Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 483 Your brain circuit is that you are afraid that your death will not be miserable enough,

Bastard, bastard thing... Emperor Jing trembled and cursed.

He really didn't expect that the royal family would bypass him and attack Dai Temple directly.

He had no idea what the royal family was trying to do. Did he have to let Dajing perish?

All 365 Dai temples in the Central Plains were burned. For a time, rebels from all over the country... no, Emperor Jing was embarrassed to call these rebels. In just a few months, the entire Dajing was torn apart, and warlords from all over the country were divided. , there is even a vague possibility of forming an alliance and heading towards Kyoto.

Forget it, but all the blame was thrown on his head, and the royal family disappeared directly into the darkness, making him a big sinner.

When he went to look for the royal family again, he could no longer find anyone and just disappeared mysteriously.

At that moment, his whole body was cold. He knew without even thinking that there was a problem in the royal family.

He also made an announcement, but no one believed it. After all, externally and internally, the royal family had always acted in his name, which led to his reputation... being very poor.

It's so bad that almost everyone despises it.

Your Majesty, there is still no trace. Li Zheng walked in, saluted and spoke smoothly.

No one wanted something like this to happen in Dajing, but he believed Emperor Jing's words because he found a lot of traces through Luan Yiwei. Even the death of King Tianqi might have been promoted by the royal family.

He actually couldn't understand that the bond between the royal family and Dajing was much deeper than that of other aristocratic families, so why did they do this?

However, when he wanted to investigate in depth, there were no clues. The other party did not leave any trace behind after they evacuated, and the aftermath was very clean.

However, I have preliminary suspicion that the royal family may have been replaced. It is initially estimated that they are remnants of the previous dynasty. Otherwise, it cannot be explained why they wanted to overthrow Dajing. Li Zheng expressed his guess.

Emperor Jing's face was gloomy. There was no logical problem with Li Zheng's explanation. Otherwise, why would the royal family destroy itself?

Then what I recruited back then... Emperor Jing asked.

It has been confirmed that they are probably the remnants of this group. Li Zheng naturally went to ask Zhang Lin and others. They did not crowd in around Emperor Jing, but stopped many people. At this juncture, the family There is no need to lie either.

This made Emperor Jing feel a little heartbroken. What kind of thing was this?

Follow the investigation with all our strength, I will make them die without their bodies intact! Emperor Jing roared in a low voice.

Li Zheng naturally agreed. After the royal family evacuated, Emperor Jing returned to power. However, the world was in chaos and his power was greatly reduced.

Fortunately, due to external pressure, Emperor Jing and the family were forced to join forces.

The aristocratic family has a clear view of the situation. If they support these rebels and still control them, they will definitely not be in the same camp as Emperor Jing, and they may have to try their best to become the royal family.

However, these rebels are all rebels. When they kill, they don't care who you are. No one would be stupid enough to think that their family status can make a group of people who are about to starve to death and extremely angry become honest. With this A family with such whimsical ideas would have perished long ago.

Therefore, whether it is the Nan Zhang family or the five surnames and Qi Wang, they are all on the side of the court at this moment. No one wants to quell this rebellion that is sweeping the entire country more than they do.

Your Majesty, the top priority is not the remnants, but the rebellion. Zhang Lin walked in with a tired look.

Emperor Jing's face froze, and then asked: Hasn't it been arranged...

Without orders, there seems to be a separatist trend, and the soldiers in Kyoto have hidden intentions of mutiny. Zhang Lin has been spinning around. Fortunately, he is a spiritual warrior, otherwise he would definitely not be able to hold on.

However, spiritual warriors will not play much role in the coming troubled times. The number is too small, and the power is not high. They can turn into hedgehogs under the rain of arrows.

Mutiny, what do they want to do! Emperor Jing did not expect.

The death of King Tianqi. Zhang Lin reminded that the welfare system provided by Wang Linchi had to be compared.

The more you compare, the better you will know who is better.

Just these words made Emperor Jing angry. Why is everything related to you, a dead person? Everyone is dead, can't you live in peace?

However, he was still relatively rational and did not curse too much.

Is there a solution? Emperor Jing was actually not very willing to give substantial rewards. What he advocated was that thunder and rain were all due to the king's kindness, rather than compromise.

