Who is reborn? Who is in love?

422. 421 Baked sweet potatoes are better than moon cakes

Chapter 421 Baked sweet potato is better than moon cakes


“Step, it’s really snowing.”

“The first snow in 2010 was later than before …”

In the early morning, Jiang Qin woke up from the warm bedroom, and couldn’t help feeling a chill of the outside world, so he immediately wrapped the quilt, and sat up at a forty -five -degree corner and glanced out of the window.

I don’t know when it was, Linchuan ushered in the first snow this year, and his eyes were already white outside the window. It is estimated that it started in the middle of the night.

Sometimes the winter on the calendar is not called winter. The winter that is really snowing is called winter.

It is as if it is spring when it is blooming, and the cicada is called Xia. The tree is yellow is the autumn. Today, this sudden snow also dragged Linchuan into the cold winter season.

Jiang Qin was in the quilt and couldn’t help thinking of his childhood.

At that time, the village had not been relocated to Hongrong Homeland, and everyone lived in bungalows. In order to warm up, there was a large stove in the house of every household. Two times, one or two roasted sweet potatoes will definitely find.

Use a fire pliers to clamp one out, cut off the hot outer skin, it is already soft and glutinous inside, and the entrance is scorched.

Sure enough, this kind of weather is wasteful to bake sweet potatoes.

Jiang Qin thought about it for a while, and successfully wanted to be hungry. He was about to get up to buy a roast boiled melon to solve it, and then saw Yuan Youqin’s phone call.

Every year when the cooling is cooling, my mother’s phone call must be called, and she is told to wear more clothes, especially in cotton pants.

If you dare not say a word, Yuan Youqin will make up for it. It is you who are old!

It is said that the children of a distant relative in the old Jiang family are because they do not wear cotton pants in winter, and they can only take wheelchairs until now, but which relatives are unsatisfactory to verify, but they have listened to my mother from a young age.

“Did you hear cotton pants? Also, I have given the two quilts to the quilt of the post. You remember to get it, one of which is for Nan Shu.”

“I have a quilt.”

“Your quilt was not sent by the school? I do n’t know if the cotton does n’t know if it’ s good. I ’m going to send you to you last year.

Women’s comrades in Jeju will find a day in the fall every fall. Whether the neighbors or the crickets, in the house of someone, they are a quilt together.

The cotton is superior cotton, and the needle is also a densely seam style. It is not stuffy or sinking when it is covered, but it is extremely warm.

The two beds sent by Yuan Youqin were newly done this fall this fall. She was originally a participant in this kind of activity, the kind of that kind of people who would go to her.

But this year is not the same. Ms. Yuan became the convener of the event, and then she accidentally did it, and made all the joy of Jiang Qin’s marriage.

“Don’t be improper, remember to take the quilt before it was dark, the snowy days were cold, and the snow was colder.”

“Know Mom, I’ll get it now.”

“Also, Linchuan’s time during this period of time will be greatly cooling, which will last four days, and the flu comes. You and Nan Shu must pay attention to your body.”

Yuan Youqin reads words. Although people are not in Linchuan, they have pointed at the temperature and health of Linchuan.

As Jiang Qin said, he got out of bed while wearing clothes, and then hung up the phone out of the dormitory.

There are still dense snowflakes in the sky. The dormitory building is white, and even the pine and cypress in the green belt hangs snow, and a short ice sloping son hangs from it.

Boss Jiang drove Audi to slow down the speed. From the four roads with a small number of people, the four roads were bypassing. When I passed the front square, I saw a large girl and girls who were fighting snow.

“Damn, it’s nice to be young, full of vitality.”

Jiang Qin pumped his mouth and opened the post office outside the school all the way. After getting the quilt, he went to a girl’s dormitory and sent Feng Nanshu to the fifth floor.

Feng Nanshu wore a yellow relaxed bear paverament, and she was also hooded on her head. There were two semi -circular ears on it. With her moist eyes, crystal clear face, and a tall Qiong Nose, from The moment the dormitory came out of the dormitory, he almost broke Jiang Qinmeng.

The configuration of Yu Sister, who wants to take the cute route, is simply the double buff.

“The abominable little fairy, come, the poor monk will send you the quilt.”

Feng Nanshu looked at the quilt in his hand and raised his head gently: “Jiang Qin, I have a quilt.”

“This is made by my mother.”

“Oh, let me spread it.”

Jiang Qin looked at her at a glance: “When you say that you change the hexagrams, you will change the hexagram, and it really is a woman.”

Feng Nanshu looked blankly, and then followed the girl’s dormitory to help Jiang Qin cover the cover.

People with 503 girls’ dormitory are there. After all, it is a cold winter month. The female college students who choose to make nests in the dormitory are more beautiful than those who go out.

Before Jiang Qin came over with the quilt, they were busy, learning, learning, chasing dramas, writing homework, and weaving scarves from weaving scarves.

