Who is reborn? Who is in love?

389. 389 The 2nd Star of Learning

Chapter 389 The Star of the 2nd Study

Later, Jiang Qin turned his attention back to his side and began to deal with some trivial matters on Linchuan.

For example, to promote the third round of brand marketing of Linchuan Business Gang, check the project progress of the Wanzhong Group, and attend various meetings, accompany the eight heavenly kings to enjoy a wealthy life, and go to the last lesson from time to time. Essence

After all, the volume of the group is increasing. In some professional fields, these old professors often give the most reasonable suggestions within the scope of the rules.

Jiang Qin is not a superman. Although he can control the direction, some details still need to ask more for advice to avoid blindness and confidence in the identity of the rebirth. After all, Gou Dao is cautious all the way.

This is the difference between him and Ye Ziqing. Ye Ziqing dares to be so reckless, which is more admirable.

“If your kid will be idle in two years, come to me as a graduate student?”

The old professor of the old professor who once answered Jiang Qin in the class said casually, but his expression didn’t seem to be a joke.

Jiang Qin smiled back and said: “My six relatives do not recognize their academic performance, can it be a problem with graduate students?”

“You should not take the exam. The school must not stay, especially the school, he will not just let go of this.”

After leaving the old professor’s office, Jiang Qin scratched his head and said that I was fucking to skip classes every day. Sometimes I could n’t even find the classroom door. Can I still study this? But there is one to say, we did not hang out.

I have n’t hanged a department in the university, so pure and good students, I have to look at it with just one time.

He smiled, and as soon as he was about to enter the elevator, he received a call from Cecilia Qing before pressing the floor.

In the phone, President Zhang asked him to have a trip, saying that there were important things to be interviewed.

So Jiang Qin returned halfway and went to the Academic Affairs Office.

“You are ready to go to the Guangjiao Center with me. The second study star has been selected. Your first study star must give her award to make a full set.”


Jiang Qin was stunned, and he said that the pheasant award actually had follow -up: ”

President Zhang glanced at him: “This scholarship student this time is a star of a true study, but it is not easy to Yang. We do a low -key award, and we can give a prize. ”

“Why? This is the second study star in Ling University, so I can’t be so perfunctory!”

“You are now a figure in Linchuan. All things related to you belong to the news. I am afraid that in case a reporter heard the sound of the wind and want to see your transcript, do you say I give it or not?”

Jiang Qin, a pointed point, pointed out the dog: “Principal, I suspect that you have something in your words.”

President Zhang ignored him, and said, “Your academic performance is really hard to say, but it doesn’t matter. When you choose the 3rd and the fourth session, this award is basically true. You are the well -deserved first study star. It’s. ”

“Can you study it?”

“You are only a sophomore now, panic, it’s not time, you can’t run at that time.”

After the principal Zhang finished speaking, he packed up, changed his clothes, and took Jiang Qin to the Guangjiao Center of the East School.

Because of Jiang Qin, the stars of learning can only be selected from the freshman freshman. After all, Jiang Qin was also a freshman when he took the learning star everywhere, so even if this played the meaning of the new group, it was only a new group. Special awards.

The title of the starring star this time is a girl, the first major in history, many activities participating, and the credits are also high. It is a veritable star.

After seeing Jiang Qin, the girl’s eyes were shining, and she said that she had been working hard with Jiang Xue as an example, and worked hard to improve herself. Jiang Qin said a little blushing.

If you take me as an example, you can get the star of learning.

But looking at the clear look of Xuemei, he didn’t want to say that the reason why the star of this learning existed was unexpected than his mother’s college student suddenly became pregnant.

Subsequently, everyone co -authored and Jiang Qin presented a trophy to the second study star. The moment the new and old generation completed the transfer, he suddenly found that he was more upright in the word of learning star.

“You seem to have allowed many employees to submit an application for internship in school recently. What is the situation?”

“Nothing, just do some dog action.”

“I know that your kid can’t be honest. They also said that you went to class every day some time ago. I didn’t believe it. Later, I really saw that you went to the teaching building. The expression I expected.

Jiang Qin took a waist: “It is indeed too long for this six months, a little itchy, and uncomfortable without doing something.”

“The idle panic can take your little girlfriend to play chess with me. My chess addiction is committed.”

“I said that I was so anxious that I was humble. Actually, I worked hard during this time. Otherwise, what do we do?

President Zhang froze: “How do you, who else?”

Jiang Qin glanced at him: “There is still Professor Yan.”

“No, what happened to this, the bottom line is getting lower and lower. He used to be firmly cheap.”


Jiang Qin looked up at the sun on his head. He said that Professor Yan was sitting in 207 before he dared to sneak and talk about the big villa. You can’t wait to shout out. Who is the low bottom line?

