, Pei Jiang felt a flame burning in his chest. However, the flame was suffocating because he was trapped in the prison car, so the flame was also restrained by shackles.

There were a large number of soldiers escorting them around, as well as temple blessings. From Pei Jiang's position, he could neither see the beginning nor the end of the prison car. The sheer number made him despair.

In this case, there is no chance of running.

Looking again, he saw that the person sitting opposite him was also a young man. He began to recall in his mind who this person was, but he had no impression that he was not from the village.

You seem depressed? The young man opposite said, How about you change your faith to Emperor Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng?

What kind of god is that? Pei Jiang asked subconsciously, mainly because the name was indeed too long and sounded weird.

No matter what kind of god it is, do you believe it? If you believe it, I will give you something. The young man joked.

Ah? Pei Jiang didn't realize why the development was so unexpected, but after realizing it, he shook his head: I don't believe it.

He didn't believe in gods at all, let alone a god who was planning to use them as sacrifices. Then he said sarcastically: Then you asked your great emperor to save you.

Well, that's okay, but it doesn't make any sense. The young man smiled and said, My name is Wang Xue Shu, what's yours?

Pei Jiang, are you the temple blessing of that great emperor? Pei Jiang asked.

Barely so, but it's a bit eccentric. said the young man.

Wang Linchi changed his name to Wang Xue Shu and came here to plan the future Qianlong in advance.

You don't know yet, Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng is the protector of the country. Unfortunately, there is nothing suppressed by the demon god. If you understand history, you can understand how glorious it was and what it brought to the Heng Kingdom. How powerful. Wang Linchi continued to praise.

However, Pei Jiang had no idea at all and felt bored instead.

So what? Is it possible to stop all this? A million sacrifices, who can stop it? Pei Jiang was in a bad mood at this time. He was scared and angry.

What he was afraid of was that he was also a member of the human race, and what he was angry about was that he could not stop all this and could only become the food of demons and gods like his own family.

Yes, you can stop it. Wang Linchi said calmly.

These words almost made Pei Jiang's brain freeze. How could he be the only one to solve this matter?

The Great Sheng Rensheng of Dongyue Tianqi is in charge of life and death, the succession of the old and the new, and the responsibility of consolidating the country and the people. So as soon as I saw you, I knew you were the person I was looking for.

If you are willing to believe in the Holy Emperor, I can teach you the method of killing gods and destroying Heng. Wang Linchi spoke so loudly and arrogantly around so many people.

Pei Jiang was so scared that he thought it would cause a riot or that the soldiers would directly pull him out and chop him down. However, he found that the people around him were as indifferent as if they had not heard.

Seeing this, he also understood that he had indeed met a capable person.

But I don't want to believe it, so what can you do? Pei Jiang summoned up the courage to say.

Then of course I will take a step back, as long as you can keep the Dai Temple Ancestral Court on Mount Tai in the future. Wang Linchi said with a smile.

If I don't...

If you don't want to, then I'm going to leave. You are not the only suitable person, but you are the closest to me. Wang Linchi interrupted the other party.

It's okay to take one step back, but if you take two steps back, the opponent will take advantage of it. Then Wang Linchi will directly kill Pei Jiang, capture the opponent's hidden dragon luck, which is a variant of the luck of all living beings, and then transplant it to a suitable candidate. Although This will cause irreparable damage to the Qianlong Luck, but it can still be used make do.

There are also disadvantages, that is, they have to change from free-range to domesticated, otherwise they may be raised to death accidentally, so the cost will be much higher.

Okay, I don't believe it, but if it happens in the future, I will save the ancestral palace of Dai Temple in Taishan for you. Pei Jiang has actually heard of Taishan. It is said to be the first mountain in the world, Dongyue, one of the mountains. First, the ancestor of all mountains.

However, he had never heard of the Dai Temple Ancestral Court.

This is normal, after all, the demon god and the imperial court have been blocking the Dai Temple system.

Deal, but if you violate the agreement in the future, you will be struck by thunder and die, and there will be no peace after death. What do you think? Wang Linchi naturally put forward his own conditions.

To this, Pei Jiang naturally agreed without hesitation, not only to keep the ancestral court of Dai Temple, but he would guard it in the future.

He never thought about what Wang Linchi wanted him to do, he just thought that Wang Linchi was going to help him escape.

Since you agreed, let's take the first step. I'll teach you what a talisman is. Wang Linchi said.

Wait a minute, why don't you take me to escape first? Pei Jiang was a little confused. He didn't expect that the other party would start so directly.

He doesn't want to know what a talisman is, he just wants to escape from here as soon as possible.

Run away? Why run away? In your eyes, who are these people? Wang Linchi asked.

It's just a human being, what else can it be? Pei Jiang was a little confused.

No, they are all animals oppressed by the demon gods and the imperial court. They were indeed humans before they were caught, but they are not now.

And you have the ability to turn them back into human beings, you know what I mean. Wang Linchi hinted.

You want me to save them, use the talisman you gave me. Pei Jiang was not a fool, so he naturally understood what Wang Linchi meant.

Yes, do you want to do this? If so, I can help you. Of course, if you say no and still want to escape alone, I can also help you. Wang Linchi didn't mean to laugh at all.

However, the fire in Pei Jiang's heart suddenly burned away his restraints and turned into a blazing flame.

I want to save them! Pei Jiang said these five words sonorously and forcefully. He did not want anyone to become an animal and sacrifice to the demon god as a sacrifice.

Okay, okay, okay, very good, I need talents like you. Wang Linchi was very satisfied with Pei Jiang's energy and energy.

He likes this kind of hot-blooded Qianlong with a reckless temper. If he is really the kind of person who is calm, able to judge the situation and adapt to situations, Wang Linchi will be afraid that he will be plotted by the other party.

The reason why he can control the situation is nothing more than his strong strength and corresponding information gap. Otherwise, why should he be the mastermind behind the scenes? He really relies on tactics and calculations? Sooner or later, you will be trapped. Only by mastering absolute strength can you ensure your own stability.

Millions of people sacrificed... Li Qinglian looked at this announcement and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He had experienced all the previous simulations.

Fortunately, this time he had already planned it in advance.

The previous sacrifice of millions of people was indeed successful, but it was precisely because of this sacrifice that Daheng lost people's hearts. A large number of people rose up in the area that was originally controlled by the demon gods.

‘It’s a pity that I didn’t have the chance to meet the future founding ancestor. He should have met Wang Xue Shu by now. ’

Li Qinglian, who knows history, naturally understands that the establishment of a new dynasty in the future will be inseparable from the talisman method presented to the founding ancestor by 'Wang Xue Shu'. Perhaps it is because of this incident that the Dai Temple can continue to stand in Taishan. Of course. , he didn’t know much, and he didn’t know the specific situation.

In order to improve Taoist Tianfu to an unparalleled quality, he went to understand all the history of the next dynasty, and then he knew a little bit about it.

In fact, this record is not very detailed, but very vague, as if it was deliberately concealed, and I don't know what the situation is.

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