Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 517 Hey~ If you cheat, then I will bully the small ones.

Can this be predicted in advance? But why didn't Li Qinglian predict that I was the mastermind behind it?

Or did you predict it, so you ran away and planned to kill me?

Wang Linchi thought about this matter, well no matter which way it was, for Wang Linchi, this plan was aborted.

Although the plan is going on, there is a high probability that the so-called Nine-tailed Green Fox Lord and other temple blessings under his demon god will be wiped out.

In that case, don't blame me for getting angry. Wang Linchi felt that at this time, he had to take action directly.

Wang Linchi didn't believe that the other party could arrange it...

Has it really been arranged? Wang Linchi watched Li Qinglian walk out of Erlidi and then turn back. He quickly caught up with the powerful elder and the beautiful boss, and headed straight towards Rongqing City.

Watching this scene, Wang Linchi's blood pressure rose.

He didn't even have time to make a move, and the person was taken with him.

Then we can only destroy the Renjianhui. Wang Linchi's face darkened. He had not planned to kill the Renjianhui. As long as they killed the Nine-tailed Blue Fox Lord's temple blessing queen, the rest would not be a problem. But that's not possible now. He had to take such a breath.

Holy Lord, go and deal with it. Don't leave anyone alive. Wang Linchi said.

The figure of the Holy Lord gradually emerged, and then his body twisted and turned into a ball of flowing fire and flew away.

Since Wang Linchi became the world, the Holy Lord has become the demon of fire.

Give the Holy Master a fire-like rule or law, it couldn't be simpler.

The only drawback is that his brain is still not very good, so he can't become a demon wizard, he can only be this brainless version.

I hope you can foresee that I will ask the Holy Master to destroy the Human Society, otherwise, you will have to be a bereaved dog in the future. Wang Linchi said calmly.

He is a very small-minded person. If someone wants to kill him, he will usually kill him back, especially now that he has enough strength. Before, without strength, he would just turn around and run away. If he runs away again now, then why would he become stronger? Just skip the steps to become stronger and just keep running.

The Holy Lord was extremely fast, arriving at the headquarters of the Human World Association faster than the Nine-tailed Green Fox Lord and the Temple Zhu who were assigned to serve under the Demon Gods.

The flowing fire transformed into a human form, not like a dragon with a human body, but a burly man.

The monkey charm has naturally been enhanced due to Wang Linchi's growth, and can now be transformed into various animals, plants and even fire effects.

The flame rules on the Holy Lord are released using spells as carriers.

After all, the twelve talismans on the Holy Lord are essentially another form of the effect of the Panlong Holy Lord on Wang Linchi.

Private forbidden area, stop. Several members of the Human Society saw the Holy Lord approaching and stopped him without hesitation.

The main thing is that the people transformed by the Holy Lord are dressed in ordinary clothes, so they are naturally stopped. If they are rich or noble, or dressed in official or armored clothes, their tone will not be so strong.

They also watch people order dishes.

The Holy Lord did not speak. The headquarters of the Human Society is not ordinary. It is a large manor. It is wrong to say that they are dedicated to the people. They are only targeting demons and gods. During this period, they will definitely enjoy themselves while making money.

Therefore, there are also many forces on the surface that are controlled by them. Otherwise, where would the money come from to buy raw materials for gunpowder, and where would the money come from to recruit people?

Do you really think that you can fool so many people and form such a big force with just one passion?

Enthusiasm can attract people, but it cannot keep them.

Unless this is a group of fierce men descended from the sky, in fact it is simply impossible. If it is a group of fierce men descended from the sky, the ones running around now are the demon gods, not them.

The Holy Lord approached without saying a word, which frightened the gatekeepers of the Human Society. They all drew out their long swords without hesitation and began to scold and be wary, for fear that the other party would make a move.

The members at the headquarters have not actually experienced too many dangers. They mostly have good identities on the surface, so that they can provide convenience to other members secretly.

It's a pity that the Holy Master didn't care about the other party's words at all, and immediately killed the guarding disciple.

He came to commit a massacre to vent his anger on Wang Linchi, not to reason with them.

