Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 340 Black Teeth, White Claws, The Struggle of the Empire

The Black Teeth Empire has finally retreated. The empire has accumulated many shortcomings and is weak, and it suffers several defeats every year. An old lizardman with white scales chewed dried mushrooms and narrowed his eyes to enjoy it.

This mushroom has a certain soothing effect and can also stimulate the elemental blood.

Indeed, but we still have to believe in the empire. Wang Linchi agreed.

This was the third day after he entered the second level, and he successfully sneaked into a border town of the Lizardman Empire.

The Lizardmen now have two empires, one is the Black Teeth Empire and the other is the White Claw Empire.

The empire Wang Linchi was in at this time was the White Claw Empire.

There was no need to worry about disguise. He peeled off the skin and bones of a lizard man and put on a disguise similar to a mechanical leather holster. After learning the lizard man's writing, language and customs, he easily successfully blended in. Come in.

The two empires of Black Teeth and White Claws once had the same origin. It was also the era when the lizard people were most prosperous. A lizard people empire named Golden Eyes was split into two due to turmoil.

But the meat also rotted in the pot. Whether it was Black Teeth or White Claw, the founding kings of the two empires were all royal heirs of the Golden Eyes Empire.

If one came out, the Golden Eye Empire would continue, but two came out at once, which resulted in the two lizardman princes becoming disobedient to each other.

As the fighting continued, the hatred continued.

Wang Linchi also looked at the map. Compared with the first layer, the second underground layer was nearly a hundred times smaller.

So currently, on the entire second floor, there are only two lizard-man empires with black teeth and white claws fighting each other crazily.

As for going up to the first level, the lizardmen didn't notice it at all.

The rapid development of enchanting technology is indispensable for the catalytic war that continues to this day.

Fortunately, the lizard people can survive, and there are no external enemies. Otherwise, such a large population consumption would have killed themselves long ago.

Even in this situation, whether Black Teeth wins or White Claw wins, the orthodoxy remains unchanged.

Believe it or not, this month's salary hasn't been paid to me yet. The old lizard man cursed.

Most of the people in the border towns are all soldiers. After all, they have to deal with the enemy's invasion. Not long ago, they just repelled the attack of the Black Tooth Empire. As a result, the food and wages have not arrived yet, which makes many White Claw soldiers feel uneasy.

Tsk, then you can still eat magic mushrooms. Wang Linchi smiled.

What can I do if I don't eat it? I can't live without it. The old lizard man took another dried magic mushroom from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

Lizardmen are naturally not carnivores, but omnivores, and their diet is ridiculously wide.

As for the Magic Mushroom, it is the root cause of the White Claw Empire's weakness, and of course it is also one of the means to resist the attacks of the Black Tooth Empire.

After drying, the Magic God Mushroom is naturally like Five Stone Powder. It has side effects such as soothing, addiction, and damage to the body. However, it can also give lizard people the ability to fear pain, excitement, and short-term rage. Therefore, it is not prohibited in the White Claw Empire. goods, but still military supplies.

During the war, each lizard man eats ten magic mushrooms, and after entering the battlefield, he becomes like a mad dog.

It's just that these customs only appeared in the past ten years. The White Claw Empire ten years ago was almost the same as the Black Tooth Empire in terms of military and economy. Therefore, the two sides fought back and forth, unlike now they can only be passive. defense.

Although the current winning rate is much better than before, it is still a defensive battle. If you lose, you will lose the city. Coupled with the logistical supplies, you will naturally win more and lose less.

The old lizard man is now suffering from injuries all over his body and has to rely on magic mushrooms to relieve pain. Otherwise, if he doesn't eat them, he will not only become addicted but also feel uncomfortable all over.

I heard you wanted to go to Talon Cliff?

The old lizard man who was chewing the magic mushroom swallowed the mushroom and then asked.

Yes, any suggestions? Wang Linchi asked.

Claw Cliff is the royal capital of the White Claw Empire. It is built on a huge cliff, where the White Claw Empire is most prosperous.

That's a good place. Do you have claw coins? If you have claw coins, it's the most beautiful place in the world. If not, even the slums are better than claw cliffs. The old lizard man seemed to have been there.

Claw coins are the currency of the White Claw Empire, smelted from a special metal.

No, but I'm not here to enjoy it. I plan to learn the art of enchantment. Wang Linchi said calmly.

