Who is reborn? Who is in love?

395. 394 If Feng Nanshu has no Jiang Qin

Chapter 394 If Feng Nanshu has no Jiang Qin

“Your relative of Qin’s aunt looked at it, but when he talked about it, it was the head.”

“You should understand what they said, right?”

“Son, you have a good study, but it is really a lot worse for the life. Just on that occasion, I should say a few more words to your uncle, you see how good?” How good? ”

“They still prefer the kind of children who talk about talking.”

“That person is probably not much older than you, and the knowledge is not good, and he is not positive, but it is a powerful mouth, which is very extra points.”

“You have to learn more in the future, and your skin is thicker. Your relationship with Qin Gu, many people can’t smash it with money. We are really relatives. You have to grasp it.”

Zhang Meilan drove BMW, while paying attention to the road conditions, while thinking in Su Huiqiang’s ear.

The people of their generations are doing small business. The cultural level is not too high. I hope that children can have a high education, but they are also afraid that children will not be able to live.

In fact, this is the common problem of college students. I haven’t been in contact with society, lacking eyes, straight temperament, and thin skin.

Although this situation will gradually improve with the growth of experience and age, when you are young, you may miss a lot of opportunities. This is all experience.

Who has never had a thin loss when she was young?

At first Zhang Meilan still felt a little thin, like an intellectual, but through today’s comparison, she found out that without cheeky, your stomach’s knowledge could not be released.

On the contrary, it is the kind of long -sleeved dance, and the advantage in this area is too great.

Some people are full of meridian, but only the sea of the sea dare to say, and some people have a drop in the sea, but it seems like full of meridian.

So you have knowledge is a foundation, but whether it can be expressed is the focus, and the inner and appearance are equally important.

“Did you hear it?”

“heard it……”

Su Huiqiang was sitting on the co -pilot, holding his mobile phone, and responding to his mother’s questioning, he put a string of letters into the phone.

【Patek Philippe】

The person named Jiang Qin just came to the end of the braised pork ribs, and he also revealed himself. The golden expression was a little dizzy.

Su Huiqiang’s opponent’s watch didn’t know well, but he silently wrote down the brand name through that empty gear.


Zhang Meilan started to stop and said after passing the intersection: “What’s wrong? Do you want to say that gold will glow everywhere? But don’t you forget that the glass will glow, you have to let people know that you are gold.”

Su Hui opened his mouth: “The watch brought by that person is Patek Philippe, and the market price is now more than 900,000.”


Zhang Meilan put the car brake in front of the traffic light at the intersection, stunned for a long time, and pouted and didn’t speak anymore.

She was just seeing Jiang Qin’s small bread, but she didn’t see Jiang Qin’s watch. At this time, when she heard her son say this, she suddenly felt speechless.

At the same time, Feng Shihua and Jiang Qin were still drinking and chatting at the dinner table, and the more they talked, the more they were.

He is not very proficient in doing business. The investment of the Feng family and the Qin family is basically the management of Qin Jingqiu in Shanghai, and he usually follows the staff, but most of the time still likes to engage in culture -related things.

For example, practicing calligraphy and drawing a painting, he is also the chairman of the Shanghai Drama Association. He has produced a lot of interesting drama.

He has always felt that he did not catch a cold about business, but unexpectedly felt that talking to Jiang Qin was very interesting, especially the dog enterprise theory he said, as well as the use of enterprises to support enterprises, and the point of pushing down the mountain. , Even a little humorous.

Feng Shihua thinks that if Jiang Qin is not his niece, he is an ordinary young man. The two people happen to know each other because of some encounters, then he will also like him very much. Those things become reality.

Therefore, except for some dog gas on Jiang Qin, there is really a part of personality charm.

You will feel that the maturity on his body is just right, and the emotional quotient is very high and not too greasy.

The most important thing is that he did not rush to invest, and even rejected Feng Shihua’s idea of mobilizing his resources to help him. He came to visit and had nothing to do with money. He came purely for Feng Nanshu.

Just like when I finished eating, Feng Shihua was interested in helping him to get the Shanghai market. As a result, his wife said that he would take him to see the garden often went to Nan Shu when he was a child. The boy immediately went.

Feng Shihua felt that Jiang Qinkou said his love for money, but at some point he had different words and deeds.

He often thinks about the hearts of the characters, but feels that there is a world that wore the cleaner and cleaner’s heart in the heart of his niece.

“OK, your grandfather is endless, right? Let’s take a break, I will ask Wu Mom to change tea for you, don’t drink.”

