Who is reborn? Who is in love?

415. 414 Who is the first group buying network? (Seeking Moon

Chapter 414 Who is the first group buying network? (Seeking a monthly ticket)

After exchanging the contact information, everyone returned to the room, while Song Yaqian wondered what to send Jiang Qin.

Because everyone meets with Pingshui, to be honest, there is not much opening topic.

So she thought about it, and she decided to call Jiang Qin for breakfast through QQ tomorrow morning. This is not only natural, but she can also get closer through breakfast together and get two birds with one stone.

Girls are Muqiang, and the stronger the girl, the more powerful the girls are.

Because this kind of girl who does not lose to boys often feels like a boy who does not look at the boys around him.

But seeing Jiang Qin talked with those big guys who looked up, without changing his face, as a stable group as a mountain, Song Yaqian would have a feeling of sticky eyes.

In the early morning of the next day, Song Yaqian dressed delicately, freshly fresh the makeup, and then sent a QQ message to Jiang Qin.

However, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Jiang Qin did not reply, so Song Yaqian went straight out, came to Jiang Qin’s room, and knocked on the door.

“Jiang Qin, do you want to have breakfast together?”


Because it was 8:30 in the morning, and several other college students and entrepreneurs had already got up. When they passed the corridor and saw Song Yaqian standing in front of Jiang Qinmen, their expression could not help but become a little weird.

Has it been made up for breakfast together?

But it is normal. After all, after seeing Jiang Qin’s connections, they also wanted to make friends with Jiang Qin.

It’s just that the relationship between boys and boys often is not as convenient as girls and boys.

But we can sting, you can eat, we can do it with me, we can do it, we can do something or something at the next table.

As a result, I waited for another ten minutes, knocked five times, and the room still had no movement.

When everyone intends to give up, suddenly, the elevator came to the eighth floor, Jiang Qin came out of the elevator, and the broken hair on the forehead was a little sweaty.

“Why are you standing at my door?”

“Uh … ask you to have breakfast.”

Jiang Qin raised his hand and looked at the watch: “This is at 8:30, the crickets eat breakfast?”

Song Yaqian froze: “Have you eaten?”

“Well, go to eat at 6:30, and then run around the hotel, go to eat, see the venue later.”


Jiang Qin returned to the room and got into the bathroom. As the water flowed across the skin, he always felt that he was a lot handsome.

The crowd outside the door glanced at face to face, and looked at each other.

To be honest, they were waiting in school. It was a bit strenuous to get up at 9 o’clock. It was already a lot of time to eat breakfast at 8:30. As a result, they got up at 6:30 to eat breakfast and had already trained them.

Obviously more capable than themselves and more self -discipline than themselves. This feeling makes them feel a little bit nourished.

You can’t keep up with the horizon and identity of others, but you can’t keep up with your living habits.

Song Yaqian was also silent. She came to Jiang Qin at eight o’clock and felt a bit early. As a result, they got up at six:30 to eat.

At 6:30, how can college students get at this time?

“Uh, Yaqian, let’s eat?”

“Okay, let’s eat together.”

Several people sat downstairs in the elevator. As a result, before they arrived at the buffet restaurant, they saw a group of people surrounding a frustrated old man.

Song Yaqian looked at the old man’s face, and suddenly remembered that this seemed to be an economist invited by hand network. He was quite high, and was also listed on the C position on the back of the invitation letter.

I saw the old man who kept stroking his heart and shouted, “Did you find it? Who is Cao Guangyu?”

“I didn’t find it, Professor Liu, we have not invited one named Cao Guangyu, what do you find him?”

“I just got up in the morning exercise and met a young man. I said that it was boring to run alone. I had to play with me. I also said that I lost five hundred dollars. As a result, the boy couldn’t run me, he turned!”


Several people who went downstairs couldn’t help but glance at each other, thinking of Jiang Qin’s sweat, and said that the original self -disciplined person could really meet connections everywhere.

Soon, the time came in the morning, and the group purchase industry exchange conference was officially held. Numerous industry elite costumes attended and came to the conference site, with more than 300 people.

Of course, those who sit in the first few rows are those group purchasing giants, industry leaders, and several important leaders in Shanghai, and several experts in the fascinating fields. Later, there are other poor group purchase websites, and so on.

“Twenty -one that year, group purchase conference, sitting like a puppet.”

Jiang Qin patted his thigh and sighed with emotion.

Tan Qing couldn’t help but look at him: “Boss, the first time you participated in the Linchuan year’s year -end chamber of commerce. Later, those people followed us and ran.”

“Yes, history is always repeated.”


