Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 450 What? Did I rebel? I do not know how! ! !

What, that kid actually captured the Hulu King's Court in just three days!!! Kong Qian's voice rose three times. He didn't expect that the other party would be so fast. He had just contacted the leader of the rogue bandits, and he still Without further negotiation, the result was that Wang Ting was taken down next door.

Could it be that he lied about his military exploits? How could such a kid... Kong Qian still didn't believe it.

Hulu Khan proclaimed himself a minister in court today, and the entire Hulu royal family was sent to Kyoto. Kong Yu said.

At this time, the situation has become obvious. In a month at most, the north will be calmed down. But as for them, whether they can negotiate with the rogue bandits within a month is another matter.

When the time comes, he dares to let the bandits enter Kyoto. The bandits arrive in the morning, and Wang Linchi comes back with the Iron Wing Army in the evening. They really have to kill everyone.

Give up, father, we are no match. Kong Yu warned again.

When Kong Qian heard this, he was very helpless. He could only say that he was worthy of being a three-yuan spiritual scholar and a person who could achieve great peace and prosperity. Such methods were indeed not something he could deal with.

It doesn't matter, the worst thing is to lie dormant for a few years. My Kong family has a great cause. When the next Emperor Jing comes to power, I will have a fight with this son. Kong Qian finally gave in.

But he still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

In his eyes, his Kong family has a great cause and is closely connected with many aristocratic families. It would be more difficult to influence the Kong family than to destroy Dajing.

The big family will suppress the Kong family, but they will not let the Kong family perish. After all, they are all in the same camp, and even the royal family will help them.


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a huge banging on the door, which startled Kong Qian.

Go and see what's going on. Kong Qian said in a deep voice. It was so arrogant that someone dared to act so recklessly at Kong's door.

As soon as Kong Yan walked out, he was pushed to the ground.

A large number of soldiers in armor poured in and quickly took control of the entire Kong Mansion.

Seeing this scene, Kong Qian didn't panic at all. Instead, he sat calmly, took a sip of tea and said, Commander Zhao, why did you break into my house?

Why? Commander Zhao sneered: You committed a crime, collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country, and rebelled. None of the nine clans of your Kong family will survive today.

Traitors like these are worthy of sitting here and taking them down for me.

As he spoke, the soldier stepped forward and immediately held Kong Qian down, causing all his original demeanor to disappear, leaving only embarrassment.

How dare you! Kong Qian scolded with eyes wide open: My Kong family has been favored by the emperor, so how can I collaborate with the enemy, betray the country and rebel? I want to see your majesty!!!

He felt that he was wronged.

Oh, Your Majesty has seen the letters between you and Hulu Khan, as well as the ledgers of supplies shipped to the north.

The evidence is conclusive, how can you deny it? Commander Zhao didn't like the other party. He was a big mouth when he went up to him and hit the other party until his hair was disheveled.

Impossible, this is impossible. Kong Qian didn't believe it at all. After all, he didn't know that Wang Linchi had added material to the evidence.

Therefore, it was not only Emperor Jing who was angry. The other aristocratic families were also confused and then angry after reading this. Everyone was ready to prey on you, but in the end, you were lucky and wanted to kill them all together.

If they treat you as their brother-in-law and you fall in love with their sister, who can tolerate this?

As for saying it's fake?

The handwriting, seal, and writing style can't be fake, and besides, even those barbarians like Hulu, no one has the ability to forge.

This resulted in no one interceding for him at all, and everyone added fuel to the fire, so the Nine Clan came down.

Nothing is impossible, take them away. Commander Zhao waved his hand, and the soldiers escorted everyone in the Kong Mansion away.

Now they are temporarily imprisoned in the death row until all the Kong family members are captured, and then a unified action will be taken. That means the ancestors of the Kong family have meritorious service. Otherwise, they will not be beheaded directly in public, but will be executed late.

I really thought Emperor Jing had a good temper.

After leaving Kong's house, Kong Qian saw Zhang Lin standing not far away, looking at him with a look that looked at a dead man.

Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, this is a misunderstanding! It's impossible for me to rebel! I hope Brother Zhang goes to His Majesty to plead for mercy!!! Seeing this, Kong Qian immediately asked for help.

Zhang Lin looked gloomy, turned around and left with a puff of sleeves.

He was almost furious. How disgusting and shameless this person was to dare to say this.