However, when Jiang Qin came, everyone had nothing to do with it, patronizing the sugar.

Then I didn’t know who notified it. Soon, the door of 503 was covered with a group of people. When I saw the news of the news from the news every day, the boss of Jiang came to bed for her good friends.

The girl’s dormitory is rare enough to come to the girl’s dormitory, not to mention this man who is famous outside.

Feng Nanshu looked at the Yingying Yanyan outside the door, then suddenly touched the brand card on the table, and hung on his neck.

“Jiang Qin, the snow outside is not big?”

“Big, I accidentally lost my bones, but I didn’t touch it for a long time, but the snow was deep.”

Listening to Jiang Qin said that the snow was very large, and many people had snow fighting and snowman outside. The girls of 503 could not sit still, and they said that they would go out and walk.

Then the seven people faced the cold wind, came from the girl’s dormitory to the nearby square, and ran into the snow in an uhho.

Xiao Gao also picked up a branch everywhere, wrote his own pseudonym on the snow, and loved the sugar, and asked Jiang Qin to see a pouting. It’s better than this.

“You play you, I go to the cafeteria to see if there are roasted sweet potatoes, oh yes, do you want to eat?”

“It’s okay, it’s too much to eat, thank you boss Jiang for your hospitality.”

“I want half too.”

Jiang Qin turned his head and went to a meal. Sure enough, he saw the boiled sweet potato, then bought four in his arms, and returned to the snow and snow, and found a step and sat down.

The group purchase market is currently blossoming in the second -line market. Through the Lingchuan Merchant Gang’s mouth, many brands have been pushed into the cusp of the wind and the major websites after a series of operations. , Fierce.

Xi Jing’s third Mr. Xianhui, the new store just opened yesterday, today’s sunwater can catch up with an old -fashioned commercial supermarket. This is very outrageous to others, but it is normal in the deformed group purchase market.

For hand -tip networks and glutinous rice balls, the money has been burned, leaving a piece of ashes.

But for the group, there is a brand that is suddenly known to the cooperative market.

After a while, the brand is almost familiar with it, so I will change to a batch to get the chaos in the world.

He once asked Cao Guangyu to ask for self -strengthening to eat, and got a gratitude for Ren Ziqiang. Now he uses his opponent’s funds to incubate the brand in his business district. In fact, the reason is the same.

Business little tricks and life tricks have commonality to a certain extent.

And what is the most important thing at present? It is the official launch of the internal management system.

The markets of second- and third -tier cities are too scattered, and they are opponents in all directions. The current policy of fighting is that the enemy enters me and retreats, the enemy is in me, the enemy is tired of fighting, and the enemy retreats.

However, if you want to complete such a coquettish position in the large national market, the reliability of the internal management system is a vital factor.

Su Nai said that the last round of optimization can be completed in the past few days, and it is estimated that it is not much worse.

Sure enough, the reborn person is to match the system to force.

Jiang Qin pulled out a sweet potato from his arms, peeled out and looked at Feng Nanshu.

At this time, the rich woman wore a pair of khaki boots, wrapped in down jackets, and squatted next to Gao Wenhui to help her pile her snowman.

Her expression seemed to be more cold than the snowy winter, but her eyes were very agile. Whenever I stood up, whether it was her face or figure, she felt a little bit of dirty.

When he was looking at himself, Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law suddenly stood up and ran towards him. Jiao Qiong’s Qiong Nose and a pair of white hands had been frozen.

“Do you eat roasted sweet potatoes? Good friends.”

“Don’t want to eat sweet potatoes, good friends.”

Feng Nanshu shook his head, then stretched his little hand into Jiang Qin’s pocket, and warmed himself.

At this time, Gao Wenhui, who has been in the snowman, was also cold. He ran towards them, and reached out to ask Jiang Qin for sweet potatoes.

Eating is second, the important thing is to warm hands.

“Fan Shuling is a southerner. Even if you see Xue excitement, what are your northerners who are excited?”

“Although I am a northerner, but Xuexue can only see it once or twice in winter, and if the global warmer, do you know, maybe you can’t see it in the future.”

While eating sweet potatoes, Gao Wenhui turned his words while turning around with Jiang Qinpopor’s ozone layer, saying that it was elliptical shape above the Antarctic, and it was like she had seen it with his own eyes.

Xiao Gao’s classmates are a bit of the roughness of the man, and the grilled sweet potato is really sticky, and her mouth is full.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Fu’s woman was stupid for a while, and suddenly reached out to Lala Jiangqin’s cuffs: “Brother, I want to eat roasted sweet potatoes.”


“You don’t say you don’t eat.”

“I want to eat it now, and I feel that roasted sweet potatoes are better than moon cakes.”

(In a cold, ask for a monthly ticket, a bit of a fever)

(This chapter is finished)

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