Who is reborn? Who is in love?

429. 428 I can’t understand this operation

Chapter 428 I don’t understand this operation

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing that Cui Yiting’s eyes were a little straight, Ye Ziqing couldn’t help but ask.

Cui Yiting returned to God and swallowed his saliva: “Fighting the group … announced the official settlement in the Shanghai market.”


Hearing this sentence, Zhou Zhenhao and Ye Ziqing were stunned at the same time. After thinking about it for a long time, what it meant after a while, and his eyes gradually widened as Cui Yiting.

They just discussed Jiang Qin’s thoughts and the promotion path of the group, and felt that everything that Jiang Qin layout had been insightned.

If he does not seize the front -line market, it means that he has no plan to financing, which means that he will not continue to do it later.

On this basis, he continued to sink, using other websites to compete in first -tier cities to compete, first to seize the second- and third -tier markets. To put it plainly, it is to sell it when it is the most valuable.

In fact, when the fighting group walked into the vision of major group purchase websites through the business of the second- and third -tier markets, everyone thought so.

Even some people had already bid, so they waited for the group to nod, and directly remitted the remittance.

But no one expected that the group suddenly settled in Shanghai.

It doesn’t make sense.

Because if he really intends to sell, he should not continue to invest in this level.

But since he did this, it means that he didn’t intend to sell the group at all, and he would continue to do it.

“Impossible, have you read it wrong?”

“Their advertisements have been broadcast in Shanghai. Television, bus stops, elevators, subways, all fighting groups.”

Cui Yiting handed the phone over, and on the screen was a mail sent by a commissioner in the Shanghai market.

There are posters, color pages, and video advertisements on it.

After clicking the playback button, the group purchase was on the group, and the saving and more money -saving slogan played directly, and their posters also played the first domestic group buying website.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhenhao and Ye Ziqing were stunned.

Because Jiang Qin’s actions today have completely overturned everyone’s predictions.

There are two major websites in Shanghai, one is a hand -to -hand network and the other is Nuomi.com. The publicity of the group is open to Shanghai, which means that they want to play positive with these two giants.

Three times, this is the third time.

At the beginning of the year, he said that he would not leave Linchuan. At the end of the year, he suddenly ate the business of the university town through the channels of Zhihu. At the end of the year, he announced that he would enter the national market.

To be honest, every step of Jiang Qin walked outside the unexpected others, and the entire business path was almost abnormal.

But looking back, everyone will find that he really touches the rules of group purchase.

Everyone is competing for the business district of the first -tier cities, and he picked up the business of the university town.

While everyone was doing the front line, he sank silently and got the second- and third -tier market.

In these two rounds, Jiang Qin mentioned the value of the group to a peak. At this time, the sale will definitely make a fortune.

But these two steps are completely based on the time and place. He has picked up others to see it, so he can develop steadily to the present.

But what ’s the courage and qualifications, to go to the front -tier cities to compete with websites such as hand -to -hand and glutinous rice?

“Is Jiang Qin crazy? How much money does he have in his hands? How dare to kill halfway and go directly to the fourth round?”

“I can’t understand what he wants to do …”

“The interests will blind their eyes, I think he is a bit unobstructed.”

After several fierce discussions, Cui Yiting turned out the phone again, called the airline, and asked for a ticket to change the ticket.

She is now a marketing manager of the Shanghai Branch. Since someone wants to grab the market, no matter who is, she has to go back. This is the responsibility.

At the same time, at Jinmen’s division, Song Yaqian also saw the advertisement of the group, and the whole person was stupid for a long time.

I have always said that they are going to sell the website, and everyone has sold one after another. Only Jiang Qin said that he was a bit greedy and wanted to make bigger.

But no one can think of the group in Shanghai at this time, and together with those group buying giants, he will put on a positive attitude of competition.

At this time, the entrepreneurial groups of college students’ group purchases were messy, because many people noticed the news. These people felt incredible than Ye Ziqing.

“President Jiang went to Shanghai to do group buying?”

“Isn’t Shanghai a place where the handwriting and the glutinous rice group? Go and pick two?”

“Are you kidding?”

“It’s not a joke. I have recently been on a business trip in Shanghai. When I see the group fighting, I can see it.”

“Jiang Qin, don’t you want to sell anymore? Still want to continue?”

The last sentence was asked by Song Yaqian. Her hi purchased group sold 130, and she was not enough to sell them. She had been waiting for the group to sell it, and then built her business again with the help of Jiang Qin’s contacts.

But after this question was issued, Jiang Qin did not respond quickly.

Since I came to Shanghai, I have been arranging business advancement. Starting from Yangpu University City as the starting point, I started signing the merchants from the city center, and a meeting to study. It was not until the fourth day of the fourth day in the group.