For a long time, President Zhang touched his stomach and felt a little hungry. He asked him if he wanted to go to the faculty and cafeteria for dinner. He also said that the vegetables over there were several grades higher than that of the student cafeteria.

How could Bai Ji not go? What Jiang Qin can’t resist is Bai Ji, and he is lost if he goes out without picking up money. No one wants to stop him from Bai Yan.

As a result, he didn’t wait for him to agree, and Xiao Fu sent a message: “Is my brother a bit busy today?”

Jiang Qin glanced at Principal Zhang: “Forget Zhang School, you wait for me to finish the big one, our grandfather goes out to eat some.”

“Well, I invite you to eat, you do n’t eat, it’ s a bit like your style. ”Cecilia Qing was a little surprised.

“Is President Zhang really a bit of Stockholm syndrome?

Jiang Qin thought secretly, and then refused the invitation. He came to the girl’s dormitory and took Feng Nanshu to eat.

During this time, she was so good that she knew that Jiang Qin was hard -working, and she had never been going to slip. She couldn’t help but she would be stupid and asked if she was a bit busy today. In fact, she was not busy.

I used to think that she was a wealthy family, and she could talk about it because of fun.

But after knowing Feng Nanshu’s family, he found that Xiao Fu’s wife said like this is a habit of protecting himself.

Because she was left twice, she is likely to be afraid to go out and play, which will delay her business, and she is afraid that she will be troubled, so every time he says he is very busy, there will be a test of the little rich woman in the way of speaking. feel.

“I’m not busy today, I want to invite people to dinner.”

“Then I want to go?”

“Come on, I am waiting for you at the entrance of the second meal.”

After a while, Feng Nanshu, Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini all came, and asked, and asked, Boss Jiang wanted to ask someone to dinner today?

Jiang Qinxin said, all smelled the taste, right? Bai Yan is really a good thing.

But after the cafeteria, they just ordered the ringtone of Jiang Qin, so he handed him his wallet to Xiao Fu’s wife and turned to pick up a call.

The phone was called by Tan Qing, and the handwriting network also received a financing of 5 million US dollars. Now she has started in Kyoto with the casual group. At the same time, the glutinous rice ball has also been merged to 10 million US dollars, and it is instantly injected. The market is bound to get.

Some people even let out that if the market does not even spend money, what is the difference from waste.

This shows that the small capital round has officially entered the moment of confrontation, and some behind -the -scenes pushing hands are also working hard to ignite the war. In the next period of time, more capital will be added. He was first eliminated.

Jiang Qin asked Tan Qinggou to be good, then hung up the phone, took the phone back to his pocket, and walked back.

At the same time, Feng Nanshu, Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini had already finished the meal. At this time, Jiang Qin’s wallet was staring at Jiang Qin, each with its own expressions.

“what is this?”

Xiao Fu pointed at the barrier inside. The blocked elf was placed opposite. There was no word on the back, and he could only see the outer packaging with logo.

Wang Haini pursed his mouth: “It is a tool to protect you.”


“In short, as long as there is it, you can make friends with Jiang Qian!”

Feng Nanshu was stupid for a while, and didn’t understand what the principle was, but still nodded: “It sounds like a good thing.”

Gao Wenhui stunned: “No, this is obviously used to bully Nan Shu.”

“Uh … it’s okay to say that.”

Feng Nanshu shook his head: “No, Jiang Qin will not bully me.”

Gao Wenhui hesitated, and then lowered his voice: “In fact, this kind of bully is not bad, it can be very good.”

“It’s strange that you talk about it.”

At this moment, Jiang Qin came back and saw his wallet was shocked. He immediately grabbed it back and put it into his pocket.

Feng Nanshu looked up at her, her eyes were moist: “Jiang Qin, how did you protect me and bully me?”

“Damn, what did you teach?”

“We didn’t teach, but just a shallow science, why do you bring this with you? You and Feng Nanshu haven’t kissed!”

Jiang Qin glanced at Gao Wenhui: “Hello gangster, I feel that I am polluted by you!”

Feng Nan looked at them blankly, and felt that there was something good to learn immediately, so Jiang Qin asked: “Brother, what the hell is it?”

“Nothing, it’s a mobile phone case, eat, obedient.”

“Then you put it on me.”

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Qin took a deep breath.

here? I depend on, although it is very exciting, but a bit bold!

Having said that, you are a bit arrogant, just like Gao Wenhui said, you want to learn this before you tried it? You are right, so you can’t jump.

On the opposite side, Gao Wenhui and Wang Haini smiled for a long time, and the expression on her face was very exciting.

Don’t look at Jiang Qin’s all -day mature elder brother, Niubi and coquettishly on the news, but he is often unaware of Feng Nanshu unconsciously. The two are really brine tofu, and one thing is reduced. One thing.

(This chapter is finished)

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