Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 447 The aristocratic family said that we should pay attention to etiquette education

Okay, okay, this good news really doesn't stop for a moment. Emperor Jing finished reading today's good news, and the smile on his lips never stopped.

Many ministers in the court also looked at each other, this was too fast, it was only the second day, and they had already reached the hinterland of the Hulu, and the normal march had not yet left the border.

Your Majesty, Wang Shangshu's move is too cruel. We, the Heavenly Kingdom, should pay attention to etiquette and education instead of using force to show off evil.

The massacre of Hulu is harmful to the peace of the world. Someone jumped out and warned, speaking of benevolence and morality, and full of morality and justice.

With someone taking the lead, many officials from aristocratic families naturally agreed, saying that there should be no fighting or killing.

This made Emperor Jing's face darken.

Those who spoke were all minions, and the people who were really behind the scenes were all standing in front with looks that I didn’t know.

Quiet! The eunuch on the side snapped his whip and shouted again.

The surrounding Luan Yi guards and imperial guards also gathered around, waiting for Emperor Jing to say a word, and immediately drew their knives to stain the palace with blood.

Fortunately, many ministers were still very discerning and became quiet after seeing this scene.

Emperor Jing really dared to kill people, not the people they could manipulate at will.

Your Majesty, the emperor has some objections to Lord Wang's move. Why don't we recall Lord Wang and discuss the Northern Expedition? At this time, the minister standing in the front expressed his position, which was the final word.

Kong Aiqing is from the Northern Kong family, Emperor Jing said unhurriedly.

This gave Kong Qian a bad feeling.

Exactly, I come from the Northern Kong family. Kong Qian replied quickly.

It's very close to Hulu, right? Emperor Jing said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Kong Qian immediately knelt down and said, Your Majesty, I, the Northern Kong family, are loyal to Dajing.

I know, but when Wang Aiqing wanted to go to the northern court to capture the Khan alive, you jumped out to oppose it and encouraged the courtiers to force the palace together. It's hard for me to believe Aiqing. Emperor Jing looked embarrassed.

He knew that when the barbarians entered the pass, the Kong family was the first to make a surrender order. In the next dynasty, the family was destroyed, but the Kong family continued the incense and became the first one under his command in name only. Loyal dog.

This is obviously not just the treatment of the first family to surrender, but also has other contributions to the Hulu.

The Hulu were white-eyed wolves raised by the aristocratic family. Emperor Jing knew this, but the aristocratic family thought that the southern bandit and the northern ruthless were dogs. They never thought that if they went crazy, they would not only bite them, but also kill the aristocratic family with their skin and bones. Swallowed.

The aristocratic family can be maintained not because they are powerful, but because they are part of the huge machine of Dajing, relying on the power of the fox and the tiger.

However, the tiger was dead. How could they, the little fox cubs, be able to fight against the evil wolf?

The aristocratic family has a useless purpose, but it’s not like they can’t die.

Don't dare~

The people who had just spoken out to criticize all knelt down in large groups.

So Kong Aiqing is right, and you are the ones who are wrong. Emperor Jing's eyes fell on the courtiers who were kneeling behind him.

In this case, Kong Aiqing, please get up. I have misunderstood you.

As for those who knelt down, they are all interceding for the barbarians from the north. Then we should treat them as collaborators and traitors, and kill all the nine tribes.

Emperor Jing sneered, it doesn't matter if the person dies, there are more people below ready to take over.

This is forcing, either all nine of your clans will die, or the Kong family will be sacrificed, isn't it because of the power, he will do it.

There is no way for the big aristocratic family and the small aristocratic family to be in the same camp.

Your Majesty, you are wronged. How long will it take for us to collaborate with the enemy and betray the country?

We are just speaking uprightly...


Everyone was crying and shouting.

Pleading for mercy for the enemy during the war is not collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. It seems that you have indeed admitted that this matter has nothing to do with Kong Aiqing. Emperor Jing actually didn't care whether the Kong family died or the small aristocratic family died.

Someone has to die anyway.

Remove the official uniform, put him in prison, and detain the nine tribes, and behead him in public three days later. Emperor Jing still gave him a chance.

The members of the big family did not dare to speak at all. Emperor Jing wanted to make this matter a solid case.

Furthermore, this matter was indeed the Kong family's business, they didn't get any meat, and it wasn't their faction that lost, so naturally it didn't matter.

You can't risk yourself for the sake of the Kong family. The other party doesn't know how to read well.

