Who is reborn? Who is in love?

408. 407 Create a new task for the boss lady

Chapter 407 Create a new task for the boss lady

It is already evening after returning from Wanzhong Mall. The system trial notice drafted by Luffy’s system has been issued to the mailbox of the branch director.

Because it was the direct order of the boss, everyone responded, starting to log in to the system as soon as possible, enters its basic information, and adds to the business group that they belong to according to the file prompts.

Employees are P1 sequences, P1 is market commissioner and junior programmers, while management belongs to M sequences, and M1 is the branch director.

By the time around 10 pm, most of the branches have been completed and laid -up.

Jiang Qin also returned to the dormitory at this time, logged in to the system, and watched the sub -stations appearing in the list in an orderly manner. The eyebrows were picked gently, and his heart was a little throbbing.

This feeling is like you are enthusiastic about a game, and for a long time, you can go forward for a long time, and then you accidentally think of a backpack one day. When you open it, you find that you are so rich.

“Temporary break tomorrow afternoon, all departments will organize dinner.”

Jiang Qin built a new task in the system and passed to major business groups through the internal management system.

And when the news was issued not long, the managers of the five business groups all feedback the information that has been confirmed, and the task list of the branch supervisor is refreshed.

Su Nai, Wei Lanlan, Tan Qing, Dong Wenhao … Everyone has no avatar but lights with the ID, as if Tiannanhai North is responding to this order.

Employees call the boss’s anger, while Jiang Qin shouted that there is a system of systemic.

I, I am also a systematic reward!

Unfortunately, it won’t bite.

In the following time, the internal management system of the initial version began daily trials.

This trial task is to allow employees to get used to this new type of working model as soon as possible, prepare for the fast stealing strategy in the later period of the group, use the Internet to solve the lag of orders caused by too large plates, and strive for where to play.

In simple terms, after the internal system is mature, the sub -stations scattered in Tiannanhai will be combined into a huge whole.

Another aspect of the trial task is to expose the problem through actual use and determine the later optimization.

But because the safety test has not been done, and there are some hidden egg bugs that have not been found, so everyone will not handle some important core business through it, but just use it to simulate the future working status.

As a result, the system’s task area became very lively.

Tan Qing’s mission submitted: “Boss, the business in Shanghai is good, the food festival activities have ended, Xifan launched a half -price coupon, and other merchants who have won the ranking will be discounted within a week.”

Jiang Qin confirmed: “Read.”

Wei Lanlan’s mission submitted: “Boss, the weather is really good today, I plan to go to the park to help the park walk around.”

Jiang Qin confirmed: “Long sitting is not good for the lumbar spine, you can try to go more.”

Luffy submitted the task: “Boss, do not send moon cakes in the Mid -Autumn Festival? I want to eat egg yolk.”

Jiang Qin confirmed: “Read, roll.”

Dong Wenhao submitted the task: “Boss, the list of top 100 bloggers in this issue has been determined. Please sign it. The preheating activities of the Gourmet Festival of the University of Kyoto University are underway.”

Jiang Qin confirmed: “Very good, there is no inner ghost on the line, look at the color map.”

Dong Wenhao submits the task file.

Jiang Qin confirmed: “I grass, Ahao, are you really here? Is there any more, do you still have the New Year?”

Lu Xuemei submitted the task file: “Food Festival photos.”

Jiang Qin confirmed: “Snow plum.”

Jiang Qin built a new task to Su Nai: “I found a bug, Xuemei sent me a photo file, but the beautiful pictures sent by Dong Wenhao were lost.”

Su Nai confirmed the task: “What beautiful pictures? Send it.”

Jiang Qin terminated this task with advanced authority and sealed the mission library.

Su Nai launched a business transfer to Dong Wenhao: “What beautiful pictures did you send to the boss, show me?”


The internal management system of the group is not a chat software, but everyone uses the comment function of the task list to talk to each other.

However, it is clear that the managers and supervisors of departments at all levels have been clear after trying the management system. All the tasks of the future can be one -click, comprehensive and visual.

Especially in the later period of the commodity management system, the authority is connected to the internal management system, so all the businesses of the group will be unified, and its linkage, efficiency, and response speed will be much faster than those websites that rely on the phone market.

The emergence of this management system is actually due to Ye Ziqing.

Jiang Qin still remembered that when he was in the exhibition industry of the University of Science and Technology, Zhang Mingan, deputy director of the school office, talked about the words that Jiuhui Group Buying.com said.

Because the volume becomes larger, the business scope becomes a wide range of business, and the number of employees in Jiuhui has increased rapidly, so that Ye Ziqing does not know that he has so many employees, but the labor cost has risen geometrically.

