Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 465 The highest level key of the Spiritual Master System·Alchemy Book Iron Coupon

King Tianqi has been so free these days, why is he reading in the palace?

Emperor Jing, who was as fat as a ball, was helped over and his tone was very calm.

I've met Your Majesty. I just wanted to find some wisdom from the ancients. Wang Linchi responded. He knew that this guy had ulterior motives for him. If it wasn't useful, he would have dealt with this guy long ago.

Ancient people? Hahaha, how ancient can they be? No matter how ancient they are, they are no more than the ancestors of today. Emperor Jing also laughed. No matter how stupid he was, he could still guess what Wang Linchi was looking for.

Just trying to find it, it might not be that easy.

The power of Taizu cannot be guessed by ordinary people like us. Wang Linchi complimented him casually, and then asked: Your Majesty is here, do you have anything important to do?

It's nothing important. I just came to see King Tianqi. Emperor Jing came here on purpose to disgust Wang Linchi.

This method is indeed a bit unsightly, that is, Wang Linchi doesn't care about him, so he dares to be so arrogant.

Wang Linchi naturally didn't care about this matter. No matter what, he had taken the power that he should have had. He couldn't just kill him just because of his weird remarks.

Then there will be no way to replace it with such a suitable one.

Excuse me, Your Majesty. Your Majesty is in poor health and should rest more.

I've been very tired these days. I've lost so much weight. It seems like I haven't eaten enough. Why don't you ask the imperial kitchen to serve meals? Your majesty is hungry. Can you afford it? Wang Linchi scolded.

This caused the people around to respond quickly.

As for being thin, that must be a lie. Emperor Jing was so fat that he couldn't even walk steadily.

Wang Linchi really didn't care about the other party, but the other party kept lingering in front of his eyes, which bothered him, so when the other party came to disgust him, he asked the people in the imperial kitchen to serve food to Emperor Jing, so that the other party could not open his mouth until he could hold on. In the end I couldn't walk back by myself.

Your Majesty, you still have to pay attention to your health. If you are injured from hunger, it will be a disaster. Wang Linchi said with a smile.

Emperor Jing also echoed: It is better for King Tianqi to understand me.

He was enduring, knowing that he was no match for Wang Linchi. If he tried to disgust the other party, he would definitely be countered.

He was as fat as a ball, not only because of his own food, but also because of Wang Linchi's deliberate trouble.

A lot of food was served.

Don’t worry about it being poisonous, there are specialized spiritual experts to test it.

In addition, Wang Linchi, the most powerful spiritual warrior, would dare to poison Emperor Jing...?

Wait a minute. Wang Linchi suddenly called out to a eunuch. The imperial meal presented to him was really poisonous.

There is something wrong with this dish. Check it carefully. I want a result within half an hour. Wang Linchi said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Jing was also frightened. He didn't expect that someone would dare to poison him.

If it weren't for Wang Linchi, he would be dead now.

Has your Majesty noticed anything strange recently? Wang Linchi asked.

Killing Emperor Jing would ruin his plan. It would not be easy to find someone so good and fun-loving.

Emperor Jing thought seriously for a moment, then shook his head: I didn't notice anything strange.

As for the suspicion that it was poisoned by Wang Linchi? Emperor Jing didn't believe it at all.

Wang Linchi had many ways to kill him, and they didn't have to be so crude.

It seems that it has been planned for a long time. Wang Linchi is not worried about not catching anyone. They are all his people, and the clues cannot disappear out of thin air. Some spiritual masters can trace the traces with their spiritual skills.

In just over half an hour, a group of people were arrested, including a noble concubine.

Wang Linchi had also read the content of the evidence presented in court, and could only say that Emperor Jing was really unlucky.

This royal meal was originally not for Emperor Jing, but for a certain concubine in the harem. This kind of thing is indeed rare in the harem, after all, it can directly lead to death.

So it was an accident.

Your Majesty, this matter is a matter for the harem, so it is up to you to make your own decision. Wang Linchi placed the evidence presented in court on a tray, and the eunuch gave it to Emperor Jing.

Emperor Jing didn't even look at it, and said with some waning interest: It shall be as it is according to the law.

This kind of idiot won't live long.

No matter how arrogant the family is, they don't dare to directly kill people. At most, they can only force the other party to die in desperation and cannot take human life themselves.

Your Majesty, please forgive me. I was confused for a moment... King Tianqi, you and I were one family a thousand years ago. I hope you... The noble concubine howled as she was dragged down.

