Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 481 The royal family is treacherous, and Emperor Jing is ignored

If I hadn't noticed some problems in the fate of all living beings, I wouldn't have known it.

Wang Linchi looked at Yuan Lin who was walking away. He had the aura left over from the Dharma Tribulation and was destined to overthrow the Dajing Dynasty.

Of course, he could also take the initiative to intercept, but this would be of no benefit.

It is better to choose support and get more.

As for his difficulty in surviving the catastrophe of the Dharma End? It's not just a small conflict, but he can still give in in the face of big interests. It's not a life-and-death conflict.

But having said that, there is actually a relationship between the fate of all living beings and the calamity of the end of the Dharma. I really didn't expect this. In fact, Wang Linchi was also quite surprised.

He thought that even if this calamity was related to luck, it would be the luck of heaven and earth, but the fact was completely opposite.

The next step should be to darken, but I don't know how?

Wang Linchi had actually noticed the changes in the world. During the period when Yuan Lin went south from the northern grasslands to Dai Temple in Taishan, all steam machinery was recycled by Dajing.

Then... they were destroyed in a unified manner, and everyone who knew about the smelting and building of steam machinery was killed. Wang Linchi couldn't understand this.

This is why such a huge waste of manpower and material resources can't just be to erase the traces of Wang Linchi's existence.

But it's not like the imperial court recognized Wang Linchi, the Holy Emperor of Tianqi Ren, for unknown reasons.

Isn't Emperor Jing crazy? Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of that mediocre fat man, who had been crazy since he came to power.

It must be because the stimulation he received was too great.

As for how crazy Wang Linchi was, he didn't know. It was said that he became violent and murderous, and some people were killed in court early in the morning.

However, it is precisely because of the other party's reasons that the power that was finally obtained was once again dispersed.

The possibility of Emperor Jing is unlikely, and the royal family is more suspicious.

For example, the truth about chronology?

Wang Linchi thought of one thing, and that was the chronology of the previous dynasty.

Such a coincidence, if there is no problem, Wang Linchi will become deaf and blind.

If someone did it deliberately, it would make sense, but the royal family doesn't have such great power.

It is not that easy for the royal family to cut off the relationship.

They can destroy the steam machinery developed by Wang Linchi, but how can they destroy various historical records? If you dare to do this, you will be risking the disapproval of the world.

Xiang Yu can burn down Epang Palace, but what can Fu Su do?

Therefore, Wang Linchi guessed that there was definitely something more secret hidden inside, but what it was specifically was inseparable from the calamity of the end of the law.

For example, the royal families of all dynasties and generations are all the same royal family, but they just changed their surnames?

This seems a little absurd, but in fact the possibility is really quite high. Otherwise, how could the royal family suppress Nan Zhang, Bei Kong, Wu Xing Qi Wang in Dajing?

It's not because the other party has deep accumulation that they have this method.

That's what I thought, but I couldn't detect any information from the memory before. It's not like Wang Linchi didn't stuff memories into the royal family.

Compared to other big families, the royal family is very normal.

I didn't have much feeling before, but now I think about it again, maybe the royal family showed it deliberately, either because they usually abide by the rules, or the other party has discovered the memory.

Wang Linchi prefers the former. He is good at hiding and forbearing. Otherwise, flaws would have been exposed long ago instead of being invulnerable all the time.

Although it is not ruled out that one's own memory is exposed, it is unlikely.

Unexpectedly, the most mysterious organization is actually lurking under my nose. I just came to see what it is. Naturally, Wang Linchi did not intend to investigate directly, but slowly observed.

He has plenty of time now, so naturally he is not in a hurry.

Once he alerted the enemy, what if he moved away and ran away? Where would he go to look for it?

Emperor Jing's heart was bleeding. Looking at the large number of destroyed records, he almost cried.

The order to destroy these steam machines was naturally not given by him, but by Mr. Su in the royal family.

That's right, he was ignored again and became a puppet emperor again, and this time it was not an outsider who took action, but the royal family of the same clan as him.

To be honest, he never expected that this would happen.

