Chapter 387

In the early morning of the next day, the first day of the May Day Labor Day.

Ding Xue was successfully admitted to the graduate school of Lintong University. To this end, Master Cao had a hard blood and invited a total of eight people in two dormitories to eat a big meal. After returning at night, he studied. The surrounding attractions intend to take Ding Xue out for travel.

Before departure, he went to the automatic sales store outside the school and bought a bag of blocks. As a result, he was hit by Jiang Qin.

“Play as a balloon?”

“It’s all grandpa, don’t pretend, do you want one?”

Jiang Qin glanced at him and took one in the wallet silently. When he left, he still felt a feeling of fever in his brain. He didn’t know what he remembered.

It can be kept wealth in the wallet, and Jiang Qin’s mouth constantly emphasized.

But what I thought was to leave a spare, getting more and less bloody.

Chaozi has become more and more rounded recently. His chin was a bit sharp. After fatter, he looked a lot better. Of course, the other chin was also very beautiful.

His three -day holiday most of the time was used to watch novels in bed, and sometimes he also looked at the big tree outside the window and sighed. Two years later, as if he hadn’t obtained anything, but this body was the ingenuity. Really.

This pork belly, that big elbow, is full of love for roommates.

“I think college students are no different from pigs in addition to learning.”

Jiang Qin stunned: “Are you fucking polite? Does it mean that Sang scolded Huai?”

Chaozi sat up from the bed and looked back at Jiang Qin: “Brother Jiang, I didn’t scold you.”

“I said that university students are no different from pigs, but I don’t study it.”


Ren Ziqiang and Wang Linlin fought hot. Every day, she went out early and returned and returned and returned. It was like the former Master Cao. Every night, he had to cook the phone porridge until late at night.

Pan Xiu is already a very shallow shallow shallow for him, and there is almost almost no trace of shallow.

However, I heard that Pan Xiu was inexplicably began to chat with the old appointment during this time, and there was no point in the topic, but he insisted on chatting a few days every day. I don’t know what I want to do.

In these three days, Jiang Qin was 208 most of the time, staring at the combination of Zhihu and the group.

The content group has excellent quality in the forum, soliciting a large number of bloggers, and evaluating the first -person content of preferred restaurants, hotels, services and other contents.

As soon as the short essay here is online, there will be corresponding coupons on the online channels of the group. It is fascinated by college students. In this two -pronged routine, the number of users of the group has increased.

The most powerful is the “knowing friend group”. They wearing emblem and clothes, and began to send leaflets for the group spontaneously.

You want to ask them why, they will say that I have read the news of Boss Jiang, and they have raised their knowledge for us.

Students know the students the most. They have their help. The push team of the team group feels that they are a bit lost, so they work hard on capture and fighting.

However, it is not as good as the real gold and silver again, so the group launched a 20 % discount on Linfu Supermarket. Essence

In just three activities, the entire university city market is hot.

During the period, they launched the white voucher again, and cooperated with Xihanhe Qing to focus on the key marketing, and gradually established the independent living circle, and connected the clothing, food, housing and transportation into a closed loop.

To be honest, the circle of college students is so a little bit, the horizontal range does not exceed the urban area, and 80 % of the time is on campus.

To do this market, you only need to grasp the surrounding business districts. In this way, you do n’t have to confront the front purchase network that is on the front, nor do you need to invest too much, and the loss of user loss is also the lowest.

“Strange, we obviously took the university town of the four major first -tier cities, which is equivalent to inserting a big nail on the opponent’s position. Why does no one care about us?”

In the school cafeteria, Dong Wenhao showed his puzzled expression while eating noodles.

He has been watching the news during this time, knowing that many group buying companies are killing and killing, and they dare not waste it for a minute. Instead, they fight for groups. Going to the audience.

Jiang Qin glanced at him: “The rules of Internet business are winners to eat. Only when the big opponents have finished playing, they will clear the small opponents and clean the battlefield.”

“Then we can keep going?”

“Gou is not too long, but if you can, you must continue.”

Dong Wenhao took a sip: “Boss, in fact, the advantage of pulling the hand network is quite strong.”

Jiang Qin smiled slightly: “This is not something we should consider, because there are greater capital staring, where is there where to go, no one will allow the hand -to -hand network to be unique.”

