Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 457 Cutting down mountains and destroying temples, severing the belief in the wolf god

The attack on the Wolf God's belief soon began, with mountains and temples destroyed, reports reported, sacrifices and rituals forcibly cut off, and so on.

This tough approach was indeed resisted by the northern barbarians at first.

However, as public opinion and actual interests were damaged, this resistance gradually disappeared.

In terms of public opinion, naturally the memory body and the aristocratic family began to publicize that it was the great shaman and the wolf god who assassinated and seriously injured Wang Linchi, and wanted to restore the Khan's court and let everyone live back to their previous lives.

As a result, most Hulu hesitated.

They knew that Wang Linchi was good to them, and they were grateful to be able to live such a good life, so the obstruction was eased. When they heard that the Great Shaman and the Wolf God were going to restore their lives, they were allowed to live. Back in the days of serfs, this made them explode.

The belief in the wolf god must be cut off, and this blockage will directly eliminate another three points.

Why can't you live a good life and have to go back to the past and work as serfs for others? Not only do you not have enough food and clothing, but you may not even be able to save your life.

There are three points left, because the mainstream began to change its trend, and after the Great Shaman and Wolf God were labeled as villains, they quickly followed the trend.

The last group is the die-hards, who cling to their beliefs and are unwilling to let go. They belong to a very small minority and are true fanatical believers.

However, Wang Linchi is not used to this group of people. As long as there are die-hards in the tribe, the original welfare system will be canceled directly until your tribe gets rid of the die-hards.

Whether he was killed or persuaded, Wang Linchi didn't care.

If you restrict the other person to one person, the other person may not care. After all, you have spiritual support. But if everyone around you is unlucky with the other person, then the living environment will change, and everyone around you will feel hatred and malice toward you.

As long as it is resolved, Wang Linchi will restore the system and set up an inspection and reporting system.

From time to time, people will go to various tribes to conduct surprise inspections. Once it is found that someone in the tribe who reported no belief in the wolf god secretly believes in the wolf god, then the entire village will have its welfare benefits cancelled, and will be subject to control until the belief in the wolf god disappears completely.

Of course, you don't have to accept the control, and everyone will be considered a repeat offender by default to assassinate the court ministers.

In addition, there is reporting. If you find that someone in the tribe has openly given up their belief in the wolf god, but in fact secretly still believes in the wolf god, then after reporting, you will be given a generous reward, the kind that will make everyone jealous.

With the reporting system, the Hulu who believed in the wolf god turned into rats crossing the street, and everyone was trying hard to catch one of them.

When belief in God not only fails to bring convenience to your life, but also brings you danger, makes you suffer from hunger, and makes everyone around you hate you, everything will be different.

Even if you believe secretly, there are still people around you who are hunting for your hidden self. Once you reveal your true identity, the other party will use you as a reward in exchange for wealth.

Under pressure from all parties, the belief in the wolf god quickly disappeared.

Of course, it was not just the belief in the wolf god that was cut off. All the beliefs related to the demon gods in Hulu were also annihilated when they affected Chiyu.

Although Wang Linchi specified the belief in the wolf god, anyone who believed in the demon god would be treated equally.

Between material and spiritual matters, Hulu chose material. The demon gods are not righteous gods, but a group of evil gods who like human blood sacrifices. With publicity and pressure, it is normal to give up.

Nowadays, the belief in demon gods in the north has basically been cut off, and all shamans have lost their demon powers and become ordinary people.

With Hulu without the support of strength, we can further carry out the development plan. Wang Linchi said looking at the plan in his hand.

Grand Scholar Wang is really a great talent. Zhang Lin said with a smile.

He came to the northern grassland again, mainly to express his gratitude.

The first batch of investment returns has been sent back to the imperial court and various aristocratic families. The imperial court took 80%, and the aristocratic families took 20%, which is a little less, but the aristocratic families are not big enough to compete with the imperial court.

But even if it is 20%, after they divide it, each of them will make a lot of money.

As for the initial investment? I have earned it back long ago.

I don't dare to be a great talent. The people under you have been a little arrogant and arrogant recently. Go back and warn these people. If you want to make money, just obey me honestly, otherwise... Wang Linchi didn't finish his words. Zhang Lin spoke first.