In previous letters, I had flattered Hulu Khan, saying that I would give his Zhang family members to Hulu to serve as a half-door, and even asked him to kneel down and look at it. He humiliated himself in this way and asked me to plead for mercy. I really thought He is the king of heaven.

This attitude also confused Kong Qian. Although everyone was fighting, they were also on the same page. Why did he have this attitude?

As a result, before he could say the second sentence, he was slapped twice more and then forced into the prison van.

Kong Qian was honest. He could be sure that something definitely happened during this period that he didn't know about. Otherwise, this attitude would not be possible.

And it happened so quickly that even the spies he placed in the court had no time to send him information.

In fact, it wasn’t that it was too late, but that it wasn’t sent to him.

The old boss used his whole family to honor Hulu, but no matter what, he couldn't really send his whole family there.

So I just jumped back and completely ignored the other party.

Dare to ask Commander Zhao, what happened? Kong Yan asked from the side.

He didn't want to die without knowing why.

What's going on? You guys, the Kong family, know it all. Commander Zhao didn't want to talk to the other party anymore. This guy was just pretending to be confused.

As the eldest son of the Kong family, how could he not know about these things? Maybe he was involved in them.

Therefore, he also warned the other party with his eyes. If he dared to say another word, he would be rewarded with a big mouth.

Kong Yan was very wise and did not speak any more. In his mind, he initially suspected that their plan to lure the invaders into Kyoto was exposed, which was why they were in such a situation.

Otherwise, he really couldn't figure out why.

It is precisely because diverting bandits into Kyoto will harm the interests of various aristocratic families that there is no help from the aristocratic families. Even Zhang Lin has this attitude.

'Hopefully it will be dealt with leniently. ’ Kong Biao felt that Emperor Jing must have been angry, so he would kill the nine clans. After the anger subsided, it was unlikely that he would destroy the Kong clan. At most, he would kill his clan, and then support another clan.

But Kong Qian didn't think so. Judging from Zhang Lin's attitude, he, the Kong family, was definitely doomed. You must know that Jun Wu was joking and never took back what he said.

Especially since this was a great opportunity to destroy the Kong family, how could Emperor Jing give up.

'Well, time is also destiny. If we had known that this Zhuzi could hit three yuan in a row, we should have eliminated the opponent before he rose. ’ Kong Qian couldn’t help but feel a little sad, thinking that his family business for several generations had been destroyed by a mud-legged man.

As for Dajing Sanxing? What does it have to do with the Kong family? He is from a noble family, not a royal family.

Although the first two spiritual men who resurrected Dajing made Dajing stronger, their end was extremely miserable. After all, they violated the interests of the family and it was difficult to end well.

I just didn't expect that the third one was actually capable and could bring down such a big family like him.

However, he felt that this was just the beginning. When it was no longer valuable, sooner or later he would be pushed out by Emperor Jing as an abandoned son to calm the anger of the family.

The prerequisite for the family to be persecuted was naturally that Emperor Jing had to run out of it before he could take action.

Emperor Jing has not calmed down yet and wants to cut Kong into pieces with a thousand knives.

'No wonder the barbarians entered the Pass so easily in later generations, and all the major families died under the butcher's knife. As a result, you, the Kong family, were able to obtain the position of duke even though you were dead in name only. The co-author has colluded with the other party from the beginning. ’

I must not have known about it before. After all, in later generations, King Tianqi not only had to deal with enemies, but also with his own people. It was already good to be able to eliminate the threat of southern invaders and northern invaders. How could it be so easy to eliminate them?

Your Majesty, all the Kong traitors in Kyoto have been arrested and brought to justice. The Kong traitors in other places have been arrested. Commander Zhao came back to regain his consciousness.

Ask other aristocratic families to cooperate, and no one can escape. Emperor Jing said.

This time, the aristocratic family will definitely not stop it, and will also fully help.

Not only is it a good opportunity to beat up the lost dog and carve up the Kong family, but it is also a chance to vent your anger and revenge in a fair and just way.

I will live up to His Majesty's great trust, Commander Zhao said immediately.

Okay, let's go down. Emperor Jing waved his hand to let him go to work.

Yes. Your Majesty. Commander Zhao saluted and left.

Emperor Jing lowered his eyelids, looking tired.

The curse has gotten worse again, and I may not be able to survive it for another year. Names appeared in Emperor Jing's mind. These were the candidates he planned to adopt as his adopted heirs, but until now, he had not made up his mind about who to choose.

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