Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 507 The bud of the new system

The divine accommodation within the bloodline will produce special effects depending on the arrangement.

Spells? Supernatural powers? Wang Linchi watched as he obtained several divine arrangement effects from Li Sangou's body, and this was still the most basic and could be further expanded.

You only need to kill the demon god, plunder the demon god's divine power and fill it into your body, and it will eventually become an ability.

Kill monsters and upgrade your skills! Wang Linchi felt that this ability was indeed very useful. Except for the later development, which requires the use of brains, it was not needed at all during the initial accumulation.

Wang Linchi tried to outline it through divine power, but found that he could not release it.

Lack of carrier? Wang Linchi thought of this matter.

This special ability requires a carrier to be released. There is no way to mobilize your own mana like a spell.

Li Sangou was able to release himself because his blood constitution was the carrier. He was born extraordinary, so he could do it. If others wanted to do it, it would not be that easy.

Not only the carrier is needed, but also the corresponding matching conditions.

Wang Linchi is still exploring these conditions.

Will the new power created by the combination of spiritual warriors and demon gods become the mainstream of the next dynasty?

I remember Jia Thirty-three once said that after the era of demon gods, there will be the era of talismans, so could it be this carrier? Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter.

Jiu Juezi has certain prophetic abilities. He knows this. When the first generation Jiu Juezi, the Human Emperor of the Universe, created the Jiu Jue Palace, he already informed the Jiu Jue sect of the responses and plans of each era. Solution.

It is precisely because of this that the Nine Jue Sect can be so successful. They have a strategy in hand, but there are some problems with the strategy. The further back in ancient times, the more detailed it became. In the next two dynasties, it became simple, as if there was no way to contact Tai. Same as high level.

He suspected that it was the limitations of prophecy. After all, it was already good to be able to give a partial prophecy hundreds of thousands of years after it was predicted in ancient times. He wanted more details.

So he created the talisman era, right? Wang Linchi looked at Li Sangou, and he was most likely right.

But now it seems that I noticed it earlier than Jiu Juezi, so should I intercept Hu?

Wang Linchi was thinking about this, and then quickly realized, what is he doing with this thing? He has no shortage of reputation. As for passing on the inheritance, that is none of his business. He is not here to create a way forward for this world. , why bother doing such a thing.

Since you want to be famous all over the world, let's do it yourself. Wang Linchi gave up immediately. This kind of thing was too public and could easily be targeted.

What's more, if the opponent wants to kill gods for a living, then everyone in the world will be his enemy.

What the hell?! Wang Linchi thought of this and felt that he was being stupid and couldn't save the other party.

This is the enemy of the whole world. You can tell with your toes that this will definitely involve you.

How about killing him after the research is completed? An idea came to Wang Linchi's mind.

The idea is indeed very good, but there is a problem that needs to be solved, that is, he doesn't know when he will be able to complete the research.

The so-called talisman is easy to study, but the characteristics of Jiu Juezi are not so easy to study. This means that it may not be possible to study it after ten or eight years.

This is still the most conservative estimate. What if the opponent cannot be researched until he dies.

And even if it takes ten or eight years to study it, if you let the other party live at that time, wouldn't you become a tyrant? What if you come back to take revenge on yourself?

The most taboo thing about doing something is to give up halfway when the cost is less than the benefit.

Let's keep it for now and see what happens to this thing.

The worst case scenario is that I'll run away. Wang Linchi thought about it for a moment. If he really couldn't afford to offend him, he would just observe the experiment secretly.

After treating his injuries, he poured a bottle of nutrient solution into Li Sangou.

He's not awake yet, so he can save trouble if he can. His nutrient solution is much more nutritious than those rice cereals. It's all scientifically proportioned and contains all the nutrients the human body needs.

The origin of the injury was also very simple. He had to conduct anatomical research. For such an old monster, he was still very interested in the body structure.

The spirit and soul can also react to the physical body to a certain extent.

However, he did not dare to conduct too many experiments and research, as it would easily affect development and growth. It would be embarrassing if the other party noticed it.

Therefore, every day's experimental research is based on a fixed amount and will not exceed the standard.