I will kill them first and ensure that Grand Scholar Wang is satisfied. Zhang Lin immediately expressed his stance.

Remember what you said, I have ways to make you eat meat, and I also have ways to make you choke to death on meat.

A deal is a deal. What I hate the most is unruly people, especially when you get benefits. Next time, don't blame me for using tricks. Wang Linchi said rudely.

Zhang Lin made a statement, but it was just a statement. This time he gave them face, so he didn't have to worry about it, but he had to follow up with corresponding actions, otherwise he would just talk, and what's the use of it.

Hiding relatives from each other is a common method used by aristocratic families. Wang Linchi wants to force the aristocratic family to choose, either to be honest and obedient and make money together, or to use his own arrogance to get away with it.

Before evening, I will give an explanation to Grand Scholar Wang. Zhang Lin knew that this time he had indeed offended Wang Linchi, otherwise he would not have said this.

That's best. I hope you're not the scapegoat. If you lose your reputation now, you will lose 10% of your profits tomorrow. Wang Linchi warned coldly.

Zhang Lin naturally took Wang Linchi's words to heart. Regarding Wang Linchi's way of making money faster than robbing, he knew that he could not replicate it. Even if he could replicate it, he would not be able to reach this level. Not only would he make money If you don’t get enough money, you will still lose money.

Understood, don't worry, Grand Scholar Wang, even my son will have to be punished obediently. Zhang Lin repeatedly stated that he would not bend the law for personal gain.

It's getting late. Zhang Shoufu should be going to get someone. Don't be unable to give an explanation at night. Wang Linchi issued an eviction order.

In that case, let's say goodbye first. Zhang Shoufu knew that Wang Linchi was really angry this time, but he just came at the right time, otherwise, Wang Linchi would really have to take action.

It would be okay if his face would be shameless by then, but if Wang Linchi caught him, it would be troublesome.

Who knows if Wang Linchi has other plans.

After Zhang Lin left, Li Zheng came in.

Sir, you act so cruelly, will this offend the family... Li Zheng said worriedly.

Do you know why you are running errands and delivering letters when you are with His Majesty, and you are just running errands and delivering letters on my side? Wang Linchi asked.

Uh... Li Zheng didn't expect Wang Linchi to ask this.

Because you are so forward-looking and too tactful. What I need is a machete that can cut through thorns and thorns. What Your Majesty wants is a sharp blade that kills people without staining blood. You are so tactful that you have neither a blade nor a sword edge. What allows you to do this is because of us. It's for my friend's sake. When Wang Linchi said this, Li Zheng's face turned green.

I'm not trying to be diplomatic, I just want to end well. Li Zheng knew that being with a king is like being with a tiger, not to mention someone like him who does dirty work and has all kinds of secret information.

So if you act tactful and useless, you can at least live longer.

escape? How could he escape? He was right under Luan Yiwei's nose. If there was any trouble, he would be intercepted immediately.

If he had the power of Luan Yiwei, he might not escape, but now he is an empty frame and can only be forced to stay.

It's just a good death, it's not a big deal. Wang Linchi quickly skipped the topic, and then asked: What's the matter?

Your Majesty vomited blood during the morning court today and was unconscious for about half an hour before he woke up.

It seems to have inherited the late emperor's early death and short life, especially. Li Zheng also understood at this time why Emperor Jing wanted to establish a heir apparent. It was because of poor health.

If it hadn't been for the vomiting of blood in public this time, I wouldn't have seen it, and he was still very healthy on weekdays.

Wang Linchi was a little confused. This shouldn't be the case. The chronic poison he gave Emperor Jing didn't have the effect of vomiting blood.

Logically speaking, this should not happen, and now is not the time to take effect.

‘It’s not my chronic poison problem, but someone took action before me? ’ This matter came to Wang Linchi’s mind.

Well, let's send some nourishing supplements unique to the grassland and express our feelings.

Wang Linchi couldn't say anything at this time, so he could only do this.

He definitely can't go back. He is now responsible for the development of the northern grassland. Naturally, he cannot go back easily without the order.

No matter what, we have to wait until Emperor Jing dies before paying our condolences.

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