“I want to sell it, but I asked no one to buy it after a lap. I was so angry that I dare to look down on me? Then I will do it again, and buy them bigger and stronger. Young teenager! ”

Song Yaqian: “…”

Zhang Wenchao: “…”

Guo Feng: “…”

At this moment, everyone in the group has only one idea. What kidding? Is it on the fire?

But then, the development of the matter far exceeded everyone’s imagination.

At the end of November, the group secretly signed more than one hundred merchants from Yangpu University Town, and then used advertising channels to attract users and set up a brand image.

While playing the brand out, Jiang Qin has asked Sun Zhi’s responsibility to lead the team. The university town is the core area and radiates around. Essence

In addition, the local team in Shanghai also radiated from their respective university town.

In just five days, about a quarter of merchants in the entire northeast were signed, and the speed was staggering.

To be honest, the current business scope of the group is not large. Even before the delegation was acquired, the scope of business was not comparable to the group at this time.

The key problem is that they only spent five days and five days to make this effect. It can be said that everyone who is paying attention to the movement is stunned.

The hand -to -hand network has always existed in the group purchase market. In fact, for the opponents of this volume, they will not take it at all, but this time, they are a bit calm.


Because it is too fast.

You don’t care about its size or small. They only know that the website called the group is about to break the record.

At the same time, they still have a lot of things.

Because according to the survey, the group is now doing the second- and third -tier market, and the hands should be there. In Shanghai, they should have only a dozen university town team. Then where did the push team come from? Intersection

It can achieve this kind of contract efficiency. These people must not be newcomers who are temporarily recruited. They must be the elites of veterans, so that they can be so fast.

Moreover, Cui Yiting has also found someone to check it. The group has not conducted public recruitment in Shanghai, otherwise they will definitely be prepared.

But such a huge and efficient push group came out so silently, it was like a wishes at the god of the gods.

You know, the handwriting network is the most fiercest on advertising. The glutinous rice net is the sixth of the event. The group team is the largest in the team.

But even if all the teams in the arbitrary group are rushing up, it is difficult to achieve this efficiency.

On December 5th, the Shanghai branch of the handwriting network held a meeting. At this time, the master was called Robin, and it was Luo Ping’s brother.

He has always been thinking about where the push of the group push came from, and the elite team of Bira Hand.com is even more fulscreen?

“Recently, the second- and third -tier market has given feedback from a message, saying that the employees of the group station are obviously less than last month.”

“The meaning of 伱 means that those people have been transferred from the branch station?”

“I guess this is like this.”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible. The foreign team comes to Shanghai to show the industry. It takes a month to be familiar with the environment. They can be like a fish just when they come?”

“Maybe it is not necessarily a foreign team from a foreign team?”

“What’s the meaning?”

“This is a photo taken by our market commissioner. These three people, and these two people, after the identification of our employees, appeared in Xijing earlier. It is said that this leader has also been martial arts.”

“Then what?”

“The business of the group began in April. The first -tier university town and the second and third -tier markets started to do at the same time. In this six months, I think their employees have been rotating. It’s more than a month. ”

The push manager of the handwriting network took two photos and said all his guessing.

At this moment, Cui Yiting suddenly remembered one thing, and opened his mouth slightly: “The owner of the group is called Jiang Qin, and now the hottest knowing is also his product. As far as I know, they have nearly two groups in the push group. Hundreds of people have promoted their knowledge in Shanghai at the same time. ”

“In other words, their team is more familiar with the environment than our team? Even the signing ability is better than us?”

“Well, and … Zhihu has a long time of advertising cooperation with businesses near the University Town. They and these merchants are old friends.”

These news of Cui Yiting were heard when they were chatting with Ye Ziqing, and they didn’t care too much.

But now think about it, if Jiang Qin is promoting Zhihu, he is already preparing for the Shanghai branch station that fights, it is terrible.

When did Zhihu promote the country? It was September 2009, or even earlier. At that time, the business of the group was just rolling in Linchuan.

Then, if you calculate, he may have planned to plan for 10 years from 2009, which is terrifying.

In fact, Cui Yiting guessed that it was right.

The team that suddenly appeared in Shanghai was indeed promoted through the previous knowledge and has been exploring the surrounding business environment. This is that Jiang Qin did nothing at the beginning of the year, but the first step signed them with them. The reason for the contract.

Advertising is indeed a powerful marketing method, but in the group purchase industry, if you want to ensure the efficiency, the experience value of the grounding team is definitely the top priority.

I find it home from house to house, and it is always more effective than you have flashed on TV.

Seeking a monthly ticket

(This chapter is finished)

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