Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 509 Account? If I don’t give you enough benefits today, no one will be able to walk out of t

You little guys, are you worthy of having to answer to me?

I want to kill you. There is no need for these plots. I will beat you all into pig heads. If I hadn't shown mercy, I would have cut off your heads and hung them outside now.

Wang Linchi looked around at the group of Grade-A temple blessings hanging from the rafters. He had just arrived, and these people had already thrown the blame on his head. They seemed to be planning to take this opportunity to directly fight between him and Dai. Get rid of the temple.

As for whether this thing was done by the Human Society, let’s talk about it later. Anyway, the Human Society is already guilty.

As a result, Wang Linchi didn't follow the routine at all, summoned a yin soldier, beat the group of people directly, and then tied them up with ropes and hung them upside down from the rafters.

Next, these people will be honest.

Everyone is begging for mercy, saying that they are blind, and they are all apologizing.

Although the strong are not respected, Wang Linchi's magical skills can represent status to a large extent.

The more exquisite the magic is, the more favor it has from the gods.

To a large extent, the temple blessings are not competing for the so-called divine skills, but for the favor of the gods.

As long as they show their divine favor, they don't need to fight the rest. Just like the current situation, they don't dare to retaliate against Wang Linchi at all.

The demon gods behind their family are as good as theirs. If they die, they will die. However, it can be seen from Wang Linchi's Dai Temple that they only have such a small number of people. Even if they decline and their resources are diverted, they are not something they can fight against. .

After being beaten up, all the plans turned into bubbles. In the future, I hope that if I can't meet Wang Linchi, then I won't meet him.

Come on, tell me what's going on. Wang Linchi sat on the main seat with a golden sword and looked at a group of temple ministers who were hung upside down and asked.

The leader, the Class-A Temple Master of Xuanhu Temple, spoke immediately: It is the human society that will attack us, and even mislead the clues to you.

That's not what I want to know. Wang Linchi asked again.

Thirty percent of next year's share can be given to Dai Temple. Another temple minister promised.

Everyone had no objection. Thirty percent was indeed too much, but it was not unaffordable.

That's not it. Wang Linchi didn't want to deal with the trouble of giving it to him now.

Is that... a matter of human sacrifice? Another temple priest said cautiously.

No. Wang Linchi spoke again.

When they got here, many temple ministers were also confused. You didn't come here deliberately to make things difficult for them. It wasn't this or that, so what exactly did you want?

They came here to discuss only two things, belief in incense and human sacrifice, and there was nothing else.

It seems that you are still stubborn. I will give you one last chance. You know what it is. Hand it over, and we will get rid of this matter.

Otherwise, huh. Wang Linchi snorted coldly.

He actually didn't know what it was. Anyway, he would try to cheat first. The fact that he was able to get here meant that there might be some kind of opportunity hidden there.

Originally he didn't want it, everyone came to the city gate, but now he was 'invited' back, then he wouldn't return empty-handed.

When all the temple ministers heard Wang Linchi's words, they couldn't help but feel in their hearts. Something was wrong, otherwise this situation would have happened.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

What about that? If you have any, hand it over as soon as possible. Wang Miaozhu of the province will take action. The temple owner of Xuanhu Temple was the first to speak.

Anyway, he didn't, so he was more unscrupulous.

Yes, hand it over quickly.

Don't drag everyone down with you.


The sounds in the room were rising and falling, but Wang Linchi was not in a hurry at all and drank tea slowly.

He actually didn't know much about it. Who knew if there was such a thing, but he had a lot of time anyway.

Li Sangou didn't have to worry. He was stuffed into a nutrition cabin and fell asleep before he left. He didn't have to worry about growing up or being starved. Even if Wang Linchi wandered outside for a month, nothing would happen.

But he couldn't be so outrageous that he wouldn't go back for a month.

The sound lasted for more than an hour, but no one jumped out. Wang Linchi felt that it was almost done, and it was time to further intimidate.

If you don't want to, then don't blame me for being rude.

You also know that I actually don't want to come here. It's you who have to let me come. So now you ask me to go back like this, isn't it good?

