Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 500: Class A good believer, the blessing of the Holy Emperor

I have a thousand Yin soldiers in my hands, all of which are heavy armored cavalry. In addition, Mr. Bao, you have three thousand archer Yin soldiers, and Lao Guo's two thousand and five sword shield soldiers. It seems that we are the strongest again... Yuan Lin felt a little incredible.

Although Yuan Lin's heavy armor cavalry has the smallest number, it has the strongest combat power. The other two are B-level Yin soldiers, and the Yin soldiers in Yuan Lin's hands are A-level.

The archers' bows and arrows could not break through the defense, and the infantry was gone after a burst of charge.

The most important thing is that the place he is in is a grassland, and his thousand heavy armored cavalry alone can basically sweep across all directions.

I really didn't expect that the crisis would be resolved in this way. As long as the time difference is correct, we can completely double the number of dark soldiers in our hands.

In addition, my lord, you still have the spirit pattern and the Heavenly Soldiers Protection Diagram on your body, as well as two thousand heavy armored cavalry, and everyone on the entire grassland will die. Mr. Bao did not expect that the crisis would be solved so easily. .

Killing is not the best choice. We can definitely recruit them, especially since everyone is now a believer in the Holy Emperor and should be as close as one family. Yuan Lin was keenly aware of one thing, that is, who can master enough secrets now? If you have soldiers in hand, then the opponent is the strongest.

Of course, he also discovered a more serious issue, which was the issue of faith.

The gap in magical power between Grade A believers and Grade B believers is extremely huge.

The Yin Soldier Crossing Technique in his hand can easily kill tens of thousands of Class B Yin Soldiers summoned by the Heavenly Soldiers Protective Diagram even without the blessing of the Heavenly Soldiers Protective Diagram.

Sometimes quantity may not necessarily guarantee quality.

What's more important is that Yin soldiers have a very powerful ability, that is, only spiritual warriors or fellow Yin soldiers can hurt them. Otherwise, the damage caused by ordinary people can be recovered in an instant, which is no different from immortality.

Not to mention the spiritual warriors, they are almost extinct now, and the yin soldiers can only be in the hands of Class B believers.

If Yuan Lin meets a Class B believer, the possibility of a fight is not very high. It is likely to evolve peacefully, and it is unlikely that a bloody conflict will occur.

Furthermore, he is now a Grade A believer, and he will be absolutely suppressed when meeting a Grade B believer, unless the opponent is also a Grade A believer.

It’s not that there are no Grade A believers, but he may be the only one who is both a Grade A believer and the leader of the rebel army.

My lord, what are your plans? Mr. Bao didn't want to understand.

Tell me that I am a Class A believer, and sincerely invite all believers to create a peaceful and prosperous age for the Holy Emperor. Yuan Lin knew that this was his greatest advantage.

Anyway, everyone is under the banner of Holy Emperor, and it just so happens that under this banner, he has the greatest advantage.

It's feasible, but it will become a thorn in the eyes of others. Mr. Bao thought of the advantages and disadvantages in an instant. Just as Yuan Lin imagined, as long as he exposes his identity as a Class A believer, a large number of talents will join his ranks, and even It is possible for other believers to bring troops to surrender.

But correspondingly, the big forces will not sit back and watch Jiangbei's army grow, and will find trouble for him in various ways.

With enough believers who have mastered the Yin soldiers' border crossing method, others will not be a problem.

What's more, after you become a Class A believer, you will still have the blessing of the Holy Emperor. Yuan Lin said confidently.

He still remembered that the temple blessing of Taishan Dai Temple once said that if you reach the A-level believer, you will be protected by the Holy Emperor. The two are not at the same level at all.

I see, no wonder you are so confident. Mr. Bao suddenly realized.

He really ignored the Holy Emperor's blessing.

Because Class A believers are so difficult to obtain. Before my birthday, I had never heard of anyone who could reach this level of piety. At most, they were only Class B.

Now that we have entered a new era, Class A has appeared. Although they are all inferior to Class A, they are not comparable to Class B.

What is the effect of the Holy Emperor's blessing? Mr. Bao asked curiously.

You can recruit the Holy Emperor's phantom to help you once a day. If you are in danger, the Holy Emperor's phantom will automatically appear to protect you, but tomorrow's usage will be deducted. Because there is danger, there is no limit to the number of times. If you use it once, you will be deducted for one day. share.”