Kill!!! The sharp shout pierced the tranquility of the manor. A large number of people were coming, but they found themselves surrounded by flames.

The Holy Lord set the fire, and in order to prevent people from escaping, he directly surrounded the entire manor with fire.

I wonder which temple you are the priest of? A middle-aged man stood up with a mustache and looked like a gentleman.

This man is the son of the president of the Human World Society. He is currently in charge of the Human World Society for his father. He is also the father of Li Qinglian's beautiful boss.

However, the Holy Lord did not say a word. In the blink of an eye, he had already pinched the middle-aged man's neck, and his head just fell off.

If it weren't for the Doomsday Calamity suppressing the Holy Lord, with the Holy Lord's normal strength, the flames spouted by the Dragon Talisman could directly flood the entire manor, so there would be no need for such trouble.

When they saw that the acting president was killed and died in an instant, many members rushed forward angrily and wanted to avenge the acting president.

It's a pity that they all died before they could get close to the Holy Lord.

Many people were frightened when they saw this scene and began to run away crazily in the opposite direction.

The Holy Lord turned a blind eye to this, and the surrounding area was already shrouded in flames. This was not something they could escape smoothly at all.

Walking all the way inside, killing wherever you go, it can be called a model of cruelty.

There was simply no one who could remain intact under the attack of the Holy Lord. All of them had their bodies and heads separated at the very least, or almost torn apart.


The Holy Master pulled up the door of a hidden cellar, and there was a large amount of gunpowder that had been made piled underneath.

He just knew that there was gunpowder here, so he came here to have a good blast.

The quantity is not enough to blow up the entire manor. Wang Linchi quickly estimated the quantity of gunpowder through the Holy Master's vision.

This number is very large in the human world, and it can complete several attacks against demon gods.

But when used to blow up a manor, this one is not qualified.

Fortunately, the Holy Lord has the Philosopher's Stone, which can help fan the flames. Wang Linchi is still very organized in his work. The Holy Lord actually has a large number of Philosopher's Stones. Firstly, it provides energy to the Holy Lord, and secondly, it also Can strengthen the Holy Lord.

According to Wang Linchi, he now has a large number of Philosopher's Stones in his body. One can imagine the amount accumulated in these more than six hundred years.

The Holy Master reached into his body, took out a red philosopher's stone, and threw it directly into the pile of gunpowder without hesitation.

This thing was originally used for amplification, not as the main source of explosion.

Even if the Philosopher's Stone explodes much more powerfully than this pile of gunpowder, it must be a style that changes the internal elements of the Philosopher's Stone, not this basic model.

The basic model is inherently auxiliary.

After doing this, the Holy Lord threw a small flame in his hand into the cellar, and then closed the cellar door without hesitation.

He didn't run either. It was really impossible for him to die. With a lot of philosopher's stones in his body to resist damage, and the game characters and data rules given by Wang Linchi, it was not that easy for him to die.


Flames shot into the sky, and the entire manor was blown to pieces in this violent explosion.

On the other hand, the Holy Lord had nothing to do with the flames and impact. The flames could not hurt him, and the impact was ignored by him.

In this explosion, no one in the headquarters of the Human World Association walked out alive.

The Holy Lord slowly walked out of the flames and looked up to see a group of people wearing different temple celebration attires.

As luck would have it, these demons from the temple also came.

He turned around in his mind and recalled Wang Linchi's request, which was to leave no one alive. Now that there were so many survivors, they could only be dealt with together.

The Holy Master naturally strictly implemented Wang Linchi's requirements. As for the implementation errors, it can only be blamed on his poor brain, not on his implementation problems.

And so the killing begins again.

The group of temple blessings on the opposite side didn't react. At first, they thought it was their demon god who invited such a powerful temple blessing from somewhere to help. However, unexpectedly, this 'friendly army' attacked them directly as soon as he came out. Look at this, it was his plan. As if sending them away together.

Before he even had time to speak, nearly one-fifth of them had been killed by the opponent. Just as he turned around to run away, another fifth of the people were gone.

By the time he came to his senses and begged for mercy, he was already on his side.

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