After briefly cleaning up, Wang Linchi returned to the yard, lying on the deck chair, basking in the sun and thinking.

The Holy Lord began to deal with chores, such as cleaning up, chopping firewood and cooking. Anyway, the Holy Lord was idle, so it was just right for him to work part-time as a nanny. Anyway, the bodyguards and nannies are all of the same generation, so they are not bad at all. .

There are even patrols at night now, and even security guards have become involved.

Wang Linchi opened his eyes and someone came over.

Temple blessing of Xuanhu Temple? Wang Linchi sensed the fluctuation of divine power, and after further exploration, he could see a huge black humanoid tiger.

Xuan means black.

Since the completion of his Five Immortals, he himself has transformed into a young world, so the calamity of the end of the Dharma is no longer limited to him.

The upper limit is level 21, and he has level 1,000. Of course, this is not his true strength, but if it is higher, it will be easy to fight against the calamity of the end of the law, and then he will have to fight.

Wang Linchi is still unable to defeat him. The Tribulation of the Ending Law has a special attack on all things in the world. Wang Linchi belongs to the world race. If the Tribulation of the Ending Law is invaded into his body, it will be a big problem for Wang Linchi.

The roaring wind suddenly appeared, and a huge black tiger crossed the wall of Dai Temple and rushed towards Wang Linchi with a fierce look.

However, a Yin soldier wearing armor punched Black Tiger on the head.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be a big deal. Unfortunately, the energy level is too low now. This black tiger is a fake body worn by Xuanhu Temple Zhu, and it is not real. Therefore, after one punch, it was on the verge of falling. , a layer of skin on the body fell off and turned back into a human body.

This transformation was originally just a show, relying solely on its power to scare people.

The other party got up dizzy, and looked at Wang Linchi with fear in his face.

I thought this was just a small dilapidated temple, but I never thought that the other party's magic was so powerful that it could even break the tiger-skin magic of my own god.

As for shouting about how awesome he is and how powerful the Black Tiger God Lord is behind him, he really doesn't dare.

He didn't even look at where this place was. He still had an absolute advantage on his territory, and he and the other party were not mortal enemies, so why should it be so embarrassing.

Wang Miao Zhu's Yin Soldier Crossing Technique is no less than that of Lao Miao Zhu. Xuanhu Miao Zhu put the tiger skin away and hurriedly complimented him.

Where is it? Your Excellency must be the temple blessing of Xuanhu Temple. This tiger skin draping method is also extraordinary. Wang Linchi also reached out to avoid hitting the smiling man. Although the other party was at fault first, he knelt down quickly. Wang Linchi Linchi didn't care about him anymore.

The Xuanhu Temple has more than one temple blessing, as is the case with all demon temples, and is divided into several levels. It's not like the Dai Temple has declined to the point where it would be good to have a temple blessing.

According to the classification, they are divided into four levels, following Wang Linchi's original four levels of believers: A, B, C and D.

After all, it was Wang Linchi who promoted Shinto in this world. What else could they use without the 'ancestral system'? They couldn't create one themselves.

The visitor is a second-level temple blessing from Xuanhu Temple, a middle-level manager.

Don't take it seriously, it's not as good as Wang Miaozhu. The other party was also humble. He didn't think Wang Linchi was complimenting him, it was just a polite comment.

Then he straightened his face and said, Wang Miao Zhu is here for the first time, so you may not know something. There will be a temple fair in three days, and representatives of the major gods will arrive at the venue. I hope Wang Miao Zhu will not be late.

Three days later? I may not have much time, so it doesn't matter if I'm absent, right? Wang Linchi said with regret.

He said he was asking, but he actually refused to go through.

This...if it's convenient, please go there. The temple priest of Xuanhu Temple naturally wouldn't ask Wang Linchi what happened. He came here to test the other party. If the other party's magic is not good, he will suppress it. If it is magic If he is strong, he will be invited to the temple fair as an escape.

I'll try my best. I will definitely go if I can. Wang Linchi did not refuse forcefully again, but tactfully said that you kid should get out of here.

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