Your Majesty, such miraculous skills are ultimately inferior. We are from a superior country, and we should pay attention to etiquette and education. Next to Emperor Jing, the elder of the royal family standing next to him seemed to have a stiff face. At first glance, he said, He definitely suspected that he was a dead person. Only by looking carefully could he find that he had the aura of a living person.

What Mr. Su said is absolutely true. Emperor Jing smiled bitterly and agreed, and then said: It's just Mr. Su, food prices are rising in various places, and the harvests are also poor. I wonder if Mr. Su has a solution?

The meaning is obvious. Since you said this is a strange trick, then give a solution.

Your Majesty, you are kidding me. How can I, as an old man, be involved in such important matters of family and country? The royal family is not allowed to interfere in politics. This is what Taizu said. The great elder now looked like I wouldn't dare.

It means that you can solve it yourself. He only needs to solve the steam machinery and the rest has nothing to do with him.

What? Did these things happen because he solved the problem of steam machinery? That's none of his business. He wants the rights, but he doesn't shoulder the responsibilities.

These words made Emperor Jing's blood pressure rise instantly. Why hadn't he noticed before that this royal elder was so shameless?

At this time, he also had a trace of malice in his heart, such as directly killing these old people in the royal family who had lived for too long and would only rely on their old age all day long.

As long as these old guys die, he can regain power.

However, the great elder seemed to be aware of Emperor Jing's thoughts and said directly: Elder Su has never been a person, but a whole, representing the entire royal family.

So my words are the words of the royal family. Can your majesty understand it?

In Emperor Jing's ears, there was an idea of ​​why His Majesty was rebelling. However, these words not only failed to make Emperor Jing put down his malicious intentions, but made them even worse.

Of course I know it. Emperor Jing suppressed his anger and murderous intention. Now is not a good time to take action.

It's good to know. It's not your Majesty who makes the royal family, it's the royal family that makes your majesty. The great elder said, I am doing your best for you.

Emperor Jing felt that he was almost sick. At this time, he missed Wang Linchi more and more. Although Wang Linchi also ignored him, the respect, treatment, etc. he deserved were never inferior to him.

Being a puppet depends on who you are doing it for.

After the great elder finished speaking, he took out a bunch of memorials, meaning that Emperor Jing would stamp them.

Emperor Jing did not refuse. After taking it, he quickly browsed it through with shock in his eyes.

This...this decision cannot be reviewed! Looking at the content inside, Emperor Jing was naturally afraid.

The content asked him to directly accuse Wang Linchi of the unwarranted crime of rebellion during his lifetime, and to tell the world.

If this had just been given, it would be obvious what his fate would be.

Wang Linchi is now a banner of Dajing. Fortunately, a temple was established to enshrine him as a god. Otherwise, when the news of Wang Linchi's death spread throughout the world, wars would break out everywhere.

And this is only the first one, the next few letters are even more terrifying. What can he do, such as tearing down the Dai Temple, severing faith, etc.?

If he really wants to issue this decree, the aristocratic family will not let him go. All the aristocratic families are waiting for the divine gift from Holy Emperor Tian Qiren to increase their life span. It would be better for you to cut off everyone's escape route. Who else will die if you don't die.

Forget it, Your Majesty has your own considerations. The Great Elder did not press further.

This was a bit strange for Emperor Jing. You must know that when he destroyed the steam machinery before, he was very decisive, but now he was willing to give in, which made Emperor Jing even more worried.

The royal family had nothing to do with Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren, and there was no conflict of interest between the two parties. How could they suddenly do this?

It's good that Mr. Su understands. Emperor Jing said with a forced smile, but in his heart he was thinking that he had to save himself as soon as possible, otherwise he would die without a burial place.

No matter how you look at it, this royal family looks like they want to drag the entire Dajing to die with them.

Can they touch Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren and Dai Temple?

‘Could it be that there is some kind of secret existence in the royal family? ’ An idea came to Emperor Jing’s mind. Otherwise, why would it be so abnormal?

It's a pity that he was pushed to the top, so he doesn't know much. In addition, he has been acting as a puppet and has not been in power for a long time. I really can't imagine why.

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