Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 401 Seize the heart and kill evil

It seems that you have indeed made a lot of preparations for leaving. The dean looked excited after listening to Wang Linchi's theory and some on-site experiments.

If Wang Linchi hadn't deliberately concealed it, there was indeed a chance that they would survive.

As for Wang Linchi's 100% success, the dean did not dare to say this. If there was a direct success, the other party would not come looking for him.

Of course, you think everyone is like you, only thinking about fighting and killing. Wang Linchi sneered.

The dean and the game system acted as if they didn't hear anything. The main reason was that Wang Linchi was right and it was hard for them to refute.

However, Wang Linchi secretly looked at the countdown formed by the thinking mirror. There were ten minutes left, and it would be twenty-four hours. He didn't know if Ye Tian could succeed. If he couldn't succeed, then he would have to find a way to continue. Fooled.

In order to delay time, he must use his true talents and knowledge as a cover-up. Otherwise, if he comes up with some unrelated data and plans to communicate with the dean and the game system, the other party will be able to tell at a glance that they are fake. Come.

Wang Linchi's aura as the protagonist is not strong enough to fool the opponent with just his mouth.

Now there are only nine days left. We don't have enough time for verification. The dean quickly calmed down his excitement.

So we only have one chance. I hope everyone will cooperate sincerely and don't make any small moves, otherwise I won't be able to leave, and I will fight against bad people. Wang Linchi warned.

That's natural, I want to live. The dean immediately stated.

Although the game system did not respond, it expressed its position in its own way.

Then what happens next, we need to... Wang Linchi babbled and began to make a long list.

Dean and the game system recorded it all.

We can't just let Wang Linchi collect everything. Now that we are escaping, we naturally have to act together instead of letting Wang Linchi bear the responsibility. Furthermore, they don't trust Wang Linchi, so the whole process must be done. Get involved to avoid Wang Linchi's manipulation.

Why haven't you come yet? It's been more than three minutes... Wang Linchi felt a little nervous when he saw that the countdown had turned negative. He was worried that if Ye Tian failed, he would suffer a big loss.

That's all the materials needed. Do you have any questions... Wang Linchi was interrupted before he could finish his words.

What interrupted was not the dean or the game system, but the movement of the battle.

The sky shattered directly, and the invisible fluctuations directly affected Wang Linchi and the dean.

'coming! ’ Wang Linchi was overjoyed. He knew it was Ye Tian without even thinking, but the Ye Tian at this time was probably no longer the same Ye Tian.

What's going on? What's fighting the game system?! The dean was also caught off guard. Although he felt happy, he was also very shocked.

‘Take this opportunity to get rid of the dean first to avoid future troubles. ’ The voice of the Demon God of Destiny came. The voice was very small, and he was extremely weak. After saying this, he was basically about to die.

Wang Linchi naturally took action without hesitation, and when the dean was not paying attention, he forcibly penetrated the other party's body with his thought force field.

How dare you! The dean reacted immediately. At this time, he naturally understood that the existence of attacking the game system was caused by Wang Linchi.


The dean's upper body exploded, and the Holy Lord's figure grabbed a heart with great agility.

This heart was entangled with countless chains like blood vessels. Even if he pulled back, there was no way to break free of the chains.

The next moment, the Dean's upper body recovered instantly, and the chains were embedded in the flesh and blood, but it was already too late, and the heart was pulled out of the body.

This also proves that the heart and the dean are not one and the same.

Damn it, you've been plotting against my heart! the dean roared angrily.

Then the upper body exploded the opponent again, and the Holy Master had already dragged his heart to Wang Linchi's side.

‘There’s no way to cut this thing off. ’ Wang Linchi immediately discovered that the chain was too tricky. It seemed that he had inherited the immortality of the mythical soul seed, and there was no way he could break it.

At the same time, the dean also recovered. As a dual-system soul species of mythical quality, the dean was quite good except for being lazy in battle.