Qin Jingqiu came down from the second floor and had changed home uniforms. Seeing both of them drank, they couldn’t help but say something.

Feng Shihua waved his hand after hearing his wife’s voice: “I practiced writing and writing Taiwanese books all day, which was boring enough.

Qin Jingqiu glanced at him: “You are fine, but Jiang Qin is still fine tomorrow.”

“It’s okay, I don’t have many things tomorrow, just go to the project site of Wanzhong, and drink some drinks.”


Qin Jingqiu was a little helpless: “Drink too much tomorrow and will be uncomfortable tomorrow.”

Jiang Qin glanced at Feng Shihua: “Uncle, don’t change tea, you can talk about tea for a while.”

“Okay, then change the tea.”

After a while, the night was getting stronger, and Jiang Qin and Feng Shihua’s wine were almost woke up, so they ended the topic, so far.

Jiang Qin slept in their room, and it was stained with pillows. It was mainly tired in the East and West in recent days. In addition, he had a little alcohol and slept.

Feng Shihua did not fall asleep so quickly, but lying on the bed and talking about his own feelings.

“Actually, you told me at the beginning that Nan Shu has a person you like. I don’t believe it, because I can’t imagine that Nan Shu will have the idea of falling in love.”

Feng Shihua took the pillow and put his lower waist: “But Jiang Qin is very good. If I am Nan Shu, I will also like a boy like Jiang Qin.”

After listening to this sentence, Qin Jingqiu couldn’t help laughing: “What gorgeous languages when you usually write a play?

“You don’t know, the more honest the language is, the more simple and clumsy, just like I confess to you that year.”

“So, do you really think Jiang Qin is very good? Isn’t it because I like him?”

Feng Shihua nodded: “He has a strong personality charm, which is almost the kind of young and old, which is derived from his complicated personality.”

Qin Jingqiu suddenly converged with a smile: “Speaking of personality, I didn’t tell you one thing. After returning from Jeju a year ago, I went to Chen Zexiu.”

“Nan Shu’s original psychologist?”

“Well, she said that when Nan Shu returned to Jeju to cultivate, her mentality had already had a big problem, and the consequences could be very serious.”


“Simply put, the doctor said that she has no attachment to the world. She doesn’t think life is interesting, just like you live in a city, but this city is not fun. You want to escape every moment and every moment Go out, and her psychological defense is strong. ”

Feng Shihua sat straight: “What do you say?”

Qin Jingqiu pursed his mouth: “She doesn’t believe others, she feels that she will be left off in the end.”

“Na Jiang Qin …?”

“I don’t know how Jiang Qin did. Maybe two people are very similar in terms of psychology, or something that Jiang Qin has done makes her feel that she will not be left. In short, it is amazing.”

Feng Shihua took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes: “If there is no Jiang Qin, Nan Shu will …”

Qin Jingqiu shook his head: “I dare not think about this problem, go to sleep.”

In the early morning of the next day, the weather was bright and cicada was endless. Jiang Qin got up from the bed. Some hangover after washing, but it felt much better after washing his face.

At this time, Qin Jingqiu found Jiang Qin with a photo album and handed it to his hands.

“This is some photos of Nan Shu when he was a child.

Jiang Qin opened the first page, his eyes widened: “Is this mini rich woman, so cute?”

The little rich woman in the picture is like seven or eight years old. The left tooth on the left is missing one, and then the chin is cushned on the window sill, revealing a naive smile. Although young, the facial features are beautiful. One is not good. One is not good. It looks like a beauty embryo.

Good guy, don’t you be fascinated by my mother?


When I get home, I only allow my mother to watch one day, just like she did not let me watch “Shenlong Fighter” when she was a child!

Jiang Qinle did not work, collected the album, and then ate breakfast with Qin Jingqiu and Feng Shihua, then waved goodbye, driving the small bread to the construction site of the Mall.

On the one hand, he came to examine the progress of the project. On the other hand, He Manqi also came to Shanghai. She just found the college entrance examination score two days ago. The urging is not good.

At around 10 noon, Jiang Qin came to the construction site and found that the fabrics in Shanghai have built a framework, towering, and occupation of active land.

He brought a helmet and followed the next around the leader of several engineering departments for a week, and nodded while walking, causing some staff on the scene to whisper.

“who is this?”

“The second shareholder of the Wanzhong Group.”

“It’s the second shareholder so young? He seems to be in his twenties.”

“The group’s official website said that he was 21st this year, the sophomore students, the first study star of Linchuan University, representative of Linchuan Young entrepreneurs, just checked it.”

(This chapter is finished)

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