The Wang family, haha. Wang Linchi smiled. He didn't come to this world a thousand years ago, so how could he be a member of his family?

It's disappointing. It's really disappointing. Emperor Jing stuffed a large piece of boned elbow into his mouth and stood up unsteadily: I won't disturb King Tianqi's reading.

He came here to disgust Wang Linchi. The most disgusting thing about Wang Linchi was to eat something, but when such chaos in the harem was spread, it almost affected him, so how could he be in a good mood?

So there was no longer any thought of continuing to disgust each other with Wang Linchi.

After the other party left, Wang Linchi continued to read the books, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of an eunuch cleaning up the mess.

In a corner, a strange piece of iron was exposed while cleaning up the mess.

He walked over casually, stretched out his hand, and recognized that it was an iron coupon of an elixir, also known as a gold medal for immunity from death.

When it fell into his hands, it gave him the feeling that it was very old and must have been left over from the founding period.

In fact, none of the subsequent Jing Emperors promulgated any further iron certificates of alchemy, and only Nan Zhang, Beikong and Qi Wang of the Five Surnames had them.

To avoid death would certainly be to avoid the grave crime of treason.

So the Beikong family became cold.

After briefly flipping through it, a smile appeared on his lips.

This is not a simple iron certificate of alchemy. It actually records the last imperial examination, which is the ceremony of announcing to heaven and earth that the emperor became emperor.

Just as Wang Linchi envisioned, Yuxi and the blood of the Dajing royal family were needed.

Of course, you also need an Iron Coupon of Alchemy Book.

‘I remember that the iron coupons of Nan Zhang Beikong and Wu Xing Qi Wang seemed to have been melted and replaced with new styles. ’

'Now it seems that he was not melted, but taken back by the royal family. The power to avoid death can be given, but the channel for advancement cannot be given. ’

The blood of the royal family is not rare, there are many among the people, and it can be easily obtained through intermarriage.

Even if it is Wang Linchi, he can easily clone or disguise it if he wants.

The truly difficult jade seal, this thing... was devoured by him.

‘No, it’s not necessarily a jade seal, it could be a demon! ’ Wang Linchi came to his senses.

With the demon, this jade seal is a top-level spiritual treasure. Otherwise, it is just an ordinary spiritual treasure. Of course, with the subsequent warming and cultivation, it has indeed been improved to the extreme.

This iron coupon of the alchemy book is also a spiritual treasure, but the difference is that this spiritual treasure is similar to a key.

‘From the beginning, the original Nan Zhang Beikong and Wu Xing Qi Wang were actually able to participate in this final assessment. ’

‘It was only later that the jade seal became a symbol of imperial power, and due to the deliberate blockade and chronology, it disappeared. ’

Wang Linchi quickly figured out the cause and effect.

Fortunately, this incident happened this time, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to find the iron certificate of the alchemy book.

In terms of perception, it was restricted by the calamity of the end of the law, and coupled with Zang's concealment, Wang Linchi was indeed unable to notice it.

‘I found it. This iron certificate of alchemy should be left over from the incident of Tai Yin’s uterus during the Emperor Gaozong’s period. If we date it, it should also start from there. ’

Emperor Gaozong died suddenly during a palace coup, and Prince Yin ascended the throne.

Obviously, there was a lot of filial piety between father and son, and Gaozong didn't have time to pass on the secret. Of course, even if he had time, he wouldn't have told it.

Your Majesty, what are you... A eunuch came over. He didn't notice Wang Linchi's movements, but saw Wang Linchi standing in the corner.

Nothing, I just saw a book that I was interested in, but it turned out to be wrong. Wang Linchi turned and left.

The iron coupon of the alchemy book had long been thrown into the storage space by him.

He guessed that the iron certificate of the alchemy book could be placed here because Emperor Gaozong asked his confidants to do it, so as not to lose it or be used as a symbol of future revival.

However, after Prince Yin came to power, his methods were extremely iron-blooded. He cleaned everything from top to bottom. The confidants who kept the iron certificates of the alchemy book were probably not able to escape death, let alone the insiders.

Those who know these things are all Gaozong's confidants. How could Prince Yin let him go?

It's a pity that Prince Yin didn't live long. Because he usurped the throne, he was quickly overthrown by other vassal kings sending troops.

His reign was only a month, and he had no temple title or posthumous title. He was directly demoted to a commoner, so he was called the hidden prince.

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