This means that he will not give you any real benefits, but at most he will give you pie-in-the-sky advice and verbal encouragement. But if you do something wrong, then I'm sorry, he will use thunderous means to let you know what kindness is.

Commonly known as mean and unkind.

Zhang Lin also saw from the reluctance on Emperor Jing's face that the other party was unwilling to give benefits and appeasement. Of course, he wouldn't give it even if he wanted to.

The treasury has been empty for a long time. It was a disaster caused by the royal family before. Otherwise, where would you have the money to recycle a large number of steam machinery? Is it really possible to just open and close your mouth and send it over from all over the place?

How much does it cost for people to eat horse chews, transportation management, etc. and let them bring their own dry food? I'm afraid not all of them are slacking off in their work.

You can recruit people in the name of Holy Emperor Tian Qi Ren, and maybe you can do it. Zhang Lin gave a suggestion that was not a suggestion. Since you are not willing to give material rewards, then use spiritual support.

Although Emperor Jing was still dissatisfied, he agreed. Following the principle of whoever proposed it, he asked Zhang Lin to handle it.

Zhang Lin naturally refused without hesitation.

Your Majesty, my affairs are complicated now, and I may not be able to handle them at this time. This means that he doesn't have that much energy to handle them. Either you do it yourself, or you wait to die.

Emperor Jing's face darkened. How could he, a majestic person like him, do such a thing? It would be so embarrassing.

However, after seeing the look in Zhang Lin's eyes, he still gave in.

I'm really not good at these things. If I do it, there will inevitably be flaws. Emperor Jing said it very tactfully. There is no flaw in this. Failure is failure.

This world belongs to His Majesty, it doesn't matter if it has some flaws. Zhang Lin said with a smile.

It means that it doesn't matter if you fail, you will just be unlucky when the time comes, and these aristocratic families can't fix the surrender list.

Now that we are in the current situation, Zhang Lin no longer has much thought to continue arguing with Emperor Jing, whether you like it or not.

This is simply a pig teammate. If it weren't for the wrong time, he would have wanted to change him.

Although this sentence was said euphemistically, it was not much different from breaking up. Emperor Jing opened his mouth to scold him, but in the end he couldn't say it out. He could only weakly say the word good, and Zhang Lin turned around. leave.

Li Aiqing, what do you think about this matter? At this time, Emperor Jing's mind was empty.

He knew that he was using the name of Holy Emperor Tian Qi Ren to recruit people, but how to implement it specifically?

Without any regulations, he couldn't do anything even if he tried his best.

This matter is extremely difficult. The rebellion was caused by the royal family cutting down mountains and destroying temples. What Li Zheng means is that unless you can separate yourself from the royal family and provide corresponding evidence to prove that you have been wronged, Then there is a basis for bringing the royal members involved to justice.

But no matter which one it is, there is no way to do it.

Because all the royal members involved disappeared.

So even if you say it, no one will believe it.

If it was really that easy to do, Zhang Lin wouldn't be able to pass the blame.

But in fact it is not as critical as Zhang Lin said. At least if the rebels want to take Kyoto, it will be a simple matter as long as Emperor Jing does not hold back.

Just like before, if Emperor Jing did not engage in verbal flattery and encouragement, but actually gave nothing, there would not be many problems in stabilizing it.

This... is indeed a little difficult. How about we use the corpse of King Tianqi as a threat to make them surrender? Emperor Jing came up with a plan that he thought was perfect, which could not only threaten the rebels, but also vent his anger. .

!!! Li Zheng looked at Emperor Jing in shock, what the hell kind of thinking do you have?

If you really dare to do this, let alone the Nan Zhang family, even the five surnames and Qi Wang will not be able to suppress the mutiny of the soldiers in Kyoto.

No wonder Zhang Lin was so angry that his blood pressure was now high.

Your Majesty, the body of King Tianqi is far away in Mount Tai. It's too late. Li Zheng did not directly scold the other party for having a brain problem, but tactfully expressed that it was too far away to get it.

We can't do anything like this, that's all. Retreat. I'll think about how to make the rebels die honestly in the name of King Tianqi. Emperor Jing said with dissatisfaction in his tone.

When Li Zheng heard this, he felt relieved. From the time when the other party was sidelined to now, he has only been in power for a short time. If he really wants to be in power, the whole world will suffer.

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