Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 462: The new emperor is both good and fun-loving, but his eyes are not good

Your Majesty, you lost again. Wang Linchi said calmly.

King Tianqi is worthy of being a spiritual master who has won three yuan in a row. He can even play unknown small chess games so well. Emperor Jing said slowly.

Since he ascended the throne, Emperor Jing's physique has skyrocketed, becoming fatter and rounder.

The other party has a rather strange habit, that is, he wants to eat when he is depressed. As a result, he became a puppet after he ascended the throne and was depressed to the end.

Your Majesty, you have given me your praise. If nothing happens, I will go back first. At this time, official business from various places has been delivered again. Wang Linchi said.

No rush, I just want to ask King Tian Qi, now that Dajing is so powerful, when will we sweep away the surrounding barbarians to rectify the prestige of Dajing? Emperor Jing changed his approach.

With no way to withdraw and no way to kill, we can only find a way to transfer Wang Linchi away from the center of power in Kyoto. If he develops again, he will at least have to turn his grassroots team into an elite staff.

After he took office, he did form his own team, but these teams basically could only play house, and there was no way to fight against the Tianqi Party interest group headed by Wang Linchi. After all, Wang Linchi was bound to It's the whole world. With the opponent's little ability, how could he possibly win?

Your Majesty wants me to go? Wang Linchi asked back.

I will naturally feel more at ease when King Qi leads the expedition in person. Emperor Jing said without hesitation.

How about your Majesty's decree for the court meeting tomorrow? Wang Linchi asked again.

Emperor Jing's expression changed slightly, and then he shook his head: Why bother? King Tianqi can mobilize it himself, or he can give the order on my behalf.

When it came to replacing him later, he was very reluctant.

Since he ascended the throne, he has gone to court three times in total. Every time he wanted to do something or attack Wang Linchi, before he could open his mouth, he was predicted by the Dukes in the court. The blow caught him off guard, and also caused him to flee in embarrassment.

This time, if Wang Linchi is allowed to lead the army on an expedition, it doesn't take much to know that if he dares to speak, there will be censors who dare to criticize him.

There must be upright censors, but they also have family and friends. If they can't be eroded from the front, then they can be eroded from the side.

No, important matters of the country lie in military service and sacrifice. Such important matters naturally need to be spoken by Your Majesty. Wang Linchi refused without hesitation.

Why is he leading an army to go on an expedition? There are just a few small, rotten countries around him. To put it harshly, as long as the army moves out and the steam series of armaments are simply launched, these small countries will surrender honestly and fight to the end. After all, they are only a minority.

Forget it, King Tianqi, you have your own plans. It is really not convenient for me to interfere. Although Emperor Jing still likes to play with food, he has a very good advantage, that is, he can endure.

Being kind and forbearing is a very good advantage for Wang Linchi, who can pave the way for his own 'death' in the future.

Whatever your Majesty said, the world belongs to your Majesty. Wang Linchi said with a smile.

This made Emperor Jing a little nervous, and he was yelling in his heart. In this world, everyone listens to you now. Does it make any difference whether it is his or not?

Wang Linchi was not like Dong Zhuo or Cao Cao. He would give Emperor Jing enough face on any occasion. Even if he refuted or disagreed, he would refuse in a tactful way.

He is so popular that as long as he refuses politely, someone will jump in to solve the problem.

Every decision Wang Linchi makes represents a point of interest.

If nothing happens, I will leave first. Wang Linchi stood up, saluted, and prepared to go back.

It's okay to give him face, but it's not okay to waste his time.

Send King Tianqi out of the palace for me. Emperor Jing said and asked a eunuch to send Wang Linchi away.

After Wang Linchi's figure completely disappeared from his sight, Emperor Jing's expression turned ferocious.

Damn it, such a traitor can actually have such a reputation and be sought after by the world! Emperor Jing scolded.

The eunuchs and maids on the side looked at her nose and nose, as if they didn't hear anything.

It is impossible for these words to spread. The only thing related to the rumors about Wang Linchi is the corresponding good name, pure name, loyal name, etc. The bad reputation cannot be spread.

As for the record, it is even more nonsense. No one would dare to write this sentence in the Daily Notes that records the emperor's daily life.

If Wang Linchi finds out, it might be better. The other party is a big shot and he won't care. But if the aristocratic family finds out, they can't beat the emperor, and they can't beat you, a common man.

