Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 443: Let the Khan dance in the court for three months

In Kyoto, at the Jinluan Palace, Wang Linchi used coercion to make the imperial examination system computer make him the number one scholar.

A lot of things actually happened in Lizhou Prefecture in the meantime, such as the interception and killing of rogue bandits and barbarians, the revenge of some aristocratic families, or someone who wanted to take advantage of him.

During this period, I also picked up a lot of opportunities, but Wang Linchi always picked them up and ran away without stopping for a moment. Those who intercepted and retaliated were lucky to meet Wang Linchi, but those who wanted to take advantage of him basically just Halfway through the execution, it was discovered that Wang Linchi was gone.

After entering the capital, he also encountered some strange things, but Wang Linchi hid quickly and there was no follow-up.

After waiting for nearly a month, Wang Linchi finally started the palace examination.

This time the palace examination was very big. Emperor Jing personally supervised the examination, and all the princes in the court were present. After the examination, he went directly to the Jinluan Palace to receive the order.

Wang Linchi, who was ranked third in the imperial examination, entered the cabinet directly, became a cabinet bachelor, and received the position of Doctor Jin Ziguanglu.

The former was Emperor Jing's staff team, similar to the position of prime minister divided into several parts, while the latter was simply used to increase salary and status and had no real power.

Wang Linchi did not refuse, and he became a second-rank official in one step. However, he was still a little weak at the moment, and he had to make enough achievements to obtain formal political resources.

Emperor Jing looked at Wang Linchi and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

‘Dajingtian King Qi, I didn’t expect him to be under his command so easily. ’

If he had not come to the Jing Dynasty as a simulated substitute, what would follow would not be the Great Jing Dynasty, but the invasion of the Southern and Northern invaders, and the country would be in a state of uncertainty.

When the King of Tianqi saw the foreign invasion and the broken mountains and rivers, he shouted that studying medicine could not save Dajing, and then raised troops to save the country.

The initial battle with the bandits was indeed very unfavorable, but King Tianqi used the bandits' gunpowder to develop powerful armaments such as fire blunderbuss and divine artillery, turning the tide in one fell swoop.

Next, the rogue bandits were eliminated first, and then the barbarians were conquered. During this period, they cut down mountains and destroyed temples to sever the Taoist tradition, causing the demon gods to give in.

It's a pity that he eventually died at the hands of the faint king.

Otherwise, it will not be a renewal of the Dajing, but a three-pronged Dajing.

And the loyalty of this King of Tianqi was the only one who lasted for several dynasties and remained popular.

In each dynasty, the King of Tianqi was consecrated, from King Tianqi to King Rensheng Tianqi, then to Emperor Rensheng Tianqi, and finally directly became Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng the Great, and the Dai Temple where his incense is enshrined, It is also known as Mount Tai, the first mountain, where many emperors of later generations consecrated themselves to worship heaven.

In short, it has been deified, so Emperor Jing naturally knew its abilities.

Even in his own heroic spirit era, no one could summon the spirit warrior Wang Linchi who had just won three yuan in a row, let alone the future Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor.

So he felt that he was sure.

Next, as long as he hangs up and delegates all tasks to King Tianqi, he can directly dominate the world.

My dear friends, I wish to make an expedition to the north. Emperor Jing sat on a high throne and said calmly.

When the princes in the court heard this, they all jumped out to admonish him.

This means that the Southern Expedition has not been completed yet, so why should we have another Northern Expedition? This is a waste of people and money.

In case of failure, it would be a direct loss of vitality for Dajing.

Emperor Jing glanced at this group of people and cursed in his heart: 'Can King Qi lose? Do you understand the value of the word Tianqi? ’

In the past, even if the opponent was not a spiritual warrior, he could win, but now he has won three yuan in a row, how could he lose?

‘Wait a minute, why wasn’t the other party a spiritual warrior before? Could it be because he was suppressed? ’ Emperor Jing suddenly thought of this.

He naturally knew the origin of King Tianqi, and it was not that he came from a poor family. His success this time showed that there was no way to rise. He even failed to get ahead in the previous simulations. It can be seen that this time he used drastic measures to rectify the family and the family. After going to court, the other party had a chance to breathe.

Instead of waiting until the Great Jing was in chaos later, he could grow up through the troubled times.

Thinking about it like this, he hated the aristocratic family even more.

Naturally, there will be no aristocratic families in the next dynasty. After all, the barbarians entered the pass. They didn't care about the aristocratic families and killed every one of them.

If you can't fight again and again, you can't resist, and eventually you will be killed and extinct.