Wait a minute, Your Majesty, this matter was ordered by Master Kong. He once told Wang Shangshu to attack the north, which was against human ethics, and he used his official position to oppress minor ministers. At this time, an official jumped out.

He and his whole family died, and he was accused of being a traitor to the enemy. He was just paving the way for the Kong family. He was not a fool. He had no benefits but only disadvantages and would be infamy for thousands of years. Who would want to do this?

After some people reacted, everyone changed their tune and pointed the finger directly at Kong.

Kong Aiqing, do you have anything to say? Emperor Jing looked at Kong Qian teasingly.

My lord, I have nothing to say. Kong Qian lowered his head. He was not worried about his own problems. Emperor Jing would dare to kill other small aristocratic families, but he, the Kong family, would never dare to touch them.

It was indeed as he thought, Emperor Jing did not dare to move at all.

If he touches the small aristocratic family, the other big aristocratic families will most likely sit back and watch. But if he touches the Kong family, the remaining Zhang family, the five surnames Qi Wang, and even his own royal family will jump out to stop him.

Kong Aiqing goes home to think about his mistakes. The rest of the Kong clan cannot leave the clan area without orders. The Kong clan with official status will live temporarily in Beiping Mansion.

Emperor Jing's move was equivalent to directly cutting off the political influence of the Kong family in the entire Dajing, and it was also a shock to the remaining big families to be more honest and avoid causing trouble.

Thank you Lord for your kindness. Kong Qian had no excuse for this.

If you lose, you lose. There is no reason.

After all, it is the meat in your own pot, and others will definitely not help.

After killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, the whole court quickly became quiet and dispersed.

Master Kong, please don't do stupid things again, otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless. Zhang Lin, as the representative of the Nan Zhang family, warned Kong Qian on the way back.

If they really do something irrational, don't blame them for turning against each other. Do you really think that the big family will be fine?

If it offends everyone's interests, he must die.

On weekdays, the other party supports Hulu, which is indeed a bit too much. Next, what if he replaces him.

Compared with the rogue bandits supported by the Zhang family in the south, the Hulu supported by the Kong family in the north do show signs of becoming bigger.

I know it myself. Kong Qian glanced at Zhang Lin. The two were officials in the same dynasty, so they were not easy to deal with. They both wanted to annex the other side of him.

As long as you know it, I will keep an eye on you. After Zhang Lin finished speaking, he strode away.

His words mean that all the aristocratic families will stare at you.

Originally, the Hulu were the meat of the Kong family. If Wang Linchi defeated them, they would be the meat of all the noble families. It would be fine if they could not be defeated before. You can eat as much as you want on your own.

Now that everyone has the opportunity to reconcile, if you still insist on stopping it, don't blame him for being cruel.

Looking at Zhang Lin leaving, Kong Qian looked gloomy. This time it was indeed a dead end.

Once there is no treasure trove like the Northern Royal Court and no money, it will be difficult to move forward.

However, it was already too late to save the day. Beikong was directly under house arrest. Even he had no way to do anything. The allies just wanted to cut off his flesh and blood, and it was impossible to help him.

If we really have to wait until this matter is over, then the Beikong family in Nan Zhang Beikong may not even be able to compare with the Five Surnames and Qi Wang, and may even decline.

‘The Hulu are gone, but the rogue bandits still have a chance. ’ Kong Qian came up with a crazy plan.

Since Emperor Jing wanted to make the Kong family fall, it would be better to change to Emperor Jing, and just let the bandits drive straight in and attack Kyoto, then kill Emperor Jing and then wipe out all the officials of the family.

And if the Kong family once again supported a puppet emperor, relied on his great righteousness to hold the emperor hostage and commanded the princes, and then expelled the bandits and returned to Kyoto, then he would be the powerful Master Kong.

As for Wang Linchi, he didn't take it seriously at all. He could just let the puppet emperor issue a decree of suicide or directly execute him on trumped-up charges.

Is it possible that he still dares to rebel?

What? Just like him, he also found a puppet emperor, who looked young. As long as he was faster than the opponent, then the puppet emperor he supported would be the orthodoxy. At that time, he could order the world to kill the puppet emperor he supported.

With his Kong family's reputation, he naturally won. Could it be that a mud-legged guy who didn't know how to come from a small place would win?

There is a very serious problem that needs to be solved now, and that is how to let the rogue bandits march straight into Kyoto. After all, it is not that easy with a hundred thousand troops.

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