Furthermore, they are also one of the beneficiaries of interest groups, so it is naturally impossible for them to destroy the Great Wall.

Even though Emperor Jing looks like a puppet, his food, clothing, housing, transportation, and treatment are many times more luxurious than those of the late emperor. He has not been impeached by Yanguan Yushi precisely because of the large amount of benefits given by Wang Linchi, otherwise Wang Linchi would If Linchi really wanted to target Emperor Jing, under the high-intensity negative energy environment, the opponent would definitely die early.

Your Majesty, don't panic. Although you failed to control the tiger away from the mountain, you still tested King Tianqi's attitude. A middle-aged man walked out of the back hall with a pearl of wisdom in hand, as if he had mastered the situation.

Oh? Do you have a plan? Emperor Jing couldn't help but feel happy. This middle-aged man had given him a lot of ideas and was the core of his Caotai team. According to Emperor Jing's inquiries, he was the direct descendant of a certain Xiaohan family that had been in decline for many years. , the disadvantage is that he is the only one in the family. If it does not spread, there will be no follow-up to his lineage.

It is precisely because of this that Emperor Jing trusts the other party, a person who has not been able to get a share of the pie.

Aristocratic families and ordinary people, one eats meat and the other gnaws bones. Poor families are more embarrassed. They eat bones and meat, and there are bones and meat. Some poor families are really crotchless. They claim to be noble and at the same time cannot reach up to others. In the end, they can only Nothing to eat.

So there are a lot of frustrated ‘talents’.

Of course you have it. All we need is... The middle-aged man was about to speak, but he heard Emperor Jing suddenly cough, interrupting him.

Ahem, please go out. Emperor Jing said to the surrounding eunuchs and maids.

This kind of thing must not be known to anyone, otherwise it would be called a conspiracy.

If he said it now, he would be on Wang Linchi's table in less than half a quarter of an hour.

Yes, Your Majesty. The eunuchs and maids naturally didn't care and quickly left the hall.

Say it.

After the people left, Emperor Jing spoke.

After thinking deeply for several times, I finally understood one thing. Your Majesty is the common ruler of the world, so why bother getting angry with a villain?

As the saying goes, if the king wants his minister to die, he will have to die.

All you need is an unfounded accusation, recruit him into the palace, and kill him. The middle-aged man gave a reason.

Although this matter is easy, no one has done it. Emperor Jing sighed, there was really nothing he could do.

Yes, as long as we train a group of dead soldiers and wear armor and swords, it won't be a problem. When the middle-aged man said this, he paused: It just requires time and money.

If your Majesty can trust me, you can leave this matter to me, and I will bear the infamy! the middle-aged man said sonorously.

When Emperor Jing heard this, his eyes lit up. This was indeed possible. He would get the benefits and others would take the blame.

However, he didn't know one thing, that is, pie in the sky cannot fall.

How much time will it take? Emperor Jing is not short of money. With Wang Linchi here, he has plenty of money in his inner treasury.

It will take at least three to five years. The middle-aged man hesitated and said.

Hearing that the time was measured in years, Emperor Jing couldn't help but want to flinch. He thought it was only three to five months.

Your Majesty, don't think it takes too long. Dead soldiers are not that easy to train.

What's more important is that Wang Linchi is still useful. If you kill him now, you will lose a lot. It's not too late to kill him after he develops Dajing to its peak, sweeps away the countries and completes the expansion of territory.

What you will inherit by then will be a complete and powerful empire, allowing you to better demonstrate your talents. The middle-aged man warned.

Yes, although this thief is evil, he is quite capable, so he can make the most of it. Emperor Jing couldn't help but sneered. He felt that he had indeed forgotten this. Fortunately, his staff had thought of it.

That's right. The middle-aged man also responded.

So, I'll leave it to you. When the time comes, go to the inner treasury to collect a hundred...thousand taels of silver. Is that enough? Emperor Jing originally wanted to give only a hundred taels, but after thinking about it again, it seemed a bit less, so he finally gave it to him. One thousand taels.

When the middle-aged man heard this, he hesitated. Qianliang wanted to train a soldier who could kill Wang Linchi. This was a bit fanciful. He also asked him if it was enough? Anyone with any brains knows that it is not enough.

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