Sure enough, as Boss Jiang expected, they received news from Tan Qing as soon as they finished eating.

The 5 million financing of 5 million investment institutions in Shanghai will be free.

Ye Ziqing returned to Linchuan a few days ago to ask for money, and he lost his hair anxiously every day. As a result, he found that some investment institutions took the initiative to throw out the olive branches.

However, in Jiang Qin’s eyes, this is the third round of the signal, which also shows that the small capital round that has been following the track.

These behind -the -scenes pushing hands may not be the ability to pay attention to the group, but at this moment they have a common idea, that is, since the market is so hot, I will add firewood and continue to fry.

Because there are many industrial chains involved in the group purchase industry, they can only gain more benefits without the influence of this market infinitely expanding.

After a simple lunch, on the way back to the entrepreneurial base, Jiang Qin felt that the weather was good, so he took Dong Wenhao to the playground and walked around, feeling the bright sunlight, and he was still talking about this.

“Five million dollars, more than 30 million, just send them to burn like this?” Dong Wenhao felt unimaginable for this number.

Jiang Qin stretched out a lazy waist: “There are not many five million, and this amount is very interesting.”

“Where is it interesting?”

“This money allows the casual group to quickly recover a city, but it can’t make it easily surpass the handwriting network. It can only maintain a relationship of continuing competition. The capitalist is really bad, but I like it very much.”

“Is this round not empty? What should I do in the end?”

Jiang Qin shook his head: “The accelerated competition after capital intervention is to heat the market, and then the seed player will be selected. When this round is over, someone will be eliminated. If you get more, you will be more crazy. ”

Although it was the weather in May, Dong Wenhao had a feeling of being cold and air -conditioned. He only felt that the pores couldn’t stop shrinking, and the hair was upright.

When he was a student, he didn’t think about it so much. He thought about what to eat every day. Suddenly, he saw that a new thing was listed. It was popular and only sighed that our country has improved again.

But until he came to the front line and watched the birth of a new thing, he realized how the so -called new things had stood out.

People who have no boss like this are here. With the blood alone, they estimate that even if they have more money, they will not even have a bone.

“So, the battle in the first three rounds is meaningless?”

“It must be meaningless for the group purchase companies in the competitive relationship, but the power of gathering in the first three rounds will definitely feed on the final winner. This is the real winner. ”

Dong Wenhao suddenly realized: “So we have been swimming around like a marginalized person, rejected the empty consumption in the early stage?”

Jiang Qin was silent: “This means this, but it is not exactly, because when the plate is too big, we have no appetite to eat, so I have been exercising the team in second- and third -tier cities to ensure that the stomach capacity is large enough And the consumption far from the center of the battlefield is the least. ”

“The way to buy a group purchase is burning money, but burning money is not the last victory condition. Poor and poor play.”

At this time, the two found that a football was stopped in front of them. There was still a boy wearing a ball uniform behind the football, looking at them with neuropathy eyes.

Seeing that Jiang Qin and Dong Wenhao noticed, the man picked up the ball and turned away.

“Well, I heard the two neuropathy chats just now, and my mouth closed my mouth tens of millions. He also said that he was poor. Are you so arrogant?”


“Just the two behind.”

The kung fu, all the players turned around, and found that Jiang Qin raised a crooked mouth opposite, so he called that was okay.

The amount of tens of millions is indeed very large. Many families may not be seen in their lives, but they have become very reasonable to put on Jiang Qin.

The boy who picks up the ball is from a foreign school. He is looking for a small play during the May Day holiday. It is normal to not understand the baptism of Lingda’s peerless king.

He made a small decision to take him to the cafeteria for a meal at noon, and let him appreciate what is the end of the road.

Subsequently, the third round of the group purchase website officially launched.

While the handwriting focused on the stable deep city market, a major decision made a major decision in the arbitrary group, that is, it directly merged with the manager Cai of Kyoto, and took the money that he had just melted at the La Kaizi.

After doing these things, Ye Ziqing also sent a text message to Jiang Qin, saying thank you for his dinner that day. Next month, he returned to Linchuan.

Jiang Qinxin said that scared me to death. It turned out that you just want to pretend to be forced with me. I thought you found that I had won eight university cities in your hometown.

(This chapter is finished)

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