It's a pity that the daily share is the same as the Yin Soldier Transition Technique. It cannot be stacked. It would be great if it could be stacked.

Actually, there are other restrictions. For example, it cannot be used to persecute people who are also Grade A believers, nor can it be used to kill Grade B believers. At most, it will only help you capture alive. Yuan Lin said restrictions, but in fact he was very concerned about it. of satisfaction.

Even if what was summoned was just a shadow of the Holy Emperor.

Can I get the Holy Emperor to preach? Mr. Bao's eyes lit up. Fighting and killing would be an insult to the majesty of the Holy Emperor. It would only make sense if the summoned phantom of the Holy Emperor could preach and resolve doubts.

It's possible, but I'm only a Grade A inferior. The Holy Emperor's shadow can only exist for a quarter of an hour. It's too late to preach and learn karma to solve my doubts. Yuan Lin hesitated and said. He didn't expect this. He just wanted to solve it. My biggest problem.

A quarter of an hour is also fifteen minutes. It is not that easy to teach a lesson.

The number of summons is very precious. If you can't use it, don't use it, otherwise you won't be able to use it in case of an accident.

This... is indeed a bit short. It would have been better if it had been half an hour. Mr. Bao was a little regretful. Fifteen minutes really couldn't be used for studying, but then he thought about it again: I can't preach and gain karma, but It can clear up the confusion. If you are still confused later, you can ask the Holy Emperor's shadow to help.

To help, it doesn’t have to be a fight.

Who doesn't know that King Tianqi during the Holy Emperor's lifetime unified the whole of Dajing with one person's power, and even allowed everyone to live a prosperous life.

Inviting this kind of person out is just to let the opponent fight and kill, which is simply killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Wonderful, the old man is really extraordinary. This may be the reason why the Holy Emperor has given us such protection. Yuan Lin's eyes lit up, this is indeed good.

Ahem, it's my lord. When you invite the Holy Emperor's shadow, can you inform me? I also want to learn a lesson. Mr. Bao said with some embarrassment.

What's the point? When all the generals in the army come and learn from the Holy Emperor for a quarter of an hour every day, they will definitely gain something. Yuan Lin will definitely not be alone in this kind of thing. As a force, one person is If it cannot be sustained, it will require the help of a large number of talents.

Then I will act as a lieutenant general, thank you so much, my lord. Mr. Bao said with a smile, and then he quickly remembered something and restrained his smile: In this case, every time we invite the Saint Emperor to leave the Shadow Land, You can’t be careless.”

Now that there are no worries about safety, my lord can build a Dai temple here as a piety, and set up a battalion in the army to resolve doubts. Every day, incense will be swept and scattered. One should be offered as an indispensable offering.

The Holy Emperor may not care, but we have to do it.

When Yuan Lin heard this, a rough expenditure came to mind. After a slight estimate, the expenditure was affordable.

This matter really needs to be arranged. I will take charge of it, how about you? Yuan Lin asked.

Of course, I will leave this matter to the old man. Mr. Bao naturally took over the task without hesitation, and of course he would carry out what he proposed.

What's more, he also wanted to improve his level of philanthropy. The difference between level B and level A made him jealous.

Now is just the beginning, there will be the Holy Emperor's birthday next year, and there will be better magic, spiritual patterns and even life span.

Class B is so good, Class A is definitely better.

Good guy, this is really a talent. He actually uses my divine projection as a teacher. I have to say, it is indeed a good idea. Wang Linchi also noticed Yuan Lin's thoughts.

Other Grade A believers have not thought of this, they are all used for protection.

The name is called Holy Emperor's Protection. If you don't use it to protect yourself, what will you use it for? None of them are like Yuan Lin, who dares to use them so randomly. They are usually very respectful and will not summon them if nothing happens.

But this usage is indeed flexible, and thanks to the fact that my divine projection is a subroutine of the Faith Network, the cost of projection is not high, otherwise I will directly stop your cool operation.

No matter how powerful the operation is, if you meet a permission dog like Wang Linchi, you will be banned directly.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi is not that kind of person. He is still a Qianlong after all, so give him some face.

After reaching level A, it will be difficult for a believer to drop down in level, unless something big happens or my house collapses.

The level of believers is a division in terms of thought. It is easy to say that it is easy to fall, but it is not easy to say that it is not easy.

It depends on the complexity and weirdness of human nature.

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