Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 467 Cultivation of body, cultivation of mind, becoming a demon

The relic eventually broke into pieces.

Wang Linchi saw a shadow. It was a very young monk. He didn't know how he could stay alone in such a lonely world for so long without going crazy. Maybe it was because of his strong will, or maybe he had something to rely on. .

However, Wang Linchi didn't care about these things. He was currently dealing with the demon's body.

A cloud of black smoke, about the size of a pinky finger, is currently crumbling. A gust of wind may blow it away.

Without his care, it would completely dissipate in about ten minutes at most.

Otherwise, how could the remnant soul of the monk in the relic die so simply? Naturally, it is because the devil is not a threat, so it doesn't matter.

The other party really didn't expect that Wang Linchi could actually preserve the demon's body.

When the two merge like this, they become a real demon. Wang Linchi has not started to merge, and the time is not right now.

There is no need to worry that the demon will bite him back. In the previous dynasty, the demon would have been invincible, but now, being able to breathe for half an hour without dying is already extremely powerful.

After putting away the demon's body, Wang Linchi started archeology in the Dharma Assembly.

A lot was found quickly.

This thing is a bit interesting. I thought the demon god system and the shaman system were wild paths, but I didn't expect it to be a split between the monk system.

In other words, these two systems actually have the same origin as the spiritual warriors.

Wang Linchi couldn't help but feel curious.

According to on-site archaeological findings, the monk system is divided into two parts, one is cultivating the body and the other is cultivating the mind.

Self-cultivation is easy to understand, it means becoming stronger, while cultivating the mind is more special, it is a channel to obtain resources for becoming stronger.

This channel is the incense of the temple. Build a temple, collect religious incense, and then distribute it to the monks as supplies. However, the incense belief itself is poisonous, and you need to uphold your original intention to avoid being changed by the incense belief.

Demons are the poison of incense and belief and the distracting thoughts formed by monks when they cultivate their minds.

Wang Linchi did not see this in the records of the Dharma conference, but he found it from a large number of clues and corresponding records.

It's no wonder the monk lost. How can we win if we and the enemy share the same origin?

It is very simple to win, that is to destroy yourself. In fact, this is indeed the case. After the monk dies, the devil will also die.

As for the demons from the Dajing royal family, they only harmed Emperor Dajing and did not harm innocent people at all.

Of course, even if the devil wanted to harm innocent people, he couldn't because he was incapable of doing so.

It looks a bit like the Evil Sword Immortal. Wang Linchi didn't care about the demon's origin, but he felt that the demon seemed to be a good material.

For example, he is preparing to become a god, but he does not plan to follow the orthodox Shinto way.

He couldn't say whether the demon god system or the monk system was better. After all, he had never seen a monk, and the monk system was discontinued due to circumstances.

It can only be said that the demon god system is more suitable for now.

Of course, it was Wang Linchi's idea to learn from each other's strengths and offset weaknesses. He would not be limited to one system, but would only use it to improve his own system of historical records.

A filter, or a second soul?

Wang Linchi has an external incarnation, yes, it is his game character, which is now used as human skin for him, and is still being further strengthened.

With such a match, Wang Linchi thought of the second soul that had been put aside.

The plan of the second soul has long been abandoned. After all, the external incarnation cannot travel around the world, so the second soul is of no use.

It's just in time to use it now. If you create a divine body for yourself and use it to dispose of corpses, then there will be no problem.

Compared with the demon gods and shaman systems, the monk's system focuses more on one's own practice and fighting against incense beliefs. Unlike the demon gods, it is directly based on faith.

Times are changing, and so are the extraordinary.

There are many places where we can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, but it can only be used as a reference.

Wang Linchi quickly checked the entire ruins. Unfortunately, he could not find the imperial examination system computer. This thing seemed to have been scrapped. The reason for scrapping was due to the drop in energy level caused by the catastrophe of the end of the law.

As for the spiritual warrior's ultimate power, he has already obtained it.