Subsequently, various characters began to speak on stage, first began to be the leaders of Shanghai, expressing their cordial expectations for the group purchase industry, and also expressed strong appreciation of the group purchase driven by the group purchase.

Then there are various scholars to analyze the current economic situation and the promotion of Internet development for today’s industrial upgrading, and also estimate the future market economy.

In Jiang Qin’s view, the focus of the entire exchange conference was actually the speech of Wu Bo, the boss of the handwriting network.

He said that group purchase should not only serve first -tier cities, but should benefit the whole country, and should change the consumption habits of the national market. They will adjust the layout, collect business lines, build business, sink the market, serve more cities in cities, serve more cities, and serve more cities in cities. Essence

Subsequently, Nuomi, Wowo, Tuanbao.com, and 24 vouchers also expressed this idea.

Jiang Qin listened below, and said that the burning war in the first -tier cities seemed to be unable to support it anymore. Everyone was a little tired, and he didn’t want to hold his neck anymore.

“Industry elites, experts and leaders, I am the representative of the casual group, Ye Ziqing.”

“First of all, I am very honored to share with you the insights and experiences on the group purchase industry here.”

“As an emerging industry that has developed rapidly this year, the group purchase industry is changing everyone’s consumption habits at an unprecedented speed. From small to large, from weak to strong, it shows strong vitality and innovation ability.”

“The group is the first in the country …”

Ye Ziqing looked at his speech, and suddenly paused, then raised his head, and looked at Jiang Qin involuntarily.

This speech was not written by her, but the copywriting in the company. Later, after Zhou Zhenhao’s modification was modified, he handed it to her hands.

She also read it last night and felt that there was no problem. The words were exquisitely sent, and the meaning of expression was very clear.

But when she was standing on the stage, she realized that she couldn’t read some words when she was really thinking. No, she couldn’t speak.

Especially here, in front of that person …

“Short -heart group as …”

“As the second O2O group buying platform in the country, it has always been unswervingly at the level of refining service, improving online business, and making consumers in the direction of consumers.”

When the words fell, the people in the audience were stupid. The big men in front were better.

Since the beginning of the year, since the beginning of the year, they have been claiming that they are the first O2O group purchase service platform in China. Their advertisements, posters, and even the group’s official website have described this.

How much gold does the first three words have?

Even if you lose, you will leave the name in the entire group purchase industry.

Even when you start a business next time, because you have innovated a business model that subverts the market, you will attract much attention from capital.

At the beginning, the casual group suddenly appeared in Shanghai and started to advertise crazy. The pace was fast, the model was very stable, the system was very mature, and the system was not like a product of patchwork. Instead, it seemed to have been tested by the market.

As soon as this website set off a storm, it immediately attracted the attention of Wu Bo, Shen Bo and other entrepreneurial elites, and then quickly learned from the shelves quickly, and immediately expanded the business.

But no one expected that Ye Ziqing even showed that he was the second place here today?

Jiang Qin spent half a year before tossing the group, and for half a year in four universities. Later, when the city was promoted, the mature system was finally established, and then the sword was quickly hid and paid online.

At that time, he had no money. If he really ignited the fire in the group purchase market, the first one to die was him.

So if Ye Ziqing bites himself as the first, no one can question her.

But at this moment, she said that the casual group was the second one, and the meaning was completely different.

A large number of people at the scene couldn’t help but turn around along her eyes and looked towards the back seat.

Finding people according to your eyes is not allowed, because your eyes are not a substantial line. How can he lock someone by him?

But through Ye Ziqing’s eyes, they could probably lock in two directions.

Ye Ziqing’s eyes just raised a higher look, which showed that the person was sitting in the back row, and the direction was very biased, indicating that the person was on the side of the back row.

Everyone looked at it for a long time, and there was no clue, because the back side side was definitely not a big man, so they didn’t know one.

But one person is different, that is, the market manager of pulling the hand network, Kang Jingtao.

He also looked back subconsciously. After seeing a row of strange faces, he did not lock his target, but he froze slightly on Song Yaqian’s body, and then saw Jiang Qin in the next second.

In this second, Kang Jingtao’s heart was stunned, and his eyes became extremely deep.

At the same time, Song Yaqian couldn’t help but turned to look at Jiang Qin next to him.

I do n’t know why, when Ye Ziqing said that he was the second family, Song Yaqian immediately remembered the uncle that Ye Ziqing’s girlfriend shouted last night, so he was suddenly shocked.

“Who is the first one, so curious.”

Jiang Qin looked around and looked around: “Why are you hiding?

Song Yaqian pursed his mouth: “It’s you right?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, be careful that I sue you to slander.” Jiang Qin’s face changed, and he turned to point the dog.

(This chapter is finished)

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