When Wang Linchi heard this, he looked like he was watching his nose and heart, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

He agreed to the Northern Expedition, but he had just arrived and was not suitable to speak unless Emperor Jing called him by name. In fact, he wanted to leave the meeting quickly and go back to take a look at the spiritual gifts of his Jinshi status and make adjustments.

Wang Aiqing, I wonder what you think about this? Emperor Jing looked at Wang Linchi and said.

After Emperor Jing spoke, the ministers in the court suddenly fell silent.

I thought that only three thousand men could wipe out the Hulu. Wang Linchi stood up and said.

As soon as these words came out, the court became even quieter.

Blame each other? No one dared to speak at all. The first two spiritual warriors who had won three yuan in a row had achieved great success twice, and now there is another one. If the other party succeeds, I am afraid that the accusations of myself and others will have to be left in the history books, and they will be remembered for generations to come. The clown serves as a foil to Wang Linchi.

Emperor Jing couldn't help but secretly clicked his tongue. According to historical records, there were 50,000 people, but now it has become 3,000... Oh, the other party is now a spiritual warrior, his status is different, and he also has extraordinary power.

How long will it take? Emperor Jing asked again.

How long it takes depends on how supportive your majesty is. Wang Linchi responded.

Full support, money, food, people, power, all given to you. Anyone who dares to obstruct, even a first-class official or a relative of the emperor, can be killed without asking. As soon as Emperor Jing said this, everyone in the court Everyone was in an uproar.

If Hulu Khan can perform dances for His Majesty within three months, a military order can be issued! Wang Linchi gave the time without hesitation.

At this moment, everyone in the court was silent.

I thought Emperor Jing's offer was outrageous, but I didn't expect Wang Linchi to be even more outrageous. He defeated the Hu barbarians within three months and captured their Khan alive. If it was really so easy, how could he have turned into a bandit from the south and a bandit from the north, and a hundred thousand troops marched south? , Up to now, the rogue bandits have not been completely wiped out. You three thousand people just want to wipe out the huge Hulu.

Okay, I will follow Aiqing, and I will grant you the title of Shangshu Ling, leading a great scholar, and knowing the affairs of the Privy Council. I will command Luan Yiwei to follow you and listen to your instructions. I will also carry a Shangfang sword, as if I were here in person. What Emperor Jing wanted to do. It means delegating power.

Thank you, Your Majesty. Wang Linchi was also a little confused. Why did the other party delegate power to him? With this title, he has all the military, political and business affairs in his hands. In addition, with the sword of Luan Yiwei and Shang Fang's sword, I am here in person. Whatever he said, the whole court had to listen to him.

The princes in the court wanted to object, but when they saw Emperor Jing's situation, they really didn't dare, let alone Wang Linchi, who could win three yuan in a row, which showed that he was no match for the opponent, otherwise how could he be so rare.

Therefore, everyone acquiesced, lest they bring disaster to Chiyu.

Emperor Jing understood one thing, that is, if he relied on himself, it might not be that easy to bring this heroic spirit to unparalleled quality.

But if you get the reputation of Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng, the difficulty will be much easier.

‘Speaking of which, the two heroic spirits that I had formed before, the True Monarch of God-Slaying and the Taoist Tianfu, were able to become unparalleled, thanks to his help, otherwise they would definitely not be able to achieve this quality. ’

The Federation he lives in is the Age of Heroic Spirits. People can summon ancient heroic spirits through some media. The older the heroic spirits, the more powerful they are.

Emperor Jing was in a worse situation, unable to resonate with any heroic spirit, but by chance, he obtained a treasure that allowed him to replace himself and obtain an identity in a simulated way. Then all he had to do was to use this identity Carry forward.

Reputation is related to the quality of the heroic spirit, and the career of the heroic spirit is related to the ability of the summoned heroic spirit.

There are also disadvantages. There is no way to directly descend to the previous dynasties. We can only simulate going forward one by one.

‘Fortunately, I picked up King Tianqi, otherwise, this medium would have been scrapped. ’ Emperor Jing was relieved in his heart. Before, he had planned to live up to his reputation as a tyrant, but after all, he was a little short of becoming a heroic spirit due to his bad reputation.

‘But I can’t forget it like this. I have to explore the reasons for the discontinuity of each dynasty. ’

There are gaps in every dynasty. He can know this only thanks to the heroic spirits that can be summoned in the heroic spirit era. These heroic spirits naturally have memories of their lifetimes, which completes history.

However, there are only a few dynasties in modern times. There are still many mysteries about those ancient and powerful dynasties, so their history is not completely known.

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