The group purchase website will serve more cities in the future, and the internal management system will be more tailored and accurate. This is the basis for success and belongs to the foundation of thousands of high -rise buildings.

“Stable, how scared other websites are, I am panicked for them.”

Jiang Qinzong dropped the task area and suddenly found that there was Feng Nanshu’s account in the team section. Her identity identified was the boss mother, and her avatar also changed her orange cat she liked.

[Create a new task for Feng Nanshu -to eat breakfast tomorrow. .

Jiang Qin was also uncomfortable. He directly posted a task to Xiao Fumao, and then trembled and waited for Feng Nanshu’s confirmation.

But late at night, the old Ren Ren and Wang Linlin both entered the link of “Good night, you hang up first, or you still hang up first”, and this task has not been confirmed.

This is normal. There is nothing fun in the system. It is estimated that Xiao Fu has logged in and turned off after changing his avatar.

“Wash and sleep.”


In the early morning of the next day, the morning light was brilliant, and Niu Niu was prestigious.

Cao Guangyu had already got out of bed and started browsing the morning news. It was not easy to learn, mainly to get more forced materials, and strived to find the true and rounded of the pretending.

Jiang Qin did an hour of fitness exercises on the balcony, and then logged in to the system to experience the functions that had not experienced yesterday.

To be honest, for a person who is a boss, it is very cool to control the highest permissions. Even if you do nothing, you just look at the task transfer of that portion.

However, what Jiang Qin didn’t expect was that he had just logged in to the homepage, and his own task list flashed out.

[Feng Nanshu confirmed the task: I will eat at my obedient tomorrow]

[Feng Nanshu submitted the task: I have a good breakfast. .

[Feng Nanshu builds a new task for Jiang Qin -you have to obediently eat breakfast. .

[Feng Nanshu has built a new task for Jiang Qin -I have time to bring Xiaojiao Mao to see Niu Niu Shengwei. .

[Feng Nanshu built a new task for Jiang Qin -when he had time to slip Feng Nanshu. .


Jiang Qin smiled at watching it, then opened the task list to confirm one by one. After the webpage, he was silent for a while, and he couldn’t help but click on the highest level.

At the same time, the QQ group of 208 was very lively, and many diving personnel started online communication early in the morning.

Lu Xuemei: “I logged in to the system early in the morning and found that the boss lady gave me a task. I told me that I had a good breakfast. Do you know how warm it is? Until that moment, I knew what was the highest -level romance.”

Su Nai: “I also received it, the boss is a good person.”

Dong Wenhao: “Work hard, never let go of the expectations of the boss.”

Jiang Qin watched the news in the QQ group chat, and couldn’t help pouting, saying that the rich woman must be sent to you by the way when I sent me, and seeing you beautiful.

At this moment, Lao Cao, who was sitting behind, suddenly screamed: “My grass, Laojiang, come and see this news.”

“What news? I’m going online again?”

“No, terrible news!”

Cao Guangyu opened his mouse and raised his sight to Jiang Qin, and then covered his neck with both hands, and his eyes were full of panic.

Jiang Qin released the mouse, got up to the bed, and found that Cao Guangyu was viewing the headline section of Zhihu campus today. When his eyes saw the news content, he held his breath for a moment.

According to the news, when a college boy was affectionate with his girlfriend, because the other party had too much strength to grow strawberries, and the location was close to the aorta, causing thrombosis into the heart blood vessels, and it was now urgently sent to the hospital.

Seeing this line of words, Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes and covered his neck involuntarily.

Today’s headlines are currently under the Zhihu campus, so most of the news is related to students, but although he and Cao Guangyu are college students, they did not expect that the news would be so close to himself.

Cao Guangyu took his breath until he couldn’t hold back and returned to God, and then looked at Jiang Qi tremblingly: “Lao Jiang, are you afraid?”

“I’m afraid of a wool, I am not 嘬.”

“Then how did you get it?”

Jiang Qin glanced at him: “Skin disease.”

Cao Guangyu smiled: “Is the pathogen Feng Nanshu?”

“Roll, do you use Jiajie in the morning? The tone is so fresh.”

“Lao Jiang, don’t pretend, your eyes have told me that you are also panicked now.”

Jiang Qinfeng smiled lightly: “I’m afraid of you, Lao Cao, you think about it, if you are stuck, who can ask us to dinner in the dormitory in the future?”


Jiang Qin returned to the seat calmly, and his fingers knocked twice on the table. It’s right.

Boss Jiang took up the cup to drink saliva, and said that he could do anything for some people for life. This is called the desire to survive.

(This chapter is finished)

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