It is to use demons to stimulate one's spiritual bones, spiritual veins and spiritual methods, and finally take the final step to integrate all one's spiritual gifts to form a backbone.

The spiritual gifts he obtained before were more like scattered independent skills. With such a main spiritual gift, he can integrate them into a whole.

[Holy King: Rule yourself]

It seems useless, but in fact, with the ability of this holy king, Wang Linchi's system has been directly integrated into one. Whether it is soul phase, game power or spiritual warrior, they are no longer divided into each other. , all are history books.

This is naturally the ultimate spiritual gift that Wang Linchi created for himself, and it is the last one anyway.

If there is a new system in the future, with the passive skill of Saint Lord, we can become a part of it more smoothly.

As a result, he now only has one ability called the History of Time, and all other abilities have been refined into it and integrated into one.

As a result, many restrictions disappeared.

For example, he can release the mental ape by releasing the Yima, turning it into an offensive protective layer.

Sounds weird, but it can be done.

After gaining the complete power of a spiritual warrior, the bones and meridians on Wang Linchi's human skin naturally became more sophisticated.

After some troubles, Wang Linchi thought of a very serious problem.

That's how he should leave this puja space.

It was a ceremony when he came, so there must be no ceremony when he goes back now. Normally, the relic should send him away, but now the relic is dead.

Besides, the normally reigning Emperor Jing would not make the same choice as Wang Linchi, giving up Guo Zuo and choosing liberation.

Therefore, after inheritance, it is normally sent back.

Isn't this because it is not set up or because the imperial examination system computer is scrapped and cannot operate normally? Wang Linchi felt a little bit confused. Wouldn't he be trapped here and die?

No, I can't sit still and wait for death. I must first...acquire this Dharma Assembly space.

Why did he damage it?

This Dharma conference space can, to a certain extent, resist the catastrophe of the end of the Dharma.

Here, his level limit can reach level 30. Although he has not reached level 32, level 29 and level 30 are two realms in themselves.

Therefore, he fell in love with this Dharma conference space as soon as he came. He originally wanted to plan slowly, but now he is trapped in it, so he should plan ahead.

I remember that the demon god seems to be in a special space, which is respected by the shamans as the God Realm. I don't know if it is related to this Dharma Assembly space.

Since the demon god and the shaman inherited the monk's belief in incense for cultivating the mind, even if they later parted ways, there must be certain similarities at the root.

Wang Linchi did not find the God Realm, and the God Realm of the Blue Sky Wolf had already collapsed due to the severance of faith.

And Wang Linchi doesn't really want to study the divine world, not because it's worthless, but because as long as he becomes a god, he can have it.

What you own is the most suitable for you. If you can’t find it and the cost is high, you can own it in the future. If you have more important things, you will naturally give up.

There must be priorities for things, rather than everything being thrown into chaos.

The entire Dharma conference space is actually not very big. Wang Linchi walked around and finished it quickly.

He once again returned to the center of the Dharma Assembly, where a monk's corpse once stood. Unfortunately, after the remnant soul stored in the relic was wiped out, the corpse also turned into a ball of ashes.

If it were not supported by the remaining soul, the body would not be so well preserved.

If there is nothing around, the clue should be here.

You won't let me live in peace even if you die. Wang Linchi said after taking a look at the ashes.

After searching, I still didn't find any clues.

Just when he was about to take action on the body, Wang Linchi discovered a subtle difference.

Cracked? I remember there was no such crack before. Wang Linchi recalled the memory. Through comparison, he clearly discovered a crack on the high platform.

The next moment, the cracks began to widen.

Is this... going to self-destruct??? Wang Linchi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Due to the loss of the remnant souls of the relics and the computer of the imperial examination system, the Dharma Assembly Space's ability to withstand the calamity of the end of the Dharma was greatly reduced. In the end, it was unable to exist in the calamity of the end of the Dharma and began to be gradually destroyed.

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