Money has never been a problem for Wang Linchi, but he can't say that.

Enchanting skills? I'm afraid it's not that easy.

All the arts of enchantment are under the control of the White Claw royal family.

If the Black Teeth Empire has inherited the smelting skills of the Golden Eyes Empire, then we White Claws have the enchanting skills of the Golden Eyes Empire. When the old lizard man said this, he was quite proud.

The weakened White Claw Empire was able to block the attack of the Black Tooth Empire. In addition to the magic mushroom, it was naturally enchanting skills.

Otherwise, just by relying on a mushroom, no matter how strong it is, it will not be able to inspire equivalent strength.

It's a pity that the existence of magic mushrooms is also the reason why the White Claw Empire weakened. Everyone in the entire country, from the princes and nobles to the traffickers and lackeys, does not eat magic mushrooms.

This caused huge problems internally.

That's why I want to study. Wang Linchi felt that he was really in the right place.

What you can't learn, only the royal family can learn. The old lizard shook his head, a pair of lizard eyes a little confused, this is the magic mushroom taking effect, unless he concentrates, otherwise, he is now in a state of bliss. , the consciousness started to become a little confused.

I don't know where you are from, but I am sure that you are not from the Black Teeth Empire, because they have never cared about our enchantment skills.

And they also know that outsiders simply cannot survive under Tal Cliff. The nobles in Tal Cliff are very repulsive to people from outside.

It is because of this arrogance and disdain that our enchanting skills are as stable as those of the empire. The old lizard man said this with sarcasm.

Oh, I see. Of course Wang Linchi understood what the old lizard man meant. It was nothing more than a stinky out-of-towner who went to Jia Ya to beg for food. He was inherently inferior to others.

It is impossible for the royal family to pass on the art of enchantment to non-royal lizardfolk.

Wang Linchi saw one thing, that is, the enchanting technique had probably become an assembly line production.

Otherwise, even if the White Claw Emperor is brought in to screw in, it won't be enough for such consumption.

The White Claw Empire is smaller than the first level, but the overall size is still very large. It must be at least the size of a province. Therefore, if the supply and demand of armaments really depends only on the royal family, there is no way at all, so the most likely thing is that it has already been put on the assembly line, otherwise How to mass produce.

Then I wish you good luck, young man. I hope that next time we meet, you will not be a criminal escorted by a prison car. The old lizard man chuckled.

The criminal soldiers are the cannon fodder camp. The losers who fail in the struggle will not necessarily die, but will be exiled to the border as cannon fodder to resist the Black Tooth Empire.

Ten years ago, when the Magic Mushroom was not popular throughout the White Claw Empire, there was no such situation. With the erosion over the years, the population decreased, and there was serious internal intrigue, so every border town would receive it from time to time. Some pampered criminals.

This kind of criminal soldiers died quickly and were consumed quickly. Fortunately, they were delivered quickly.

Then I'll have to trouble you to take care of me for a while. Wang Linchi didn't care at all about what the other party said, and then stood up to leave: The magic mushroom is not a good thing, so eat less.

Everyone knows it, but now no one can live without it. The old lizard man muttered.

After looking at the magic mushroom in his pocket that was almost bottoming out, he hesitated for a while and finally decided not to eat another one.

A kid who doesn't eat magic mushrooms is definitely not a White Claw.

The old lizard man looked at Wang Linchi's retreating back.

He has long known about Wang Linchi's flaw. In his eyes, 99% of it is a spy sent by the Black Teeth Empire, but he doesn't care about it. Anyway, for him, the report is just like that, and he can still give Isn’t he a magic mushroom? Instead, he has to let his old bones follow him to pursue him.

Even if he is caught, the credit is not his, and he might still be trapped in it.

Veterans who can stay at the border have always had no hope of promotion. Especially at his age, the possibility of leaving the border is basically cut off. Whatever credit he has, his superiors will take it.

The corruption of the empire became even more terrifying due to the emergence of the phantom mushroom.

This time the Black Teeth Empire can be defeated, but next time, it may not be possible.

After all, the lizardman marshal who had just repelled the attack of the Black Teeth Empire was recalled to Claw Cliff because of his good work. Now his life or death is uncertain, and the person he got in exchange for it is also a loser, with no skills at all.

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