Hahaha, this is me... The dean recovered again. When he found that Wang Linchi was powerless against his heart, he also smiled.

As a result, before he finished speaking, he broke out again.

Then there's nothing we can do. Wang Linchi sighed.

He originally thought of playing it safe, taking the heart first and then eating the dean.

Now it seems that it is no longer possible. He can only eat it first, otherwise, he will not be able to get the heart unless the dean dies.

The Holy Lord arrived in an instant and punched the dean's recovering body.

The soul-absorbing devouring took effect directly, and Wang Linchi could see that the chain immediately dimmed by three points.

Wait, how did you do it? This is impossible!!! The dean, who had just recovered, noticed the problem and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then the head disappeared. The Holy Master would not answer and just blew him up.

Damn it, you forced me to do this, I want to...

Wait a minute, you can't...

You can't just let me say it...


The dean was so unlucky that he didn't say a complete sentence from beginning to end. Under the double attacks of the Holy Master and Wang Linchi, his body became increasingly pale.

The chains have become precarious, covered with all kinds of rust, and become very fragile.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi stretched out his hand again.


This time, the chain was completely broken by him.

Without the restraints of the chains, the beating frequency of the heart is getting slower and slower, and the surface layer is also changing.

From the original appearance of flesh and blood, it began to return to the original stone quality.

How dare you... The dean was shocked and angry, and rushed towards Wang Linchi, trying to take back Shi Xin. However, as soon as he started, the Holy Master hit him again.

The dean did not have the ability to become braver as he fought. Instead, he became weaker and weaker after being swallowed by the Holy Lord's soul. Even his level dropped from the original mythical level to the legendary level. Of course, there were also people who had their stone hearts taken away by Wang Linchi. reason.

Impossible, how could you get the stone heart? This is handed down from my ancestors, how can it recognize you!!! The dean finally finished his roar and saw Wang Linchi put away the stone heart.

Then he was hit in the head again.

Maybe it's because I gave you to a cow? Wang Linchi rarely said a word, but unfortunately the dean didn't seem to hear it.

From the beginning, Wang Linchi was only afraid of the dean. As a sinful evil with the nature of a soul seed, he was very restrained by him. Unless it was a special existence similar to the game system, it is not impossible for a mythical soul seed to be Use it as a resource for soul-forging techniques and secret techniques.

The dean recovered again. At this time, he had fallen to the epic level and lost most of his strength. He simply could not accept that he would fall to this point.

Is there anything else you want to explain? I can give you a chance to say your last words. Wang Linchi looked at the dean calmly.

He is not afraid of those of mythical quality, let alone those of epic quality.

The Dean's eyes flashed with hatred.

When I die, you can't leave this world. You can only die with me and this world. The dean was also a ruthless person. He didn't beg for mercy or insult him. He just looked like everyone would die together.

You're right, but I'm sorry, I keep my promises. Wang Linchi gave a random reason.

The Holy Master never kept his promises, so the reason why he killed him was naturally because he wanted Shi Xin, and he just found a high-sounding reason so that the dean could resist less when he died.

Why would Wang Linchi stimulate the dean if he had nothing to do? He wouldn't be able to bear it if Wang Linchi fucked him.

As for telling the story that he had suffered from both sides before and deserved the quarrel between the dean and the game system, it is impossible for the dean to be a clear-minded person. The secret that is rotten in the stomach is the good secret. .

Ye Tian, ​​it's that Ye Tian, ​​isn't it! The dean stared at Wang Linchi.

Yes. Wang Linchi nodded and answered the dean's question, and continued: I have said what needs to be said, and you have asked what needs to be asked. I will send you on your way. If there is an afterlife, I hope you will just be a hospital director, and Not a madman.

The dean looked at Wang Linchi. He didn't resist this time because he knew that he had no chance to resist.

So it is better to leave quietly, give yourself some dignity, and also give the world some dignity.

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