It's understandable if you don't want to give it to me, but I definitely have to take something with me. Otherwise, I won't pay anything. If you come to me for trouble next time, and come again the next time, what will happen to me?

While talking, Wang Linchi took out a dagger from his arms.

Eye, tongue, face, internal organs, or a hand or a leg, you choose one. Wang Linchi played with the dagger in his hand, meaning to cut one off.

At this current level, it is impossible to regenerate a severed limb with divine magic or blessings from demon gods.

By the way, I will use my divine power. Don't think about using magic or asking your gods to restore the severed parts. They will remain like this for the rest of your lives. Wang Linchi also warned.

Wait a minute, you can't be like this. The temple priest of Xuanhu Temple shouted.

I can do it. None of you can resist now. I have the ability to summon the gods behind you to possess you. Wang Linchi said with a smile.

This made Miao Zhu, who was about to say something, hesitate. Wang Linchi was a threat from Chi Guoguo.

Do they dare to call? They don't dare.

Today is different from the past. Now, if you summon the spirit to possess you, your life will be shortened. It will be at least ten years at a time, and there is no limit. If you are not careful, they will die directly.

If Wang Linchi cuts something off, as long as you don't choose the internal organs, the probability of surviving is still very high.

No one said anything? Then let's start with you. The one you just screamed the loudest. Wang Linchi chose to attack the Grade-A Temple Zhu of Xuanhu Temple, directly killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

He squatted down and touched the other person's face and asked: What are you going to choose? If you don't choose, I think it's good to be shameless. You are in charge from the beginning to the end, so you have to have a shameless spirit.

As he said that, the dagger landed on the edge of the opponent's face: Don't worry, my skinning skills are top-notch. Apart from being extremely painful, I won't hurt the flesh or bones.

Wang Linchi stabbed the tip of the dagger into his skin with a smile. The pain burst out instantly, causing the temple priest of Xuanhu Temple to speak quickly: Wait, I'll give it, I'll give it!!!

Hey, there is an unexpected surprise. I originally planned to use you to scare the monkeys. Wang Linchi didn't know which monkey was at all, or even whether there was a monkey, but if someone is willing to give it, that would be the best.

It's in the second pocket of my arms. The temple priest of Xuanhu Temple also knew that he had hurt Chiyu, but in order to save his face, he could only hand over the things with tears.

Wang Linchi reached out to touch it and quickly took it out.

You have hidden the amulet from Dai Temple very well. You can have all these things. Wang Linchi took it out and looked at it. He was a little dumbfounded. What a good thing this thing is, he could even take out a bunch of it himself.

But a second look revealed that it was a bit interesting. What was stored in it was not the divine power of the Holy Emperor, but the divine power of the Black Tiger God. It seemed that the divine power inside had changed due to prolonged contact.

I'll take it, you can go. Wang Linchi cut the rope on his body with a dagger, and the other party fell down and got up in a matter of seconds.

Thank you. The other party handed over his hand and did not say harsh words. Instead, he thanked him and turned around to leave.

Other temple blessings have nothing to do with him. He spends money to buy his own life. How can he plead for them now? What will he do if he is trapped in it again?

Okay, we've solved one of them, let's continue with the rest. Wang Linchi naturally couldn't let them go.

These A-level temple blessings are all very fat. Wang Linchi doesn't want to squeeze them dry, he just wants to get the best things from them.

I hope you won't take any chances. I want an unexpected surprise, but I've been eyeing the thing in your hand for a long time. Wang Linchi tried to deceive again, and the main word was a lie.

A group of people looked at the Xuanhu Temple's temple blessings and their eyes were full of despair.

The other party will definitely not make trouble to save them, so now they either hand over the things, or they are tortured by Wang Linchi, and then... they may not be let go.

Looking at Wang Linchi's appearance, not only did he have to get what he originally wanted, but they also had to bleed a lot to do so.

Otherwise, you will never get out of this room, and there is no need to rely on the court. This is a matter between the temple ministers, and they will not interfere.

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